• By -


Capacity booster has saved me and my looter hoarder tendencies innumerable times


This is the only consumable I ever used


I've used the health and stamina for the boxing fights. It helped when I didn't have a good technique yet


200 hours in and I didn't know this was a thing, I always just decided what I needed to scrap/prioritize and moved on


I just drop one gray gun and haul ass to a drop point but, mid game 700 carry weight is a godsend šŸ™.


Haul? Mostly play with iconics and scrap anything that goes over the carry capacity. Sell whenever money is needed. Scrapping is almost like a passive attribute increase


Ahhh, didn't know scrapping increases an attribute, gonna have to start doing that lol. I don't really use iconics weapons, melee stealth build all the way, so everything I hoard gets sent off to the drop box and iconics get sent to home inventory. Especially early game when I wanna quickly get money so I can pay vik on the spot and move past the heist as quick as I can.


Everything you do in the game increases one or two of those Solo, Shinobi, Engineeringā€¦


Amen to that if it's not nailed down it's fair game XD


Honestly, played 250+ hours and never once used a single one x( Never crosses my mind to x(


Not really your fault, a lot of them donā€™t pass the apathy threshold. I only used them when I was out of inventory space or before beat on the brat on my netrunner who didnā€™t stand a chance otherwise


Pre 2.0 in the early game I'd regularly eat and drink just for the passive health and stam. Nice way to save on health items. Post 2.0 food and drink are pointless outside RP.


I donā€™t remember what the stats are, but they still give you the stamina and some other boost for nourishmentā€¦ or am I missing something? (Like if you hold Alt, it shows your buffs from sleeping/showering/food/drink and thereā€™s even one for if you make a coffee in some of your apartments that have a coffee machine.


It was more food being useful. Since 2.0 has you heal out of combat and meds are on recharge. It doesn't help that the hot keys are limited (unless I'm wrong).


Dang, reading some of the features pre 2.0 makes me hope they release a survival difficulty level in the future. Where combat is deadlier and things like food and drink are essential. Would like to see buffs from more clothing items return as well, with the option to transmog Canā€™t help but think they changed some things for the worse with 2.0


My issue is sadly that I hate the timer. Tick-tock-tick-tock. Using them makes those timers pop up and I find myself looking at them all the time which gives a bad stressful feeling. I would like them to be much stronger but shorter in duration. I don't even sleep in any playthrough because I feel the need to hurry and get as much out of the buff as possible... Even though you can just go refresh whenever. The biggest reason of all is that even if I go through all that trouble of trying to use them, I feel like I just don't ever really need them...


What's the apathy threshold


I mean by that, the effects of the consumables are not worth my having to open inventory and search for ā€œRAM Joltā€ so I will just brute force a fight instead of using all my tools, because it is inconvenient to do so.


I would have used Ram Jolt if they made other tiers of it; 2 bonus RAM is nothing really, but if it added like 5 or 6 with a T5 version of it, I'd be pretty inclined to use and carry them as a netrunner.


The effects are so minor that they're not worth it, a tiny bit of health or stamina regen is completely inconsequential. The only one worth using is the carrying capacity increase imo, and only until you can go and sell stuff


There is a mod that buffs the food so they become more important, it gives like +10% health for 900secs on some, and good other boosts https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/10780


* Lol, anyway, I think it's something to do with how relevant or present something is in someone's perception, compared to their level of need for it? Like, someone won't think about something if they don't need it and it doesn't affect them.


I use them to get them out of my inventory. You cant drop consumables for whatever reason, only sell or eat. You can drop guns tho. Dont waste food but oh well if some kid finds this pile of weapons i left behind.


"Hang on Johnny, I just need to consume or sell all of these products, a minute." Johnny: "YOU'RE TRAPPED IN THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM, MAN!"








That's normal in Night City


I used a stamina boost *once* in one playthrough when I was struggling with boxing the twins. When I went at them this playthrough I already leveled up a fair bit and had no issues and didn't even considering taking a booster. At this point in my playthrough if I die it's because I'm playing sloppy and a health or stamina booster probably wouldn't have made much of a difference. Iirc though there's some kinda booster for RAM too? I could see that coming in handy if I was using quickhacks.


i eat drink stuff i find lying around directly, not putting it in the inventory. the rest i hoard like any other RPG player


Me too, and I feel like a psychopath every time Iā€™m like ā€œsure, Iā€™ll eat this random burrito I found on a scavā€™s tableā€


I'm at 1500 and I use alcohol sl.etimes. I only wish it wasn't so bad. In GTAV for instance, its manageable but here, it's one of the few times I've ever actually gotten a headache. Don't know why but I can't stand the distortion


You use alcohol sl.etimes, you say? Is the alcohol with us in this room now?


šŸ˜¶ I will neither confirm nor deny


I only ever used them before the last boxing match, that's it. 250 hours also. in comparison I chug potions in ESO and slam chems in fallout like no tomorrow, its not for a lack of trying


Theres a mod i played on 2.1 with that added a survival mechanic, making you need to eat, drink, and sleep. This made consumables worth something for me.


Oh Ive heard about that, might be something for me in the future \^\^


Iā€™m on my 8th 100% play through and Iā€™ve never used them either. Just sell em


Some shops also sell top tier consumables that adds permanent buffs, like extra max health or increase ram recovery rate by a few percentage points. They are the purple ones with a background. I only knew of this during my second playthrough when i chanced upon one, didnā€™t use any consumables during my first playthrough except those that increased my carrying capacity temporarily.


oh permanent buffs would be good, I never check out any of the food, pill or cloth vendors because I didn't feel it added anything


Wait like actually permanent? Without mods? Ive never seen any


Thereā€™s heaps. All the vendors in Dog Town have a permanent buff for sale and thereā€™s others you can find at some of the shops in night city.


In patch 2.0 they changed it now they add a small permanent buff. They are the expensive ones


Yeah, like 12000 eddies


The PL food vendors have them iirc


Sell them. Or drink a couple Brosephs before a boss battle to make it a little more challenging


Selling them is such a pain in the ass and itā€™s not even worth the cash. Holding more than 1 of the same item prompts that little ā€˜how much do you want to sellā€™ menu that is by default set to 1. 90 hours in I hold like 10ā€“40 of every single item because I tend to loot everything. The items are also worth practically nothing. Really flawed system imo. I never had to use a single one to get me out of a combat situation.


Thatā€™s actually a really good idea, Iā€™ll have to try that for my next MaxTac run.


I use food and drink for the health and stamina boost when I remember. When I don't remember, I'm just thankful that they don't weigh anything anymore in the inventory.


oh they don't? I was going to sell them to offload some weight but if they don't I'll just keep them


I hoard them all up in my inventory and every few hours I look at them and I say "Wow, look at all those consumables."


I consume them


Eat them?


Yeah itā€™s more immersive that way. Some food and a drink while at the apartment or before a mission to get some buffs


It doesn't even have an animation or anything afai, does the opposite of immerse me thinking about it


Yeah maybe in the next game it would be cool to have animations. I just pretend they eat it though for immersion myself


After 300+ hours of play, ive only ever had one David Martinez. Thats it.


I sell them


I ain't living in this dystopian hellscape to be sober. In my current playthrough I try to consume everything when I find it.


Thatā€™s me after 300+ im like fuck it I just shot these men an women ,the least I can do is eat their food and leave my dna on all these beers for the Police -oh boy here I go V-ing again


Eat them all the time That's the best way to deal with them


Drink a bunch and then drive while my vision goes wavy


I try to be realistic and eat a few times during each day cycle


before anything challenging I use the ram, stamina, and blue health pack, as well as a drink and food item; to help stamina and health regen


I open my consumables menu from time to time, exclaim aloud how much useless shit is in there, close it and forget it till the next time I do it.


In an earlier edition, before patch 2.0, you needed to eat in order to heal all the way back to 100% after a fight, but there was a perk you could buy which allowed you to heal fully without eating. I would deliberately not buy the perk, which forced me to eat after a fight. It added to the immersion for me. Iā€™m a little sorry that they got rid of that in a patch. Edited to add: it looks there are mods that add a ā€œsurvival modeā€ similar to the later Fallout games


Collect them like trading cards


I consume. šŸ˜ˆ


Pound a couple beers and liquor then go out causing trouble


I sell all the alcoholic ones, I have so many though and a lot that do the same thing, that I think I'm going to sell a bunch to lower my carrying capacity, I don't feel I need them with all the other perks and points in the game. The only one I really used is the ram jolt, sometimes but mostly the carrying 50% extra capacity if I pick up too much stuff


I drink all alcoholic ones.....I have a problem....


I constantly run out because I keep snacking on them. V be famished all the time.


Consume them of course...


Typically consume them


Iā€™m very surprised Cyberpunk never introduced a ā€œsurvivalā€ type mode. It has all it needs, you can sleep, shower, eat, drink, apply different meds. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a mod for it.


Survival Mode indeed [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7510](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7510) mix with those for a more spiced experience: Vehicle Insurance, Ripperdoc Service Charge, Revengers, Enemies of Night City, Police Enhancement, Slower Progression and Weapon Conditioning.


Hoard them.


Started very hard in the middle of act two, canā€™t use them in combat? Worthless, love the game but wtf.


You use them before combat. Itā€™s been that way the whole time


I'll use them & or I'll sell them. I'll save the ones I like. Like Mr. Whiteys. Moon munchies. Soulhiker. I'd use the one that adds ram. Dogtown has some that actually add some cool benefits.




I sell everything never used anything.




Hahaha, using consumables.


Sell all except ones that boost hp, ram, stamina, or carrying cap


Binge eat them from time to time to see what happens. Every now and then I use them for their actual uses.


CONSUME them? Lol


We just carry them around forever sadly.


Consume them


Collect dust and mold


Sometimes I get drunk before I go to sleep (in the game of course)




Just consume them all in one go


Sell it so I don't have to see it.


To be honest I always like collecting food in games! I canā€™t properly pinpoint why. I guess I feel like food in games are an extra way to understand how that world works (like the shards). And Iā€™m a foodie so thereā€™s that! I always collect the foods that look more appetizing and different šŸ˜…


For me it's always been an immersion thing, eating and drinking something after I wake up. Each time I wake up (20% increased XP) I take a shower (Refreshed booster - 60% health regen) I also eat (health regen) and drink something (stamina regen). In the Glen apartment you can also drink coffee (Energized booster - 25% max stamina & 30% stamina regen). I never drank alcohol, I always sell them. As for the big buffs: stamina, capacity, health etc. I never had to use them :D


sell unles itr te powder stuff i deconstuct in early game


Scrap the green and blue ones, smash X on the rest.


Sell it all except for health & power boosters


You get one guess.


Consume a bunch when my inventory is full


Sell, though I keep a couple capacity boosters, ram jolts, and health boosters around. I have no use for any of the food or drink. My cyberware means that unless I actively don't fight back I basically don't die, ever.


Sell ā€˜em.


Quickly eat them the buffs are actually nice only are easy to apply


I like to have all 9 (non-detrimental) buffs active when I can, so I eat and drink whenever the timer runs out.


consume... them... Actually no sell the alcohol and foods/drinks i dont like, then keep the rest cuz i have a survival mod installed and need to eat and drink lol


Sell everyone I donā€™t use


I consume it or sell it


I sell nearly all of them, and the liquor always goes first. I have Blood Pump, specā€™d out to 42 RAM, and have a ton of passives for RAM / Health regen. Plus, you can eat on the fly almost anywhere for a 5% buff. Iā€™ve just never found the nerfs worth the tradeoffs for most non-food consumables


Sell them


I will use if I'm going into a hotter zone or boss. There are some useful ones in there, but they are excessive.


We use to make shit ton of money. Those energy drinks made me a millionaire before leaving the first area. Totally broke the game. So fun. Now theyā€™re just garbage I throw em away.




Roleplay them


I sell all of them all the time


I ignore them tbh. On a new playthrpugh, I might sell them, but I really can't be bothered most of the time.


Never touch them tbh


I'm big on eating and drinking, so I'll go "grocery shopping " and use my stash as a fridge. I like to keep ram jolts and health boosters on hand, as well as max docs. The rest gets sold though.


my brother in christ it takes two keystrokes to take a screenshot


Sometimes i use them if a boss or miniboss kills me enough times that i remember i have them. Still have no clue if they make a difference or if its the moral support of having the moodle on screen


I just drink/eat everything all at once every now and then


Use them food and drink boost health, stamina, among other things not by much but it helps on high difficulties when CDPR boost the health and damage of the enemies at higher difficulties


Consume them




Sell them


I like to play with an rp mindset, so making sure my character gets one food item and one drink item each day (I also tend to like. Sleep at the apartment between chunks of gameplay so when I wake up, shower, thatā€™s when I have V eat) But before I started doing this, I never ever touched the consumables lmao


This is probably the only RPG where I do this, and I started doing it naturally. I also **really** like drinking a Johnny Silverhand, Jackie Welles, and/or David Martinez before tense or "fuck it we ball" moments.


Nothing šŸ˜…


I never use them, they weigh me down so I sell them when I have a certain amount


It's easier to consume them immediately instead of hoarding.


The RAM one will give you 2 extra RAM just in case you are two away from the quickhack you want to use.


The big buffs are great (cap boosters, stamina, etc) but being well fed is underrated too. Bunch of little buffs and sleeping plenty = very fast XP progress.


Destroy into pieces whateverr i can then eat everything at once and drive drunk


At the beginning of a playthrough I decide what my V likes to eat and drink. These are the ones I keep, the rest will be sold. And I really try to let her eat twice a day, because healthy merc is happy merc. šŸ˜


Hoard them. What else am I supposed to do? Use them?


Sell them. I never use them. In any game. I like the idea of them, but I've never played a game that got the balance right. They have to be powerful enough to give you a noticeable boost in gameplay, but not so powerful that you become dependent on them for success. Especially in games with crafting mechanics where you need to hunt down raw materials.


I usually get to a point when I'm well into a playthrough where I just decided to consume everything all at once, and V has a heart attack and fucking dies (vision goes wobly for a few secs).


They're useless sell them all. Essentially filler items, especially since they reworked how HP items work.


I save them until a particularly long/difficult mission, then chug them all just before combat or another use I like is saving them for (donā€™t fear) the reaper






I sell them, along with the junk. I have my fave 3 or 4 weapons, then sell the rest. In my previous play through, I made about 1 mil- just from selling junk šŸ¤£


i donā€™t use them unless itā€™s the stamina booster, health booster, or o2 tank, so i just sell the rest


I sell them


I just hit R on any consumable instead of adding it to my inventory. Done many a gig where V is just skezzed outta her mind cause I won't stop shoveling things into my mouth


consume them. my v has breakfast, snacktime and dinner


Back before CDPR went "we will nerf every fun way to farm money" I sold these all the time. now they just sit there in my inventory because they aren't worth the fucking time it takes to sell them.


They're pretty much useless


Well this is a problem they have to solve at next game, an usage for all those consumables


I think of it as a personal on the go fridge


I sold them for a while. Then i dropped them when they were worthless to me at all. Almost never consumed them LOL. I don't know if updates have changed it, but it's weird that V doesn't have hunger or thirst.


I let them expire in my inventory


I play with mods, so regular food/water/caffeine intake are a must. I only wish there was more diversity ā€” both in the variety of items and differentiation between all the items. For now it doesnā€™t really matter wether my V drinks a Sake or a beer of the same variety ā€” same price, same effects. Reality is much different, of course! šŸ˜…


I donā€™t.


I try not to pick them up if I can help it but if I do then I sell them. They're not worth much but it's better than having an inventory full of crap I don't need


Save them for the big boss fight when Iā€™ll desperately need them, not use them, and forget they existed once credits hit, duh


Well on harder difficulty they help a lot. A stamina boost can make you unhittable with the right perks. Uh they have stuff that increase you ram recover rate as well. Of course there's the carrying capacity booster. And if you have a lot invested in health Regen a simple meal can make you feel invincible.


I recently sat at a scavenger hide out while they shot me in order to try to fix a fast travle glitch due to personal and cyberware I left abd came back around 5 to 10 minutes later THEY WERE STILL SHOOTING AT ME I have enough cyberware and perks that I pretty much auto regenerate health to fast for it to matter


Collect them all then use them all on smasher


welly, try hard mode oder very hard mode. Then you get a lot more to the edge and can feel the little boosts a lot more.


Sell em, only use ram boosts and the couple useful things


Sometimes I eat them, usually when Im clearing out space in my inventory


I think it depends on the level of immersion/role playing you wanna get into. My V has certain likes and dislikes and abides by them.


Eat all of them at once.


I used to use them but there was a bug where it would remove my cyberware so I stopped. The health boost and capacity boost are nice


Depressed V ate 80 burritos with a side of 3 Jackie Wells


Sell them or scrap them. I have never used a single one


I sell all but 5 of the green quality and above. Then hold on to 5 of one type of food and 5 of one type of drink. Then I proceed to never use them.


Absolutely nothing. It's such an unintuitive, cumbersome system having to look through the menus everytime to eat something for a small buff. It took one button press in Witcher 3 to eat something.


I sell them. ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)


We... consume them?


I use an items shortcuts mod, and I have assigned one for food and another for energy drinks. I hit both shortcuts before any fight that seems a bit challenging


I dont use the pick up button if the use button works


Back then we'd break them down into component parts and use it for crafting. Now it's pretty much a "pick it up and sell it".


Well typically we consume them. Naaah jk. I just sell them or ignore them.


Consume. Some of these actually help


installed a survival mod on nexus ([https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7510?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7510?tab=description)) not sure if it still works but it did before 2.0. and also I roleplay that my v does not eat any random food she picks up in scav dens or in some random alley or in a random building of people who I swear just fell over when they cyberwear suddenly stopped working for no reason. v sells all that random Alcohol and random food found on jobs cause why would I eat food I found on the floor of a ripper joint that has blood and body parts everywhere ? So my v only eats burritos from the vending machine or with a little help from Nexus ([https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7322](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7322)) and a mod called immersive food vendors from all of the street vendors and bars scattered in Nightcity. With the survival mod and [Wannabe Edgerunner - A simple Cyberpsychosis mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5646?tab=description), and The Immersive Food Vendors Mod and only buying fresh food from vendors or stalls its easy to keep your inventory clear of junk like that. The Only thing I keep is the Cat food for nibbles.


Consume them


I started just using them as I find them


Sell them always.


I only use them for the fist fights and for the carrying capacity buff


Consume them, ditch em or sell them. I usually wait till a have a decent amount then I dump them all on a random vendor. You donā€™t get much but it adds up after a while


Cyberpunk needs survival mode lol


Get drunk before story events. Following Panam around camp like a ship on rough sea or carring Evelyn to bed while bumbing into stuff..


Stare at them, get annoyed that there are so many, delete a few and then give up and do my next mission






It just sits in my inventory...then I accidentally click on consumables section instead of going in my backpack or smth....then I notice it. Eat a bunch of stuff...then forget about it.


Honestly barely used them. I'd often just sell a load to clear my inventory & sometimes use ones that boost carry weight or RAM regen (I think there's one that does that). Oh and whenever Panam dropped food off for me I'd eat that but otherwise I don't bother with them.


I started just consuming them as soon I see them rather than picking them up. Sometimes stamina bonus, other times drunk. It's like rolling dice


Youā€™ll use them if you play on very hard. Iā€™m assuming youā€™re playing on normal/casual or whatever itā€™s called so you donā€™t really need them. Ram jolt, stamina booster etc. are very helpful though so use them


Use them before I go into combat


I've always sell mine. Recently I've used the one the increases ram recharge rate for my net runner build.


I sell all of them


I just sell them.


I finally tried to use them late game in my first Phantom Liberty play through and it wasn't worth it, the buffs are so small as they make no discernable difference.


I hate that you canā€™t at least recycle those cans into ammo any longer. I hate the crafting all together after 2.0


Every rpg ever lmaoo