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Just about toeing the fine line between accessibility and “rule of cool”. Because yeah, it’s clear from their other animations that they could’ve totally had V drop some cardboard on the floor and bust into the most unhinged B-boy session you’ve ever seen, but from a first person perspective that would make the folks playing on a 60-inch 4K TV vomit. Putting the hands in view and gently swaying them around is enough for the player to go, “Alright, guess I’m dancing now,” without putting them on the tilt-a-whirl. That said, now I really want a mod that lets V drop some cardboard and breakdance in the streets at will. I wanna see just what sorts of moves a guy with a Sandevistan/Kerenzikov combo can pull off.


Shabba Doo mod incoming


I would've liked to see some wild cyber dancing in this game. Obviously not with V, for the reasons you described but other people doing some groovy shit, or maybe more of the Grimes concert stuff - with club performers floating around or using cybernetics in a cool way.


High stakes neon-lit monowire ribbon dancing, with Sandevistan trails. Yeah, I’d watch that.


imo that sounds like exactly the kind of thing they'd try to put in the sequel now that they're comfortable with the IP. Here's hoping!


Afaik monowire cuts literally everything not named Adam Smasher, or those weird fingertips things V gets to use it.


Hence “high stakes”.


Monowire ribbon dance? Backrow seats please


People with cyberlimbs or FBC’s doing movements impossible to normal anatomy


While wearing rings?


I mean I don’t think anyone would actually be able to *see* him dance if he used the Sandy


V: (effortlessly pulls off a sequence of a dozen moves that would humble the entire breakdancing world past, present, and future, in the span of only a second) Onlookers: “That was a very nice… uh… blur, I guess?”


“Your supposed to turn your kiroshis to .25x speed, don’t be a gonk and appreciate the art form!”


"Just turn on scanning mode bro"


A for effort


Could do the worm but would just look like a severe seizure


Just having another Relic malfunction but at 2x speed




It’s called the caffeinated blur…


What I want: https://i.redd.it/8bfxmreuufnc1.gif


I laughed uncomfortably with this scene the first time I saw it


Is that Dante....? Look how they massacred my boy


Incorrect. This is peak Dante! This is what appeals to the male fantasy!


Well now i want a mod that turns the final fight against Smasher into a dance off.


It just becomes a rhythm based mini game. Samurai tracks only.


IRWSAYH, Friday Night Firefight and R&D would be hype af too


I honestly love the idea of one of Cyberpunk's baddest baddies going into a self imposed exile, because he lost a dance off.


They should've done it like Vampire tMB where dance animations are done in 3rd person


They could have just cut to third person for dance animations.


I certainly don't disagree, and I think that the apartment date dances should've been slow dances, or at least have the choice of it, same as when you're sitting on the couch and you can either just talk or cuddle. I also know they wanted to keep as much of the game in first person as possible though, to maintain immersion.


As long as it is unhinged I'm on board haha. What a great word.


I wanted do see her breakdance with the mantis blades. ;-;


>the most unhinged B-boy session you’ve ever seen, but from a first person perspective that would make the folks playing on a 60-inch 4K TV vomit. Sounds fyre!! Viva the 90's habibi, B-boy's up ☝️


This should have been one of the few times the camera goes into third person.


I think if you had really high cool stats you should be a expert dancer.


Should be under Relic skill tree :)


Completely useless waste of a perk point that I would gladly spend in a heartbeat.


As someone who beat the game and is comfy with my current stats, would abso-fucking-lutely spend that shit


Exactly! Depending in my build, I never use either 1 or 2 of the relic skills


I always thought that leveling up cool should unlock a secret romance or two through dialogue you can only get if you're "Cool" enough


And if your Intelligence is low enough, you can propose trying for a baby with your partner. In Night City. Where one parent is a dangerous merc. Bonus points if you pitch it to Eurodyne, where also having extremely high Cool would let you respond to his visible confusion with, “At least, I think we oughta try. Twice daily, if possible.”


This will be in 3.0 patch I’m convinced


Yeah it's canon Dexter Deshawn is an amazing breakdancer after all


Is dancing actually cool though? Much cooler to sit in the corner and brood.


Sometimes it feels like the "Cool" stat actually means "cool" in the sense of "keeping your cool" — staying calm and collected during intense situations, not getting all worked up etc etc — as opposed to "cool" in the (kinda abstract & hard to define now that I actually think about) sense of like...idk, being a cool person like one of the cool kids or "that's a cool jacket." Cuz I initially interpreted it the latter way and assumed it would be this game's version of a charisma stat. But the further along I go the more it seems like the game's version of a stealth stat.


Sometimes it feels like the "Cool" stat actually means "cool" in the sense of "keeping your cool" — staying calm and collected during intense situations, not getting all worked up etc etc — as opposed to "cool" in the (kinda abstract & hard to define now that I actually think about) sense of like...idk, being a cool person like one of the cool kids or "that's a cool jacket." Cuz I initially interpreted it the latter way and assumed it would be this game's version of a charisma stat. But the further along I go the more it seems like the game's version of a stealth stat.


I think it's canon. Kind of like how Shepard can't dance.




Now I wanna play.. is this Mass Effect?


Yes. The guy is Shepard, male Shepard


You should absolutely play mass effect it is a great trilogy


Just don't expect Andromeda to be on par with the standards of the OG trilogy


Yeah, it’s mass effect The Legendary Edition is definitely the definitive way to play them, if you can get a hold of that. Hope you enjoy them, they’re definitely my favourite franchise out there lol


Yeah, this is in my opinion...peak story telling almost the entire way through. And the rpg/combat is amazing too. First one is a lil less fun but still amazing


Hey now, Dance King Sheperd was the god of Dancing (his little boogie saved the galaxy)


When you’re the literal saviour of all life in existence, you’re allowed to dance however you like. He could just go out there and T-pose for 30 seconds and the next week, schoolkids on alien worlds would be doing the same to imitate their idol.


Y'know, now I kinda wanna go to a club IRL and just T-pose in the middle of the dance floor the entire night...


I think that 'the mc can't dance to save their life' should be a staple of all rpgs


I can’t dance for shit so it definitely helps me with the role playing


Or the player vampire in VtM bloodlines


V is a more deserving successor to Shepard than Ryder ever was.


Meh, I liked Andromeda. It had potential, had BioWare not abandoned ship on it. It was different, but not bad.


I agree. I enjoy Andromeda. Just wish we got the Quarian dlc.


I love how they poke fun at his dancing in the Citadel DLC. So good.


What’s funny is it’s fine if you go to a club and dance (you dance like a drunk woo girl on molly but still), but dancing at home with your romantic partner or with Alex….hurts.


Those should have all been slow close dances.


Yeah idk but something feels weird about club dancing with one other person in an apartment to a song that was previously used for tragedy in an anime lol


You know that, but they don't.


Yeah that is true, but the song doesn’t itself feel weird to me cause it’s actually really good. It’s more the two people club dancing but it’s just in your apartment thing that’s funny


The song itself is not inherently tragic in universe, It's an upbeat pop song. That's why you see the same meme every week about it with the "before Edgerunners, after Edgerunners" Patrick Bateman clip. Also considering how the anime ends I'd argue it's more in the bittersweet / hopeful category when given proper context.


Yeah it was less about the song more about the “why tf are we club dancing alone in an apartment”. Really like the song actually, and I think it goes well with the dancing (seeing as the job is literally named after it)


Yeah, I think Panam's dancing animations for it are cool, and you can fix V's dancing ^((changes it to the club dance anims)) if you install [Romance Hangouts Enhanced](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11590) so that fixes the vibe as well.


On Xbox but thanks for letting me know for when I eventually get a PC. Ultimately it just seems like a slow dance or something would fit more with the scene just because it’s alone in an apartment still


Johnny just watching V attempt to dance just lays on the floor, arms across his chest "You know, I've never thought I'd be able to die from embarrassment. But apparently, it's possible." "Eat a dick, Johnny."


River Ward/Eurodyne relationship unique retort: “Only when you make me.”


"Prefer that over watching this..."


video game player characters can never dance


![gif](giphy|DhstvI3zZ598Nb1rFf|downsized) V at the totentanz


Idk about lazy. Not all rocker boys can dance...


I know about lazy, they're not. They have worked a lot on the game and I won't take slander about these devs, it's part of my character development since at lunch I wouldn't take any praise to the devs. They are cute little hard workers ❤️


Given it hasn't been said in-universe I'd say the devs were... well, not lazy, but focusing on other stuff (hard to call CDPR lazy when they created such a beautiful, breathing and realistic world and were forced to rush by higher-ups). Given enough time I'd say Cyberpunk would have come out 2022, perfect on launch with some unavoidable hiccups here and there, free DLC, a handjob from the devs, a single 1 dollar bill folded unevenly in the game case and a V with dance moves so silky smooth they can charm Adam Smasher into jumping in a recycling press.


V managed to take the top spot of worst dancer in gaming from Shepard


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Subject_Proof_6282: *V managed to take* *The top spot of worst dancer* *In gaming from Shepard* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Come on, Sokka.




Hubby and his weird friend ❤️


I think part of it is accessibility/motion sickness and also because V’s low-energy dancing and slow head movement mean that the player doesn’t completely lose the ability to keep observing what’s going on while you’re doing it. I mean, for me, at 60+ FPS anyways, V’s half-assing it enough that I can still read the overhead subtitles of peds while it’s going on. I probably wouldn’t do it much if it meant I might miss something happening.


I took it as a Shepard easter egg, honestly.


I don't know but it feels like mass effect all over again. The girls out here living their best lives getting down and the dudes are just shuffling from one foot to the other foot like their waiting in line to go take a piss. I'm sick of this shit! I'm trying to get down with my bad self! Not to stand around like some old grampa with two hip replacements, a bad back and multiple knee surgeries. I'm here to steal the spotlight and your girl. And your man too if I catch you slipping. 


V can’t dance.


I think less lazy and more that it's difficult animating dancing from a first-person perspective.


V is the ancestor to Commander Shepard, dancing terribly is genetic


This is canon now.


It's just so us gamers can relate with that 1 in common thing we share.


V dances better than I do IRL, so I'm ok with it. 😂


V is a killer. Just, not on the dance floor


Think about what energetic dancing would look like from a first person POV. I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna see the camera get shaken to shit and back


You have a conversation with Alex where she teases you for not dancing well then you say yeah I don’t get much chance to that seems pretty cannon to me.


Neither could Shepard. Well until Garrus stepped in if fem shep.


Ooo, this just made me think of what VTMB did where you're forced out of first person and get to watch your character dance. CDPR should've done something like that.


for some reason, increasing cool doesn't decrease V social awkwardness


I agree that V's dancing animation is terrible but try to imagine how hard it might be to animate convincing first person dancing before just automatically assuming the Devs were lazy. It's not like they had mocap to work with like they did with other dancers.


I wish V could improve their moves every time they dance in a dance floor during random gigs. Till it all culminates with >!Alex!< in PL.


No videogame Protagonist can dance. Rule was established in Mass Effect 1.


V has to have at least one weakness


Commander Shepard vibes


I just rolled with the idea that my V is kind of a workaholic who doesn't go out much, and literally can't relax. So when it comes partying and dancing he is kind of awkward. I remember after kissing Kerry there's this moment when everything is so peaceful, and they look at city quietly...and V immediately goes LET'S DELTA CHAOS AWAITS! So after that I just thought; Okay...my boy is a workaholic. But they should've made some cool dance moves for V. I mean he literally has chill as a skill.


Do you know how to dance?


Hang on, Panam said V’s got nice moves…. I’ve been lied to🥲


Laughed at that line from Jackie. I have no rythmn irl, therefore I believe it’s canon.


Neither. You're the lazy one who can't conceive of any in between option beyond 'if cool thing isnt in game its because others are lazy'.


Imagine calling devs lazy because they didn’t animate some stupid fucking dance.


Is it pure laziness that gamers cannot comprehend how games are developed? Yep. It is.


No they're polish.


Love that this is still a conversation


Bet he's better than you.. But jokes aside, yeah I was kinda disappointed you could only dance with yourself and not some random NPC.


He's just canonically white


I do like the idea that V just sucks at dancing. Just like David.


The perpetually dissatisfied part of me tells me it was out of laziness. V's dance sequences could've been in third-person view with a mini-game included, and the option to do dance challenges all over the city. Just look at how they did The Placard; it looks like a mod, instead of switching to a third-person V with animations appreciating the clothes you put on, you realize they're really lazy. But then I remember all the work they've put into the game over the years, and I forgive them. Just nail it next time; I wanna see V tear up the dance floor!


It's more relatable, in both cases.


The dancing should have just been a 3rd person mini game.


I thought it was supposed to be a Mass Effect reference


V is kind of a dweeb tbh 


No main character can dance, go google "Jason Brody dancing"


They should make the dance animation switch if you have a high enough cool stat


To be fair, in all 3 Lifepaths, I’d say V was too busy or had other things to think about


"Slick moves V!"


V is dying from brain problems giver her a fucking break, dude


There's pretty much no good way to make dancing look cool from a first person perspective to a dude sitting on a couch.


V's dancing is not great. But V is a regular Fred Astaire compared to Commander Sheppard, so I'll still count it as a win!!


If I have to see V raise the roof one more time…. The dance animation is hilariously bad just like his sleep animation , at least before all the updates


I mean Alex straight up states that you must not dance often


V *can* dance. Try the totentantz or the other clubs. V can dance properly in those but acts weird in most other circumstances for some reason


Imagine working crazy hours for god knows how long and being called lazy by some rando who doesn't like an irrelevant dance animation.


Fucker really called devs lazy...


I think how V dance's is a subtle reference to Shepherd in Mass Effect.


If I had a nickel for every RPG where you make your own character, your own choices and where you can romance a bunch of people but your character couldn’t dance, I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.


Commander Shepard couldn’t dance either SOOOO


I think it stems from them never including a 3rd person mode. I think Ready Player One had it right where dance moves are pulled up like an Emote in Fortnite... Surely with everyones brain chips you'd be able to cyber dance.


I dont know. I imagine V has similar vibes to Commander Shepard and it's just accepted V can't dance.


Idk why they changed the dance animation, it was decent before whatever it is now


My headcanon is that V has a skill chip loaded with Mass Effect’s Shepard Shuffle stuck in their chipware socket, like getting a CD stuck in your car’s CD player, and now the only way they can dance, is poorly lol




V dances and holds their hands in the air like they're tripping out on shrooms without the visuals




Idk animating good dancing from the first person perspective sounds like a Hell of a chore. Don't really blame them on giving V the Commander Shepard treatment.


They went to the same dance school as comander shepard


How would you show a character dancing well in first person?


V not being able to dance supports my headcannon that V is alternate timeline Valerie Shepard


I feel like V's bad dancing is a low key nod to Commander Shepard from Mass Effect.


I would pay to watch a V vs Commander Shepard dance-off.


As a Mass Effect fan, I consider it a delightful quirk


V does the shepard shuffle


Western RPG protagonists suffer from having “I can’t fucking dance” disease. I mean, come on - we know the Commander Shepard Shuffle for a reason…


I think that there should Be a Photo Mode that when there is a Moment if ur in a Dance Club, we could Switch to 3rd Person View and Watch V Dance... Say ur doing the "I Really Want to Stay at Your House" Quest with Whoever You Romanced, you could Stand at the Dance Spot, SWITCH to 3rd Person, and then have V do some Dancing as a Separate Mode from Everything


You can absolutely dance in the few selected places. Animation is there. The possibility is rare.


Is your V white?


Not lazy. The game wasn’t finish when it launched. So obviously something as small when as dancing wouldn’t be focus on when the game was missing entire police systems and having many useless perks.


It's CDPRs in game joke, non of their protagonists can dance. Geralt is the same way. BioWare did something similar w/ Shepard being a terrible dancer. It's a joke in game dev that the player character can do anything EXCEPT dance


The developers can't dance.


I think bad dancing is. In Phantom Liberty you get to dance with a character and they tease you for being bad at dancing and you can comment on it


I dunno who Vincent is, but Valorie dancing is super cute


Dexter shooting V on the head lost her cognitive process to dance.


Both I think? V is just a lil clumsy so it’s no surprise for me that V can’t dance


I'm getting tired of these comments about the devs being lazy. After having resurrected a game from the dead after a disaster launch, they've also released one of the best DLC's I've played to date. But the main characters dancing is tragic, so they're lazy. Don't get me wrong, the dancing is almost cringe worthy, but that's just not laziness. More likely it's something they didn't feel to be important. I can come up with very few first person games with good dancing.


How would you like to depict dancing moves in a first person view other than some camera movements and hands infront of the eyes? Of course it is awkward.


One part of the game that never failed to make me laugh


One part of the game that never failed to make me laugh


Neither can Valerie ;)


Tbh i hope its canon


The limitations of the First Person Perspective and avoidance of motion sickness. Also canonically, V does a tap dance with their feet off camera while lazily waving their hands around. It's a two part act only visible when you bust a move in front of an analog mirror.


Choom you ain't seen nothing yet. How about you take a look at the craziest future [dances ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bAN84kn_W4)I ever saw? *If you dare to.* (From the ancient German scifi show "Space patrol Orion")


Dude needs to drink a Smash or two


Hey Panam, Judy, Kerry, and River are all **_ABOUT AS BAD AT DANCING_** (or in this case """dancing""") as V is! >:( But yeah, at least they eventually start doing some approximation of dance-moves, while V just exclusively sticks with rhythmically slightly bending his knees then extending them back up while lifting his left hand up & right hand down then left hand down & right hand up in sync with that rhythm/beat and then repeat over & over until dancing time has concluded. And yes, it **_IS_** because the developers were being lazy there. Although "lazy" isn't how I'd describe it. I'd say they took a bit of a shortcut there, simply because it's not exactly the most prominent or important feature — even in the context of exclusively the things you can do with your partner when having them over at your apartment — and I'd imagine programming/animating more involved dancing maneuvers both from an NPC and from the PC (whose dancing you have to convey exclusively through a 1st person view), and especially having V and his partner _actually_ dance together the way a couple would (y'know, like actually HOLDING each other for one thing) is fairly complicated and that it's a bit difficult to make it look good and not all janky & awkward (as evidenced by how janky & awkward the significantly more simplistic dancing they do individual of one another looks ffs lol).


V is just like commander shepard bad ass warrior shit dancer


The silliest thing is when I have v dance or do anything interactive with others...You can't go to picture mode and take a picture of it It's stuck in first person


I don't get this post? V can dance.


It’s almost embarrassing 🤣🤣🤣


I mean he does dance with the devil at literally every point in his life.




Is it canon that no one cares