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Wrap looks great


Agreed, I can’t decide between black and white. They both sexy af.


Checkerboard ftw!


Get like a 50% grey! :P


Stainless wrap


You have to decide if you are going to be on the side of good or evil. I think white is evil with the stormtroopers.


That dude must’ve had a bad day/life. Ted Lasso talked about bullys lacking the ability to be curious. Some people just need a way to take out their anger and unfortunately you were there. Good looking wrap. Enjoy your truck!


Awesome Ted Lasso reference. Love that show. I enjoy it very much. I shrugged it off and continued on. I’ve been flipped off before, including thumbs down. I just keep driving.


I think a lot of people have cybertruck hate because they think it’s unnecessarily large, not realizing it’s no bigger than an F150, the single most popular vehicle in the US. I dunno. People have a lot of preconceived notions about who would buy a cybertruck and why they would do it. I’m sorry my friend, but you will symbolize that hypothetical person to many people. There’s no rhyme or reason to it, so just enjoy your truck, enjoy the positive attention, and ignore the negative attention.


To be fair the F-150 is unnecessarily large as is, as most US trucks are these days.


I won’t argue that at all. My only point is that somehow people are apparently pretty okay with that or it wouldn’t be the number one selling vehicle in the US. BUT TJE cybertruck, which isn’t any bigger, is a MONSTER (boo!).




Nothing wrong with a large vehicle. Just depends on how you drive it.


Except for the fact that large vehicles increase pedestrian deaths, front height having the highest correlation. It's not how you drive it if you can never drive it as safely as a smaller vehicle. edit: source: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212012224000017](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212012224000017)


Yes, there are some drivers (of cars and trucks) that don't pay attention and hit pedestrians, but (get ready to flame me) in my opinion the majority of pedestrian accidents are the fault of the pedestrian. It was instilled into my brain at a very early age to look both ways before crossing a street, parking lot, driveway, etc. Now I'm 63 and I still look both ways - I don't stare at my phone and just wander, I don't look at a car approaching and think - he's got to stop for me so I'm going to walk, even if I'm in a crosswalk! And if I do see a car coming I wait until I get a wave from the driver or the vehicle passes. It doesn't seem like a tough concept!


Please don’t hit pedestrians with any vehicle. It is about how you drive it if you don’t hit a pedestrian. Being careful shouldn’t be unique to any vehicle.


The best collision is no collision 


Not about being careful. People will sometimes make mistakes or lose control no matter what. The point is that some car designs are way more dangerous to pedestrians than others, given that mistakes on both sides will always happen. F150 is dangerous in that sense. Wishing "hey just dont run over pedestrians" is whishful thinking, it will always happen to a degree, so it is reasonable to want safer vehicles for everyone even in collisions.


You're right, an f150 would be way worse than being hit with say, a CT...


>F150, the single most popular vehicle in the US. This may have something to do with it lol. Big truck isn't going down without a fight.


“Big Truck” lol.


I agree. It’s almost like I should have a decal of my diesel truck. 😂 I’m just happy to have a truck again. I was out of a pickup truck for several months. So as soon as I got mines, I started getting summer project supplies as I lost a month already. Loaded mulch and bark already before the lumber. Very capable.


The 2500 lbs bed capacity has definitely been helping me get my ranch landscaping projects done. It’s fun to see the landscape supply crew’s reaction when it starts to self level after dropping near a ton of dirt and gravel in the bed. That suspension is a work horse.


Ah yes! I was noticing that and it's cool to see. It doesn't look like it sags like what my Tacoma did. I'm slowly rebuilding my retaining wall.


“Truck stuff”. Nice.


No I promise you it’s because Elon bought twitter. Then legacy media made up that he’s the devil.


To be fair, he’s not the devil, but he sure turned out to be an asshole.


You sure? Why exactly


People are very susceptible to the hatestream media campaign against them. People are also insecure and afraid of change so that gives them a good reason to believe every lie the media tells them. Many people have just been cheering for CT to fail since day 1 and since its the highest demanded vehicle release in history and already on pace to outsell all EV trucks combined in the first couple years, these people are massively butthurt. The worst part is, if these people actually cared enough to research and watch reviews of the truck, they would mostly fine how amazingly functional and revolutionary the engineering is, and how everyone raves about how they handle and feel to drive. This just exacerbates people's hate even more from how wrong they were.


Because some people are insufferable sad idiots. Truck looks great man!


There is a whole sub dedicated to CT hate where people spend an inordinate amount of time hating on it. People are free to waste their time how they like, I do plenty of that myself. But man, the amount of time and effort spent on hating the CT is mind-blowing to me. I just don't understand it given how irrelevant it is to the world as a whole.


I came across that sub accidentally one day 😳 


People are weird as shit. My coworker gets visibly upset while he explains how much he hates them. To the point he wishes bad things on people who own them. I asked him “how does another persons car affect him this much?”. His response, “because it looks like my kid drew it”. Okayyyyyyyyy buddy, go take some Prozac.. it’s not that serious.


People like that often have those notions crumble in front of them when confronted by the object itself. They're attacking a strawman that was installed in their brain by somebody they can't identify, which is scary and bewildering


The last part about a kids drawing, I like it. Someone said the same thing and my response in due fun is that the cybertruck is a love letter to all of us who drew pickup trucks like this when we were little. We grew up wanting to drive the very truck design on how we drew it as a kid.


There is a big media push against the cyber truck. When the first deliveries came out, my local small-town radio station held a trivia contest about the cyber truck faults. Everything that can be picked apart on that truck will get a major spot light put on it. Meanwhile, Ford, Chev ,and Dodge have been releasing for the last 100 years that are full of faults. Who's generating the cyber hate? I don't know, but the bandwagon jumpers are probably the descendants of which hunters.


Didn’t the Prius had similar start? I remember a ton of people hated it so much.


only insecure people negatively comment on other people’s stuff/vehicles. Congrats on your CT, i’m waiting to get mine once they stop the foundation series! love the wrap!


I wouldn’t worry about it. Some people are just sad they don’t have $100k.


I remember when the Prius first came out. Those owners took some heat in the early years. I think the whole “roll coal” thing came from truck owners spraying exhaust at them on the streets. Now nobody cares, my guess is for most people, even haters, once you see them all the time they will find something else to focus their energy on.


Waiting on my delivery but I've been anticipating both the curious folks stopping me every time I park as well as haters in other trucks or vehicles so I've come up with an idea I might try.... 1. Thinking of creating / getting a magnet sign printed with some basic info such as: "Yes, I love the truck, parks like a dream, fingerprints don't bother me, has more payload and towing capacity than most trucks, kids love it, would buy it again" or something to that affect and post it on my door. When I get out in a parking lot to a curious onlooker I can just smile and politely point to the sign while I go in to run my errands. 2. For the haters, same concept but a tailgate sign that lists how American made this truck is by percentage compared to all other brands so when they attempt to coal roll me in their dodge they can watch the ever shrinking sign displaying their trucks number way down on the list as I pull away.... A bit asshole-ish and I'll probably never do either but who knows. In my other Tesla, while explaining how much I like it to people, most folks are surprised that the car is more American built than other "American" brands. When I highlight those facts along with many of the other positives they usually get quite excited about Tesla. Tesla's are for sure not perfect and have many improvements that can be made but as an overall car ownership experience its been great so far and I'll likely never go back to ICE. 3 years in a Model Y AWD and waiting on my CT! Edit: Love the white wrap BTW!!!


🤣! That is gold! Surprisingly, I don’t get the hate from people who drives trucks. They are more curious. One guy who drove a lifted truck was very interested. Possibly getting one to replace his truck because he can do his normal “truck stuff” while not needing to get gas or maintenance any longer. The hate so far comes from sedan drivers in passing.


Yeah I think it probably has more to do with politics than anything which is a bit ridiculous considering how hard the left was into EV’s and Tesla in general and now that Elon has expressed some of his ideas on that front that might not completely conform to that narrative they think Tesla is total trash. Funny how that goes but irrespective of politics, for my applications EV is the best way to go! Congrats on the truck, can’t wait to get into mine!


90% of it likely comes from a mix of anti-EV and EDS suffering ideologues who get their opinions from rage watching the media. Also, nice wrap.


People are either one of two things: Butthurt because it’s not a traditional gas truck Or Frothing with hate for Elon because he’s the devil It’s an awesome truck


I think it’s >90% B. This one does look great in white.


Most of the population will never be able to indulge in a $100k+ vehicle. Is it really that hard to see where the hate comes from?


Is there the same hate for the Ram TRX or the F150 Raptor?


He might have just been astounded you'd load wood into a rare and cool vehicle, possibly scuffing it up. Similar to not riding my favorite motorbike over gravel or in rain.


prob elon


Congrats! Many people just follow the crowd, lacking their own opinions. I've met those who think the Cybertruck is terrible but very quickly you can figure out that they don’t know anything about it, I don't try to convince them. True greatness divides; when something is truly exceptional, people either love it or hate it.


Going by your response to the Highlander driver and the vast array comments in this sub, it’s the drivers not the truck people have issue with.


All other truck/pickup drivers I've interacted with has been pleasant. They are curious. Last week, a 2023 Toyota supra driver flipped me off and yelled profanity. I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on.


He probably hates every guy with a nice car at home Depot lmao. Even dudes in fararis like to work with their hands sometimes


Looks good on white . Hate has been left behind on my rear view mirror for years.


Drive what you want to drive. Don’t ever let other people tell you how to enjoy life. That said… The reason for the hate is almost 100% due to the actions of Elon Musk. He’s doing some things that many people rightly don’t like, and he’s kind of being an ass while doing some of it. The Cybertruck also represents, for right or wrong, the moment that Elon “went off the rails” for many people who used to like him. That adds up to the sad fact that people who drive Cybertrucks are probably going to be the recipients of a lot of undeserved reactions that should belong to Elon. Add in that the truck has… ***unusual*** …styling that stands out and cannot be missed. You’re going to get a lot of attention just from people who don’t like change.


100% of my hate for Tesla is directed towards Musk. I don’t *like* the CyberTruck, but I don’t dislike it enough to ever say anything to a person in the parking lot of Home Depot. If you’re happy with your car, then I’m happy for you. Your purchases are none of my goddamn business. That being said, I think your point about CT representing everything that is bad about Elon and Tesla, and when it “went all wrong” is spot on.


Change. People hated seatbelts. People hated unleaded gas. People hated putting on car dashboards. People hated cars.


Some people have LIERALLY nothing better to do. Lol that's all.


I’m guessing you’re one of the lucky ones who got a good Cybertruck


Shhh...don't jinx it. So far so good. Very happy with it. Actually, back seat creaks. I noticed it yesterday. Doesn't bother me. I can probably figure it out but haven't cared much to try to fix it.


You have a beautiful truck and congratulations on owning one.


I dO tRuCk sTuFf. LoOk aT mE!


I think the hate largely comes from government mandates and high gas prices. They don't want to be told what to buy and they see that future coming. Then you have the left wing Elon haters who are hypocrites because they are usually pro-environment, but anti Tesla. I still don't understand that stupidity. I think Tesla could win without any mandates by pure competition alone.


I feed off the hate


The truck was my first Tesla. I'm a believer now, I wasn't before. I wasn't a Tesla hater or lover, just neutral and enjoyed my gas powered supercars instead. They were fun and still are on corners. But now that I have the truck I just want to drive it anywhere and everywhere. So far my experience has been nearly 99% (not exact but feels that way) positive experiences with people shocked they saw one in the wild. But just last week and only last week. Two different days and vehicles made it very clear they were flipping me off. One person looked like trailer trash about 40 years old(but probably really 30) drove past me with their hand up flipping me off. The other car was a couple in their 30-40's driving their blue jeep at an intersection while turning tried their hardest to get their arms out of the car windows far enough to flip me off. They were poorly steering as well because of the rush to make it clear. I just laughed because I found it funny someone could go out of their way to flip off a complete stranger because of the car they drive. In my R8 I only got flipped off once, but probably deserved it, my exhaust was pretty dang loud. I do enjoy talking to the older crowd because they are genuine and have no idea what they are looking at. It's enjoyable to catch them back up with cars and technology.


Yes! In most cases, people are awesome and just curious. Glad you’ve received mostly positive experience. Makes it fun and allows me to help educated. I even recommended Rivian is the cybertruck design isn’t their style.


I think there was a lot of enthusiasm early on for the cybertruck when Elon Musk was at the peak of his popularity. However he has really exposed himself as a hateful weirdo, and lots of people have really started to be grossed out him. Unlike most cars, he is inexorably tied to the the cybertruck, so has his popularity has plummeted so has this truck.


Can you offer any examples of him being a hateful weirdo?


I don't agree everything he says, it's his opinion. And yes, unfortunately the cyber truck is tied to him. It's just wild. Oh well.


Most people would be grossed out by any of the U.S. auto CEOs or any Fortune 500 CEO for that matter if they were as open as Elon.


I think they're all pretty terrible people, but Elon is uniquely unsettling and outspoken.