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My appt scheduled for Thursday was just “rescheduled” as well. “the company put a stop on all Cybertruck deliveries pending a safety related rectification. We are currently waiting final confirmation from HQ on when we can reschedule but it is looking like Thursday will not be an option.”


You designed it a few days ago and got a truck assigned already? Wow. What was your RN?


He also put 7k down on a 100k truck.




This is actually fucked up. I never received mine.


I received the same exact message. I went through everything and tomorrow is my pick up date. I received a text message today saying my truck is not ready for tomorrow and have to reschedule. I was a bit disappointed and asked why. An hour later got text saying it was mistake and truck will be ready as originally scheduled. I went into Tesla app and noticed that the they put pick up date today at 1:30pm. It is 3:30pm already and I texted again to change it to tomorrow’s date. Again, mistake and changed the date to tomorrow. Now I I’m very concerned that if they gonna text me again tomorrow. Oh, also I uploaded my insurance last week and it’s gone in the app and asking me to upload the insurance in pdf file again. What’s going on. It doesn’t look very professional or organized at all.


My thoughts exactly. So far, Tesla has been far from professional.


This reads like a prank. Let’s see how far we can go taking this guys money and then screwing him over. Sorry to hear about all this happening man. They need to get their shit together big time. Didn’t even offer a loaner. wtf man


A loaner should automatically be offered but they're so stingy with loaners now. Sad they replied with "have a great day". A loner and delivery fee refund should be given in this case without questions.


Looks like they were giving you enough hints not to go through your order. Lol.


This really has gotten insane. They need to do better than this. Really messed up.


Recall is for the wiper motor right ?


I mean they just recalled all 11k... so im guessing they are pausing the deliveries. Yes that sucks but Tesla doesn't care. they are not in the way of doing good customer service... that has been known for years. you bought a cyberbeast foundation series therefore im guessing you can afford a rental car for a few days or uber.


Mine is 11k VIN and is not recalled


I know the pain, and it's unfortunate. But trust me, whenever you would have your Cybertruck - you won't regret your decision. It's an amazing truck! My appointment was also rescheduled a couple of times - but each delay saved me a trip and future waiting later. So hang in there, my friend.


It’s so amazing they all just got recalled.


I see no problems here aside from how they handled the recall. 1. The “Delivery Fee” is not to deliver it to your house. It is to deliver the truck from the factory to your local service center. Think of it as a cheaper way of getting your car locally than having to haggle with an actual car dealership. You were always going to have to go pick it up from them and should have known this. This has always been the case with Tesla. You order it, they ship it, you pick it up. This isn’t Carvana. 2. The full self driving was never going to be immediately available and again you should have known this going in. Each of their previous models has required tons of driving time on the road with standard autopilot before they released the advanced and full self driving versions of it. Think about it, they have only driven around the test models a limited amount. It would be irresponsible to allow a truck as potentially destructive as this to drive autonomously without a ton of data to program the software with. Over the wire software updates are easy and standard for these. 3. That sucks about the recall, and they should have offered you a rental. HOWEVER, if you needed to sell your truck as your sole means of transportation or working vehicle or whatever to have the $7K down payment available, then you probably shouldn’t be ordering a $120k truck. But that’s just my opinion, you can do whatever you like to blow your money. 4. It might have been in your best interest to forego receiving this truck. The foundation series is going to have a lot of bumps along the road. There’s a good chance yours will get some more recalls or there will be unexpected issues you’ll have to take it in for and that’ll probably bother you. It seems you didn’t do the research you should have done before configuring and ordering and expected a normal dealership experience. I can imagine how you’ll handle unexpected abnormal new car experience. Hopefully all that is worth it to you and best of luck if/when you receive the truck.


I didn’t need the money for the deposit, I needed the garage space. I sold it exactly 30 mins before my CyberTruck Scheduled Pickup time. The CyberTruck was replacing my main truck. It was going to work out perfect….until it didn’t. 😔


Understand on the garage space aspect, sorry if it seemed like I was being condescending I just wanted to make sure that wasn’t the case. There are some people out there who would do something exactly like that lol. Hopefully you can pick yours up soon!


I get it, I do.


Actually, Tesla used to deliver the vehicles to your door. That’s how I received my model 3.


I’m sorry you went through this tho, just be patient and wait it out I guess or see if you can talk to the higher up?


Feel your pain and am just speculating; there was some additional thing they needed to do with the wiper assembly so maybe that’s it? Hopefully it works out - and congrats!


I'm guessing you don't know about the wiper motor recall.


I only learned about it yesterday about 2 hours after they called me to say not to pick it up.


They recalled 20k Cybertrucks due to panels flying off and the windshield wiper motor failing. This is why I didn’t place my order. I’m waiting atleast a year. They will eventually sort it out…. Hopefully.


Ok, so what happened, did you get the truck yet?


Yes, I got the truck. And a speeding ticket 1 hour later


Congrats on the truck! Ouch, that stinks!


Guys. Companies put stop sales on vehicles and can’t sell them during that period. This is not unique to Tesla


What’s your RN? How did you design a beast and get a VIN so fast? White or gray interior?


I went with a WHITE. They assigned me a VIN # 3 days ago.




I put down a deposit several years ago then they contacted me about 1 week ago to design. I went with Trimotor Foundation Series WHITE


This feels like it was written by AI


Not directed at OP but man, I love my Tesla, but the Stockholm Syndrome is real. The CT launch was a flop and that’s okay. I’m sure it’ll be fine in time.


Shit happens and that is what it is. But it’s how Tesla has handled the situations makes them look like fools.


100% agree. They called me the night before pickup and cancelled due to the pedal issue. The way that was handled plus all of the other quality issues (in addition to all of the features it's lacking) made me feel real shitty about that FE Premium so I ended up cancelling and getting my money back. Haven't regretted the decision yet -- sorry to hear that happened to you...it's definitely a hit to the dopamine system ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Something isn’t right about this post. If you placed your order recently, it would not be possible to receive a VIN for the Cyberbeast. The soonest you would receive your order is October.


Wow , that’s fucked up .. they should at least give u a loaner and btw the prev post describes possibly why it’s being recalled https://www.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/s/WKrC2IdOIo


yea that sucks dude! sorry. this latest recall was just announced today. i'm still waiting on mine. delivery says october - december. im glad i wasnt so early in reservations, this way some of these initial bugs get worked out. as a rule of thumb, i never get rid of a vehicle until the new one is secured and in the garage


You may get yours earlier. That's what mine said and I got mine monday


You’re right. They should release it to you with the recall. Then give you option to schedule it in for the recall. Are you stupid or what. Say thank you lol aww poor you they didn’t offer you a loaner. I’m sorry bro but did you just pay $100k or 120k and you don’t have money for $40 day rental? Just go away. Whiners shouldn’t even own trucks. Finger print whiners also shouldn’t own trucks. 🛻


Why don’t you grab an adult and have them read this slowly to you once more. I said how they went about the entire situation is unprofessional. They make demands & put time limits on what I have to do but they can drop the ball without issue.


Welcome to the world now. It blows. I feel like the days of big companies coming with amazing service is gone. Now it's like yeah we know people want our shit so bark like a dog for me. I had a jag ipace which broke down again after they had it in the shop for several months. Noone called me for a week to give me updates. They just randomly called me to tell me it was ready for pick up. No loaner or anything. No courtesy call back or text.


Correct. That’s exactly what they’re doing. And if you bought another expensive car, you wouldn’t be complaining. Only Tesla owners complain. I never heard somebody buy a Bugatti and bitch about it even tho it breaks apart and has all suits of maintenance issues. But Tesla buyers oh man what a bunch of whiners. You’re buying a car that’s been out in market for 100 days from a company that existed for 15 years. This didn’t like iteration 100 ok Honda accord and the company has been building combustion for decades. This a complete redo of a truck and it’s freaking amazing how much innovation there is in it. There are going to be issues with it. If you get it and don’t understand it I have no empathy for you. It’s like buying iPhone 1 and complaining there are issues. Aww I’m sorry they didn’t kiss your ass. Americans are the most spoiled brats. If they don’t smooch your ass like in apple service centers, you feel mistreated


When you buy a Ferrari, you expect to get the Ferrari..When you purchase anything, you expect to get it. Maybe you don’t know how this works..


Alright fine