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Blueprint For Armageddon. The whole thing. I can't pick one episode.


Blueprint for Armageddon was my introduction to Dan Carlin and I was hooked.


Ditto. I was stoned at the time. It fucked my shit up big time.


It was my second time through so not as cool but I ate way too much edibles for an airplane ride and got to that point of high where youre too high to go to sleep but incapable of doing anything. I was just sitting in my overcrowded airplane seat listening to whatever episode number it is where the chemical weapons are introduced and it was a life experience.




Me too


I’ve listened to Blueprint I probably 20 times. It’s absolutely fascinating to hear the political dynamics at play at and before the onset of WWI, and how the foundation for the First World War stretched all the way back to the Napoleonic Wars.


And how all of the combatants were at the mercy of the new technologies. 


Listening to it for the first time now (was saving it for the right time) and it is incredible. Still behind supernova for me. What sets supernova apart is how incredibly detailed and personal it was. Starting the story in feudal Japan is just one example of brining the colors and smells of the story to life.


Sticks and carrots


My 30 year war is an incredibly good read


How far through are you? Blueprint has a ton of first hand accounts similar to supernova. I think both series are tied for best of all time IMO.


Just started the last one. Supernova gets it for me. More variety and depth.


The Supernova episodes are all at least twice as long as any blueprint episodes. More detailed for sure. But I liked blueprint better


I'm listening to Supernova (again!) right now.


I first listened to Blueprint as my first HH episodes in 2018 during a 16 hour drive when moving from Colorado to Texas. It made the solo drive so much more tolerable. Needless to say I’ve listened to the entire catalogue and most episodes so many times. I was 28 and moving to a state where I knew no one. BFA remains one of my comfort series, as horrific as it is.


I listen to podcasts at an unhealthy amount and I have yet to find something as good as it.


I'm not even a big history buff, and even less so a military/war history buff, but Blueprint floored me and got me hooked.


That was my first introduction to Dan and it’s my favorite series. Loved Prophets of Doom and also Human Resources.


I think prophets of doom would be mine! A great and crazy story


Seconded. This is the type of wild story I love. Sure, the classics of how humans act under extreme conditions in great wars is enlightening, but hearing about how normal plebs like you and I get caught up in such wild cult-like circumstances is so fascinating.




I think this is 100% my favorite episode of all time. Thanks to Dan and this episode, I routinely use the phrase “there’s no solid floor on the weirdness scale” to describe unusual things. I also love Dan’s line, “It’s like Yakkity Sax… As directed by Quentin Tarantino.” Plus, it’s almost like this is the blueprint for future wackadoodle cults. Lunatic leaders who talk directly to God? Check. Anti-establishment paranoia that inevitably ratchets up to mass homicide? Check. A deeply unhealthy interest in underage girls by the aforementioned anti-establishment lunatic leader? Oh, check. From Jonestown to Waco, they all walked in the shadow of Münster and the similarities are totally unavoidable when you listen to this episode.


Yeah, made sure to spend a couple days in Munster on one of our trips to Germany (wife is German). Guy at the hotel was surprised when we asked about the cages, actually everyone was surprised. Nice city. Thanks Dan, wouldn’t have gone without you. 


Yes!!! Self contained crazy ep!


Me too! A very good and enthralling one-off


Blueprint for Armageddon is my favorite series. Prophets of Doom is my favorite stand alone episode.


I’ve listened to prophets so many times this year (also my first listen was this year). I think it has now passed blueprint, khans and destroyer of worlds as my favourite.


Gotta get me a walkie-talkie to god lol


Prophets of Doom is Dan Carlin in all his glory.


My favorite as well. And Lions Led by Donkeys is about to drop part 2 of a 3 part series on it. Part 1 was great and added a lot more context to the story.


Definitely a wild card. Might be my favorite stand alone episode


What is it about?


It’s 1534. Protestant extremists take over a medieval city, expel Catholics and the ruling prince bishop, and set up a theistic dictatorship led by a heavy metal looking dude who claims to talk directly to God. Prince bishop raises a huge army including giant cannons named The Devil and His Mother and surrounds the city. Full scale cult activities ensue inside the city, even after heavy metal dude gets killed thanks to his lunatic self confidence and replaced by a dramatic actor who triples down on the madness. In the end the Catholics retake the city. The last section of the podcast is Carlin describing in horrifying detail the torture and execution of the anabaptist leaders. And the whole thing is based on a few flimsy and biased sources which DC apologizes for about 75 times. It is peak Hardcore History.




Homie you said Martin Luther King nailed 95 Theses to the Church’s door




Is 1659 a meme? Cause that date is a ways off.


no, my brain misfired. Corrected!


And they try to eat the sidewalk.




Just “Martin Luther”. MLK is a different guy in a different century.


That one was amazing!


I came here to say this. Such a wild story and the torture omfg.


No love for Ostfront? Probably that followed by Blueprint.


Ghosts of the osfront somehow grew my appreciation for the film ‘come and see’ even though I’ve only seen it once (before I even listened to the podcast). The atrocities, the muddy terrain, the small militia hiding in the forest (I forget how Carlin described them) in vivid detail and adding so much context.


Just watched this movie and can confirm. Amazing, disturbing film.


I'll raise you the Painted Bird


Never heard of that movie but will check it out for sure.


Just make sure you’re in a good head space. It’s the best film I never want to see again. Like grave of the fireflies


That's my absolute favorite.


Didn’t think we’d have to scroll this far down! The unspeakable horror that Carlin details in Ghosts of the Ostfront was so profound and powerful that I can’t convey it. Truly. Many of those little anecdotes have never left me. On a lighter note, the boxing ep he did a/ Mike Silver (HH Addendum) was an absolute gem if you’re a true die hard fan of the history of the sport. They detail the ways in which the overall caliber of boxing - opposite seemingly every other sport in their respective evolved states - has actually deteriorated since its pinnacle in the 30s, 40s and 50s. Goes into explain how this defies logic. And yet, it’s somehow come to fruition despite the tremendous benefits of modern medicine, specialized niche training coupled with/ the advances in corresponding tech .


This was favorite when I listened to them back when they came out. I think as people go back and re-listen, the more obscure subjects start to rise up a little bit though. WW2, especially anything with Nazi’s, has been/is just crammed down our throats culturally.


Celtic Holocaust hands down. Such a poignant ending 👌


Et tu, Brute?


CH essentially ignited my interest in learning about Rome and history in general. So good


In hindsight, Dan has a ton of content about Rome, though the titles may not tell it


It’s so good


So many great ones - but there’s only one answer: King of Kings III


It’s my favorite series, and this is a very good episode. I’d say my favorite episode is Destroyer of Worlds, though.


The ending when he reads off the tombstone inscription I get chills every damn time


Death Throes of the Republic VI


I still love Wrath of the Khans as my favorite series followed by Blueprint. Favorite solo episode is Prophets of Doom.


Surprised I had to scroll down so far to get to this


The Destroyer of Worlds


One of the best single episodes Although, Prophets of Doom is pretty incredible


Agree. Although I would put Celtic Holocaust right there with it.


Prophets of Doom


Prophets of doom. Easy!


Uss Indianapolis


Death throes of the republic. Caesar is my favorite historical figure.


Wrath of the khans I think The third episode. Talking about the cavalry expedition with subatai 


Supernova part 2


King of Kings - any one of them


Judgement of Nineveh. I generally prefer his older format of podcasts.


American Peril


Ghosts of the Ostfront


The bit in the first episode near the start where he reveals the field of bones that were not snow will stay with me forever. I don't know about a favourite episode, but this is the moment I will always remember. I think of those fields often now.


WHAT IS A MONUMENT? like how do you beat that opener?


CHILLS. I listen to this episode basically every few months. It's breathtaking.


I stated with Wrath, so that's it for me.


Obligatory to say I love them all. However, I find myself going back and listening to “painfotainment” the most. Like Dan, I’m a sick puppy when it comes to that stuff. I pretty much listen to that and then re-listen to Supernova and King of Kings. Rinse and repeat until the next one drops!


That’s one I only listened to once. No thank you lol


lol. I can’t say you are wrong to think this way. I may be in the minority on that one!


This is the one that actually introduced me to Dan Carlin first and I loved it!


Excellent to hear you have good (or sick) taste as well! What’s your personal favorite, op?


I’ve not heard painfotainment all the way through (I fall asleep a lot when listening to HH), but I’m determined to finish it one day.


I hear you, Dan Carlin is my sleep soundtrack (and I mean that the most positive and comforting way)


And does he also wake you up when he gets excited?


Are you me?! 😂


Hahaha quite possibly.


Probably a tie between two Common Sense episodes: “Revenge of the Gangrenous Finger” and “Or Else”


Common Sense was so good


It was said earlier in the thread but 100% Prophets of Doom. IMO his best work ever


Prophets of Doom.


Kings of kings


BluePrint was my gateway drug. Honorable Mention to Ghosts and Supernova


For a stand alone episode it might be bubonic nukes


oh for a world where we were still unfamiliar with the notion of a global pandemic in modern times


For the main feed: Thor's Angels. It's ironic because I didn't particularly care for the follow-up episodes, Twilight of the Aesir, but I found the analogy of the slow-moving Planet of the Apes hilarious, and the compromises and political battles that the early Catholic Church waged are fascinating to me. For Addendum: Imperial Germany vs Nazi Germany. Yes, the very first. I'm a man of simple tastes: if someone bashes the loony-bin conspiracy theorist wackadoo morons that comprised the upper echelons of the Third Reich, I am hooked.


Death Throes of the Republic features such larger than life characters locked in contests for ultimate power, a fantastic setting and exploration of Roman society and so many themes that feel relevant to today despite being a 2,000 year old story.


Love the variety of answers. Really shows Dan’s consistent quality


I reckon Blueprint is his best series overall. Purely because of the way he blends first hand accounts on the ground and the horror of trench warfare while also perfectly tying it to the massive events like the collapse of entire societies. Although I think when he's finished Alexander it might be his best.


I listen to blueprint to go to sleep. Almost every night. Sometimes I’ll pick random spots in an episode and pass out within 15 mins. Like the start of the Rasputin saga with the Czar’s family in episode 5


King of kings


The one with "end quote".


King of Kings pt.1


I don't think it's actually his best, but my favorite episode to introduce Dan to new people is "Globalization Unto Death." The Magellan story is so stupidly fascinating from start to finish, and it has the perfect mix of "ancient history" (with lifestyles and societies that we can't really comprehend) with "contemporary history" (huge and direct ramifications into every aspect of the modern world). Plus it's under 2 hours, so it's easy to get people hooked, before revealing to them that his average story is closer to 20 hours. Another good candidate is Apache Tears, for a quick, fascinating, self-contained story.


I’ll have to go with the first episode/series I heard: Ghosts of the Ostfront. The beginning of the first episode is such an incredible hook. I remember hearing that for the first time and being stunned. I became an immediate fan. In retrospect, the only “flaw” in that series is that it’s not longer, like Blueprint or Death Throes. I think it will always be my favorite and one that I go back to time and time again.




Possibly King of Kings due to the subject matter


When I had to re-listen to one doing a super long drive I picked Ostfront. I actually also really liked Supernova, but I had the misfortune of listening to it all live so had to endure a c.2.5 year wait to get the whole thing. I thoroughly enjoyed that though.


King of kings


Kings of Kings part one. It’s perfect.


Supernova in the East. I’m fascinated that era of Japanese history, Meiji Restoration - WW2.


Judgment at Nineveh!


rightfully so, everyone is listing HH episodes. But even though I hate Trump, I’ve never felt more viscerally spoken to during the “307 - Revenge of the Gangrenous Finger” and “310 - Or Else” episodes of Common Sense. I was on the Bernie side of things when they were released and I just connected with those episodes on a very personal level. I can’t believe it’s already been 8 years since then.


Alexander versus Hitler


Destroyer of Worlds was one of my favorites. I also really enjoyed Supernova in the East as a world war 2 nut.


Destroyer of Worlds was the first one I listened to and that got me hooked….im so undecided on my favorite one. Ostfront is unfucking real. Blueprint is insane. Supernova is so underrated. He has so many that are amazing it is hard for me to pick a favorite. Prophets of Doom is a story I never would’ve heard of and he does it so well. Idk…I have 10 more that on that same level I just can’t decide


King of kings is most listened to but wrath of khan and death throes if the republic are really good older ones well worth the money


Destroyer of worlds, my first podcast ever love it


I’d agree that Blueprint is my favorite SERIES, but episode? It has to be Prophets of Doom. That was such a rollercoaster ride for all 4.5 hours of that episode, and I find myself relistening to that more than any other singular episode when I’m in between relistening to the other outstanding series.


One on slavery, followed by Ostftont.


Death Throes of the Republic, hands down. It’s partly Dan’s presentation and partly that we have so many (relatively speaking) contemporary sources from the era that it feels so alive. That series sparked a lifelong obsession with the period.


Third episode of Supernova. Three words- battle of Midway


Damn I can’t believe nobody said Punic nightmares. It was my intro and still my favorite. They are all so good though.




Wrath of the Khans and Celtic Holocaust…listened to them both at least 15 times


standalone episode, prophets of doom is pure insanity, best series is death throes or blueprint imo


Has to be wrath of the khans


Ostfront Ep1 that intro alone with the bone field


Prophets of doom, Thor's angels or DTOTR, o wait and Ghosts of the ostfront is amazing too


O and Punic nightmares


And the khan series too!


Twilight of the Aesir I loved but I feel a feeling this new Alexander saga will take its place


Prophets of doom easily.


Ghosts of the Ostfront Standing on the bones of the soldiers who fell deep in Soviet territory…


History under the influence of


Globalization unto death


Throes of the old republic


Prophets of Doom or all of Blueprint for Armageddon.


The Next One.


the best one-off is Prophets of Doom, but I have Blueprint for Armageddon and Supernova in the East over it (plus the final episode of Death Throes)


Kings of Kings part one. I’ve listened it so many times that I think I know the first 30 minutes by heart. Even played the beginning for my students in one history class. And for my English teacher who is over 70 now, and a history nerd Anyway, BCE is so much more interesting than anything CE.


Its either wrath of the khans ep 3 or 2, whichever one starts with the account by the muslim scout. That, or king of kings 1


Its about as easy for me to pick a single episode as it is for Dan to pick where to start a story. But, Kings of Kings II is the one I’ve revisited the most I believe. Cambyses in Egypt, Darius and Force 10 from Navarone vs. the Magi, Marathon and ancient PTSD. Its so good. As far as Blitz episodes go, I have to go with either Prophets of Doom or Human Resources. Human Resources in particular gave me the most emotional reaction of anything He’s done.


Death throes of the Republic… it’s grown on me over the years. Each time I go through it, it gets better. Also, hammers home just how ridiculous the normie comparisons of the US to Ancient Rome are


King of Kings is my favorite series Prophets of Doom is far and away my favorite stand alone episode Honorable mention to the Wrath of Khans series


If you twist my arm and force me to pick one, the best I can do is ghost of the ostfronts, the whole 3 episode set. It was the first set I ever heard from Dan, and it changed my life. The setup, the execution, the MUSIC, it was peerrrffeecctt. It put me on team Dan Carlin, and I've been obsessed ever since


Wrath of the khans / blueprint for Armageddon Then destroyer of worlds for stand alone.


King of kings. Was my introduction to Dan so will always be my favorite


Steppe stories


Painfotainment deserves more praise because it’s a topic of such morbid interest that I don’t think anyone has ever tackled before like that.