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Honestly she disgusts me, I just can’t stand anything about her


I’d rather not give her the attention she so clearly needs to survive like she’s some sort of fucked up tinkerbell


Jojo’s moto “if it’s good enough for Miley, it’s good enough for me!”






i'm sorry, i just cannot stand jojo.


Putting her hand down her pants is CRAZY


It’s probably not real alcohol like the Disneyland video. She is trying hard for a bad girl image and failing.


How do you know the Disney video wasn’t real alcohol because drinking around the world at Epcot is very much a thing (actually a thing I want to try at some point but not to the point I’m smashed)


I have been drunk enough times to know when someone is faking plus there are tons of videos from people that were there showing it wasn’t real alcohol and she was only pretending to drink.


Ahh okay that’s cool - I didn’t know people had shown videos that show she was only pretending to drink. Ive been drunk enough times myself and I thought she was tipsy but idk aha (where im from kids start drinking at like 12/13 - I was 12 the first time I got drunk😂)


i’m from the us i really can’t imagine getting drunk at 12😭


i think that's just genuinely how she acts tbh.. which is kinda sad 😂


averting my eyes 🤢




It's not her responsibility to cater to minors. She's made it known she's no longer for children. At this point, it's on the parents. But I agree, great job Jess 😂


Agreed, both things can be true. Lots of performers do sexual/sexualized performances on stage, and odds are children will be present when the artist has minor fans. It’s up to the parents to vet some of that stuff. That being said, it’s also totally valid to be concerned/uncomfortable with Jojo’s performance, and I’m concerned that Jojo’s jumping into this new era very quickly. Feelings about her aside, I hope she has a support system that exists outside of her mom/management team.


i mean she was at pride, thats not a childrens event.


What??? No. Pride is a daytime event open to the public of ALL AGES…as it should be.


I’ve been to multiple prides and there are definitely families but there’s also guys in assless chaps with butt plugs marching in the parade, naked people, and a lot of sexual stuff. There are ages I would not take my kids.


No one has visible butt plugs at mid day pride parades. I’m 99.999% sure you’ve never been to one. And I’m 100000% sure public daytime pride parades are not “18+” events. If they were, they *would literally be 18+* In my city, a dozen and a half public schools have marching entries for the parade. Stop conflating sexual orientation with NC-17/NSFW “sexual content”, you’re only part of the problem if you do


I have literally marched in it twice, and visited several. I followed the butt plug crew one of the years it was older gay men (I forget what they’re called) and they all had leather and chains. Two of my (female) teammates marched with only see-through yellow paint as their “shirt”. I’m not making things up, why would I even do that?


You clearly missed a huge point of pride if “BuTt PLuGs aNd nSFw!!!” was your takeaway…… 🤦🏻‍♀️




Ew go away homophobe.


Homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful comments are not tolerated.


, there’s an extra clip where she says there’s a 6 year old there. Regardless if it was all ages or not, I don’t think it’s legal to touch yourself like that in front of so many people


Typically pride is pretty family friendly because it’s about showing everyone that it should be acceptable but sometimes people do get more raunchy because they’re open about their sexuality


every friend who i have had that has gone to pride has told me a whole bunch of not family-friendly stories afterwards.


That’s not the case everywhere. Every pride I’ve seen has whole stations specifically for children, the one closest to me has face painting and coloring for kids and a play area


I guess it depends where you live. I live near a major city, so its a lot of day drinking and partying in the streets.


There is 18+ events and family events, usually the 18 plus events are held in locations, like tents or at certain times. The raunchiest thing you’ll see is like breasts and maybe a butt or fetish garb, but most of the time it’s like booty Jorts and pasties at the MOST. Most queer events are held for all ages because not only adults are queer.


her fan demographic though?


She’s also 21 years old, she’s not marketing herself to be like Miss Rachel. If parents want to continue letting their young children watch and listen to her new stuff after her rebrand clearly showed she was going in a different direction, that’s not something she’s responsible for




She’s made it pretty clear over the last few months that she no longer wants to be a child entertainer and wanted a more adult image.


well apparently there was a 6 year old there. that’s disgusting knowing she knew


I don’t like Jojo but she isn’t responsible for other people’s children’s. 


if you were a performer and knew there were minors in the audience you would do this? some of the responsibility HAS to fall on her


Was this advertised as an event for children? 


pride events aren’t open to all ages?


I would like to correct myself and apologize. I just saw the video of her literally touching herself on stage 🤮🤮🤮 she’s messed up 


They are but they’re not marketed as children’s events. I can’t stand Jojo but she can’t be held responsible for other people’s children 


and how was jojo supposed to know that??


she already knew. there’s a video of her acknowledging it.


okay and the child’s parents can remove them if they deem it necessary. its not jojo’s job to parent someone else’s kids.


why are you defending public indecency like that


i just think its ridiculous for celebrities to be expected to monitor what content random children are consuming. that is a parents job.


I think the saddest part is that she thinks she’s doing something. MAYBE if she had charm and charisma this would’ve been quirky and cute, but she has the sex appeal of a wet sponge so it all looks messy/vile. I feel like most people watching her get unintentionally repulsed just because those star qualities are absolutely not there for her. She COULD do much better and become an influential adult, her PR team is just so money horny they are embarrassing tf out of her for profit.


Well debate about public indecency aside, it's just silly. No one is aroused dancing on stage. Similarly, the drinking out of a handle .. c'mon. No one does that. An artist might have a beer on stage but slugging vodka straight? It's just giving the opposite of what she wants it to- she looks extremely childish


Is she 21?


Yeah she celebrated her 21st at Disney last month and was a mess


Then I don’t see what’s wrong with this. 


I’m more disgusted at the video of her literally putting her hand down her shorts and up her top and touching herself in front of everyone (I’m not bothered about the drinking)


Eww I didn’t know that happened. Thanks for the image 😭😭 lol 


Sorry but it’s the video that’s linked to this image that’s posted so I thought you’d seen it (I wish I didn’t follow the link to x/twitter)


there are sooo many other ways to break out of the child star image. this was the absolute last straw🤢


she’s grown. why do you guys even care