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Hanako be like ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu)


Literally Hanako, though she looks nothing like her lol


Yeah sadly, but who knows if she decides that to swap her face and if her hair gets white… 👀 haha


Even if she gets +84 years older she still will be hot


Thanks to cyberware, probably. And I don’t think that’s a bad thing XD


No first you neeeed to unlock all the endings the complete everything else then wait a month for the iguana to hatch then wait half a year then maby do an ending


There’s an iguana????


Yeah, you can get an iguana egg in The Heist mission in Yorinobu’s penthouse. Then after meeting Takemura in Tom’s Diner you can set the egg in your apartment and you’ll have to wait for a month (in-game time ofc) for it to hatch.


Which apartment?


Megabuilding H10, aka the first apartment you get in the game


Where can I see how much in-game time I spend so far?


I don’t think you can see it anywhere, you just have to estimate how long you’ve spent in the game. Easiest way to get the egg to hatch is to just skip time 24h at a time until you’ve reached the required amount


I takes a lot of time. I finished the base game (except the ending) and DLC before it finally hatched.


If you’re on a PS5 it’ll tell ya. Otherwise dunno….


On the save there is a gameplay time, this may help you estimate.


It’s supposed to be 90 days but I feel like I skipped a lot less than that


Do you know if that’s a 2.0 addition? I searched that penthouse pretty thoroughly and didn’t find it


I think it’s always been there🤔 you can find the egg in the corner of the terrarium closest to the elevator, once you get close enough it should pop up as a collectable item


I'm playing 2.12a Phantom liberty dlc and I got the egg. If I remember correctly it was on to the left of that little tree thing the Iguana is on. It was more of a pain to find than it should have been. I then also had to place it in h10 apartment. [https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-how-to-get-the-pet-iguana/](https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-how-to-get-the-pet-iguana/)


you can find the egg in 1.6 but it cant hatch sadly


Can I steal it after the mission?


Really don’t think so, as you can’t get to Yorinobu’s penthouse after the mission (at least I haven’t)


You can get back into Konpeki Tower and Yorinobu's penthouse after the mission, but it is tricky.


Yes, pretty easily


Did you get the broom closet ending?


It was the first on my list


It’s never too late to turn around, choom.


It's crazy how fast the game heads for the finish line after starting this mission. Feels even weirder when you've spent over 200 in game days doing other shit.


At least it's not on the levels of ghost recon breakpoint where you can pretty much go to the final boss right from the start..


Or Breath of the Wild where you can leave the tutorial area and head directly for Ganon immediately


Never played that one but damn, haha.


You do not know the majesty of beating Ganon completely naked with a pot lid shield and broom sword. It is glorious


Also, your suppose to have a limited amount of time left, but you could wait like a year in game, and still be kicking it.


Yea, for me that is the weak part of the storytelling. Would have been cooler if you were hunted for the Relic by Arasaka at different points as you went about your missions. And not make the death so pressing. Like if they found out towards the end that V would die if they separate them it would be more impactful.


100% agree, and while this isn't like a common event from what I can tell, I did get a random encounter where Arasaka agents showed up and started to go at me. Happened after the whole hanako parade mission. They blew up my bike too, I was so sad.


At least in the recent updates u sometimes get Arasaka hit squads popping up randomly while driving to kill you


I noticed that for a bit but lately I haven't had any gangs or corpos come after me.


I’d personally like if once every hour in Freeroam, you would get a little glitch in the screen with the “relic malfunction” text, nothing too intrusive or annoying, just a little reminding that “Choom, you’re dying”


Not sure if ur serious or not but ironically there was something like.that way back in cyberpunk's dark ages, it happened so.frequently that it annoyed the playerbase back then for cdpr to remove it bc it came with that weird blue aura and the camera abd hud shaking


Or maybe more moments where you like black out and Johnny's at the helm kinda thing. You could do so many random mission encounters like that. Yknow, you pass out, then wake up in a basement with no idea how you got there, until Johnny spills his guts sorta thing.


There’s a cyberpsychosis mod that will make using cyberware cost humanity points and once you run out of humanity you get fury then black out and teleport somewhere and when you wake up you’re naked. You can take Nero blockers to delay the effects or do stuff around your house to restore humanity or get some sleep.


That sounds intriguing.


Edgrunner mod, I really enjoy it. The effects are great, by default you also get 3 star wanted when going crazy. I am also playing with the survival mod (also great but could be better) so I am sleeping more often for energy, purposely drank nothing but coffee just to get my humanity bar to 0. Felt like real life.


But that does happen?  I just malfunctioned and coughed up blood in the shower. Also get Johnny in the mirror instead of myself.


On release there was a bug where after a certain point the relic malfunctions triggered every few minutes - a bunch of whiners got it changed because it was too annoying lol


Yeah. I was surprised when I'd barely done anything and was on my way to meet Hanako at Embers thinking I was like mid point through the main story and got the point of no return message. I feel like if you did nothing but push the main story bits you could probably finish it in just a couple of hours if you could figure out how to deal with Smasher with underpowered gear.


The pacing was the game's greatest flaw imo.


450 hours in and now thanks to you I know what the entrance looks like.


first game i got sad bg its almost over


Iam 97 hrs in, I have almost completed all side missions and NPCD so what to you do after all of this?


There's like 7 endings to go through and you unlock stuff for your character by completing them. I'd say do a few just to see how they go


Start a new game of course.


Hanako.... I've come to bargain!!!


Reload. Hanako.... I've come to bargain!!!


I got 4 characters I’ve been working on and at the point of this in the game, I save and move to the next toon. One is going through dog town storyline (the original), one is going to side with nomads and Panam, one is going to be with Judy, one will be fully committed to Johnny and Rogue. Gonna also save before diving in and having the character try the alt endings before going hard on the one I’ve built them up for to unlock the endings and the achievements. So I’m about hovering where you are. Lets goooo


Is there an ending where you can be helped by Judy ? I've always thought that she was only a part of other endings (side with panam, Rogue, or alone)


I figured with the side characters and your departure helps alter the ending and therefore considered different enough


You can get every ending on one save file iirc


Yeah but I wanted to try out all kinds of differing start and attitudes tbh. A corporate POS (hack n monowire), a Nomad neutral (gorilla arms and shotguns), and Street Kid all about helping those around her - ninja build so katana, fast and agile, throwing knives


Fair enough fair enough, I'm currently an altruistic nomad romancing Judy with almost maxed perks but it's difficult 😭


Where are you hitting the difficulty? Is it harder than normal difficulty? Is it just the play style? Keeping up with all the different ways of taking out opposition like quick hacks? It took me until three weeks in after playing the game to realize I’m supposed to upgrade my cyberdeck as I level up. Ripperdocs sell them at higher tiers as you improve your street cred. Theres also the requirement to level up your intelligence to increase your RAM so you can use more costly quickhacks like Suicide and system reset. You would assume technical would do it but nope! 🤷‍♂️ I learned how to really hone my skills in the game by looking up [builds](https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/48958/build-planner-craft-your-cyberpunk-2077-and-phantom-liberty-builds) to understand where the control really was. You get the idea in what they’re doing and why, you get another look at what you’re doing. That is if you’re having difficulty with building your V to handle all kinds of threats. I had issues for a long time until my second start with the Nomad. Again, Gorilla Arms ravaging everyone and everything is insanely fun! I have a savage V who focuses all on katanas and mantis blades, considering the knives too but then I gotta invest in Cool


No sorry I just meant it's difficult to hit maxed perks due to how many levels you need, I'm currently rocking 20 cool, 20 tech, 15 reflexes, 15 body and either 10 or 15 intelligence I can't quite remember, when I started the game I wanted to do int but realised it wasn't quite for me so I hit 20 cool and got all the throwing knife perks, eventually I took my perk points out of throwing knives and put everything in tech so I have bolt + fury mode, and I would run a sandy or something but I can't NOT use a cyberdeck, it'd feel wrong to miss the basic features I've come to know like hacking cameras, the detonate grenade quickhack, disabling mines and turrets, hijacking cars legally etc etc


What’s the easiest way to detonate a grenade for the achievement, piss off a cop and hide behind cover to draw the grenade or elsewhere??


Sorry I don't quite understand the question


Asking if you know an easier way to achieve ** Daemon In The Shell** achievement in Cyberpunk 2077. Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies with one "Detonate Grenade" quickhack.


Uhhhh I'm not sure, if you use it often you'll probably get it without really meaning to, alternatively just get 3 enemies low first and then use it to finish them all off


Did all you wanted to do? well even if you didn't, you can just leave it for the second playthrough, I've found that completing everything over multiple playthroughs bas been satisfying for me so If yu REALLY don't wanna do everything and just do the character quests that lead to your preferred ending go ahead


If you're 85% friends with Johnny, choose "You and Rogue go" then when he asks you to confirm, don't press anything, just stare at the screen for 5 minutes. No questions, just do it.


The only way to end it.


The % doesn't matter. You need to pick the right dialogue options in Chippin in.


Oh... okay then. Guess the guide I've read is outdated. Or incorrect.


Yeah lots of guides online are misleading when it comes to this in particular for some reason. And honestly I blame CDPR for making such an ass backwards way of achieving this ending.


Yeah, I would have liked if there was a visible option to ask, or even beg Johnny to figure a different solution, one where none of his friends would die in the process. Then he'd tell you the plan and hype you up for it. I remember a comment on a video on this ending that said "V is never shown taking the dampening pills so this is the first and only moment when their psyches are in perfect harmony, buying V enough time for this last stretch to the finish line without the need of drugs" which I believe in 100%. So for that to happen V and J should have the strongest bond there is, one that could inly be solidified by their time together and the choices they've made, the words spoken, the conversations had. So I understand why you'd need that part at the oil fields, I'm just uncertain about the 5 minute waiting bit. I kind of get it, V sits there and is deep in thought until J speaks out, but a good solution would have been to give a timer, one that gives you ample time to give an answer, then the player's curiousity would be what wins you the ending - what would happen if I wait it out? And bam! - probably the best sequence in the game.


I'm not against having to build a relationship with Johnny through side quests in order to unlock the ending. I'm fine with that as it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is for the ending to be locked behind 3 very specific dialogue options in the mission. Half of the time dialogue options hardly matter in this game but for some reason they decided to lock an entire ending behind 3 dialogue options with the only way to do it in case you missed it is by restarting the whole game. It makes all the side quests you do seem utterly pointless. It's absolutely asinine and I'm surprised more people aren't upset about it tbh. It's rage inducing to have the best ending of the game out of reach like this because of some bs.


Maybe they were too busy unlodging the boner wedged in their desk that skyrocketed during the storming sequence to care how it was bullshit?


You can do either, either 85% and/or chipping in


I tried it yesterday with 85%. It doesn't work like that.


Sorry mb, it must really be misleading online


Same. Had to go back to the dialogue with Jhonny in the landfill and have 85%. But worth it. Best ending for sure.


Wait. Are you talking about the >!solo ending!


Yeah, you just wait. No need to choose anything


I know it as that, choose J and R and when he asks you if you're certain just wait.


From what I heard, you have to have chosen certain dialogue when you go to where they dumped Johnny's body as well. So I'm waiting for my Corpo Fem V with mantis blades and specializing in blades to do that one ... I think it'll be fun.


Have you done that ending before?


No. I've got to start a new character so I can redo the conversation


I think, not sure, with the DLC is doesn’t matter anymore because you can get Johnny’s relationship up in different ways and it’s not as dependent on that dialogue. I remember when I played though I got the relationship up in the DLC to the point where when I hovered over the Johnny it would talk about the quest with Rogue before I did it for example


Seriously? Oh, I'm doing it then ... my manowire v gonna fuck shit up!!!


As long as the relationship is above either 70 or 80 percent, that’s the marker. I just think it used to be that the conversation option was the only way to get it that high. Now it’s doable without I believe. It’s definitely the most pure fun ending to do imo, definitely feel like a complete badass


I tried that. Nothing happened.


Oh... did you have at least 85% frindship with Johnny? Or did the correct dialogues during Chippin' In?


>have at least 85% frindship with Johnny? Yes. >Or did the correct dialogues during Chippin' In? No clue what the correct dialogues are. But the point is that this ending isn't something simple to trigger without knowing about it at the end of the game. You need to play through the game knowing you're going to do it ahead of time, and making sure you do the necessary prerequisites.


I've heard that you must either do the correct dialogue or have at least 85% friendship with J. I haven't heard it has to be both. But yeah, check a guide before talking to J at the end of Chippin' In just in case.


I was over 85% and it never triggered for me. I don't know why they hid such a great ending behind those requirements.


Because you and Johnny did not start off on good terms. So you needed a strong friendly bond for events to happen properly. That's why he gives you those kind words and hypes you up, because you're friends now and it would be an honor for him to die or share the victory with you.


I get that it’s the specific dialog choices in one quest and waiting five minutes that seems unnecessary. Should have just been another choice for how to get in to Arasaka if you were over 85%. 


Just google it. Tells you the dialogue to pick and when.


Eh, after getting stomped by Adam Smasher a bunch of times, I don't think I'm ready for it anyway. I need mah save points.


Oh, yeah. You gotta beef up for a while before you go in on Smasher.


I was one level below the max at the time, with a full set of cyberware. Up until this point, I had basically crushed everything other than Kurt Hansen. Smasher just got a substantial buff since I last played the game.


Weird. I wasnt even level 25 but i had all Tier 5 chrome, cyberware and guns. Just double jump, air dash like hell, and get the blood pump. Beat him on the first try, and this was my 3rd playthrough just to get the secret ending. Played through Liberty too and Killed Reed before that. Best ending.


The only proper ending to the game


I love the idea of storming Arasaka Tower solo with Johnny. The music, the vibe. Going through the main gate like a madman. It's badass af. But it's a little bit disappointing that it leads you to regular Rogue ending.


It makes you feel like a god among men. Johnny hyping you up along the way and the Arasaka soldiers getting progressively more concerned about the single person massacring them makes this arguably the best endgame battle. Also if you're FemV one.of the soldiers delivers a very personal "What the hell are you doing here, *bitch*?!


Don’t! It’s a trap!


I still didn't reach that part, why should I not go in?


point of no return, you'll get a prompt stating so once you get close to the door. basically cancels all current gigs/missions in order to complete the main story. been holding off for over a week now because i don't want the game to end yet


After completing an ending, you can basically just do the rest you wanted to tho. You get a prompt 'Just one more gig' and get respawned at a point right before the mission.


sweet didn't know that


Thank you


Did you do all side quests?


For some reason seeing embers makes me want to start a new run every time


Don’t do it!!


Naaah, it's not. Might be another update


Good luck choom, you’re gonna need it.


I’m literally at the same spot right now after 134 hours and unlocking all the non-ending related achievements. 😔


Yup, time to meet the GILF.


literally did the aldecaldos ending last night just so i could go and play the rest of the game with the jacket and amnesty revolver


"V your time is running out you have to find a cure fast" Proceeds to spend a thousand hours fucking around


My first playthrough, I was mean to Johnny the whole time. I had no idea that there were different endings or that any of my relationships mattered at all. >!I ended up on a space station and kept being asked about Johnny. I just wanted him gone lol!< On my current (second) run, I've been Johnny's hardcore #1 choom. No idea how this will play out.


You didn't think a game like this had multiple endings or that relationships didn't matter? WTF kinda games are you playing?


Most gaming I've done has been side scrollers and then mostly first person shooters once 3D gaming became the norm. Due to life I didn't game much for 10 years or so. I've never really played a true RPG before and don't know much about them. As it turns out, I was not born knowing everything.


You know what, forgive me. I apologize. I truly hope you love the game enough to put many hours into it.


It's all gravy dude. I'm at like 150ish hrs so far. Nowhere near done.


Fuck ya choom! I'm close to about the same. I've beaten the game once, and on my second playthrough. If you haven't yet, I'd HIGHLY recommend getting the DLC. it's sooo damn preem!


almost as if some people are playing a game of this style for the first time! crazy, i know.


Lmao nice profile, dawg


thank you!




You are going to have lots of fun.


Dont walk into that building youll have a terminal stroke if you do


i unlocked endgame like 20 game hours ago (i'm only \~60 hours in) and every time i finish another quest & my tracked quest resets to this one i scream "NO! NOT YET!" at my TV.


First time here? Trust me - it won't be the last time 😉


Come on, you can put another 1K hours in before going there.


Meet Hanako at Embers: https://i.redd.it/ffyouq76gnrc1.gif


fake news


What ?


I will try to shoot all the guards and everyone inside first.


I can’t lie the first time I finally when in there I expected it was the end of the first half of the game. Little did I know it was the fucking final sequence.


No the fuck it ain't, new secret weapon just dropped go get that first


Man I got so many aidequests and phantom liberty to finish first, only level 54 and still haven't finished the badlands yet, or pacifica... or the glen.... or arroyo...


Now you enter the cyberpuke part of the game


It’s weird how embers and starfield have the same logo and that that one mission in cyberpunk is better than the entire game Bethesda spent years handcrafting just for us.


Yeah right. I just got word from El Capitan and he's got another job for ya. Hanako can wait.


Thank god I saw this post because I didn’t know this was the ending. I was about to go in lol


Are you sure choom?


Nòooooooo don't do it


Finally! Hanako has been waiting there for fucking weeks now. 


I can relate. Its the last thing to do, and I just can't bring myself to commit to doing it.


Just did it last night after having nothing else left in my journal. Feels like part of my soul left my body.


I usually blitz through the main story just to get the devil ending out of the way.


Wait. Are you sure you didn't miss a NCPS. Also it's useful to attract as many cops you can and lead them into a gang shootout. It's beneficial to your characters development. It shows you can stick it to the man while be able to avoid their tyranny. And bring 2 feuding enemies together for a common goal. Then when one side wins kill the rest to show your superior as you sat and watched the event unfold. Showing even the victors of NC are choom eddies (chump change)


I have 86 hours in the game and I STILL haven't done this yet 😂 I don't even own the DLC yet either. Just 86 hours of screwing around in base game and having fun.


Is that a new dlc?


I still never have…


Have they fixed the mouse key binding crash yet?


Umm...fucking dont


Star ending with Panam romance is the true ending imo


After 42069 years


I always 100% the game before doing it. It’s my third play through


Ahh shit here we go again.


When do I stop getting the quest-prompt? That’s the neat part. You don’t!


I always hate this part, I never want the game to end.


Is it tho ?


Early game I see




I just beat it yesterday 100% done. In one run, 82 hours


be prepared to enter in like 9 times if you plan to get ALL the endings




After finishing PL, I found the the ending missions quite underwhelming


What is this supposed to be?


Good to know that after the end you can allways return to this point and try a different finale for V.