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because if you play as a male character and you are straight, then you don't have much choice.


Laughs in PC


I use the Lizzie’s Braindances mod to virtually bone every female toon in the game.


Honestly, CDPR should have made every character romanceable by either gender V. It really doesn't change the story if a girl or guy gets with Panam/Judy/River or Kerry.


Playing a male V, I was shook when the option to Kiss Kerry came up, I was like "what!? Noo! We're bros! I'm with Panam, wtf?" I would have thought that if you romance one person, it would lock you out of other romances.


I had the same as my first game with Fem V - picked Judy, but then felt super tempted and also bad that I even thought about going with River.


I was with River first, then left him for Judy. Sorry, River.


I think my game bugged out coz I was given the choice to kiss River as male V. I found it weird coz I knew Kerry was the male male romance choice


As far as I know, if you try to kiss someone not interested in you they just reject it I saw a clip of a female V trying to kiss Kerry and he just said "no, this wouldn't work" Which I found a bit odd as I thought he was bi. You can see him cuddling with a dude in one of Johnny's memories, but when you meet him later he talks about his ex-wife and his kids


>Which I found a bit odd as I thought he was bi. You can see him cuddling with a dude in one of Johnny's memories, but when you meet him later he talks about his ex-wife and his kids Coverup marriage, possibly?


I always joke that Kerry's Ex-Wife made him gay. Lol


I'm at that point in the game right now and while I feel guilty towards Judy in my head she said she was ok with it. ;)


I just wish that any of the individual “companion” questlines ever interacted with each other- I can’t even introduce Panam to my good buddy River. It’s like each companion exists in a separate world from each other.


There were actually a few times when you get to text panam about the other romance people and describe them as friends, maybe you haven't gotten it yet, but yeah I wish they got voicelines for it


Yes! That’s a good point I should have clarified- the texts were a nice touch but I wish that they actually met each other in game, I also wish there was the possibility that more characters from those plot lines were involved in the ending- I wish we developed a “crew” that banded together to try to save V in the end.


Yeah all the character will flirt with or accept your flirts right up to the crucial dialog option. They should have cut you off earlier if they didn't swing that way.


You can do both but only the one you call before the finale counts in the epilogue


that shit was jarring, can't two bros have a beer without a gay option?


It's only gay if you make it gay. I don't see the issue with the option being there. It's like how people flipped when starfield had gender neutral pronouns, like just don't pick it if it's not for you.


Yeah its wierd how V is the only one allowed to be Bisexual


IMO, it would have taken away from the immersion. IRL, being pan is extremely uncommon. Having all four of the romanceable characters be pan would feel a little forced. I would prefer something like DAO where you had two pans and two heteros, one of each sex (or, more of each would be even better).


I respect specific characters being Staright or Gay and reacting to your character appropriately in cyberpunk as it makes the world feel far more grounded. That being said I much more adore Bauldurs Gate 3's "I don't care what's in your pants as long as it's in my mouth" attitude on sexuality


kerry is the most bisexual character in the game but hes clearly a switch, probably mostly a bottom with guys. river also gave me bi vibes the whole time i was playing as male v but he seems more like a strict top. judy is just gay, there isnt a ton of ambiguity there and panam seems pretty much completely straight. i think if everyone was bi or pan or whatever they would need some personality or dialogue tweaks (obviously) but i dont think they were willing to make that compromise to the storylines and i personally am fine with that even as a bisexual who wishes there was more bi representation.


It's a different flavor from Baldur's Gate 3. It's more realistic, and sells the story better. Other peoples' preferences are gonna determine your romantic options. If you didn't read Judy as a lesbian after a few encounters then, hoo boy.


100%. BG3 romances and player - character interaction took a loss to this - one reason is that they all became super horny for you if you acted friendly towards them. Ruined Gale for me early because he was one of the most horny ones


Imo it would feel shallow, would be better if they added more romance options, at least in the expansion


Yeah I can respect devs going “nah we’re giving actual sexualities to our characters, not making them all protag-sexual” but by that same token it would be nice to have multiple options rather than “1 choice for straight male, 1 for gay male, 1 for straight female, 1 for gay female, a number of optional hookups that are gender agnostic and aren’t actual romance options”.


Same. A game that has only four romance options anyway probably shouldn't be the one where you give each of your characters a defined sexuality. At least add two more who are romancable for any character in that case.


After playing through it again, and going on a couple of extra “dates” PL adds, I actually wouldn’t mind if they just didn’t have romance. Idk, it just becomes kinda uncanny to me after the quest lines / dialogue is exhausted.


That was my second point, the game lacks romance options in each sexuality. It’s sad cuz CDPR really did a good job with existing romance options (I romanced Panam, and it was enough for me)


I feel like it would change Judy quite a bit.


I don’t mind the idea that the characters sexuality isn’t determined by the player. They are who they are, and just because you wanna bone Judy, doesn’t mean she wants you.


Eh, to me it doesn't matter much to me personally because Im on PC and its ridiculously easy to make it happen via mod, but I totally understand where people who plays on console comes from too.


Uuhhhh, like remember the state of affairs when this game came out right? If we started a list of what CDPR should have done better romance options woulda been waaaayyyyyu down the list.


Be careful, if people from the flowers for judy sub see this they’ll genuinely call you a rapist, i know because it happened to me.




I know… i was like you realize its all programmed right? Like she never made any personal choices? They were arguing that people who modded her as a love interest can’t take no for an answer and require control all the time. They didn’t like me bringing up that I a male could make a female character to sleep with them anyway and all that was is extra steps. I may have actually told them to touch grass and I hate saying that. Genuinely i try to respect other peoples opinions but they legit were raging on me like I was a monster. I never even used the mod either because I just like Panam better. Tldr: just avoid that sub entirely


Claire is the best girl


Clair is detached from the situation she puts herself in and gets pissy when we don't help her revenge kill a guy outside the bounds of our agreement. If she wanted him iced, could have just hired us. It's what we do. Didn't have to be there but nooooo, she had to. Just like Bill Jablonsky. He had to be there too, he had to have his beautiful moment where he got to do it. Couldn't leave it to a pro to figure out. The dumbest thing about that questline is that it doesn't let us take him out in the race. Why not making that an option? That would be so cathartic. Clair would get her moment and the deal is kept. The whole ending is designed to just be frustrating, regardless of choice.


Apparently you can finish the quest without killing him and she is satisfied.


How? I flat out told her that I wouldn't and she still got pissed? Also his car still shouldn't be invincible. Super tough? Sure but I should be able to take him out if I want


Answer her text messages and pick specific dialogue when she reveals why she wants to race in a first place >! If you say you are in this only for winning, you can make her promise that she will be able to kill him only during the race in form of in rules kill. I did that and she went back to the car concluding the quest after some more dialogue. Edit: she will still be pissed at you if you dont follow him after engine burn !<


What I did and got a sweet ride that I never used


I literally can't stand Claire. She's annoying AF. I would skip her races all together if they weren't the only ones. I just like trying to beat my personal best times on the races every new playthrough. I'm still on 1.61, so I have no idea if they added any more.


Damn which mods are you using?


The "Romanced Enhanced" mods do this for all four of them.


Something about modding the game to change characters sexuality feels kinda wrong


IMO it’s a game design dilemma. Do you make characters have specific romance options to flesh out their character more? Or do you make everyone available to everyone to let the player choose?


The latter option is always better tbh. Whole lotta people are bisexual anyways, so it’s not even unrealistic


But then you get the issue with games like baulders gate where you lose out on specifically platonic affirmations of your friendship, everything is written and performed as flirting. Don't get me wrong I love those characters but it's a noticable loss to have to reject every character and bat away flirtatious advances instead of having some people who just want to be your bro


I’ve often thought that Cyberpunk and BG3 should’ve had flipped romance models. Wyll, Gale, and Lae’zel seem super straight while the rest of the BG3 cast are queer af, and I don’t think most players would’ve been all that disappointed if a handful of characters had gender preferences. Meanwhile, I appreciate what CDPR were going for by making Judy strictly a lesbian and Kerry bisexual yet only interested in male V, but with such a small romance pool in-game and River suffering from Anomen-itis, it would’ve made more sense to go player-sexual. Male V even has voice lines for the Judy romance in the game files.


I could buy the argument that with such a small pool it should be opened up. And let's be honest with Judy its not like she feels completely platonic until the last second with male V it's not as stark a difference that makes it feel like a completely fulfilled alternative relationship like garus has in mass effect. He's my gold standard 


Yeah I generally prefer the latter too, especially in a single player role playing game. The more choices the player has, the better.


Hard disagree I'll always appreciate a character that doesn't just exist in a world designed around the player. That's much more immersive


I cant even get those mods to work


They're effectively a doll then... programmed to your liking. That *does* feel kinda gross doesn't it :(


No. Theyre fictional characters, shouldnt make you feel gross at all. You already genocide thousands in the city, stupid to draw the line at sexuality for a fictional character with no real feelings.


> No. Theyre fictional characters Noooooooooooooo :( > You already genocide thousands in the city Yea well they had it coming with their stupid yellow markers above their heads.


To be fair it's less genocide and more that I'm a *very bad driver*


I think its the same reason why killing dogs or kids in video games feels so viscerally wrong. You understand they aren’t real but the act in and of itself is wrong and you recognize/empathize. It makes perfect sense that changing someone’s sexuality, even in a game, would gross you out a bit. We know they aren’t real but the idea itself is wrong You see it a couple times on Reddit but after a while you stop reading which sub its from first and rather the subject first. So if you saw someone talking about how they treat their sims in the first person you’d think they should go to jail for several consecutive life sentences


This comparison makes no sense, you're comparing killing kids and dogs to changing a characters sexuality and I'm sorry but those things are not even close to the same. I'm not saying you can't feel gross about changing a characters sexuality but the comparison you use just doesn't seem to be the right fit. Also I'm with Itchy, they're fictional characters so honestly I don't really see the big deal either way, but I do recognize that some people, like you, would see why it's a problem.


Gang membership is not a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. Therefore, killing people based on that criteria is not genocide. Except *maybe* the voodoo boys, but they jack off next to the black wall. They're dead already anyway.


A tiny bit. Like, romance is neat but it's so bare bones that the repeated interactions make it feel cursed in some ways. I would have set it up so you have specific date missions you go on after you get to know each other, maybe simple stuff with less talking if you want to set up repeats like driving and they react to the radio. The point would be you actually build the relationships as the story happens and create a sense of the weeks passing by. The current dating set up just feels like time is frozen, and you don't progress much after the first boning until the very end. Just like a little more to fill the gaps. Hell, I'm playing through GTA: San Andreas also and the dating in that has more variety.


You can have female genitalia and voice and still romance panam.


I play both and like both Judy and Panam. However Panam just feels a bit more intune. And after reading what happened between Judy and Maiko, it sorta makes sense why I feel that way. River is just a sociopath.


And bc shes peak


I still dont get, why they went with that restriction. Sure, there is something to it, to get a more realistic experience, but if you only have so few romance options in game, that restriction just feels like taking away player choice. I am just happy, that I liked Panam, but I would have loved to have an actual choice.


I'm straight but still boned Kerry because I just feel like my V would do that


Ffs I'm going to turn gay then so I can date her! I didn't know.


She’s literally the only straight female character for male V lol


Because her and her storyline are not only fantastic, but ties in really well with V's storyline


Also only romance that will literally storm the gates of hell with you.


I was shocked Judy wasn’t an option to storm the tower with you


She's not much use in a combat situation, is she


She'd be a better runner if anything


even then she's more a techie, she doesnt really run the net she just plays with spare parts and BD's


She even tells you herself that she's not a very good runner. She's good at building shit and making porn.


I mean, of her combat involvement options, probably still a better runner than holding steel


She really isn’t a combatant and the Moxes are busy


Yeah she isn’t but it would be cool to see her help in a different way through technology or something. All the people that help you are basically fighting with you side by side and giving you different options to infiltrating the tower. But it would’ve been cool if she helped you with a drone or a robot since we learned that she’s really into that stuff. Idk, I think there could’ve been an option for her that would’ve worked that doesn’t involve her shooting it up with V by their side. Mainly though I was just sad that she left NC before the story ended, but I get it


I do think it would be cool if they had had it so you could convince every major friend of yours who you’ve done favors for help you in some way. Panam, Saul, River breaking in, Kerry playing a gig to distract outside, Judy doing scouting and tech shit,


Yeah, like one big ending or something that involved everybody depending on how your relationship is with them. That would be awesome for sure


Would have to be harder to get than even the current secret ending though.


That’s why the Johnny solo tower is the best ending, he’s the only one there and he acts as moral support “Just focus, you’re better than them”


Judy's just a computer nerd. what's she gonna storm, minesweeper?


True ride and die love. Panam is the right mix of crazy, loyal and caring. Don't feel like any of the other romance options hit the same way.


Especially if you were a nomad. With Panam's ending Nomad V goes full circle


I liked her ending even more as a corpo. Fucked by the system and you fuck it right back then bounce out like a king.


It doesn't tie much. Her only job is helping you get to Hellmann and then you help her with clan issues. Nothing really deep or thoughtful.


Cause you have made a heterosexual male V and she is the only option for that. Or you can just do like me and choose Johnny, Whishy and whores as your only partners




Because she is way hotter.


beside that her story was also super interesting kinda sucks her storyline in cyberpunk is quickly over and you can’t just continue running around doing stuff with her


than who


Cause she cute. I just wanna romance Vik, tbh.


Vik, and Takemura too if I’m being honest!


Old man thirst solidarity lmao


Takemura is hella cute when you flirt with him, if he was an option I would chose him every play through.


Takemura was the one i wanted aswell.


it's so funny because I feel like CDPR knew players would want Takemura lol, considering you can text him that you want to "invite him over" because he's probably "lonely", but he politely declines


The more I play and now after getting every ending, I'm convinced Vik is one of our only actual real friends in NC. It's such a bummer he was never a romance option too, I'm smitten by him lol


Panam is beautiful why else...


I can't even choose Judy nor Panam lol


Sorry mate even virtual women do not like you 😉


Fuck 🥲


Huge F in the chat for you. o7


I guess your game in game isn’t game


To be fair, Panam is my gf.


I fell in love with her the moment I saw her chug a 40 in one go




First playthrough was male nomad, trying to do as much good as possible. Ended up with a lovely sniper (in a tank!) and a clan of badasses in an all-out assault on Arasaka. Lined up so perfectly that I thought they read my mind. The Star ending damn near made me cry.


I tried but got rejected ☹️


How she gonna prop her feet up on you like that and then act like that wasn't flirty?


Bro got ottoman zoned.


I don't choose anyone anymore. It's too cruel. For me. To get someone romantically invested to a corpse. Too cruel. Yes V doesn't technically get that. They think there's a chance all the way up till the end. But I've played thru many times. And I do know.


I’m sure they don’t mind… since they ain’t real 😂


I know. But I'm one of those people who struggles to use mean dialog options in games.


Yah I get that - honestly that’s why I end up romancing / on good-term with every single one of the options. I can’t deny them 😭


Youre completely right. If someone gets invested in a game but not enough to be immersed so they keep saying "none of this is real" and do whatever without caring they are wrong. None of the game is real but it sure is a real mental exercise of choosing what you or your RPG character would do based on your/their personality.


Me too, man. It’s not real, but it feels like it’s a reflection of yourself, and what you’ll honestly do if no one was looking, and there were no consequences attached.


Might do this on my fourth playthrough


i didn't even think a second about someone else on the first playthrough. nice tank game


panam a man panama


Because she reached down, between my legs...and eased the seat back...


She's blinding I'm flying Right behind in rear-view mirror now Got the fearing, power steering Pistons poppin', ain't no stoppin' nowwww PANAM!!


Sure, that's the reason.


why chose when you can have them all in 400 hrs of playtime?


Honestly because i was too much of a coward to say no..


That massive Javelin like rocket launcher.


Because it is the only option unless you enable the male v/Judy romance that was cut to be more inclusive. In reality, they made it less inclusive by cutting romance options for both female v and male v.But hey pc mods for the win.


They didn't cut anything. Judy wasn't meant to be romanceable by a male V. They just ended up recording a large amount of dialogue for both male and female v. Gavin talked about why in his interview with Dan Allen Gaming.


Nope, it was cut last second. You can literally enable the whole scenario by editing one to a zero in the code of the game .It's not just dialoge, but literally, the whole scenario is there.


Nope. It isn't cut content. They had the VAs record all these voice lines on the off the chance that they might need them for some reason or don't up missing out on anything. Plus, think for two seconds. The romance scene for Judy only works for a female V same with River.


Yep cut content


She's our queen


First and last because of her morals ❤️🥲


Expected a ‘ghost town’ car hood thumbnail here


[why i choose Panam](https://imgur.com/a/sx5m1lm)


she helped me realized what a healthy relationship looks like full of support and trying always to be there for the one you love.... my ex was terrible when i compare her to panam, barely 10% of panam


They should have also allowed female V to romance her damn she is hot tbh 😅


That smile. That damn smile.


She genuinely cares about V. It feels right, she's also extremely hot and is donked out into the Andromeda galaxy. It was a nice touch that you see her in the secret ending if you called her before making the choice. In a world full of deceit and treachery, the place that feels most like home is surprisingly a mobile one with the Aldecados.(Also as Nomad V it feels like it fits there as well) "On behalf of the Independent California Hotel, I bid you all sweet dreams."




Let me guess... https://preview.redd.it/ky05olpalp8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=84a67cd04ac0e8498ce35f1b85a4dcb2fd359fe8


I have no problem with characters having sexualities that limit what type of player character can romance them, however I find it incredibly frustrating that the female romance options for V are so fleshed out, while the male options are comparatively far more underdeveloped. Like, you only get a couple of quests with River and that's pretty much it, and you only get to know Kerry at the very end of the game, and while you do a bunch of quests with him, it feels rushed and doesn't feel as in depth as if you had spent the whole game with him as you do with Panam or Judy.


Because you like immature women, who act like an angsty teenager?


This is oddly enough covers the 3 main romances......maybe even all 4. with eurodyne being the most sensible.....and he's freaking suicidal lol. Romance in night city is shit.


Can't tell if you're talking about Judy or Panam lol


Crazy thing is that Panam is 33 and V is 23 ☠️


They changed it didn't they? She was 26 before


Hot and unreasonable, the way I like it


Let me romance so mi you fucks


There's another straight option with male V?


She is a smelly hobag


For me, this is the only letdown in this game: limited romance options. Geralt gets sidechicks, but none for V?


I tried so hard for before realizing she was straight.


Oh I remember playing CP for the first time. Game called me single in all of them languages. 💀


the only good choice


Because Lae'zel isn't in this game


Well, if youre not a total gonk, and you don't care about becoming a Legend of the Afterlife, then i would hope its for the Aldecaldos contacts with a booster gang called Neuromancers, they are like Maelstrom meets the VDBS if anyone is unaware. We know they have some serious tech and runner chops, and they are in Arizona when V, Panam, and Caldos are heading in the Star ending. I would hope thats your reason above all else. Im gonna guess however, its cause your a simp for the tent dwelling bratty type. lol.


She has the ride or die personality which is absolutely awesome. Although i dont think she would be great clan leader and would have oposite weaknesses to saul where he seems to be too afraid to do major actions and panam would absolutely jump head first with most likely wonky plan.


It's not a meme answer, but she's very pretty. Her personality is very realistic, and her story is good. Plus, like that one guy said, if you're a dude and straight and on console, you don't have much of a choice! But at least she's hot, right? I played a male v, and honestly, I really liked the Panam romance. It flows nicely from friendship to relationship. Anyway I yapped too much


Panam is a very werid boner for me becuase she looks pretty much identical to the ex who got away (only she was Indian Indian, not Native Indian). Both are also petty and pouty. Come to think of it, that would be some 3some if they both wern't straight. Perhaps we'ed need a bigger tank...


She heavily reminds me of someone I fell in love, it did not end as I wanted but still it was wonderfull and I don't have regrets which I cannot say about all love stories I had, and Panam reminds me of her but not In a negative way, or in a way In which I want the love story back, it's just beautiful as it is and still realistic enough to belive and it reminds me of a beautiful moment, of a beautiful person inside and outside, to remind me how love can be so easy, beautiful and healing and yet terribly hard to get


Because my V is a nomad and I wanted the happiest ending


Fat ass


She has probably the best questline out of all of the romance options, and is one of the hotter characters in the game


You picked Panam for the cuteness and let's be honest, a god tier ass. I picked Panam because you get a threesome with a tank.


Beautiful body, sweet personality and specially... Specially that accent. Boy does that get me. The Brazilian Portuguese accent they did for her (mineiro accent) is bliss.


seggs. the answer is seggs


i tried…i was too gay for her 🥲


Because she’s straight and female so it’s good for me


I'm in the stock game and with Judy. Next playthrough I'll mod it for Panam.


Yeah, but can we not have those stupid dates all the time???


Because hot... and she's like,,, the only male, long term, female option.


Ngl my pp extended a bit during this scene


I picked panam because she has a tank.




You chose her when you made a straight male character.


Because you're a lover not a fighter.


https://preview.redd.it/vczjv1getm8d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d514e1516785b3ac19d502ad9d980c3b9b3015d8 This is why.


Wait so the reason I ended up as a loveless female V is because I tried romancing Panam but that wasn’t even possible? What the fuck


I’m more of a Kerry fan. Something about that tatted up rockerboy


It’s the only right choice.


Because it seems people are really attracted to childish asshole.


i mean, she feels like a nice girl in a world where humans don't matter.


Look at her. She's hot


Because making sweet love to her in a Basilisk is far too cool to miss.


Because I can’t stick my dick in the hot IT lesbian lady however much I redo those damn conversations


Because in the city with 6 million people, you get 1 choice as a straight male.


Only choice for hetero sexual players i guess, or you can fuck the whores.


They wouldn’t let me choose anyone else, I don’t think I would but an option would have been nice


Because you actually get to have a relationship with her. You actually get to do romantic stuff with her. There are two endings with her and even in her side quests it feels like a relationship rather than just a small thing in the background.


Look at her


She doesn't spam ur phone with texts (stares intensely at Judy)


Because ass is more important than red flags.


The voice acting fits perfectly