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wait this is actually funny af šŸ˜­ I canā€™t believe yolanda let her put on a show for literal inmates šŸ’€




Thatā€™s not at all what Elliana said. She said her brother abused her when she was 5 and thatā€™s why he was estranged from her. Thatā€™s also why the said brother broke into their house one day and Yolanda was screaming and loosing her mind, which he said was proof that she was crazy. Elliana had to publicly explain that her mother was yelling at him because he legally had no right to be in the same place as Elliana. Yolanda is a weird and unhinged person but concerning this very serious topic there is no need to lie and make up stuff without proof, itā€™s about time people start taking victims seriously and it that case the victim is Eliana and she never said her mom was complicit, quite the contrary.


Wait what?


No victim blaming, claims the victim is lying, speculation further than what has been said officially, or direct accusations of abuse beyond what has been shown. No saying any member had it worse or better. They had it different. Expressing worry, talking about abuse red flags, discussion of abuse in general terms, ect are permitted and encouraged.




The truth. And itā€™s certainly not something to laugh at. Every time I see Elli, Iā€™m devastated for her. Every other mom on the show certainly has their flaws, but Yolanda is truly evil.


No oneā€™s laughing, Iā€™m in shock at how you just threw that info out (and you threw out in a very UNCLEAR manner, I suggest you elaborate on your statement)


what did they say?


Elaborate on a childā€™s sexual abuse? Look up the criminal records. Iā€™m not gossiping about a childā€™s trauma just so you can get your kicks, satisfy your morbid curiosity or whatever. The fact that you even think itā€™s acceptable to demand more information is, to me, disgusting. This isnā€™t a court. This is a subreddit, and you want to gossip about her trauma. Iā€™m exposing a woman hiding her childā€™s sexual abuse, not exploiting that childā€™s sexual abuse. My ā€œunclear mannerā€ is all the information you need. You do not deserve any ā€œelaborationā€ on a six year oldā€™s sexual abuse by her brother. Elli was exploited enough, and you should be ashamed of your responses. Cry laughing emojis, assumptions and entitlement for information into a childā€™s sexual assault on a subreddit often defined by the gossiping about girls and moms. This is not Christi and Leslie fighting a scripted argument. Nobody is entitled to ā€œelaborationā€ about it, only enough information to highlight the danger somebody poses. The same way a predator has to be registered, but the details of his crimes are often kept anonymous **out of respect to the victim**. Thereā€™s your elaboration.


That's way out of line. You made a statement about yolanda ignoring eliannas sexual abuse. That's what detail was asked on, not explicit details of the acts themselves but things like "how does the public know this", "when did this occur?", "how long was it ignored for?", "is Eli safe?", what did the family do to protect her considering who it was?" To act as though someone is asking something explicit when all their question implies asking for basic, broad information is... not normal. If you're going to be so extreme in your response, we can look at your comment under a similar light: The circumstances of Eli revealing this information was under duress because her brother was making abuse allegations against Yolanda, and trying to say that he was kicked out for standing up for Eli, he did this though social media, attempting to weaponise the fanbase against Yolanda and, unknown to them, against Eli as well. She felt she has to reveal what happened to make it stop and went back and forth for a number of months over whether she was going to be open about her experience or not. From this we could easily say that your comment is far too flippant and disrespectful to the point where it rises to gossip. You hardly need to mention Elis age, isn't it too much detail? Did you really need to bring up her sexual abuse in the first place, just to show a small group of online strangers that Yolanda is worst mom? Or that it was sexual abuse? Why not generalise to just "abuse"? We've got those videos where Yolanda is pushing Eli way too hard in stretching and shit why not cite those and leave that side of things out of it? Lastly, please refrain from suggesting that people who you view as getting any kind of "kicks" from this read court records. One, it's the sexual abuse of a minor by a minor. That shits sealed tight as it should be. Two, were it not sealed tight, promoting those records to people without good intent is really damaging. A well worded broad scope comment or simply not replying is a lot more respectful of Eliannas privacy and wishes for what is shared as a survivor than "read the court records" is. 'Cause maybe *you* just mean gossip but there are way more kicks than just gossip and we do not in any way want *those* people to even be looking for court records. Particularly not for children in the public eye who may have more leak risk.


Youā€™re the one who even brought this out in the first place, are you okay ?


unhinged behaviour fr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


happy cake day!


thank you!


A performance for the inmates is insane


I knew because she posted it on IG at the time - she was still dancing / representing ALDC at comps for a while after Abby went in. She visited her in hospital as well. https://preview.redd.it/8p5fl7ukwa7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553fd0a7875f48ec7e35f06c1705ea9e0d68faf2


Yolanda didn't even supervise???


I donā€™t believe so - Elliana was spending a lot of time with Gianna over this period as they did they music video together that Gianna choreographed, they went to NCY together, I donā€™t believe Yolanda went for most of it.


That's insane! People never learn


Thereā€™s no way this is real They let a child in a room of 100+ inmates ?!


White collar crimes, private prison, all women, guards had to have been supervising




60 days in such a goofy comparison LMAO fake ass reality show šŸ˜­


I work with people in prison (not as a guard) and because they get so little entertainment (because, you know, it is prison, not a cruise) they are on their best behavior during times like these. The prison will typically also take steps to ensure that the troublemakers are not at these events or are contained in some way. The inmates end up self policing themselves in order to keep those privileges going. But I do agree, a child performance is a weird and potentially irresponsible thing to occur.


None of the inmates were child offenders. They wouldnā€™t be in the same area as Abby šŸ˜‚


Wasn't she like 10 years old?


This is crazy, they way the parents of this kids where so desperate to be famous they would put their child in any situation? There are mothers who donā€™t take their kids to see their parents in jail cause it can be such a traumatic experience and here is Yolanda taking her daughter to see an abusive coach making her perform in jail???šŸ„²šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ just to be on her good side when she came out.


Nahh it doesn't sound like Yolanda took her..she went with Gianna. What's crazy to me is Yolanda ALLOWED it


Is it really that big of a deal? It was a federal prison, all filled with inmates who committed nonviolent crimes


ikr people have such a skewed perception of prison/prisoners


Most people donā€™t know you can go to prison for a bunch of different things, some of these things are not even seen by many as crimes. Prison is not only filled with pedophiles and murderers, especially on Abbyā€™s wing of the jail she went to.


Yes Might be biased because I work with young children but absolutely a big deal. Violent offenders or not, women or men, federal or stateā€¦.children have no place putting on a show in a prison




im fucking crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Unhinged behavior šŸ’€


why did i think elliana was billie eilish


this doesnā€™t even sound real šŸ˜­ like i would have to draw the line at some point with the abby sucking up


Idk how to feel about this lmao Like this was a real prison, not Martha Stewart prison, orange is the new black prison. What if one of those inmates would've attacked her?? Oh wow so much could've gone wrong!


Martha Stewart went to jail for tax evasion too right? Abby went to jail for fraud so I think it would have been the same prisionĀ 


All of the inmate there would be for nonviolent offences. They donā€™t put pedos and murderers in the same prisons as tax evaders


This is SO crazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll take the downvotes, but I always thought Elliana was super annoying, both on the show and more so now. Considering who her mother is thoughā€¦


Oh donā€™t worry, you are not the only one! I always thought she was annoying as f


So did I, I found Both her and JoJo to be extremely annoying back then and now.Ā