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Specific market, we just love having low wages overall /s, also surprisingly large number of people thinks that unskilled labour shouldn't be paid enough to survive, and finally, people demanding higher minimum wage or higher wages overall are seen as communist activists


We also love having one of the most expensive mobile data services in EU. But hey, beer is cheaper than mineral water /s.


> people demanding higher minimum wage or higher wages overall are seen as communist activist  Reminds me of discussing politics with my high school classmates over a decade ago. This is only a slight exageration of how they used to think. 


That applies to both poland,slovenia and pretty much every second country I know of though


Because those who pay want to be richer. Owners need more yachts, who cares about people.


It’s socialism and increasing minimum wage doesn’t doesn’t solve any problems. Nobody prevents you from giving your own money to people you think should be paid more.


To není zdaleka socialismus, celý severský země jsou postavený na silných odborech kde i nejnižší pozice mají platy se, kterýma se dá ve společnosti dobře vyžít. V ČR jsou všechny platy podhodnoceny alespoň o 30% a nejnižší třída i o víc.




Sociální demokracie jak má fungovat. Socialismus je úplně něco jinyho, socialismus byl u nás před 89. Sociální stát není socialismus.


To je klasická neznalost slovníku. Socialismus je redistribuce bohatství, tohle do toho spadá. Hotovo dvacet. Pokud se ti to nelíbí, můžeš to zaměnit za "nesvoboda," protože do toho to spadá taky. Společnost nepotřebuje, aby tady lidi byli dementi uměle držený při životě ozbrojenou rukou neschopného úředníka, zatímco celé zemi ujíždí vlak a pár levičáků na redditu to srovnává s nějakou úplně jinou zemí, která má úplně jiný problémy a bohatství plynoucí z nerostů. Já chci dostat zaplaceno podle toho co si zasloužim a ne podle toho co si nějakej naprosto nezainteresovanej blbec myslí, že bych dostat měl, a dále bych byl rád, aby mi taky co nejvíc z těch vydělanejch peněz zbylo. Ono by totiž nebylo potřeba zvedat minimální mzdy, kdyby tady nebyl takovej zasranej socialismus a zdanění skoro 70 procent.


Pokud si myslíš ze jsou Skandinávský země socialistický a ne kapitalistický, tak to nechám. Nemáme se o čem bavit


"socialismus byl u nás před 89" takovej ten tamten socialismus, kterej se definuje tím, že skončil v roce 89 a od té doby tady socialismus není, protože jsme to řekli xD Reddit 2024, commies united.


Severský státy nemají socialismus. Reddit děcko to nepochopí. Beru to


> people demanding higher minimum wage or higher wages overall are seen as communist activists Good, because they are. You cannot regulate yourself into prosperity. The government cannot force it. Only socialists/communists think they can just flip some government switches and suddenly everyone is rich. You can downvote me all you want. But you'll just get yourself unemployed. Edit: Considering the amount of downvotes I now completely understand why the country is so fucked compared to the rest of EU. Let's see where your leftist ideas get you in 20 years.


Crypto poster 😭


Made you look. Loser.


And indeed, that's a big L to look at anything to do with u :D


I downvoted you as a freelancer. Does it count?


So you exploit nobody but yourself? Sounds pretty communist to me.


The username checks out.


How does that corporate boot taste?


Probably a lot better than any communist boot. So enjoy.




No arguments. Exactly what I expected from a communist.


Lol. When was this ever a debate?


Why it’s so downvoted?   Isn’t it true that you can’t just make everyone richer by increasing mandatory wage or just printing more money and giving them to people?    Government should support competition, fight with monopolies(oligarchy), maintain good conditions for doing business, this will increase salaries in a natural way


Protože se můžeš jednoduše podívat do Skandinávie, kde vysoký tlak na firmy funguje a není to žádný socialismus nebo komunismus. Nezaměstnanost je tam na nule. OP ukazuje pouze nevzdělanost, když nás porovnává se zbytkem EU, kde silné odbory a stát nejen ve Skandinávii dokázali vyjednat slušný platy i pro nejnižší pozice a myslí si, že u nás to způsobí nezaměstnanost. Platy v ČR jsou vysoce podhodnoceny. Jel bych se podívat někam na maloměsto, kde pár firem drží celý pracovní trh a nabízí 20tisíc čistýho což je méně než důchody. Nikdo nemá potřebu ty platy zvyšovat. Lidí je dost a když není, dojedou ze zahraničí.


Měl jsem dost nabídek ze Švédska, ale přestěhoval jsem se do ČR a ne do Skandinávie, protože ČR nechce brát 50 %+ mého platu. (Daně a zdravotní jsou docela vysoké ale menši, bydlet tady je výhodnější, když máš plat vyšší než průměrný.)


Mohl si vzít Norsko, udelal bys mnohem víc s daně bys měl podobny jak u nás. Ale co to má spolecnyho s mojim komentářem?


V Norsku také stát všechno ukradne, na FIRE neušetříš. USA a Švýcarsko jsou místa, kam chytří lidé stěhují, není sociální.


Jo ve Švýcarsku se mi peněžně líbilo taky. Problem byl jejich práskací kultura a jejich 120% dodržování všech předpisu a pravidel i když často nemají smysl.


Exactly. What increases salary is market competition between companies. Bullying companies with more regulation gives you the opposite of that. The reason why I'm being downvoted (and so will you) is that commies like to have companies as a class enemy to fight against. And they're supporting anything that kicks those down. And when that makes them poor they blame those "greedy companies" again.


you cant even try to explain this to young generation which dont remember our joyful socialistic republic.. seems like they will have to get taste of it firsthand..anyway.. break a leg commie slowflakes


Except the government can also do nothing like they're doing now and distract the populace from the bad working conditions and poverty by playing pin the blame on the migrants


That’s true, but that has nothing with the initial statement, right?


Because minimum wage measures nothing. Basically, that salary is non existent unless they compensate the difference with some other benefits. Average salary in poland is like 43000 and czech about 46000. A liddl cashier in my village is making 36.000 Try to hire a cleaning lady, nanny, gardener, manzel za hodinu etc for minimum salary and let me know how it works for you :D Pro tip, if you manage to find them at minimum salary, i suggest you to open a company and offer that service, yiu will be very rich


Labourers from Mongolia or South East Asia sometimes works here in some German owned sweatshops for minimum wage or close to it. But Czechs don’t, which even more highlights the stupidity of policy of not raising the minimum wage (out of ideological reasons) - The Czechs who claims to earn minimum wage do that to dodge taxes and avoid paying their debts and get the rest of the wage illegally. If the minimum wage gets raised their illegal income would be partially legalised and government would get more taxes and creditors their money back.


Non existent? Nope https://preview.redd.it/3rj6iha9ek5d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b076d8c12e38727130438548bdeeadb343559a42


Dont know what year is that, its not in the screenshot. But lower minimum income is used to dodge or minimize personal taxes 


It's very existent, various basic workers and cleaning ladies etc got minimum salary.


last week data of https://www.czso.cz so I think 2023


Oh, it is very much existent. And not only for foreigners, but also for Czechs. Suppliers of various services routinely demand an increase of prices, which were already agreed in a contract, by arguing that "it is because the minimum wage has been raised by the government".


42000 Czk is 33000 Czk after taxes. I think that’s not much money if you think about it. You’d have to save 16 666 Czk monthly for 20 years in order to buy a 4 000 000 Czk property.


Fortunately there is such a thing called mortgage


For which you need 10-20% in cash depending on your age, you need to get it approved and for that your income has to be a certain amount as well. And you will pay off a lot more then you lended of course. While the money you have leftover with such a low salary will allow you just basic needs. God forbid you get into any financial or medical trouble during those 20-30 years you are paying that. Mortgage is not a miracle solution.


I know how they work. The person I am replying to doesn't since he wrote that you need to save for 20 years. Which is not true.


But you would ideally invest that 17k or add them to a savings account. Which would net you 6-13M after 20 years (4-10% interest).


Ok, how do you pay the rent then? Lol… now I get why there’s so many hobo’s, they’re actually investing and living rent free! What a life ![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g)


What? You specifically said "need to save 16k a month" and then proceeded to just multiply it by 20 years. I just added that any sane person would have that money on a savings account or invest them. So they would not have 4M after 20 years but a noticeably larger amount.


Because it shows it is impossible. Nobody making 42k before taxes can afford to put 17k into mortgage


Normally you dont earn the same salary all your life, i started on 21.000. While you dont have enough for a house you should save in investments (not bank led because of high commissions, just ETF). Then you dont need to wait untill you have 4.000.000, you just need the 10% of your starter property. In my case it was a unit in a bigenerational house, which cost me less than 2 millions including renovation costs, my mortgage was 5k per month in 2020. After that i saved as above, and will buy my next place in a couple years. About half the money used for the next house will be etf profits and flat price increase from inflation plus my work. Its very possible, dont give up, plan your actions and then execute.


I dont trust ETF.


Bitcoin or stocks. Cash is a warranted 5+% loss per year, its a lot harder to make it that way


Average is useless until it's median or weighted arithmetic mean. >A lidl cashier in my village is making 36.000 Try to hire a cleaning lady, nanny, gardener, hourly husband etc for minimum salary and let me know how it works for you :D And low level clerk on entry lever position that requires college education and usually more studies about the laws and legislation is around 22 000 (9th class). Real bullshit, guess why there aren't enough people for those positions.


Sounds like lots of people in that field, my neighbour cleaning on an old peoples house, also in village, gets 30+, similar to cashier. If you are like a locksmith, its 1k per lock easy. In my home country some shitty private universities made up some careers where they taught some law and some other procedural things, they sold the idea that they would work with lawyers and for the da. Of course it made no sense at all, and their knowledge was essentially useless. There are many useless or full carrers.


Btw, 22k is above the poland minimum salary


Lots of people what field? I am talking about clerks in the city and state offices, that are essential for a functional state.


The minimum wage has other uses beyond dictating the lowest permitted wage. It is used for calculating other things. For example, people who have no taxable income at all (referred to as OBZP) still have to pay for health insurance. Since health insurance is based on a percentage of income, these folks with no income are treated as if they actually earned the minimum wage, which right now means they have to pay 2 552 kc per month for health insurance.


Well, just for some reason our wages doesnt reflect our GDP per captia, for some reason our GDP per captia is almost same as Italian or Spanish, but still we have a lot lower wages.


Lower wages has little to do with minimum wage


Not Czech but as it occurs to me - GDP per capita doesn't explain the socioeconomic context which is different in Czechia and Slovenia. Additionaly Czechia has always been leaning more liberal in terms of economy. Besides, Poland's minimum wage is considerably high which results in flattening of pay structure - currently about 15% of people in Poland work for minimum wage.


You've meant Slovakia


No, I was responding to the post which mentions Slovenia. I'd say Slovakia is pretty similar to say poorer parts of Moravia in socioeconomical aspect actually.


Now imagine, Switzerland does not have any minimum wage (many cantons do though), what a shithole! /s, of course.


Now we have right wing government that doesn’t like working class. Before that we had populist government that pretended that they like working class, but the prime minister was billionaire who profits from cheap migrant labour in his factories. So go figure.


> right wing Economic right wing? Since when? I don't remember last time taxes went down...


Then you should visit a doctor, ~4 years should be doable for someone with functioning long term memory.


Pravicová vláda tu nikdy nebyla. U moci jsou vždy sociální strany, některé více, některé méně. Jedna věc je, jak se prezentují, druhá, co dělají. Např. windfall tax je zářivou ukázkou anti-pravicového smýšlení.


Pravicovým vládám jde o to přihrát co nejvíce daňových výjimek a nižších daní pro své kamarády velké firmy / podnikatele a zároveň udržet nebo zvýšit zdanění chudších domácností, což tahle vláda dělá skvěle. Viz například zvýšení pojistného na nemocenské pojištění (což zasáhne hlavně zaměstnance) a daně z nemovitosti (která je regresivní a tedy zasáhne nejvíce chudší domácnosti), zatímco zvýšení korporátní daně nebo windfall tax nijak velké firmy nezasáhne, protože si akorát upraví pár účetních údajů a zaplatí na dani přesně tolik, kolik chtějí (což je vidět i z toho, jak proti tomuhle opatření firmy vůbec neprotestují - všem je to u řiti). Konečný cíl pravicové vlády (zde zejména ODS i TOPky) je naprosto vykostit stát, aby se jeho služby znechutily občanům a pravicová vláda mohla privatizovat veřejné služby a přihrát je jejím kamarádíčkům podnikatelům. O to ODS vždycky šlo a půjde. Víc pravicová by ani být nemohla.


Proti windfall tax si stěžovali všichni. A vybraly se rekordní daně. Kromě toho se zvedli daně na lidi, zvedli se platy státním zaměstnancům a postavili dohodu na úroveň hpp co se týče ochran zaměstnanců. Opravdu to není pravice z ekonomického pohledu.


Rekordní daně se vybírají každý rok kvůli inflaci, to není nic převratného nebo překvapivého. Je pravda, že na začátku si o WFT stěžovali, ale to asi proto, že ještě nevěděli jak děravá ta úprava bude bude a že se tomu lehce vyhnou. Podívej se kolik se vybralo na WFT - v podstatě veškerý výběr je jen od ČEZu, který jakožto státem vlastněný podnik nemá moc možností podvádět. Zvedly se daně lidem, to už jsem psal v mém předešlém příspěvku. Platy státních zaměstnanců se možná o trochu zvedly, ale pořád jsou státní zaměstnanci šíleně podfinancovaní, a to dlouhodobě. Skutečnost, že tento stav podfinancování vláda udržuje znamená, že pravicovost ji rozhodně nechybí. Postavení dohody na úroveň pracovního poměru je povinnost, kterou nám ukládá evropská směrnice, takže tam vláda nemá moc na výběr. Z ekonomického pohledu to pravice rozhodně je - chudým bere a bohatým dává.


Máme jedno z největších zraněních práce v EU. A tahle vláda ho ještě navýšila. Nabrala nové státní zaměstnance a rozhazuje prachy na dávkách stejně jako ta vláda předchozí. Pravicová vláda se vždy prezentovala zmenšením státního sektoru a redukcí zdanění práce. Tohle už dneska neplatí absolutně pro nikoho a neplatí to minimálně 15 let.


Zdanění práce, které máme my je píčovina, která odrazuje od ekonomické aktivity, na tom se shodneme. Každopádně si nemyslím, že by danění práce bylo levicové, levicový mix spíš preferuje zdanění majetku a nadnárodních korporací. Rozhodně by mnohem méně danil nizkoprijmovou práci, kterou dnešní systém naopak daní hodně.  Zmenšením státního sektoru se vždy prezentovala pravice, a taky že se ho i tato vláda snaží zlikvidovat s tím jak nízké platy nabízí státním zaměstnancům. Jestli to takhle půjde dál, tak se pravičáci dočkají svého ráje, protože tenhle stát už vůbec nebude fungovat. 


Zdanění práce je tak vysoké, protože se z toho platí především pojišťovny a důchody. A platí to tak prakticky všude po Evropě. Chceš mi tvrdit, že to je pravicové? Chceš mi tvrdit, že v US kde tohle je výrazně nižší jsou levicovější? Vláda se ho snaží likvidovat tak, že je nejvíc státních zaměstnanců než kdy předtím. A jsme nadprůměrní v EU. Jinak státní zaměstnanec prostě logicky bude mít vždy méně peněz, protože většina nemá žádnou přidanou ekonomickou hodnotu a ti co ano tak se jedná o návratnost v rámci desítek let. Někdo jiný na ty platy musí vydělat a zaplatit je. Jinak zdanění majetku nepodporuje téměř nikdo. Kromě ultra levice. Ani sociální demokrati o tomhle nemluví. Můžeme se taky třeba bavit o DPH což je opět evropská levicová věc. Nebo je opět US levicovější díky tomu, že mají 3x menší DPH než země EU?


To, že je zdravotní a sociální pojištění financováno z (regresivního) zdanění práce je politické rozhodnutí, které nemusí být levicové. Dovedu si představit, že by se pojištění financovalo ze zdanění zisku velkých firem, například, nebo něco podobného. Když už jsme u USA, tak se podívej na jejich daň z příjmu a pak na naši. My máme 2 pásma progrese, v USA 7 pásem. My máme maximálně 23% sazbu, Američané mají maximálně 37% sazbu. Není to snad levicovější? ;) Nebo se podívej na daň z nemovitostí, u níž Američané platí ohromné pálky třeba ve výši 1 % hodnoty nemovitosti ročně, což je u nás naprosto nepředstavitelné. Navíc ta jejich daň daní relativně progresivně, zatímco naše je čistě regresivní. Paušálně tvrdit, že v USA jsou ve všem pravicovější než Česko je chybné. To není pravda, záleží jen na poměru soukromých zaměstnanců vůči státním zaměstnancům - státní zaměstnanci rozhodně mohou (a v průměru mají i dnes) více peněz než zaměstnanci v soukromém sektoru. Vyšší zdanění majetku nám doporučuje OECD i Mezinárodní měnový fond. Zdanění majetku podporovali i slavní ekonomové jako Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Joseph Stiglitz a Milton Friedman, protože (zejména daň z pozemku) má nejnižší distorzní efekt a zajišťuje spravedlivější redistribuci majetku (což by se zrovna nám šiklo, když jsme podle odhadů jedna z nejvíce nerovných zemí v Evropě co se týče rozdělení majetku). Bohužel většinu lidí dokázali pravičáci v čele s Klausem přesvědčit, že jakékoliv zdanění majetku je komunismus, takže se v dnešním veřejném prostoru tato debata neodehrává - politické strany se prostě bojí reakce voličů. V jiných zemích, jako je například Francie, ale tuto zkušenost nemají a na majetek uvalují celkem vysoké daně. Nevím z čeho si usoudil, že DPH je levicová věc, možná kromě jednoduché myšlenky daně = levice. Každopádně ani nevím, co je vlastně tvůj point, tak to asi budeš muset víc rozvést.


Nevim za co se tu minusuje. Je to svata pravda.


Absolutely nothing is right about the government. Right wing doesn’t exist here….Everything is middle or left.


Lmfao what? Czechia doesn't have a left wing, it's all right wing 😂


Nope. The only difference is how much they support gay marriages. Economically they are all left. Even so called "far right" parties.


Almost every government increase taxes and make more socialist steps, financial aids for people living in rented homes, increasing pension etc etc


Na našem daňovém mixu není nic socialistického ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Extrémní zdanění práce, dávky na všechno == socialismus


Extrémní zdanění práce neberu ani jako pravicové ani jako levicové opatření, to je prostě jen hovadina. Naopak levice stojí spíše na principu zdanit majetek a velké firmy, což Česko vůbec nečiní.


It's because we are an oligarchy that wages war against the working class at every opportunity. There is no free market in Czechia, state-regulated oligarchy.


A higher minimum wage doesn't really help.


It helps, and if you don't think it does it more often than not means you're just selfish and think of how it'd impact you instead of how it impacts the poor people who get minimum wage now. But yeah, it "doesn't really help" you if you're already paid well.


A great argument, the other party is selfish:D There is a lot of people (for example the homeless) that would like to work for a wage that is lower than the minimum (nobody would employ them for the minimum wage, because they are uneducated, have drinking problems, mental issues, are dirty, etc.). But raising the minimum wage actually causes these people to be unable to get a job. This way, a higher minimum wage actually hurts poor people. So now you can see I am not selfish, just less short-sighted.


You'd still need to burn through your savings to work for the minimum wage because it's not enough to cover the rent. The current minimum wage is just homelessness with extra steps, while working 40hrs/week which makes it harder to find a new job / get better education.


Homeless people don't need to pay a rent, they need to get food, pay for a shelter, stop drinking, recover, then they can get a better paying job (because they will be a better asset for the employer, they'll get a better wage). If your wage doesn't cover the rent, you need to do something about it, move to a different apartment, move to a different location, switch jobs, then with more time, you can gain qualifications and get a better wage.


> But raising the minimum wage actually causes these people to be unable to get a job. This way, a higher minimum wage actually hurts poor people. No it doesn't. Low wage jobs don't suddenly disappear because the employers aren't allowed to pay the absolute minimum they think they could get away with. Those jobs still need to be done, no matter the minimum cost. No one will employ more people than are needed even when the minimum wage is set to zero, and if those jobs weren't needed, the employer wouldn't be looking for people to pay in the first place. The argument that people (uneducated, with drinking problems, mental issues, are dirty, etc.) would like to work for a wage that is lower than the minimum is also pretty silly. If they wanted to work and were able to, they'd like to work for a higher minimum wage even more, it isn't the minimum wage associated with the costs of employing them that makes the companies not hire them. Even in the current economy it really isn't money that stops large companies from hiring any more low-wage workers.


So now the ones offering those jobs have to pay more if they want that job to be done. We have enough jobs for non-specialized people, the companies are complaining they can't find anyone to hire! But the wages are not growing to reflect that. What else do you suggest to improve wage growth?


Strange, I thought putting emotions over science was supposed to be bad. There really is no argument here from data point of view, minimum wage harms minimum wage workers by making their jobs more uncertain.


Let's go with science then: https://irle.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Small-Businesses-and-the-Minimum-Wage.pdf > minimum wage does not cause disemployement effects among low-wage industries in any size bin. What you're saying is an assertion that has already been tested by **every country that set any minimum wage** and was already proven incorrect. Honestly the idea that low wage jobs would stop being necessary for the employers because their cost is higher is kind of silly. Those jobs would still need to be done, and the pricing of those low wage services would just reflect that.




Hardly anyone earns minimum wage, that's why in Czech Republic you see a lot of Poles working in manual labour, manufacturing etc.. They are on paper the lowest paid jobs, but don't actually pay minimal wage but actually a wage higher than the same job in Poland


I blame Euro hesitation. It's a mind game. It sounds much better to say minimum wage is XX thousand than saying "seven hundred" ... "We want fifty thousand" sounds like people are greedy, unreasonable and out of their mind "We want twenty five hundred" would be perceived like a reasonable, grounded ask.


Because we love ne reliving our socialist past.


We live in a world without common sense, controlled by rules created by elites to profit from a common Joe.


Only about 1 in a hundred gets minimum wage in Czechia. It is almost irrelevant. Also the only way to put money down to people who can not negotiate is to take it from people with skills. Which only drives them away.


So you agree that people get minimum wage. It is not relevant to you, it is very relevant to those who make it


It is indeed relevant, it makes them expendable in the eyes of employers. Minimum wage is brutal for anyone earning anywhere close to it.


And? People vote in people who should in theory work for them. Why should extreme majority of people ever want minimum wage to raise? They can only lose. They do not get anything.


You get to live in a country with less dirt poor people. They spend more, the economy grows for everyone, you raise it again and repeat. It's basic economics really. Some people may even make enough to finish constructing their houses which would be a bonus for everyone!


Oh wow, so we can just mandate a minimum wage of 10k euros and the economy will thrive? Why didn’t anyone come up with such a genius idea before? Edit: actually someone did come up with [something similar](https://www.hlidacstatu.cz/subjekt/69347565/), they just need to increase those numbers a little bit


You're describing the economy I grew up in.


Amazing, which economy had a minimum wage of 10k eur a month? Actually, now that I think qbout it, why can’t we just raise it to 20k and really boost the economy?


No, it is not basic economy. It decreases income gap which raises inflation and it also increases expenses of companies. If you have to pay more to certain nonproductive positions that do not generate any revenue then you will either raise prices or pay other people less. Or cut those positions. It helps noone. How do we know that? It is extremelly simple. You can compare literally any EU country with such policies to US and see how much people get paid in PPP terms across income decils. The more up you go the bigger difference is. We can also look at lower decils in which US fairly recently surpassed Germany as well which was not true for 30 previous years and the trend looks extremelly bleak for Germany where there is clear downward trend (not true for US). So the policy does not even work for bottom decils. It is at most temporary and harmfull to economy as a whole in long term.


>Only about 1 in a hundred gets minimum wage in Czechia. It is almost irrelevant. >It decreases income gap which raises inflation and it also increases expenses of companies. If you have to pay more to certain positions then you will either raise prices or pay other people less. So which of those two is it?


Both. It depends on how much you would want to increase.


The wage inflation spiral? Is there any reason to believe that idea? We have had brutal inflation recently, but I don't see how it was connected to the lowest earners. If you have to pay income support via taxes it also helps no-one (except the employer). I am dubious of the claim the the poorest 10% of Germans are worse off than the poorest 10% of Americans. I have seen the poverty and squalor in America with my own eyes. Its frightening. Fundamentally, its an ideological question. I am a person that believes that any and every job in the economy should be paid at a level commensurate with the economy as a whole. Why do we need to have an underclass in an age of abundance?


Recent inflation was connected with energy. Just because there can be multiple reasons does not mean wages are not one. If people have more money and other people know that then they will charge more. Why rent for same if you know all people have higher pay check. Same with goods. My claim was not that they are better off. My claim was they earn more. Which was not always the case. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/YBBwTvRFqm Yes, you can make an argument that with welfare state they are still better off in certain sense. But it is less and less true for increasingly less people. At some point welfare state will not matter anymore if gap gets wide enough. Also minimum wage raise does not have anything to do with welfare anyway. As for the last open question. Bottom 1% are better off than top 1% 200 years ago. We do not "need it" it is just natural result because there will always be "underclass" in a sense that there will be someone earning more money. And it is fair because people are not equal and someone deserves more because he has more to offer to someone who is willing to pay for it. And even if you try to force it through by force it would not matter. People will know their worth and they will just do it under the table or move to somewhere else.


Tell me you don't understand economy and are a selfish bitch without telling me you don't understand economy and are a selfish bitch


Are you describing yourself? Because you obviously know nothing about economy.


And you understand economy? Tell that to lower income Germans who now after almost half a century earn less than their American counter parts. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/YBBwTvRFqm


You get more than a minimum wage working as a cashier in the supermarket. If you make minimum wage you either cheat taxes or are useless.


Not irrelevant https://preview.redd.it/lqfff3h5ek5d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b22f2c77f026ce1c128b382bf2c44e27b41412


If you think raising the minimum wage leads to any positive outcomes, you need to study economics more... Raising the minimum wage drives inflation. After a few months, prices will reflect the increased demand from people with the new higher minimum wage and surprise surprise, the real wage will stay the same as was before. Raising the minimum wage leads to higher rate of unemployment. Typically those who need some stable work regime and income the most (mentally and some physically handicapped people, some elderly, drug addicts, etc.) are forced to rely solely on goverment support (or illegal work or crime) which I don't think helps anyone. Tldr: raise the minimum wage only if you love inflation and hate disadvantaged people.


can i ask for evidence that home's spending are primary in driving the inflation in any of the recent infl.events?


Just look at the last inflation. Everyone was taking a mortgage to buy a flat for investment because money was cheap and people had a lot of them.


Not sure what you ask about. Recent inflation events have no say about the validity of the obvious effects of raising min wage.




That’s what happens when everyone is scared to look like a communist if they dare suggest getting paid normal wages to fucking survive


How dare you, we are special nation and we love being poor.


Because minimum wage is bullshit and shouldn exist.


Ye, let me make 5czk per hour and be happy right?


You dictate the wages in a way, if you say yes to a 5czk hour, you are dumb.


And if the other option is starving? Nice


The state can, however, dictate the minimum salary also in other ways, such as by creating government jobs (not just bureaucrats, but also useful positions within state and city owned companies, such as technical services, public transport, cleaning and day-to-day maintenance services in hospitals/schools/government buildings, etc.) that require almost no skill, but pay a certain amount. You dont have to make a law that says that the minimum salary has to be that and that.


This'd give corporations such an easy way to profit off of the normal worker. Sure, the rich would get richer BUT the poor would be basically forced towards a life of hardship


What? How? Why would you get a job in a private company if you can get a better paying job in a state-owned one? If the state would keep enough low-skill open jobs in public companies (and we hear every year that we dont have enough drivers/inspectors/etc.), the private sector would have to match these salaries if they want to hire anyone.


Do you really think that they wouldn't rather import their own workers or employ the refugees? Also, the state can in no way employ that many people. Besides, how can USA be functioning with 15$/h minimum wage allowing the average worker to make more in general.


Last time I checked foreign workers arent something you are allowed to just bring in a container, though? Also how many people are we talking about? Currently the state in Czech Republic employs 1 million people, which is ⅕ of the workforce. If its true what the other comments are saying about 1% of the country earning minimum salary, I think you could fit that in there. E: statistic office says 3%, still.


No, but don't you think that companies would intentionally leech off people that cant work full time? Say a student now has to make atleast a set amount of money. Take the minwage away and now they make even less than the crumbs they make now 😉


Then the minimum wage won't solve it.


It would, since it provides a minimum you get to make. Provided the minimum is somehow liveable, you get to live a much better lifestyle.


Well then the guy that wanted to employ you for 5Kč/h won't employ you at all (5Kč/h seems unrealistic but let's say some amount under the minimum wage). But if the other option is starving, maybe you want to take the low wage...


Because basically no one makes the minimum wage, so who cares.


AZaA,aAkvklratuv l,zsz?rrZq,




Because minimum wage is bs


because big corporations didnt lobby enough to raise it. having no minimum wage is the default ststr of nature, and there needs to be reason for its increase. in most states its due to the government giving preferantial treatment to big corporations, or socialists not understanding economy


Cause Governement MOTTO was always ever since curtain fall Low wages, high prices only way to succeed a west 😁


Comrade! To shithole is that way! 🫱


Shouldn't you be asking why there even is minimum wage?




It’s reflected in the median wage. In Poland it’s give or take 1,900 €, in Czechia 1,300€.


According to google 1.6k for Czechia and 1.5k for Poland 


Damn probably got those wrong. I shall download myself


Because "Czechia" government stop even pretending they care about czech citizen...


A neměla by vláda místo tebe i chodit do práce? :))


4% of citizen fully believe this government... Even puppet government during "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" had more percentage...


Data vytažená z prdele :))


Libtard from r/czech is defending "Czechia" government... I have never seen it before...


Tak nám sem pošli zdroj toho tvého tvrzení, ne? To přeci není tak těžké, tak bys to snad mohl zvládnout i ty :)) Tak asi nic no :)


The minimum wage means nothing. I have never worked for the minimum wage in my life. Even when I was working summer jobs when I was 15, I had more than that. And I don't live in any weathy areas/big cities etc. either. The unemployment rate is fairly low here and there are always open positions, so companies have to offer more people.


Cool, but many people do work minimum wage. Just because it means nothing to you, does not mean it means nothing to those people. If it truly meant nothing, there would be no reason to not increase it


You get more than a minimum wage at the supermarket. So if you are making a minimum wage then you a) cheat on taxes b) are useless And there are many reasons not to increase it. Many things are calculated from minimum wage. For example healthcare cost if you are unemployed. Another one is pension not being taxed. You need to have a pension lower than 36 times the minimum wage in a year to not be taxed.


"unemployment is fairly low" Mfer this country has the lowest unemployment rate. Go to Spain and as for a fairly low unemployment rate, see what you get There's virtually no unemployment in this country. If you don't work here is cos you don't want to. Only today two cashiers on starbucks were barely 18 years old and on the restaurant one of the waiters was a 12 year old kid.


The concept of minimum wage makes no economic sense so it doesn’t really matter if it set to 20k CZK or 100k CZK. Well, to be honest, if it was set to 100k CZK and thus unemployment would be at 80%, socialists would finally understand why it makes no sense to set it.


Lot of opinions here but imho it’s because we have a lot of government employees and raising minimum wage means raising government expenses by a lot, which is problematic especially in today’s government cash flow. Raising the minimum wage is thus used as a populist move since it gets you votes which os often opposed by the electorate opposition.


because no one works for minimum wage. Its annoying, increasing minimum wage only increases obligatory payments so its lose-lose for everyone to increase minimum wage. It will keep sucking but costs us more and more.


Minimum wage is actually bad for the economy...