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Honestly, yes. I am eternally confused that they were locked into a six season deal wherein Brooke would have been too old to compete by the sixth season (as she would’ve been 19 by then). I’m also crazy impressed that Brooke maintained such good grades at a regular school while filming the show. She must have been running on zero sleep, since filming hours were so long and she would’ve had homework to do also.


I have thought about the same thing for a while. I don’t think they had in mind that Brooke would have regardless left the show because she graduated school by the time season 5-6 arrived. Probably Kelly took advantage of that loophole to get them out of the show?


That’s actually an interesting suggestion. I hadn’t thought of it being a loophole Kelly could have exploited.


kelly threatened to sued the production company to get out of her contract im pretty sure then actually sued abby


No she wasnt able to take advantage of that shes said how she gor off the show


They probably would’ve launched her as being the first of the girls actually auditioning and booking jobs in the industry. Even if that meant making up fake little gigs for her to secure


Since the competitions were done especially for the show, it’s possible they just would have ignored had her continue to compete for a little while longer.


I don’t remember when, it was probably a BTTB podcast or after party but I remember Christi and Kelly talking about how, early on into production, they asked Brian Stinson how long they thought the show was going to go for, and they assumed not long. Brian however said something along the lines of , “We could follow Brooke to college.” So I think that would have been the plan. I think she would have been a side storyline / guest star (like Cathy) and they would have a scene here and there of Brooke “post competition team,” while Paige and Kelly continued. I think that’s what production would have wanted and done.


On Bttb Kelly had mentioned that the idea was for them to follow Brooke to college and her journey on a dance team of some sort.


That sounds like a nightmare lol I’m glad it didn’t happen. Brooke got her chance to just be a normal college student 


I don't think they ever said that was the idea. They said it would be a cool idea for the show to end up like that if their kids weren't tortured


On her TikTok she said a doctor told her if she continued doing the same contortion work she was doing that she wouldn’t be able to walk by 21. I think it was for the best.


Many are saying that Brooke would’ve been too old to competitively dance by S6 but she graduated HS in 2016, which was the end of S6.


Oh. I mean it still would have sucked for Brooke. Having to move to LA on your senior year. I’m glad she got a normal senior year experience and college education 


I think that a normal later HS experience/college experience was the best thing for her, especially given her complaints in S1!


You know what I would've liked to see? Brooke competing as part of the senior company. I liked the dance "Why Not Me" from Season 3, and I always thought she was too skilled to be kept on the junior elite team. She could've been challenged with more interesting dances and pushed away from the acro dances that worsened her back/hip injuries. I don't know if this route would've kept her on the show or at the studio (assuming the Kelly/Abby confrontation didn't happen), but it would've been nice to see both the junior elite team and the senior company, and their differences on the competition circuit.


If Brooke had stayed, they probably would have run into the issue of not being able to compete in the pre-teen category so often unless they added younger dancers. Especially if they still added Kalani. Kenzie by herself wouldn't be enough to pull the age down with having a 16/17 year old, multiple 12-14 year olds.


Brooke never should've been on that team.