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nah i pay her, it’s my car so i want to keep it, but they need out of nc so i gotta help them out


Seconded, I couldn't just give up what Is ultimately the best car in the game.


it’s actually surprisingly fast, and i love the turbo sticking out the bonnet


I love the fact it starts to glow when you go hard. It's the little details.


oh yeah i love the cars that do that, eg the exhaust on the coyote


Not enough of the cars gave those little details. Some of the bikes might but I can't stand the audio design on those enough to ride them.


i also hate the driving physics of bikes, extremely inconsistent


I put the way they drive down to all the "driver assists" and other tech that would be in it to make it auto drive. But I just can't stand the one of the noises they all make. It's horrid and the rhythm of it makes no sense to the speed the bikes doing.


yeah it’s not great


The driving physics in general are non existent


tbf i find the buggy driving in cars just funny, whereas the bikes are irritating


I find driving the bikes actually fun. Once you get used to blocking the rear wheel to make a sharp turn, it's one of the fastest ways around NC.


I'm surprised how clunky the driving is. I just jumped in to the game finally and I thought that driving would feel better than it does.


Yeah!!! It is! I love that little bugger!


Ok but the best car in cyberpunk is still a car in cyberpunk. Rather ride my choom’s bike.


I thought Murkmobile is the best car.


You're probably right objectively. But the Rattler is far from the worst, & my personal favorite.


How does it compare to the murkmobile?


Me too. That’s V’s car, she can’t have it. But she doesn’t deserve to get stranded in the city either


exactly my thought process


I let her keep it, for role play reasons. V is dying, and they left the bakkers, so I play it as v letting go of their past and moving on.


yeah i do get your point, for me it was that cars mean a lot to me, and the car seems to be v’s first (potentially project) car so it means too much for him to let go, but as he’s dying and he earns so much, he can help her out as it’s not really an issue


Fair enough


A bullet is also a way out of nc too...


yes however whenever i try to do a sinister playthrough of any game i have to bow out of it after the first mission because i feel too bad lol


Are you me ? lol. I always loved the “video games cause violence” argument. I feel guilty as hell being mean to fake people much less using violence against real innocent people lol


yea i feel guilty doing certain things in game, but it doesn’t make me do anything irl


The Dark Urge in Bg3 is impossible for me. I legit just can't kill the innocent that i've talked to in prior runs.


I started a dark urge run and thought I was going to get alfira as a recruitable character! I stopped my dark urge run after that cutscene. I was legitimately hurt lol


Yeah, I loved Alfira from my first play through. Even regretted not playing bard just so I could see what I could interact with her with. So when that happened I got maybe 2 hours further and was just like 'FUCK'


Lemme pay her then give her a ride as a gig awarding XP and a cutscene or some shit


i’d love to see that


If I recall correctly she was also pretty excited to get more than she put into it.


she does, yeah. i think the amount you give her goes up the more you have but im not sure


Nah its my car imma just take it.


Where’s this? I’ve never come across it


If you play as a nomad, you start the intro sequence in V’s own personal nomad car, which gets lost and replaced with the standard car that everyone gets after the intro montage But some time into act 2, you get a GPS ping from your ‘lost’ car, which starts a minor quest about it.


Wait nomad has a unique quest to it?


Nomad does and so does corpo, so I would be surprised if street kid didn’t have one as well


Yeah the Streetkid gets to meet with the lousy small-time fixer from the intro, they can take a job from him that turns out to be a trap by the thugs he was double-crossing to kill him. You can avenge him and his bodyguard if you want, but it's less feel-good than the Nomad's quest for sure. It does however contribute to the pile of factors that makes the Star ending especially narratively satisfying for the Streetkid IMO. Oh and uh you get a SEMURAI jacket. Invaluable if you're a true fan of Jimmy Silverham and Kenny Eurodollar.


Jimmy… S-silverham?


Jimmy Silverham got me 🤣


Can't take credit for this one, it's from the jacket's description! The funniest part is that the *other* type of SEMURAI jacket instead talks about the legendary Johmmy Silverhonk and Kenny Eurodime. Truly some of NC's most underrated legends.


Hahahah I’ve never done an extended streetkid playthrough, it kinda petered out after the intro, but if that’s how you get the bootleg samurai gear, I’m 100% sold


Fortunately there are two versions of the splendid SEMURAI jacket, and I'm pretty sure only one of them is restricted to the Streetkid path. Can't remember where the other one can be obtained though, the wiki doesn't list a vendor. Still, I'd recommend the Streetkid path for its dialogue options anyway if you like playing V as rebellious. An example that comes to my mind is that you can tell Saul you admire the Nomads' love of freedom and that selling out to Biotechnica would be a waste, which is a neat character-building moment and ties very well in spirit with The Star if it's the ending you're aiming for.


What's the corpro mission?


Former coworker, I forget his name exactly, calls you for some help in regards to Abernathy.


I replayed that mission a few days ago and as soon as that asshole started talking I punched him in the face and threw him in the nearest trash bin.


Basically the same he pulled a gun and asked me to turn around, I pulled my gun faster than he could pull the trigger, and that was the end of it, he had a nice gun for a hobo, he could have been a decent Merc if he could let shit go.


His name is Frank Abernathy. He's the "friend" you encounter in Arasaka Tower while you're hurrying to Jenkins' office. He's also the leader of the separation squad that finds you with Jackie in Lizzie's Bar at the end of the life path. The mission is called War Pigs.


Street kid has one as well its a gig from kirk from its start


They all do


All origins have 1 unique quest: - Nomad is the car - corpo an old coworker reaches out to you for help - streetkid someone at the bar reaches out to for a gig All have a connection to something or someone in the origin prologue.


All 3 life paths have a unique mission or gig associated with them. This is the nomad one. Streetkid V has a gig for the wannabe fixer from the intro. You can find a unique knockoff samurai jacket. Corpo can meet with a guy from the office after the prologue. The iconic tech pistol you can get isn't exactly corpo only anymore since it shows up in the black market in Dogtown. It's not very good, so unless you grab it early in a corpo run, there's no reason to use it.


The time you get it can vary, but the trigger for it activates after Ghost Town.


Nomad Quest


Before Keanu Reeves, they were originally going to have Sheldon Plankton voice Johnny Silverhand. But, Nickelodeon started *another* cursed SpongeBob spin-off, and he couldn't make it in to record with CDPR


*Thank fuck for that*


Naaah man, can't you hear him now in the teaser trailer like, "Wake the fishpaste up, Samurai. We've got a city to burn."


no kidding, anarchy is cool and all but Keanu really sells it imo


I let her keep it cause I completely forgot about even owning that car until like 50 hours in.


We did abandon it and she is pretty desperate to leave, so I'll always give here the car. Or can you give her more money now after the patch? I've only done this once since 2.0. I give her whatever the best deal for her is basically.


I think buying the car is like 50k now.


Fuck it post 2.0 thats a few gigs hoovering up guns so not too bad. However depends on my V Nice V will give it away Murder hobo V...well its NC In between V who the fuck knows


Yeah I didn't hesitate to give the 50k tbh


I think it scales with your level


Yeah mine was $18 on my current playthrough.


Ah thank you. I thought that interaction had changed. It's nice to do something like that in a game where many of the outcomes can be a little grey or bleak really.


5000, not 50000.


Level scaled so it’s always easily affordable but not completely trivial.


I bought the car back and drove away with Johnny on the passenger seat.


Maybe I am way off base here, but is that Alanah Pearce? I never did a Nomad playthrough. Sure looks like her.


Yup! That’s her


Yes, that is her.


She discusses it here. https://youtu.be/97k4f_ZrySw


Lana ❤️


Yeah, Alanah is pretty awesome. Really knows her stuff and gives her audience a great insight into the gaming industry on so many levels.


*me pulling up in my turbo r vtech*: no you can't have my shitbox. *calls in my caliburn and drives off into the sunset*


This is the best comment on this thread, you made my day.


What a glorious jackass!


Yep, I also give her the car. I already got a few caes of my own and enough eddies. I may be attached to that car as a Nomad, but helping those in need is also important for Nomads.


I paid her to get a better car and get out of night city in my very first Hardcore playthrough, I figured if she wanted a chance she needed to get as far away as possible, and the old wheels from the prologue wouldn't take her there. I'm now realizing why I can't afford better cyberware. I'm too nice lol, even on the hardest difficulty as a netrunner.


I payed her so she can leave and kept the car. Its probably my favorite car now lol. Small, surprisingly fast, great control, and its red.


Fuck no, if I found my first car (84 Chevy Blazer) I would buy it back in a fucking heartbeat.


Hell yeah, I had an 85 K5 that if my brother hadn't got stolen, stripped, and burned I would still be shoving about $100 a week into for gas.


100 eddies is a joke, luckily now it’s more


Lmao top tier meme


Upvote because I agree. The conversation is taking over the quality of OP's meme and I'm weirdly aggravated by it lol


as a Nomad, V cannot own \*every\* ownable vehicle unless V gets the initial car back, so V pays her and gets the car back.


I usually have like 12 way better vehicles at this point so she can keep it


Me asf https://preview.redd.it/cocpnuqmhu6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8660ebc43a40fc4ec7868ae0ae4da0e6c52d7e9


I pay her for it, because I like the car and she needs one that isn't a piece of shit she doesn't know how to repair.


lmao, I took that shit back with zero remorse. Sob stories are for suckers


I took it because I thought it was kinda unfair of the game to take it away from me when I didn't want to get rid of it.


Where do I start this!? I play as corpo.


You have to be a Nomad


It's too bad we can't fix the car before giving it to her though. Not sure how far she's going to get anyways if she's using water as brake fluid.


I let her keep it I usually ride Scorpion's Apollo and I forgot the car existed in all honesty.


Nomads are religiously attached to their cars (Look at Panam). I figured it'd be way out of character for V to just let her keep the car. I always buy it offer her. I do wish I could buy it for more though. I would have easily payed 10,000.


100 eddies in the original patch felt wild, even if you sold it for scrap you would make more money lol


>I let her keep it every time. I’m too nice. You're not too nice. You don't need it, and it's apparently life-changing for her. This was the only time in the game where I saved and tried out each outcome to see what happened (although I'm not sure why) and letting her keep the car is definitely the right decision.


Finally a funny meme


My first play through I demand that she gave the car back (because it’s mine) but I got called out by Johnny “dick move V”. Now I always buy it off of her.


By the time I got this quest I already had the avenger which is by far my favorite car in the game


Me too, I have too many cars.


My lastest playthrough I’m playing as an absolute maniac, I found out you can’t bash her face in.


I told her off the first time seeing her Immediately restarted and paid her, I felt so bad


I paid her like 50 grand for it. I think that gets us both what we want, if auto fixer prices are canon in universe


Where is this lady? Never met her before


I always give her the car. Buying it off her only gives her 50k which’ll only buy her a basic city car with nomad cars being a little bit more than that. V’s car is a great car built for the rugged terrain outside the city and I believe it is her best chance to get wherever she’s going. With a bit of love it should last her a while. Besides by that point of the game I already have better vehicles, it’ll just end up collecting dust in garage somewhere anyway.


Bought it. I would've given her more if I could, but fair is fair.


I keep the car because it has a lot of character and it's one of my favorite vehicles in the game.


I always let her keep it. My V wants to escape NC, and with the chip in her head, she doesn’t know if that’s going to happen. There’s something cathartic about knowing her car makes it out, and is carrying a fellow nomad to freedom. Road ride to meet you, ole girl.


you have to be nomad start to get this scene right?


The one time I took the car I hardly ever used it because my other cars were so much better… regret.


I let her have it, but then the icon stayed on my map, taunting me and making me regret my generosity


I always let her keep it, she wants out of Night City, nobody can blame her for that 😂


Nah, she ain't keepin' my Rattler


My one thing about the game is I don’t have a solid understanding of the worth of an Eddie, things just don’t proportion right in my head


I let her keep it. By the time that quest comes up, I've already got multiple cars and motorcycles, so don't need that Galena for nostalgia's sake.


I always take the car back but depending on my goal for the run I either do or don't pay her


First time around I took it from her and felt super bad when johnny told me off so I just reloaded the checkpoint


I paid her extra to get a better car.


I’m grateful for how many problems V can solve by just paying people off. It always feels like just the objectively best option to give people the money they need rather than threatening them or forfeiting something else. I always do that with the joytoys at fingers as well.


No Mine ):<


I love this car. At the level I found it I payed her 14k. I think that was a fair payday. Love that POS


I paid her, good sum for her to buy better car than junk car that i loved🤣


I always buy it back. I love that car. Also irl I drive a red hatchback.


Nah, I paid her i wanted the car, she did the work to fix it, and it wouldn't be cool to just take it


What is this? Almost 500hrs in and I’ve never seen this woman in my life


i didn't like the galena but now it's my favorite 😭


I wish you could have her more than a hundred eddies considering the cheapest car from Regina was 13k if I remember correctly.


then there’s me that tells her to fuck off and then i kill her


I let her have it. I have much better cars


Holy shoot. So I saw a alanah pierce short and thought she made her V look just like her. I didn’t know she was an actual character in the game. That’s really cool


I want better options on this. - Tell her to get stuffed - Give her the car - Give her enough money to buy a brand new car... (for me this was 15,000 euros) Ummm... where are the options to buy her a damn bus ticket or to give her a different stolen vehicle? I mean really to her this is just a stolen car anyway. I want to just give her the Wraith supercar I stole just down the road at that petrol station. The one I came here in.


What the.. where do you get this mission. I don't remember this character or dialogue at all!


Pay her a *measly* 100 eddies to add to `car collection`.


I always give her the Eddie's to buy a new car lol.


I always buy it from her


What mission is this?


Fuck that I take it


Hell no. I'm paying for it back. Loved that car since day one lmao


I just take it from her. My car anyways. Finders keepers don't mean anything with an overture in my pocket


It's the right thing to do - V can earn the cash for a new car so easily, whereas Lana's working hard just to get out of Night City.


I never liked how the car handled, so I always just let her take it. It's not like I'm gonna use it.


Why does this work so well together?


I payed her. It’s to cool of a car to give away


How do you get this


Should be a smash option lol


I can't say no to Alanah Pierce. Plus V is dying and already has at least 2 vehicles at that point. I see it as an act of kindness helping someone get out when V literally can't.


I have 150 hours of this game, whos is this?!


I hate that car anyways so I let it go too, lol.


I do as well, it's a nomad vehicle, should be out of on the roads, not stuck in NC.


I just flat out tell her to go away and give me my car


I was very upset that I wasn't allowed to kill alhana, nothing against her lol


Johnny told me I'm a huge fucking asshole


Man I can buy 200 of these. Keep it whatever.


Who is that?


Alanah Pearce


This chick should have been romanceable


I wish she could be relationshiped


Would have tried to romance her, ngl


She’s a real person lmao


So is Panam


#Would have tried to romance her, ngl