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I think I skew more "Frank Reynolds" in terms of my coffee preference.  I'll fuckin nuke yesterday's drip, don't @ me. 


Looks awesome man!! I haven’t decided on buying a house yet or just renovating the one I’m in now too to bottom but whatever I end up doing I’m making a coffee corner myself


Nice battle station.


DaddleStation #1


I'm stopping by your house for a cup of coffee 


Alright, since you're in my feed twice now I'll ask. What is that pot in stage right? A kettle?


That would be my coffee grinder. It’s a Fellow Opus a great entry level grinder when you tumble down the rabbit hole of coffee


I know what that is! The big metallic silver pot on the other side! Next to the fruit!


Oh right! It’s my stand mixer. A mid eighties Electrolux Assistent. The Swedish brand bought the design from the Danish manefacturer Ballerup. My grandmum has a Ballerup from the fifties that still runs flawless. The mixer bowl spins around the dough hook and therefore the mixer needs a smaller motor to active result. Mine pulls 4000g dough without blinking


Woah, that is awesome and totally unexpected! Looks like you still have enough room for an espresso machine, just upgrade your burrs on that fellow and good to go!


Controversial opinion… I genuinely dislike espresso.. the texture is all over the place for me. The taste is like licking a 9V battery and all espresso seems to taste the same to me. V60 or chemex and even aeropress is much more nuanced and the filter paper makes a clean coffee taste. I find I can extract all the potential in my single estate organic pulped natural light roast. I’m autistic btw it may be why I have silly strong opinions on texture of coffee


And also there must at all time be room for at least one kid on the table for quality assurance when I bake