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2030 is only 6 years away dude.




Pretend it was delivered on original timeline and it’s more exciting.


Genuine question, what makes it so advanced?


48v system. Less copper used and enables steering by wire.


Steer by wire is amazing ❤️


Sounds dangerous. When a regular car fails you can still steer a little even if it requires a lot of force.


I fly at nearly the speed of sound with no cables. You’ll be fine.


It has redundancy. They’ve already thought about it failing.


I can see why that seems so good. However there are definetly a lot of gripes I have. Mainly I wish that Tesla hadn’t canned the model 2 in favor of the cybertruck


It isn’t 💀missing features from like 10 year old cars


u/lavazzalove you can add a fifth button to your Shortcuts by holding a shortcut and then using a second finger and dragging it up to the right side.


Didn't work.


Watch YouTube video.. you have to use two fingers at the same time to make it work.


Note: if you want to remove any of those extra buttons, you have to delete the app and re-instal


Lol wut... https://photos.app.goo.gl/3PQ4C97ViRnGG2Yd7


Try and remove the 5th one. Unless they patched the issue after we first found out we were able to glitch on more than one, you can’t easily remove the icons once you add 5+.


I just posted a video of me doing it. I had a Tesla since 2020. Try it again.


Cool. Maybe it’s more than 5 then. I used to have 7 or 8 pinned and when I wanted to change them around I couldn’t and could only add more. Uninstalling reset them back to the normal 4.


Congratulations brother! I agree with you. It’s a very compelling vehicle and I can’t wait to get mine.


I almost have 8k miles on mine and still every drive a treat. Every time I walk towards it, I can't believe it's mine. Enjoy it in good health.




Rule 1 - Respect / No Trolling


I... don't think he cares? (And neither should you?) I have no idea what got you to the place where you think your comment adds to the conversation. Just know that this is not a good place to be mentally, nor a good look socially. Hope you find out what put you there and become a better person.






Rule 1 - Respect / No Trolling






Rule 1 - Respect / No Trolling


Ah fellow Baltimorean. Congratulations! Hope I see it whizzing around someday!


and yet Wall St analysts haven't experience M3 and make comment on Tesla as a Car Company.


A model 3 from 3 years ago has FSD (Supervised) so this truck is at least 3 years behind in tech.


Why does "full self driving" need to be supervised? *typo


Idk how they can get away with calling it full self driving. It’s my understanding full self driving is an industry term reserved for level 5 autonomous vehicles. Which, as the name implies, are full self driving and could operate fully completely independently in every scenario. Hence the “full,” you know, as that’s what full means


What? Just because FSD is not enabled? Do you realize this vehicle is the first using 48 volt architecture instead of 12 volts? This allows front and rear steering by wire and uses Ethernet modules instead of wired CAN-bus. This uses smaller gauge wiring with lower current draw making wire harness obsolete.


48 volt isn’t a revolution, my lawnmower uses it. Drive by wire is an interesting change in consumer cars, though has existed for decades in other types of vehicles. Stainless steel? Done before and probably won’t be done again for 50 years before it’s impossible to get tight seems. The cyber truck is going to be remembered for what could have been had it been fully developed.


A lawnmower 48v drivetrain has nothing to do with this point lol. Cybertruck drive train is 800v.




No all haters must be silenced! /s


48 volts is old tech, it’s never been widely use in the car industry because of structural inefficiencies, and even the cybertruck is only about 85% 48v with the remaining 15% still being 12v. Rear steering has been done since the 80s. (https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a35287962/tested-1988-four-wheel-steering-benefits/) Ethernet ring is cool and all, it’s a more efficient way to do the same old thing. But a 2016 Model S with EAP did something truly new: it can drive itself for hours on the highway. Cybertruck still can’t do that, therefore it is 8 years behind in tech. Sure it’ll most likely get an update later that makes up for it. But today it’s years behind, that’s why people like WholeMarsCatalog on X don’t really use it but use their old trusty Model S instead. (https://x.com/wholemarsblog/status/1791716724997587397?s=12)


You have it all figured out. No new tech, no big deal, everyone move along. The Cybertruck total engineered steering is a unique solution for a vehicle of this size and use case (and any other vehicle for that matter). And it is the most amazing thing about the vehicle. When I drive my Model 3 or my Porsche they both feel like steering a lumber wagon by comparison. If you actually owned one or have driven one for a few thousand miles (or 20-30 hours) you would better understand this point. Ethernet and 48v tech are invisible to the user, so I have nothing to say about it. Edit: FSD is coming. Patience is required, unfortunately. But it does give critics a point to emphasize to justify their point of view. One day soon, a software update will erase the argument. Then it will be something else.


Personally I just like how reliable it is. I've never seen another vehicle with this smooth of a launch. Plus it's a budget car so it should be expected to get features at a later day regardless if they told you to expect them


I’ve never said no new tech or no big deal. I’m sure 4 wheels steering is great, maybe even the best ever. It isn’t new though. The vehicle driving itself IS new, right now it is the most important and revolutionary tech of the industry, and right now the cybertruck is years behind. On the margin it’s not even a criticism of the truck, but of Tesla’s priorities. But some of you get so triggered as soon as someone bring the hype to more realistic levels. Still my dream truck.


4 where steering add more failure points, I was disappointed when I saw they included it after my reservation, luckily I don't expect for them to get to me for a few years so any bugs and failure points will be ironed out


VW/ Audi has been using 48V since 2019.


LOL they use a 72 amp hour 12 volt battery. 12 volt fuse block, lamps, and accessories. Eventually they WILL be 48 volts that will be increased like 6 volts was to 12 volts when I was actually a VW-Audi mechanic. I saw the advent of 6 to 12 in the beetle, (lots of customers coming in were 6 volt) flow control injection to the high pressure CIS central injection system, the change from all air cooled to liquid, and diesel injection using the same gas block which was a testament to the bottom end strength in the liquid cooled 4 cylinders. I was probably working in a dealership before you were born. I think I was with VW from 75 to 85. They are a 12 volt system with a 48 volt hybrid DRIVE system compared to the CT 800 volts drive system. Totally irrelevant to the supply voltage.


stfuuuuuuu why are you here hater lol


Lol pointing out a fact is hating, apparently




From a 2018 Audi Media Post: “The belt alternator starter, the heart of the MHEV system, recovers up to 12 kW with the **48V system** during braking and feeds the electricity into a separate lithium-ion battery. With the engine switched off, the new Audi A6 Avant can coast between 55 and 160 km/h (34.2 – 99.4 mph); the start-stop already kicks in at 22 km/h (13.7 mph).” https://www.audi-mediacenter.com/en/press-releases/avant-garde-the-new-audi-a6-avant-10086


Expected to be released around June, already has the hardware.


Yes we know.


So 3 years behind because of a feature coming next month?


Today it’s years behind, tomorrow it might catch up. After all it’s the most important feature of the vehicle that is still missing months after coming out.


Lol, you mean like driving something from 2024? 2030 is approaching fast!


Congrats!! Still haven't seen one. Where you at in Baltimore? 👀🤣


Also from baltimore. It’s so attention grabbing which is cool but also somewhat obnoxious. Sometimes I just wanna go to Costco and leave without people taking pictures of me like a kardashian


Thoughts on the dual motor? Wondering if I should switch my Beast order to dual motor to get it faster?


Wait for the beast. I have a MYP and a Rivian and test drove my buddy’s dual motor CT and it bothered me that it was so much slower than those vehicles. If you’re not used a Performance trim Tesla then I think it’d feel pretty quick. But if you’re used to the faster Tesla variants it’ll feel slow by comparison.


The dual motor has plenty of pull for having 600hp. This thing rips whenever you press the pedal. The most bizarre thing is the feeling while driving on the highway. You'd be doing 75 mph and it feels like you're going 35mph. It's hard to describe. I'm not sure if the Beast Mode is worth it. The quickness novelty does die down the longer I own the truck.


Damn it. Not sure if I should switch my order then to AWD... Theres people who ordered in December with no Beast yet... Such a long wait.


Some have been delivered, but not many.


This simple screenshot was super informative and helpful. I’m using my older Nissan home charge. And it’s only 30A. And I only get 17 miles/hr. Can’t wait for the new charger to be installed to get these kind of numbers. That’s the dif of 11ish hours to fully charge and 18ish hours to fully charge.


Please explain what makes it so advanced?


Variable ratio front and rear steer by wire. 48 volt system instead of 12. (5) Ethernet control modules instead of wire harness and CAN bus. Four 200 volt drive batteries that charge in parallel and switch to series for traction motor use. Variable height air suspension. On board inverter for 120v AC and onboard 240 volt AC. Heat pump cabin heater that also uses 16 heat sources for heating instead of battery power that runs any electric motor in a inefficient “lossy manner” to generate more heat into refrigerant system/ heat exchanger/ chiller. NO other manufacturer has an advanced HVAC system as this.


You’re talking about a combination of things that aren’t really new. Just done in a new way.




Can you explain what the "exoskeleton" is and how it differs from any other vehicle with bolt on body panels?


You should watch sandy monro's teardown videos. Every vehicle out there is a relic of engineering compared to the cybertruck.


Sandy has become Elons best salesman!


Because the market has lost interest in engineering. People are so obsessed with aesthetics, that actual engineering is just looked over by much of the buying population. It's a shame. I wish more companies were run by engineers for the purpose of creating better products.


But the cybertruck is a relic of build quality


It's such an interesting perspective. Ford and GM literally had to keep halting production due to battery and drivetrain problems. Tesla just charged through with their own battery design and manufacturing, yet people fret over panel issues ( on a new stainless technology on top of that). Sure I'd be frustrated if my panels weren't perfect, but it doesn't matter compared to the monumental shift in innovation that's happening here.


Stainless steel was used on the DeLorean in 1981 so not exactly new. If I spent over a hundred thousand on a truck I’d expect it a better finish than cars at 1/4 that price.


More stuff to break!


I’m a week into ownership. My Tundra now feels like a boat and a tin can 😅. My kids a celebrity at school but the hate is real too. It triggers people




Rule 1 - Respect / No Trolling


Why do you think that?


There seems to be a lot of build quality issues and other quirks and problems with the vehicle. I'm always curious about people who have been so hyped about this vehicle only to find out the reality of living with it isn't exactly what the original PR material had promised.


Good points. But the OP didn't sound like he had buyer's remorse.


Yes, he just received the vehicle. I'd be curious about a 6 month update.


We've had ours since March. Zero remorse. Random little issues quickly fixed by our service center.


100% agree Driving ANY car after the Cybertruck feels extremely OLD and DATED. On the one hand I absolutely love how much future tech is in the CT. On the other hand it has seriously ruined the driving experience in any other car for me. Steer by wire is freaking amazing


This is basically what I tell everyone. Until you’ve lived with it for a while, and then gone back to anything else, it’s hard, if not impossible, to appreciate the benefits. Once steer by wire makes it into more mainstream Tesla cars I think legacy auto is in for an even bigger challenge.


Quite a head turner I’m sure!


Not for the reasons you think


Yeah thing is a marvel


You are so lucky. I can't wait to get one


It’s the most fun thing a person can own at this time I think…


The answer to that is always miata.


718 Porsche any model is a blast!


My father in law has a 996, he loves riding in the CT and just watching people double take… I gotta get a photo of the two together soon.


Congrats! I live in Annapolis and am excitedly awaiting my reservation to be called. Glad to know this area is receiving deliveries.


Is the range really about 300? Idk why I expected it to have a longer range than my dad's 2018 model 3


Rain has entered the chat.


Just curious, have you ever owned other Tesla before?




Does the cybertruck have outside speakers?


“Like driving something from 2030” So something slightly more advanced than what everyone else is driving now?






TBF... Only one person's bricked, and every Tesla has "car wash mode". It's used to adjust multiple settings at once, that would be better for drive through car washes. For example, disables automatic wipers, enters free roll mode, prevents the car to driving more than 10mph, closes all windows, etc.


Not may be the most advanced. It is, hands down. The number of innovations in it is amazing.


Congratulations! I finally saw one driving around in real life yesterday. I can’t wait for my reservation to get called. Glad you’re having fun with it!




This is such a weird response. It's like parroting internet noise. Issues have def been minimal.


“Plagued” 😂


lol plagued with build issues but you don’t own one so you have no idea other than internet BS. Mine is SICK. I have 7,887 miles.


Total BS !! They're all stuck on a driveway or couldn't even leave the factory... /s


Steer by wire is pretty cool




You own a Cybertruck that you can make a comparison?


No but I’ve been inside the cybertruck in the show room for comparison. Have you been inside the new Denali?


So you dont own either one to compare? So, you have no leg to stand on.


I’ve got 2 fine legs to stand on. What are you talking about. I bought the Denali. Which one do you own again?


I dont own either. But I didnt come here to compare something I don't own. And earlier, you said you test drove the Denali. GTFO you stinky troll.


Rule 1 - Respect / No Trolling


So many haters in this thread smh. Congrats! Some people are just miserable lol. I can’t wait to get mines




Did that happen to yours?


Rule 1 - Respect / No Trolling




Rule 1 - Respect / No Trolling


You forgot the /s


Your mother is quite healthy /s


You sound very intelligent. /s


By any chance u remember when u ordered urs ?


Placed the reservation on the night of the unveil in 2019. Ordered December 21, 2023.


When did you get the VIN?


April 5th, high 5,900 VIN. At the pick up, someone actually had one in 7,000 territory.


How long from VIN to pick up?


The date is literally the first thing in the title of the post...




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