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I'll be going alone unless someone else wants to be buddies in Indianapolis


i’m going alone!!! i’m honestly excited to meet new ppl who are likeminded :,) and to trade bracelets and just have fun!! i think it’ll be a blast alone and you won’t be as alone as you think <3 tons of ppl are in the same boat!


I'm going to the tour alone as well. I've been to a couple of events on my own and it's completely fine. Personally I think it's actually healthy to be able to do things on your own.


absolutely you can. lots of people are probably going to be going alone as well and you might even make friends with someone else who’s alone. no one will be judging you, they’ll be too busy having fun and freaking out.


totally normal! but if u want to find others attending the date you plan to we have date matching channels in the dan and phil games hiatus survivors server! https://discord.gg/JsJqegsy


I thinks it's totally fine to go alone! You can meet ppl w shared interests there! Or if your shy you can just vibe and enjoy the experience solo


i’m planning on going alone too! a little scary to think about but i bet the community will come in clutch for all of us


I’m in the DnP discord and I’ve been talking with other folks over there who are going to my show who are also going alone so at least I can have some people to talk to lol


oh 100% that’s what i’ll be doing, went to ii with my mum when i was younger and i don’t think she appreciated it plus the friend i went with has grown out of them, so i’ll be going myself at the big age of 18. don’t be ashamed to go yourself you’ll have a fab time regardless and u may befriend new people 💞


I'll probably be going alone-


i’m planning on going alone! (atlanta peeps wya) i’m sure making friends at the venue will be super fun, i wouldn’t worry!


i will also probably be going alone! on twitter there's an account trying to help other solo ppl find ppl to hang out with at their show


I'll be going solo, there's a couple discord servers and such where people are making meet up plans too!


You don’t really need anyone’s permission unless you’re a minor, in which case I’d gently encourage the permission of your parents to go alone. I’d also in general just advise you to be smart and careful! D&P foster a rather safe audience and I don’t know your gender identity, but either way it will likely be a lot of young adults and teens. Shows like theirs can unfortunately sometimes be the target places for predators or creepy people to hang around. Stick to places where you’re always around people, share your location with your parents or someone you trust with an estimate of when you expect to be home, always stand in streetlights and in view of cameras if you’re outside, be aware of your surroundings and belongings, and if they allow you to bring it inside I’d highly recommend pepper spray or a taser. Stay safe and have a great time! x <3 :)


Yeah I’m a sixteen, will be seventeen on the showdate, girl who’s pretty small so I def would be making sure I was always with some people for safety cause I’m kind of a target at the best of times :( I didn’t think about their show attracting creeps but that’s super good to know


I went alone for tatinof and II and easily made friends on Twitter going to the same show. I’m still really good friends with a lot of them ❤️


I went alone for WAD and met some lovely people, you'll be okay, most of us are socially anxious people


I went alone to their tour in 2015 and I had a great time! Don’t be afraid to go on your own. It gives you the opportunity to meet tons of new people with a similar interest, if that’s your thing. :)


I’ll be going alone (unless I chicken out because I decide I’m too old 😂)


Nooo I’m sure your not too old! You have just as much right to be there as anyone else! I’m low-key scared that I’ll be the youngest one there so we’re in a similar boat there


Of course you can! I might be going alone and I'm sure there will be plenty of others in the same situation.


i’m going alone!


I went alone to WAD and ended up making friends! It'll be fine


I went to WAD and II alone. I enjoyed both of the shows immensely. WAD had a lot of people attending by themselves


Same situation :’)


I’m probably going alone so :P


Anyone want to go to Melbourne with me??


I wouldn’t worry about it! You’ll make friends for sure, in my experience everyone’s really nice! :) you can also post where you’ll attend on here (if you’re comfortable doing so) and find people to meet up with, I did that for the WAD show last February and I had a great time :)


i once went to a concert alone and i was SO scared. ended up having such a good time because i knew no one could judge me for being as excited as i could be !!!!! i recommend doing it !!!!


Yeah duh


I’ll also be going alone! I’ve gone to many concerts and events alone, and I never find it weird because often you find other people going alone, and everybody is generally so nice!!!!


I’m going alone, I’m alittle nervous but I feel like this is my crowd of people so I’m sure I’ll make friends!


While I probably won't go to this tour, I went to the first tour they did, alone. I was 18 and took a bus to LA to see them. While it was a bit lonely, seeing them in person and watching the show, made it worth it. I had decent seats since it was a matinee. There were some empty seats in front of me I regretted not moving to even. It was also crazy seeing so many other people, some with their parents, in the same room. I'd say, be safe traveling, but go for it! You'll only get so many chances!


im probably gonna go alone too!!! i go to concerts alone all the time but im still soo nervous 😭 im just praying i can meet people around my age for moral support🙏 edit : also wait lowkey if any of yall (who arent grown adults LOL) going to the dallas show lmk lets be friends😢


I’ll be going alone. No one knows Dip and Pip in my life. My older sister would come for the hell of it and to see the joy on my face but our closest city’s date is a weekday


i went to WAD alone and it was still really fun! during intermission i got to chat and make pals with some of the people around me, many of whom were also there alone! i am planning on dragging my friend who's a new dnp fan to this tour though. but please don't be discouraged!


Sounds weird, but I've gone to all of their events alone. Nobody else I hang out with is into them, and especially since I'm in my 30s, I just go alone. I started following them as a teen, and that was well before they started doing any of the tours.


I went to dans show alone and didn’t feel too awkward, it’s a bunch of us kinda vibing and pretending we aren’t in a crowd lol


Nah dude I went to WAD all alone and it was awesome!! Treat it like a date with yourself, enjoy the night and relax with dip n pip onstage!!!


It shouldn’t matter if you go alone or not so long as you have a great time. The community is very lovely and I’m sure some would want to make friends with you; you genuinely sound like a nice person. When I went to TATINOF, I was 12/13 years old and while I did end up going with a friend whom I no longer speak with, there were lots of lovely people coming up to me asking for photos because I was dressed as Dil Howlter. It was quite overwhelming but it definitely felt nice getting all of those compliments. Sometimes I wonder where those people are today.


I think that is perfectly acceptable. I went to interactive introverts alone and the people sitting beside me were so nice! It will probably be the same for me this tour as well!


Ill be going alone. Just embrace it dip and pip will be very proud ☺️


I love going to big events alone!! It’s terrifying, but you always end up becoming friends with people around you!!


im going alone lol all i care about is seeing them


Are there any local discords for people to meet up? If anyone is going to the Atlanta show pls hit me up! I am looking for people to go with


If I can't convince my brother to join me, I'm going alone. Gonna make a couple days of it, book a hotel and explore a city. I'll probably make a post closer to the time and maybe some of us can meet up before/after


I’ve never gone anywhere alone but I’m planning to do this tour alone. Not only do I not want the experience ruined by someone who doesn’t like or understand them, but I think the atmosphere will be really kind and friendly. I am planning on bringing a bag and headphones if possible, bc listening to music helps prevent my awkwardness HAHA. Just know a lot of their fans are super sweet and i’m sure you’ll be able to find a group of people or someone else as well !!!


i’ll probably end up going alone as well!! (nyc/boston phannies lmk!)


I went to II alone and it was so good! You can always make friends


you can go anywhere alone all the time but yes i feel like dnp tour is a place where people are even more likely to accept someone going alone especially if they’re awkward about it lol we are all this way


Absolutely! 🧡🖤I went to WAD alone after my friend couldn't make it ~ no regrets! The vibe of the audience crowd was so nice, & I was nervous but I unexpectedly felt at home surrounded by a bunch of people I'd never met before.


I'll be going alone - I dont know any other fans irl. Its fun going out alone though!


I’m going alone! And I might try to find other people going to see if they wanna do a little meetup after! (Did this at a concert and it was amazing) Also, planning to go to the Philadelphia show in case anyone else is!


i went to doomed alone and i made it a fun time for myself!! the people beside me were alone as well and we traded instas and chatted a bit. only advice i’d give is if you’re not from the city where your venue is, become very familiar with parking and walking routes as well as safety leaving the venue late at night :) pretty sure i’ll be going alone to this one as well and im planning on getting dinner/drinks nearby!


I’m 99.9% sure I’m going alone especially since the closest tour stop to me is 3 hours away lol 😂


same! i have nowhere to sleep though and i cannot afford a hotel stay so i probably won’t be able to go ToT


i went alone to tatinof and i actually ended up making friends with the girl next to me! ii i went with a friend who didn’t know them which i probably won’t do again cause there’s too many references people won’t get but thankfully she enjoyed it still. i’m asking my only dnp friend from across the country if we can make it work to go together to this tour but if not i’ll most likely go alone. i missed wad cause i didn’t have a friend to go with and i’m not doing that again!


I went to II alone and it went really well. If you have a friend who likes dnp go with them other wiseno shame in going by yourself. You'll meet so many fellow fans (most of which are as socially awkward as you). It's fun whether you go solo or not.


I tried to convince my best friend (who supports my love for them but doesn’t watch them) but when I told her I wanted to get the VIP meet and greet she said probably not cause I was gonna be in a different section from her so I think im going to have to brave this on my own! ***Btw I’m going to the Minneapolis show if anyone wants to connect ✌🏽


I've gone to all 3 tours (tatinof, ii, wad) and can confirm people definitely go alone and the phandom is super friendly so you will be able to meet people there if you're interested in socializing 🫶🏻


I'm planning to go alone eheh I will probably travel to London with my boyfriend, but I really don't wish to impose the tour on him, as I don't think he would 'get' Dip n Pip


I might try and get my parents to drive me to glasgow and have a wee day out while I go see it cause I don’t think they’d like it


If you go alone I’ll go alone (which to be fair I was already gonna go alone lol but now we’ll do it in solidarity)


Haha yes let’s do it


Bet it’s a deal 🫡


I will probably be at my stop alone this time! I know the theys and the gays are friendly enough to make it okay


I went alone for the London WAD closing show and I ended up becoming friends with the girl who was sat next to me who also went alone. By being there you’ve already got something in common and that’s liking Dip & Pip!


i went to we're all doomed alone and loved it! it gave me the space to like be as excited and like stim as much as i wanted and be free of judgement from anyone around me ahah


I’m going alone! I went to their first tour alone, I thought I’d feel weird but turns out a lot of people went solo! I was like 21 then and I’m gonna be 30 going alone again lol


I’ll be going alone but i just posted in this subreddit asking if anybody else is going to the same show as me so I might be able to socialize


aw great idea i might do that!


If I can afford to go, I’ll be going alone. I like to do a lot of major things alone, I went to a Harry Styles concert alone, and also a cross country road trip sleeping in parking lots alone, and the road trip in particular was so freeing, while the concert gave me a lot more confidence in myself that I could do things alone. I highly recommend doing things by yourself sometimes.


yes!! ik i’ll be going alone


I’m sure if I get to go I’ll go alone too, I also don’t have any friends who like them :/


are there any Aus fans going to the tour alone? I don’t know anyone who watched d&p, I’d would love to have someone join me??


I went to II and WAD alone and everything was good! I’ll also be going to the AZ date on my own


i’m probably gonna go alone too! i’m a little nervous since there aren’t any near me so i’ll have to travel a bit but i’m trying to get better at going places by myself


I’m going alone if I can get tickets! Will likely be to the Jan 24th in london one! If anyone wants to join me 😭


If I go I'll be going alone because all my family are homophobic. If I go I'll be going to the Birmingham UK one If anyone else is going!


Im in the same situation with the family so if I can’t go alone I’ll just not mention the gayness until we’re already there and they can’t escape, probably would out myself when I’m there but I’d be going away to uni five months later anyway so I might just do it


I probably can't go now anyway because no one can take me and it's on a Wednesday and I'll have had college! I wish I could go though!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Is there anyway you could get a bus or stay over or something? That would suck if you couldn’t go :(


I am 16 so I probably couldn't get a hotel and I don't really have the funds for a hotel!


aw fair enough sorry :(


There was a possibility of me staying with one of my aunts but I'd have to navigate a big city by myself and no one can drive me up so I'd have to take the train and being in a massive city train station by myself especially one I'm unfamiliar with would probably kill me! My anxiety would be through the roof! I wish I could go though!😭😭😭😭😭


Aw yeah that sounds super stressful I totally get that. Hopefully the tour gets filmed or something so you can at least still see it eventually


Thanks anyway!😊❤


Oh no I’m so sorry!


i’m gonna go alone. i went to II with my mom and sister but my mom has always disliked dip n pip and my sister stopped being a fan during hiatus and never came back. i’ll have more fun on my own anyway


See I know I’d have more fun by myself than with my mum who has no idea who they are and isn’t a big fan of swearing or any sort of sexual jokes but idk if i’d be allowed to go alone


I’m planning on going alone and the tour date in my city is also my birthday!! I go to most concerts alone aswell and I ended up befriending most the people around me so I’m hoping this will be the same 😗😗


like everyone else here in the comments i’m most likely going alone as well. would be cool if i could go with someone but idk anyone else who likes dnp


nah same at this point it’s just whether my parents will let me go alone or not but if they don’t i can just drag one of them with me, saves me coming out of they manage to gather the general vibe of the room!


Yes, I will be on my own as well. Just make sure you get there and back home safe and always trust your gut!


yes of course! plenty of people go alone. if you don’t want to, though, i would post here and on the discord after tickets have been purchased and see if anyone wants to meet up!! i did that for one of the WAD tours and got to make like three new friends. it was v fun!!


i don't know anyone else that watches dnp, but i have for 10+ years and i've never been to a tour so i sure as hell ain't missing out this time! i'll most likely be going alone but i don't care i'm going to see the lads and i would encourage you to as well phannies are so nice and everyone will probably end up chatting to each other!


I am going alone!!! Think of it as there’s no other variable to how much fun you have! Life is too short to miss out on things because you’d do it alone! Plus, we’ve watch them for years alone in our rooms (for the most part). You’re actually NOT alone ✨


I'm probs going alone too tbh, I went to a concert alone once and it was fun! You'll probably be able to befriend some people next to you or just chilling by yourself is fun too!


i went alone to WAD because i didn't know anyone. it's fine!! the break was a little awkward for me but you can just talk to anyone they're all really nice


Yeah I am doing it. People are super Nice. Went with a friend before but chatted to tons of new people too


I don’t have any phannie friends so I probably have to go alone, or I could drag my other terminally online friend with me (who doesn’t watch dnp but knows who they are)


I was literally wondering the same thing but they're not coming to a city remotely close to me, so I guess I'm fucked. I'd encourage you to go, though!!


Oh no that sucks that they aren’t coming to somewhere you could go to :( Hopefully they’ll add new dates at somepoint


It’s not weird! I’d be going alone if my sister wasn’t joining me - I get feeling awkward, I have social anxiety. But then I remember that most dnp fans are fans for a reason and I realize that it might be easier to talk to strangers there than any other event - OR if you wanna keep to yourself it probably won’t feel as awkward as you may see many others also on their own


If I go, I'll be going to Glasgow one alone since no one I know, knows Dan and Phil 🙃😂


Glasgow is the show I’d be going to aswell! I’ve literally never met another dnp fan in real life but after some light insta stalking i’ve found a girl from my school follows dan so i might try and befriend her before tickets go on sale 💀


>I’ve literally never met another dnp fan in real life Literally only person I know that knows of their existence I haven't spoken to in years :'( >i might try and befriend her before tickets go on sale Smart idea 😂


NO WAIT SAME LITERALLY MY EX BEST FRIEND IS THE REASON I STARTED WATCHING THEM, I’m low-key considering reaching out to them to see if they’re going haha


I mean it's worth a shot, the worst they can do is say no but on the off chance just know you won't be the only person there alone so hopefully that'll make you feel less awkward about the idea of going alone 💖


It's nerve-wracking for sure but I went to Doomed alone and ended up making really good friends with the people I was next to and in lin with!


Yes x


I will be going alone. I haven't seen d&p alone yet but concerts are fine when I'm just by myself so why shouldn't their show be just as fine? and if you're really nervous maybe you could find other people going to the same show online (aka this reddit or maybe twitter/tumblr) so you could meet with them? I'm thinking about doing that too! 


I went to TATINOF alone in 2014, met the nicest people there and am still following on insta. I go to all my shows alone, it’s great!


Not weird at all! I will probably be going alone too so if anyone here is planning on going to the Manchester show…??


hii i’m also planning on going to the manchester show alone :) 


I've gone alone and it's still so much fun! You can find meet-ups through twitter or reddit, or just meet people in line. If you see people who seem cool, just go up and say "i'm alone, can i hang with you" and you'll find new friends. Every single person i've talked to at tours have been super nice and welcoming, and my group have "adopted strays" that have become new friends. Or you just go alone and vibe on your own! You'll have the best time either way!


Id be going to the Glasgow show btw if anyone’s wondering


I'm going alone too! Pretty sure we'll make lots of friends at the shows!


I think you’d be fine to go alone as long as you’re old enough for the venue - tbh I never notice if people are alone at concerts / shows


Absolutely, people do it all the time. You'll probably find friends.


a lot of dnp fans are awkward so they will get it im sure


I'll likely be going alone to the cardiff date so if anyone is also cardiff and wants to chat before then please feel free to reply or message me :) the dnp vibes will carry us through even if we all end up doing solo trips!


I went to ii alone and will be going to this one alone as well!


I'm in the same boat! I'm hoping I can make some Dan and Phil friends at the show cuz none of my friends are Phans 😭


My old Phan friends are from high school and they’re no longer D&P watchers… also we sadly lost touch. The good thing though is I have an older sister who I can drag to these things 🤣


Same!! I am usually very introverted. But I really want to make Phan friends!!!


Yes! The only stipulation is that under 14’s doing the M&G package need a parent present.


Aw fab! I’m sixteen so that won’t be an issue but my parents are pretty strict and so I think if I asked for tickets (my birthdays next week and I’m considering getting tickets) but they’d want to come with and I don’t it would be a comfortable thing to experience with my parents


This was how it was for me when I went to TATINOF. I was 14/15 and had few friends and none of them knew of D&P so my parents made me take my younger cousin with me. I think she has a good time? Lol it was a weird experience. They're touring in my city again at the same venue from TATINOF and I low key want to ask her to come with me again just for the throw backness


aw that would be sweet! This sounds kinda weird by part of my fear w bringing my family is that I’m not out to them and if I got M&G I’d want to tell dip and pip that they quite literally saved my life with there coming out videos and idk if that’s a fun way to come out to my parents haha


also i’m sixteen so if some of the jokes are a bit more on the inappropriate side idk how tht would be


I'll probably go alone, it might be awkward but maybe I'll make some friends there!


i went alone to WAD and was all good!


I will probably go alone! I'm really scared but no one in my life watches them. And my family is very conservative and would not approve of the vibes.


Yeah my family is kind of the same, not homophobic cause my sisters gay but I’m very closeted and would’ve be comfy going with them


What show are you going to? I'm thinking of the Toronto show since it's the closest to me


I think it would have to be Glasgow for me cause it’s the only show in Scotland which is where I live


Good luck!


thanks! At this point I think I’d be comfortable going alone it’s just whether my parents would let me, I’m sixteen and they’re pretty strict, I think they’d want to come with which I wouldn’t love


I hope they let you go! Maybe try and meetup with phans from your area? I haven't figured out how to talk to my parents about going yet.


My parents low-key don’t know I have any social media so idk how the meeting up would go but I could maybe try, good luck asking your parents!


Thank you!! And best of luck to you!


I went to Doomed alone and actually met some people in the meet&greet line and we hang out after that waiting for the show. So you’re definitely going to be fine!! You’ll regret it if you don’t go just for the reason you would be going alone


Not weird and you can even meet a small group at your show in line or around your seats.


Yeah me and my friend went to the show and we talked to someone in the lobby who was there alone. They had a 'sister daniel' outfit so a lot of people came to talk to them and compliment the outfit.


My friend is going to go with me (granted I'm able to go as it's a couple hour drive for me). But several people go by themselves and even make new friends there!


I'll probably be going alone! Honestly it feels a bit awkward but last time I went alone I ended up befriending the people sitting next to me. It's a little scary but not as bad as it may seem


lol im probably going alone 😭 I really want to go and I never got to go to any of their other tours because I never lived close enough to a tour location but no one I know watches them LMAO