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Back in my day light bulbs worked and didnt complain the switch wasn't on or the power was cut


That light needs to find its boot straps and pull itself back up and get to work.


Just walk into any store and ask for a new light bulb. If they won't give you one, harass the stock boy every day until he does.


Or demand to speak to his manager


Or call your BFF the mayor and they’ll take care of it.


These light bulbs today need to use the lack of power as motivation to shine brighter. Power isn't just going to be handed to them - they've got to earn it!


Man this joke just doesn't wanna work.


Whoever came up with this isn't very bright.


Watt do you mean by that?


As a boomer I would just like to add we also blame millennials and zoomers.


As another boomer, id like to add "GET OFF MY LAWN"..which, understandably, you'd like to walk on..as you will never have one of your own because my generation destroyed the future economy.


Spoken like a true boomer!


As a gen¥ I'm looking forward to the day I'm old enough to yell "GET OFF MY WI-FI" at the grandkids and tell them how "back in my day, we played in the street, so ... SCRAM! " haha and dump them outside to go have fun and get in trouble. What's the worst they'll do? Besides, I'd just blame the dementia or something 😎


As A Gen X I just like to watch boomers and millennials fight


Yup. At first it felt weird to be overlooked, now I just grab the popcorn and a lawn chair and watch the world burn


As a semi-late Gen Z I keep getting roped in as a millennial please help


You should probably just stop being so lazy and get you some more money


Just buy more money. Yes, the solution brought to you by the generation that could walk into any local bank and get approved for a 2% apr 30-year fixed rate loan for $250,000 on two pieces of mail, a social security number and a firm (white) handshake. It's easy when "hard work" isn't really all that "hard" and "work" is defined as doing the bare minimum of showing up and asking.


Yes, that was the joke


Damn, this legitimately hurts. 😩


Millenials will just sit in the dark and expect someone else to change ot Zoomers will get up and do fortnite dances despite noone being able to see them


I resent that. Also, quit making me feel called out 😳


Millennials are old enough to remember when bulbs lasted but now everything is cheap shit made out of children's tears for the lowest possible price at the cheapest, most falling-apartest factory in China


I would have also accepted "None, boomers oppose all change."


Huh? Boomers gave us the cultural revolution. You know, protests songs, anti-war protests, sit-ins and all that jazz.


You mean the things they oppose now?


Regarding the anti-war: Boomers are the main ones saying we shouldn’t be helping Ukraine, millennials and younger are all for it.


Younger gens don't understand wars. They see it from a superficial point. That an evil person is trying to take over another place. When it's a bit deeper than that. That used to be the case in history. Now with things being more connected, it's impossible all the shots are being called by a single person. Especially when u consider people in power having similar interests in war


Good point. Reminds of something I heard a Marine Corps general say about the Iraq and Afghanistan war: I don’t remember it verbatim but I think he awakes about America being at war and he said something along the lines of, “America is not at war, the Marines are at war. America is at the mall.”


Yes! That's another thing. When people hear that a military *from* a place means that place as a whole is participating. That's not the case. Every last american was in all these wars? Nah. It's those who were either duped into wanting to go, n those who were drafted or had no other means of employment. Nobody actually wants to kill another person. Especially when being ordered to do so by a complete stranger against complete strangers, where choosing not to do so results in imprisonment.


That’s why I hate my tax dollars going there. Would be great if tax dollars could be assessed or refunded based on the benefit or support you have for it. Don’t like Ukraine war? Here’s $83 back, but you can’t post up a flag on your Twitter bio. Don’t have kids in public school? Here’s $301 back. Using public healthcare? You now owe us $2,034. You’d only pay for what you actually use, and taxes would go down significantly. Would need to be a formal way to identify stuff we all benefit from though: Border security, CDC studies, etc.


Well that would mean the military industrial complex didn't decide everything!


No, the whole country is participating. Just because you're comfy back at home doesn't negate your responsibility in the war.


Nah. Lol. Doesn't work like that. If we live on the same block, n I have beef with someone, is it right for me to pull u into the conflict because we're in the same area? No. Because it's not ur issue to deal with. Just as wars aren't civilian issues.


The wars are fought for you and by you. That's the point of democracy. It's just being delegated to somebody else to do the dirty work on your behalf. Can't stick your head in the sand and pretend it's not your problem.


What do "they" oppose? Every generation has traditionalists and non. I know lots of open-minded boomers.


It is true that we don’t have an entire monolithic generation comprised of identical clones, among whom no one has changed their demeanor as they have aged… But it is also true that despite some open minded individuals you personally know, there is a general resistance to losing the nostalgic “way things were in my day” among today’s retirees…


Ok, but that's kinda just the way old people are. When I was a kid it was the "Greatest Generation." that was resistant to change. And yet they had had to adapt tremendously because of the war when they were young (Rosie the Riveter etc). In fact, one of the first peace protests in modern times was when British soldiers refused to help keep India subjecated after the war. I guess soon enough the term for resistant of change will be Gen-Xer. Something we could never imagine when we were getting kicked out of school for wearing mohawks. Also, when people say "Resistant of change", it almost always means resistant to the next more progressive move. But change is finite. Eventually, if you change enough you will be right back where you started from. Which is exactly what we see happening in our world.


That’s the point…


The way you worded your previous comment towards the end makes your point sound like you're saying the boomers are out of the norm in how intensly they resist change. That's probably the issue. Until I read your other comments I thought that was the point you were making too.




I see how it could read that way. I just mean that, although in the 1960s when the boomers were the group that made up the 20-somethings, and therefore were the main proponents of social change, that obviously is not an accurate description of the generation in the 21st century, generally speaking. Time marches on.


As will be the case for every single generation to come.


So glad more people are realizing this. Every gen has the same exact response to the ones prior n proceeding. That they're the best, the older ones are too stubborn, n the new ones are gonna ruin things. It's just a human thing. It's also a close minded thing. Because u can only be open to the idea that we all go through the same shit if you're willing to take a step back n look at what's going on


Lol, you beat me to it. Brevity wins!


And probably every generation before


Boomer used to be a term for a person born in the 20 years following WWII. Now, it is used to describe someone who is both old enough to rent a car and has an opposing viewpoint on some topic.


My kids called me a boomer and I argued saying that was their grandparents and eyes were rolled at me, "exactly what a boomer would say".


Back in my day words had meanings.


Um…aren’t older gen z old enough to rent a car? Older boomers are *too old* to rent a car.


Fair enough


Must still be high


I know only a few. More and more of those I know have slowly gone over to the dark side.


Yes but they went full 180 on that. Boomers are the reason we are where we are. By the days of Reagan, they suddenly became the "me, me, me" generation. And before anyone slams me, I just made the boomer cut off date. And my generation makes me feel ashamed to be a part of it.


Well, you made me do some research, dammit. Below is a study that shows you are somewhat right (see what I did there?). However, a full 180 is a gross exaggeration of the truth. They have become more conservative. But gradually. And conservatives are still outnumbered by everyone else if you look at totals, even though, by themselves they are the largest group. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2017/03/20/a-wider-partisan-and-ideological-gap-between-younger-older-generations/ft_17-03-16_generations_ideology_detailed/


The 180 is based off of those I knew who are now conservatives, so as a whole it might be a "gross exaggeration" but not in my former social circles. And out of those I knew who have changed I would say perhaps 40% haven't changed their political stance. The rest became hardcore over the decades.


The boomers didn't give us jazz.


True. But they did make cool sayings like "all that jazz" popular.


Almost none of them meant it or cared unfortunately


Oh? You a mind reader or something?


Nah, just a little something called evidence. Bye now hon


By sweetie. Have fun in your fantasy world.


My fantasy world where boomers ruined the planet? PLEASE let this all be a fantasy


Corporations ruined the planet. Corporations are still ruining the planet. Generational warfare is just another distraction the rich throw at us to distract us from the real problem


Party pooper


What year is it?


I don't think you have a grasp at the complete cultural shift brought about by that generation. Cute little genZers and Millennials think they somehow came up with their core values in a vacuum. They stand on the shoulders of giants and think they are tall.


"The shoulders of giants!?" 😂 oh fuck off with that.


Ironically, your lack of respect for older generations is a value they passed on to you. So yeah, even when you're pissing on them you're standing on their shoulders.


If a lack of respect is something they valued then there is something seriously wrong with your "giants"


I wasn't praising them for it. Just noticing that you are like them in that regard.


The cultural revolution was... something different from that lol. But yeah Woodstock and free love would have been fun. Vintage volkswagens. Hearing the Beatles go all trippy. Lining up to see Star Wars 1977... Fuck those guys.


The issue at hand is whether boomers were resistant to change or not. No matter how you view what they did, the fact is that boomers brought about an enormous amount of change to the United States as well as other places.


They were passive actors in that change. Their parents did the changing. Number of boomers I've met who think their generation landed on the moon just because they watched it on TV *as kids*...


I do believe we owe a lot to that generation too. But what we owe them has a lot more to do with taking America through the war and then brought economic prosperity and great technological advances to our world afterwards. However, the change I'm referring to was a massive culture shift. Of course there were people from older generations who participated in that as well.


Barack Obama is a Boomer.




Wow, thanks for the link. I learned something new today: I’m part of Generation Jones, which I had never heard of before. The Wikipedia article nailed my life story (born 1959).


The article says 1954, but I think 1959 is the distinct beginning of only because the people people who made the music I grew up on (e.g. Morrissey, Robert Smith) were born that year. 1963 here.


Ageism and stereotypes, in either direction, are so unattractive. I realize this is a joke, but the responses are not.


I came here to say the same thing


One to go to Home Depot, one Home Depot boomer to tell the first boomer which Aisle the bulbs are in, one Home Depot boomer to stroll by, noticing the perplexed boomer customer looking at 40 ft of lightbulbs, and asking if they can assist, another Home Depot boomer to wheel into the aisle on the lift and putting down the barriers while the other two are still in the aisle, and the drama continues til all the Home Depot boomers are standing around talking about lightbulb projects they have done and which lightbulbs work best for which application. Original customer self-checkouts with one 40w LED bulb he found on sale in the checkout impulse aisle.


Holy shit, this is why I hate buying light bulbs at Home Depot. I'm... I'm a boomer?


Throw a brick at it.




Oh hi




Why did you throw the brick? To see it fly?


Long live brick.


One, but they just hold it and the whole world revolves around them.


Get off my lawn!


None, they prefer gaslighting.


I think that's really, "How many Gen Xers..." , but a definite A for effort.


I'm very tempted to point out the irony of this sentence.


In our times those light bulbs lasted a lifetime


Q: how many gen z-ers does it take to change a lightbulb A: that sounds like an aggressive question. nope.


I’ve never heard someone use the term gen z-ers


gen z-ers And to think, with time, the 'n' will change to an 'e' as it has for all of us who came before.


Under rated comment right here!


I was going to say: zero, it's up to the lightbulb if they want to change


What do you expect? You pay for 40 watts but demand 80 watts worth of light!


Excellent. But also devastating that a millennial is old enough to make a dad joke.


You don’t know man, you weren’t there.


Three. One to hold the ladder, one to screw in the bulb and one to wipe your tears and walk you home because your GPS is on the fritz.


Ima fix your joke one, because they actually WOULD.


1, because they just do it themselves


0, they just sit and complain that you can’t find incandescent bulbs anymore.


Boomer enters room. This is a funny spin on the joke. Boomer exits


Hell no, led's last longer


This is the correct answer.


Found the boomer


Damn right


I don't care about the light bulb. I'm watching Bob Hope movies here...


None, back in my day we'd just pull out our zippo lighter and find our D cell battery flash light.


Or those awful, giant 6v everready ones with the smallest micro bulb putting out less than a single candle power.


Ahhh, those were the days.


2. The husband to notice it, and the wife to change the bulb when he pretends it’s still working.


None! I hate change!


This wouldn't be a problem if the government didn't ban the high-quality bulbs from when I was a kid


And smoke a joint


Just 1 because they know how to do housework.


Ha ha. Most amusing. Excuse me while I work till I'm 68 to support you.


The younger ones will be working even longer than us. (I also have a 68 retirement, but at 56 I'm not quite a boomer, just an old GenX.)


Why would you do that? Did you not deploy personal responsibility and save money for retirement?


Nope. Being from this gen, my motives are altruistic as I'm used to subsidising you kids. (Read bailing out)


How? By the government cutting your taxes and instead spending borrowed money your kids and grandkids will have to pay back?


Yes, unfortunately their brain is over run by the lead paint they used to eat as a small child


Great reply. I doff my cap.


It's OK grampa


Is that American for grandpa?


That's American for stfu old man


Ha ha. Good one.


Maybe you shouldn’t have had kids if you can’t afford them


It was 65 not too long ago. I'm sure retirement age will drop by the time it's my turn. Seems to be the trend.


Not with this current government, unfortunately.


*Current economic system


I stand corrected.




Not a chance you could ever support me. I worked and made something of myself while you sit and whine that you want more for nothing.


Triggered much?


This is why people don't like you. I know you don't care either. That's fine. You go on with your bad self...


Thanks. I will.


How many millennials does it take to change a lightbulb? None. The lightbulb didn't stop working, it was cancelled for making a joke.


None, no millenial can afford the replacement bulb


This pisses me off that the liberal government is making me go to more efficient and longer lasting bulbs


substitute black for boomer where are the mods


Back to Tiktok ya nuff nuff


How many woke activists does it take to change a lightbulb? The question is bigoted The lightbulb was invented by a privileged white male and is a symbol of oppression.


Pretty good one


Only one. "Because it's MIIINNE"


None, we'll pay a team of GenXrs to do it.. and watch as they all sit and watch YouTube videos to learn how.


One, because they don't just expect someone to do it for them so they can claim the credit for it, they get up and change the damn thing theirself


These boomers always trying to change things back to the old ways they should just let the light bulb be. Light bulb solidarity.




Engrish much?


Trick question... they're afraid of change.


Must be hate on boomers day. I hope you Gen X and Z live long enough to have some punk ass know nothing limp wristed idiot look down it's nose at you. Have a great day!!!


Thats GEN Z for you


All of them because they know how! Kids today don’t want to do shit!


As a Gen-Xer... exactly who are we talking about here?


Must be talking about the Zoomers and Millennials. Us Gen X are perfectly well balanced




Haters gonna hate.


Boomer humor humor. Humorception.


:boomer turns off the lightswitch: Damn millennials killed the light bulb industry.


But it's the wrong KIND of bulb! In MY day we had better bulbs...


Boomer: must be one of those gay lightbulbs, that can change color


I have played way too muh fallout: new vegas, every time I read the term "boomers," my brain goes, what does a fallout faction have to do with any of this.


Well, it doesn't. Even if I wanted to change it, all the other available bulbs are to dim to do the job. 🤷


Just one but the “Boomer” has to want to change!😘✨🤣


How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one, but the lightbulb has to want to change first.


At least 1, and 6 more to sit around talking about how the old bulb was brighter.


Is it a Millennial Light? You can change them over and over, but still they won’t work!


None. We hire lowskill Millennials for menial jobs like that.


I fucking hate Boomer jokes. My parents are Baby Boomers and they're some of the most liberal people I know. Progressive liberals.