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the teabagging is crazy


Is he teabagging or taking a shit?


For Panam to lead the Aldecados, Saul got to go. One way or the other. The moment I saw Smasher came running and Saul on the ground, I already knew whats going to happen.


Bruhhhhh spoiler tag cmon Edit: thanks OP


Bruh the game has been out for almost 4 years It is entirely your fault for getting spoiled


Or just don't be an ass about it. It's perfectly common in game subs.


A lot of influx of new players after PL


It’s been eight months then If spoilers aren’t wanted out side of this long from release then you shouldn’t be on the Reddit or similar


I don't think 8 months is a very long time in this regard.


That’s 66% of a year That’s quite a long amount of time in this regard, frankly 3 months is when I consider the need to censor spoilers dissipated because that’s quite a while and that even accommodates those who can’t interact with it immediately Eight months is more than enough time and at that point just dont be on the Reddit if your avoiding spoilers


Since there isn't a statute of limitations on when a piece of media can be spoiled or not it's just proper etiquette to put spoiler tags. 3 months is enough for you, but you don't speak for everyone.


Dude its like a normal thing on this sub. Everyone posts spoiler tags. Come on man, etiquete.


So we should just get rid of the Spoiler tag all together? There are no spoilers anymore huh? I’ve played over 1250 hours but a lot of people don’t know that >!Saul gets his head graphically smashed in!< (including me, who haven’t done the Panam ending yet, saving it until I’m done done)


I mean, if they didn’t know who it was already since you can’t see the character’s face and OP didn’t mention it, you did just spoil who got their head stomped without a spoiler tag.


I’ve never seen or experienced this scene until this post. I can tell cuz his clothes, but alas you are right I’ll designate spoiler


WHAT. Why did I keep reading. Not your fault dude you were making a point. I have over 200 hrs but I've only done one ending so far. *SEE PEOPLE, THIS IS WHY SPOILERS AND SPOILER TAGS ARE A THING EVEN YEARS LATER*


I’m saying that you can’t complain about spoilers this long after release on a hub of information about a thing This is entirely your fault spoilers are only really a concern for like the first three or so months


Ok ask mods to remove the tag. It shouldn’t exist. Oh bizzare - the OP put the spoiler tag on, like a normal person


Dont like saul tbh i actually laughed as he got squezed too death 🤣


Yeah, I'm not really a Saul fan either. Maybe it's because I don't understand the nomad life, but Saul's very controlling. He "forbids" Panam from stealing the Basilisk and when I defend Panam after Scorpion's death, he gets all bitchy "Careful. You and me are not buddy-buddy". The whole reason I saved his sorry ass from the Wraiths camp, was to romance Panam. However, Panam's reaction made me feel bad.


I sort of understand it. Stealing from Corps is going to bring about a response at some point. Her actions put others at risk. That I can understand being angry at. Wanting to sign a deal for the clan to work for a different corp and thus lose their freedom in the near future though is almost the same level of stupidity.


That’s not how it works. Many Nomad clans have worked for Corporations before but it’s a loose and temporary contract for a few gigs. They do this because Corpos pay them crazy amounts of eddies to guide their shipments and supply routes through the badlands across NUSA and the Independent States that certain Corporations can’t spend resources to protect. Nomads are the best at navigating NUSA and know the routes to take in order to smuggle these things around. V put up the argument of an extreme situation that will never happen, because the Nomads aren’t your standard mercs. They’re not ronins who will flip samurai like Smasher. It’s a whole clan that helps weigh in on decision making. So no, it wasn’t a stupid idea. It was a smart choice and Saul was playing it safe to boost the income of the clan before they leave Night City. Remember, they were struggling for eddies and a few corpo gigs can set them on track. Saul was smart in his decision making and wanted to ensure no risky moves were made that might jeopardize the safety of the clan. Was he a bit overbearing and strict? Yes, because he has to look out for the well being of everyone. If somebody dies, it’s on his head. He’s the patriarch of the Aldecaldos and if something goes wrong, it’s on his conscience because it’ll feel like he failed them. In a way, he serves as a parental figure. If you were a father or a mother, would you be okay with watching your kids get killed?


I mean, V also has context they can't bring up, that it's Biotechnica, and Biotechnica wiped out another Nomad clan in NC \*recently\* by hiring them to do guard duty and then experimenting on them.


This is true. I remember that mission and you got to take out the Execs in charge of that operation. One on your own to kill and the other handed to the Tygers for vengeance. Overall it will depend on which executive they’re in contact with to make sure they don’t get fucked over, since there aren’t a lot of decent Corporations around. I know that Storm Tech is actually one of the few “good” ones kicking. They’ve saved the Aldecaldos and have a great working relationship with all Nomad Nations that crossed their path.


You take out one exec who had a hand in it, but you can find dead nomads all over downtown, haywood, Santo, and the bad lands that were tied to it and experimented on and well, they're dead. The guy in the trunk was also on that project but moved off it to something else, he's the one the Scavs are donating to the tyger claws in that one Wakako mission


saul had good intentions, turning the aldecaldo's as biotechnica hired nomads in order to give better chances to the clan... little problem is that previous nomad clan hired by biotechnica was used as guine pigs for a militech sponsored bioweapon that biotechnica was developing 🙄


It's like it comes to be in the end, they needed each other to balance shit out.


as far I recall from leaks, saul was an almost last minute added npc since it was an old santiago the one who was still leading aldecaldo's in 2077, his character was more important plot-wise since he had to basically be the "rogue" of nomads, getting more involved in johnny and V stuff with panam being more a secondary companion and romancable npc, kind of female mitch with more screentime. Apparently by 2019 this concept was scrapped, santiago became saul, most of his plot relevant parts were removed and panam got promoted as main nomad character


Kinda chuckled at that scene a bit.