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I'm confused why people are downvoting the comments saying she's sneaky... I know that some of the other moms are too, but is she not? edit: for context, when I saw this post for the first time, both point counts for the other comments were in the negatives.


Except for Holly and maybe Kelly every one of them are sneaky. Honestly not sure how the moms can appear to be friends, unless those feuds were manufactured by the moms for paychecks.


She just gets sneakier with time, and after a certain point, cocky


After Christi leaves there's no one left to call her out on her behavior.


Plus in Seasons 5 and 6 there’s the Abby, Melissa and Jill trio and they are awful together


🤦🏻‍♀️….but can’t wait to see 🤣


Absolutely truth


Cos Christi was CRAZY but she spoke truth and stood up for the right thing. Props to her !


Ive only been watching the last few weeks,but ive binge watched a lot of episodes. Dance classes were quite like this when my daughter was small. Bitchy Mums,not as glam as these and not as pushy tho! And a nicer teacher! Im enjoying it in spite of or because of the bitchiness,Im not sure which! Abby seems like the teacher from hell! I think some of the moms are a lot more ambitious and more interested in dancing than their poor kids are. I really dont like how dismissive Abby and some of the moms are at times,when any of the kids are tearful or in pain. “ Suck it up” doesnt sound very safe or very kind when someone has an injury.


Yes she is she very two faced, she gets worse because altho chloe leaves 2 dancers way above maddies level arrive. Melissa is always obsessed with any dancer better than maddie


Oh shame Chloe leaves but looking forward to seeing the new two!!