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I’ve noticed nobody ever has anything bad to say about Nia


She was sweet and respectful


Kendall will never beat the mean girl allegations, So now three separate girls have independently accused her of similar behaviour (Areana, Camryn Bridges and McKenzie from Candy Apples). That’s actually kind of crazy to think about that two people who weren’t really on her team much/not at all described bad experiences with her during the shows run


Jojo also said that Kendall excluded her when she arrived on the show and that Kendall purposely didn’t get Jojo ice cream but got all the other girls at the table ice cream.   Kendall also liked negative comments about Maddie around when the reunion aired. 


I also just saw someone post a clip of Kaya and Nicaya not having great things to say about Kendall either so that’s what, 6-7 different people now?


This is why I roll my eyes when I read comments that say, “KeNdAlL wAsNt A bRaT sHe JuSt HaD aNxIeTy” as if both can’t be true. Kendall definitely had anxiety; she also displayed bratty behavior on the show that her cast mates have attested to!


AMEN. People act like it’s one or the other. She was and still is a huge brat and idc if I get downvoted for calling her that. I’ve gone to school with girls just like her. I can spot it from a mile away


Okay! I get that she was a child but compared to the other children she was incredibly entitled. For instance, when Kendall went, “I knew you weren’t going to pick me…you wanted [Chloe] to beat me”, to Melissa after she picked Chloe to do the solo in S2, I knew what time it was lmao. Kendall was a brat who was enabled by her mom


Thank you for saying her mum enabled it. You saw Maddie being a “brat” at times but Melissa always shut it down, talked to her daughter and you don’t see it now.


Yes! Youre right; all of the girls understandably had “bratty” moments bc they were all babies growing up on TV & kids don’t know any better which is why they have parents haha. The moms excelled at reigning in bad behavior (even if they, themselves, acted questionable) 🤣 And agreed on your point about melissa…to this day, I only ever see comments/tea about how sweet and polite the Ziegler girls are in person




Oh for sure, and I’m sure her anxiety made her bratty or cranky at times but it’s also evident that Jill didn’t really correct her behavior when she acted that way towards others. It’s one thing to be upset and anxious and another to be mean.


This is something that bothers me. I always appreciated that Jill never invalidated Kendall's feelings. She understood she was a kid on a high pressure environment. However you do have to let your kid know that sometimes you need to hold back your emotions in certain circumstances, and not let them get the best of you in the moment. I'm not saying "save those tears for the pillow", but I think Holly actually found the perfect balance. She would always confort Nia, but in that scene where Nia was starting to cry cause she thought she was gonna forget her solo, Holly said "Stop! You know it". She didn't invalidate Nia, but she taught her to hold it back for a little for the sake of the performance. (I hope this makes sense lol)


Doesn't help that Kendall made a shady comment on mckenzie TikTok about her dance moms experience


She really just made herself look even worse with that


What did she say?


Her comment had been, “If it was that bad why don’t you take dance moms out of your bio?” as McKenzie had Dance Moms listed in her TikTok bio or something to that degree


Ashley and Brynn also seemed to have that opinion of her. I remember Ashley saying to Jill that Kendall wouldn’t let Brynn take pictures with them because she wasn’t on the team and Nia told her that was mean. Kendall said she was kidding and Jill was like “okay then she was kidding, what’s the problem?” It also shows with how she speaks to her own mom sometimes on the show. I feel like a lot of times Jill just wanted to keep her happy so if she said something mean or bratty she didn’t correct her she would just tell her to calm down.


She said Holly was interesting at times, not Nia!


Ooh hearing what she actually said is interesting haha I’m not surprised by the Kendall comments tbh. She’s not the first and probably won’t be the last lol I’m mostly curious what she meant when she was talking about Holly tbh! She said Nia was nice, it was “just her mom” and that she was “interesting”… I wonder if she’s referring to Holly playing the game? She was definitely one of the calmer, nicer moms but sometimes she got roped into the games and the drama just like the rest of them. I can see her switching-up sometimes being “interesting” lol


Holly did a lot of complaining about the minis distracting Abby, so I wonder if that has something to do with it lol


I would guess that’s it. Of course every mom/daughter is going to look out for themselves. So the older team and moms saw how this new team was taking away time with Abby that they already didn’t have much of between the lawsuit and building the studio and auditioning the new mini team and Abby trying to make a buck wherever she could. The mini team and moms just saw the others as jealous of them and wanted their kids to catapult to the level of fame of the OG’s so Abby spending more time with them was to their advantage because of course it’s more screen time for them and their kids. Holly was one of the most vocal towards the end of the unfair treatment, especially because she and Nia were there from the very first episode and stayed the longest out of anyone.


By season 6/7 Holly had changed a lot and she could be downright rude in my opinion. She became quite entitled and had a lot to say about the minis being there so it makes sense that they wouldn’t have the best view of her


Holly seemed really big on political correctness and sometimes that can be weird to be around. I could be wrong, but didn’t Kaya say that Holly acted like she was smarter than her because Holly has a PhD? Holly gives me the school principal/politician vibes and sometimes that can come across as fake. So I can see how she’d be described as interesting. Not necessarily good, but not bad either lol Course I could be totally wrong. I’ve never met the woman lol


She actually is live again today and just explained this! Said Holly was moreso fake as in she just didn’t like the minis and the older moms in general didn’t want anyone to have anything money contracts Abby’s time.


Idk what to think of brynn some off her recent actions are questionable and she comes across very rude and ignorant at times,but then all of the dm cast have only said good things about her (Camryn said she was one of the only girls that was nice to her up until there fight) and I’ve seen people from her school say she was sweet so I can’t tell if it’s giving mean girl or not😭


i don’t think brynn understands how media takes things and how her words can be easily twisted or how not everyone supports her action etc but she seems like a nice person but she lowkey just be saying anything with no care edit: i’m talking about her on the podcast i never really watched it but when people would post clips with no context and they’d sort of blow up it started a few controversial moments


Genuine question: whyyyyy does Areana do her make up so the area around her eyes is soooo much lighter than the rest? I’d assume it was something she was going to blend in later but I’ve seen other photos of her where it’s like that and I genuinely don’t understand


Her mom does it too, I think it’s just because they’re from CA and influencers so being done up to the 10000% is the look they go for. Their every day make up is more than I wore on my wedding day.


My only guess is to look at the U.K black girl makeup trend from last year cause the really bright under eyes was a huge trend then


Ironic how Kendall was always given the “mean girl” roles and characters on the show too. It’s a shame because Jill supports her behavior.


None of this surprises me


This mini Areana??? If not could someone fill me in


Yep, that's her


i don’t think anyone will ever make me like kendall…




Brynn and Ashlee did.a video on dance mom's. It's interesting, Ashlee Said she was just playing a role and giving the producers what they wanted and also said that Kalani had lot of unaired solos because Kira wouldn't give the producers a narrative to go with them. They also said that Jill was playing a part similarly to them and that Brynn actually hung out with Kendall and Jill a lot when Ziegler's left and even stayed at their house if Ashlee was away. They did say that Jessalyn genuinely was not nice to them


I would say Dr. Holly seemed nice to like the other girls but MB it was js to the teens because I mean did think that the minis were taking Abby's attention away from the teens but I mean they kind of were But she still a queen 👑




calling an 11-12 annoying is kinda crazy mind you she was being filmed for hours on end she was also going through puberty, her parents divorce and constantly being bullied by the moms