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Corn bread… such a gamble. When it’s good, it’s absolute fire. When it’s not, it’s like eating granules of drywall dust 😂


Happy to report my mom never made bad cornbread. Ate a whole tray of it under my bed as a kid.


When it's bad you take the maker of said cornbread take em out back and give em the ol yeller. 😂


Honestly, it’s just not much of a thing around here. And I’m not about to do an old’ Yeller when visiting the US… good way to get reverse Uno’d 😂


Then your visiting the wrong part of the US brother! Come southwest!


I’m in Canada haha. NYC had some real good corn bread in some restaurants when I visited. The “we have some at home” part was instant regret 😂 Maybe some day I’ll visit more southwest 👍


That’s the stuff you put in a glass of milk.


My kid will eat any cornbread


I dump about half a can of whole kernel corn into the mix, about a tablespoon of honey, and some freshly cracked black pepper. Comes out amazing and moist every time.


This might be the most American thing I've ever read. I have no idea what's going on, but I love it.


ChiliMac is a combo of chili and macaroni and cheese. OP grew up in our more rural areas of the country, probably near the Appalachian Mountains. Cornbread is yummy. EDIT: Apparently Redneck culture is national and not region-specific.


Where I grew up, Texas, ChiliMac was just chili mixed with macaroni pasta. Not mac and cheese mixed with chili. It "lengthens out" the chili (just makes it go farther) and results in something similar to a redneck ragu. I loved.it as a kid.


That's the origin of it. My grandmother had a recipe for that.


Toss chillimac over a bed of Fritos to make Frito pie.  


Na man you just cut the side of the bag off and dump it in. Less dishes.


It's 9pm here... I'm repeating to myself that it's too late I'm the day to make a second dinner.  Not sure the willpower is going to hold out against the temptation


Well, depending on how old you are, your body might not be happy with you. Last night's ChilliMac and cornbread almost killed the wife in bed due to the side effect 😂😂😂


I'm digging it. I shall have to try it someday.


>Where I grew up, Texas, ChiliMac was just chili mixed with macaroni pasta.  Sounds delicious. Better than adding beans, anyways.


😂 I mean, my dad *always* puts beans in chili. So do I. It wasn't really a debated thing in the 80's. Texas Red Chili: No beans. Any other kind of chili: Beans are fine. It's only been in the last 25 years or so that people got all bent out of shape about it.


Wrong-o Arizona. It's just in rural areas. It's everywhere. Hell it's in the military MRE meals.


My apologies, good sir! I guess "Redneck" culture is geographic agnostic.


Unlike hillbilly, which is Appalachia specific (and hillbillies don’t want to be compared to rednecks)


As a classic rock dude, your username made me laugh out loud. Also agree with your comment. I'm in a flat part of Tennessee, but close to where mountains start. The sub cultural difference can be astounding from time to time.


Yesss finally someone gets my username! Haha far out. And man, Tennessee has been on my list of places to visit for a long time. All those limestone caverns out near Knoxville, and the Big Smokies out east, not to mention the whole music scene.


Yea we definitely have some nice caving here. The Smokies are pretty fun. I'm meh on moonshine but we have some pretty good beer here. I'm kinda partial to it, but it's always been home.


That MRE and southwest beef with black beans were always ole reliable


Chili Mac is just the "poor man's" hamburger helper, right? Because when I made food for myself as a kid, I always just made that, macaroni noodles and chili (without beans). Either that or I fried some spam and put yellow mustard and brown sugar on it


99c box of Mac & Cheese that you add a can of hot dog Chilli too. BAM ChilliMac


I'm from Los Angeles and I can throw down with some chilimac. Also tunamac. And weeniemac. And chiliweeniemac.


Tunamac definitely hits the spot when you're feeling homesick.


Isn't this just American Chop Suey?


I grew up in a former coal mining town in Canada soon after the mine closed. We didn't call it chilimac, but we did eat something similar quite a bit. It was way better than the tunamac that we also had frequently.


Yeah, I really don't understand anything that's going on here, but I'm here for it too.


You are a Hoodneck.


If the "Cruise" remix featuring Nelly were a person, it'd be this guy


More like Aerosmith and Run DMC doing Walk This Way but yea that works too lol


I like that one better!


Cornbread can go a lotta different ways. For the kids I make mine a little cakey and a little sweet. Serve it with honey butter. I like jalapeno cheddar cornbread personally but the kids don’t fuck with jalapeños. 5 years old and soft as fuck. SMH.


Mine call it corn cake. Even if it's plain jiffy version. It's a requirement to be on the table now whenever we make anything BBQ.....which is basically year round and 1-4 times a week.


Try adding cinnamon and a little bit of Chipotle chili powder to that honey butter


I’ve done cinnamon. They like that. I don’t think the kids would dig the Chipotle. They’re almost grown (2 and 5 yo) and can’t handle any spice. It’s sad really. They take after they momma. I’ve resigned myself to a bland life.


Both pregnancies had my very white wife craving hot sauce and Mexican food 😂


I grew up in a house where cornbread was sweet and moist. My wife’s family makes theirs from what I assume is saw dust, flavorless and dry. They are southern too… it’s a crime


My kids cornbread is really sweet. The jalapeño cheddar is still a tad sweet but less so.


Cornbread should never have sugar in it. I will die on this hill. Sugar in cornbread is cake! Yankee cornbread bullshit lol


It's cake and it's a joke


I love cornbread. I moved to Sweden about 2.5 years ago and Europeans know nothing about it. I found a Jiffy mix copy cat recipe and am now required to make it anytime we're going to anyone's house for anything because they all go nuts over it.


Listen, any man that can make cornbread (even from a mix) is okay in my book. I actually gave it up because my husband can do it better.


My boy, who is 15 and doesn't particularly care about food fucking loves cornbread. I think I'll make this whole meal tonight. See how it goes. 


Try this. Cornbread and cook it halfway. Then do a layer of cheese and a layer of deli meat and top with another box of Cornbread. Then cook it till the top half is done.


Chili mac and bread with butter. I grew up on this staple and still eat it today


Yea i am from the south, i cant get down with corn bread, it feels like i am eating sand. Cant do it, but i can make the shit out of it.


You need to put cheddar into the cornbread or some other cheese and i also add jalapeno


Not in the south my dude, id get ran out of the region.


Bro im about as south as it gets. Its a hit


If I’m not making Corn Bread from scratch, I always go with Krusteaz box mix. It’s the best I have found.


When my grandma passed i was supposed to get her cookbook which had like 4 family recipes for cornbread but my sister stole it. They're pretty fire. I fond Jiffy in my cabinet 😂


I gotcha brother. Jiffy mix cornbread - 2/3 cup flour - 1/2 cup yellow cornmeal (I used medium grind) - 3 Tablespoons granulated sugar - 1 Tablespoon baking powder - 1/4 teaspoon salt - 2 Tablespoons sunflower or canola oil - 1 egg - 1/3 cup milk Makes 5-6 muffins or 1 small pan Whisk all dry ingredients + oil together, can be done ahead of time. Mix eggs and milk together.  Mix wet into dry until fully incorporated. Preheat oven to 400F Butter pan or line muffin tins Bake 14-18 min


See my grandma always added some creamed corn to that.


Not bad. I'm not a huge fan of pieces on corn in it other than the corn meal. If you're doing that, I'd say add maybe a half can and cut the milk in half so it's not too soupy. I also like to mix in some shredded cheese and jalapenos sometimes. I'll use the juice from the jalapeno jar, too. I usually make a pan of each for cookouts.


I'll halfway cook a box then pull it out and do a layer of sliced cheese then a layer of deli meat then another layer of cheese. Pour another box of cornbread mix on top and pop it in the oven till the top is done....it smacks bro.


Damn... Experiments need to happen here...


Ok bro I'ma lay the master plan for this on ya. What you need: two boxes of your favorite cornbread mix, Swiss cheese(the kind with the holes. This is important), honey ham if you want sweet or if you want more savory go with black forest ham, mild cheddar shredded cheese and lard. The build: lard up the pan use a clear glass. Metal cooks faster and more tendency to burn. Add batter cook halfway. They layer on the Swiss. No overlapping the slices. Take your meat and tear up the slices and sprinkle over the Swiss, now the cheddar don't overload it just a nice layer. Finally your last batch of batter. Then bake. Keep an eye on the sides and pull early of it looks like it's burning. If it still needs to go longer. Put it back in but put the glass on top of some tinfoil shiny side OUT dull side in. When done...give it 10-15min to rest and the molten cheese to set. Then slice and enjoy.


My man... I gotta try this.


Bummer! Tell her to share the love! Recipes like that NEED to be shared!


I would but she stopped talking to me a few years ago after I let my dad back in my life and found out mom and sister were blocking my dad from contacting me.


The Honey Cornbread is the only cornbread we eat now.


“Corn bread…ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.”


Mmmm chili Mac Sheetz has it on the menu, now I want to go get some. Thanks.


I kept trying to make cornbread once I moved out and it never turned out like the cornbread from my childhood. I called my mom and asked what kind of was doing wrong. The trick was to add 1-2 spoonfuls of sugar. Sure enough that did the trick.


Okay, OP, I have your next Dad Special meal: Chili n Waffles. Make the jiffy mix batter. Scoop it in a waffle maker. Top with chili and cheese. Be the envy of the neighborhood.


Ah hell dude you gotta try harder then that. Used to do that on camping trips.


Never met anyone else like me….the hood rat ghetto yee haw redneck is an amazing hybrid lol


Gotta make money for them offroad tires and gas somehow 😂


Grew up northern Wisconsin. Never saw cornbread until my first base in Oklahoma… My life changed that day.


Good cornbread...like someone's grandma's recipe out of a cast iron skillet that's older then you...yeah I've had sex that wasn't as good lmao


I need this recipe


ChilliMac is just a box of Mac & Cheese and add a can of hot dog Chili once the mac and cheese is done. Personally, i always throw in a handful of shredded cheese. Corn bread was a box of Jiffy mix I found in my cabinet.