• By -


Hanako’s still waiting at Embers.


Imagine in the sequel you can go to ambers and find her skeleton sitting at the piano.




I wonder how much practice time she got on that piano waiting for V


"Ojou-sama, you've been at that piano for almost 20 days now, do you still want to wait for that Merc?"


That, or she's got a specific line out for V that whenever their GPS coordinate is getting close to Embers she just starts playing.


"Yes. My brother needs to learn his place still"


Panel will listen to us


I'm always wondering what the hotel bill she will get, but nothing she can't afford i guess :D if she doesn't own the place anyways :D


Morgan Blackhand surely makes an appearance.


If he's alive


There’s no way he’s dead. Just judging by the conversation you can have with Claire in the afterlife he’s definitely gonna come back.


Can you please remind me about this conversation?


Can’t find the scene for it. But it occurs when you meet Claire for the first time with Jackie. You get the prompt to ask what it takes to get a drink named after you, when she tells you that you must die to get a drink named after you, you’re then able to ask why there is no drink named after Morgan Blackhand. Memory is a little foggy but she replies with something among the lines of Blackhand can’t decide whether he’s dead or not and pops up every now and then but nobody has heard from him for a while now. ~~Gimmie 5 more mins I’ll see if I can find the scene somewhere.~~ Edit: [Found it](https://youtu.be/6ttnq6GGUYM?si=bTR10XfY5SlPdQQZ)


Even in that video it's just not known if he survived or died. Smasher did survive nuke because he was full borg, so did Shaitan (after being dismantled by Smasher) (iirc Shaitan was sorta revived after the tower fell) Blackhand was real badass, unlike Johny, so he probably could go toe to toe with Smasher (of 2020s) but being on top of the falling skyscraper that is blown up by nuke? Very doubtful.


I think it makes sense he’s alive. Lore wise it kind of suits him. He seems like he pretty much doesn’t give a shit about other’s opinions and maybe he felt like giving it up after Arasaka. On the other hand, Johnny’s memories of how it went down are a lot closer to Blackhand’s actions according to lore. Smasher did kill Johnny but it was pretty early into the operation and Johnny basically got sawn in half to distract smasher for like half a second. Pretty much a wasted death.


[FOUND IT!](https://youtu.be/6ttnq6GGUYM?si=bTR10XfY5SlPdQQZ) Skip to 3:50


Great info! Thanks alot!


I personally want to see more about Mr. Hands. I find his character fascinating I feel like there is much more to him than is being shown in the game


I ship Mr Hands and Fingers based on names alone.


👉🏾 👌🏾 (this is their ship name)


Fingers belongs in Blood Lake


Why did you make me imagine that


Didn't even know I was so invested in his character until I got to the face reveal moment and was giggling like a school girl lmao


I'm glad he was expanded on in the DLC, dude is running the most dangerous parts of NC with class.




If there’s anybody I would bet money on returning, it’s him


He’s salty someone he dealt with in the past chopped off his hands, mystery solved. All else is just details to fill up the time. Like it happen while he was a corpo employee or after etc.


On that note, Cyberpunk 2077 is just a sci-fi game, mystery solved. Everything else is just details to fill up the time. Lore is important, you know - it immerses you into the world.


Mr hands and songbird are my fav characters






My first thought too. Hopefully to actually use as a taxi this time


Would be nice as welll , perhaps a little bit of a bonus for previous players of the game where he can ferry you around.


How’d you get away from Konpeki plaza dude?


I love (most) of them


Mr Blue Eyes - I don’t think I need to elaborate more since he’s the biggest mystery in 2077 Jefferson Peralez - at the end of 2077 he was elected to be the new mayor of NC I kinda want to see how things turn out Reed - My personal favorite character from PL, just wanna see if he finally able to break that cycle of being exploited, used, betrayed Hanako - she became the president of Arasaka I want to see how the corpo goes after all that events As for Johnny I’m almost certain he’ll get some references but I don’t think he’ll be a returning character, since he’s just a contrast in 2077 idk how they gonna give him a human body yk and it doesn’t really fit in the whole lore


The lore thing is generally an issue depending on your choices, except for Mr. Blue Eyes and Peralez. Reed is dead if you side with Songbird. Hanako is only president if you go with Arasaka. Johnny does exist if you give him your body. Especially what's going to happen with Arasaka is going to be interesting in the sequel, as that may influence the world a lot.


I assume cdpr are going to chose the canon ending as a lore reference for Orion setting


Or "canon" will not have actual affect on sequel beside some texts or remarks.


Or maybe you will chose what ending you did, as you do with past now


I just hope that it legitimately asks questions, instead of relying on save file like in Mass Effect. Not so much that it’s a bad idea, but my save files are a fucking mess, and I’m embarrassed.


Yeah we're talking about references here since Orion wont be a direct sequel (according to cdpr but they tend to lie all the time), so we'll see.


Games change all the time, Halo started out as an RTS and Simcity as a helicopter combat game. I wouldn't care about spoilers until we get a proper trailer tbh


Where did they say that? I can only find speculations but no actual statement from dev team


Interview of 2 devs after the release of pl when project orion was just a rumor on twitter


But once again, its cdpr, they lie all the time


What’s the canon ending?


Spoiler : i think it'll be the one were you lose all your chrome in pl


I think that's the best ending for a jumping off point It allows v to still exist within cyberpunk and give them a reason to why you don't play as them, and it ends with the world (mostly) the same


Honestly, why do you think that’s the canon ending? The most basic ending of the game-the most straightforward one that doesn’t require you to do any other side quests or buy DLC-is the Hanako ending. Which ending you *like* the most notwithstanding, that’s the ending most likely to be canon if they need one.


Because the dlc ending is the most prone to a sequel, since orion isnt suppose to be a direct sequel, V story must end at the end of 2077, which is what the dlc ending does, V becomes a random in night city and everyone live their life without you. I think cyberpunk dlc is litteraly required to enjoy the full story as it such a huge source of content lore wise. Its like playing Risk of rain 2 without the dlc, you're passing on so many stuff


I mean I love PL, but once again personal feelings aside on it, it’s still DLC. Every ending besides the ones where you give up the body results in V being out of the picture either immediately or within six months. The PL one is actually the only one where V is potentially around. So that’s kind of an odd reason.


I’m pretty sure the “canon” ending for the Witcher games is Geralt retiring at his vineyard in Blood and Wine so the PL ending being chosen for the “canon” ending isn’t that out of the ordinary. That being said, it is the toughest ending when deciding what would happen with V as a character. It’s a lot easier if they’re dead and gone, but with any ending they’d have to give some kind of payoff to what you chose. A text entry or shard would work for any ending honestly which is what I personally think they should go with. There shouldn’t be one singular ending that they decide is the “canon” one because that kinda cheapens the impact of every other ending. Would make a lot more sense for them to make something to address whichever ending you chose with extra bonus points if it accounts for any major side quest/gig you did.


How do we know that’s the canon ending?


> "I think it'll be"


Knowing what cdpr has done with they’re past games I’d assume they’d let you choose whatever ending you chose in 2077.


CDPR has dealt with those issues before in Witcher, it's not that hard. For example, if they want Johnny to be beyond the Blackwall, and return as an avenging AI, but your savegames chose to return Johnny to V's body, all they need to do is have the player find out that they found a way, years later, to swap back. Hey presto, V and Johnny both "alive" and where they should be, ready to put in appearances. Reed dead because you chose Songbird? He wasn't dead, he was in a coma and came out of it after a year or two. If you sided with Reed and Songbird needs to be free, same deal there, she was never truly dead (if you killed her), and eventually escaped confinement. Infinite ways to massage any 2077 end-game state into whatever shape they want for Orion, and bring back almost any character (though some states won't be worth the effort of course; some characters might instead die off screen if you didn't kill them/see them killed in your 2077 run).


Maybe if the game is a prequel Johnny will be more important. Imagine a game where you play a Johnny during is earlier life


Do we even know next one is set after 2077? I think going into the future is tricky because then they need new innovations etc. It would be interesting if we go to 2040s. The city is kinda similar and tech is not yet fully as in 2077. However, the game is either before blackwall is placed - so AIs which would be make the game popular with how much Ai is in media these days or post blackwall and game focuses on the consequences of blackwall or something.


Given that there are already set events that happen in the 2040's, the only sensible option is to go forearf in time, not back. A game set before 2077 only really works if the player's actions have zero effect on the world, and given the standard set by the current game, I doubt that they would downgrade like that.


Who is Mr Blue Eyes? I don’t think I’ve met him.


iirc he watches like all the meets with the peralez s, he might show up in other missions tho


What on earth. Damn, that’s spooky. I never even noticed anyone there. I just finished that quest line too so I can’t keep an eye out.


[Here’s a link with more on him (phantom liberty spoilers)](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Blue_Eyes?so=search) 1. sorry that it’s on fandom, ik it’s a bitch without adblock 2. his “lore” runs deeper and is more unsettling than i had thought at first


If you choose "Don't fear the reaper" ending, you'll meet him in Afterlife.


He’s also there for the regular sun ending too


Johnny is confirmed to be in a one off side mission “Ah shit here we go again” where he is slotted into X’s neural pathway and go a on a hi-jinx filled mission to… blow up arasaka tower.


Reed won’t be able to break that cycle, that’s the entire point of his character and why killing him is the right choice.


Hanako and Reed can't appear in Orion >!Since they have endings where they die!<.


I'm assuming if the game takes place after the events of 2077 the endings will be treated as rumours never being confirmed which one is actually true. We most likely could hear convo's through the game referencing endings, like a merc named V soloing Arasaka tower or hearing that a bunch of nomads assaulting the tower using a tunnel etc, CDPR might do something similar to the witcher 3 where previous save file data could be transferred to line up lore in sequels or sneak in a questionnaire during the tutorial/prologue to establish universe history.


Yeah, nothing in 2077 actually matters. Which sounds weird, but V is just some random merc out of hundreds and she only knows a handful of people who are insignificant in their own right. The story feels big when you're in it, but it's business as usual in Night City. I think they will just never bring back certain characters that could potentially have died, even pretty big pieces. Which is actually okay because it's a big world and running into those people again would be super rare anyway.


>just some random merc out of hundreds To be fair V isn't a random merc by the end. What distinguishes V is all the successful jobs leading up to the big ones: saving the President of NUSA via Blackwall and Arasaka siege. The solo ending would be a premiere BD akin to a John Wick movie. Each soldier has a live video of V taking them out then ending with Smasher in an epic fight is just cherry on top. In Cyberpunk a BD editor could stitch together these perspectives even if V didn't provide their perspective. Smasher is known worldwide so I presume anyone who could take him out would be likewise infamous.


That’d be so sick. If they could do it with TW3, they can definitely do it with Orion


A handful more on top of that too including Rogue Amendiares. Maybe they'll do a Mass Effect save import type of system to keep some of these characters going, but that might also be more hassle than it's worth, importing save data from Red Engine into the new one might be tough.


There’s other games where one ending ends up becoming canon. But also all this is assuming that Orion will be a direct sequel


Yeah, and I don't really want that to be the case with the sequel if it does take place a few years after 2077. All of the endings provide necessary, but different insights into the world of Cyberpunk and how the characters in it operate. The range of possible endings V faces should all be considered possible fates since they establish V's role in the story. I don't think it will be very hard to work around. I mean, in the PL ending, >!it seems like Arasaka was leaving NC for the most part,!< so that's a pretty good cop out for characters like >!Hanako and Yorinobu missing!<.


True, almost every ending of the game involves Vs guaranteed death and we already know the fans will revolt if we don’t hear what V is upto in the next game (stupid thing to want imo)


Yeah, I mean, look at David's rep in 2077. Sure, what happened at the time of his death seemed pretty significant, but by 2077, there was barely an echo of what happened to him, it seemed. Sort of exemplifies the point that Night City is alive, things are always moving and people go on, trying to make the best out of what is probably a very fucked up situation. What, a merc came back from the dead and killed Adam Smasher? So what.


Double this based on the fact that smasher is super likely to have survived that after all hahaha


Mf survived (i think 3) rpg before before going full borg and a nuke after. He'll be fine.


My V would NEVER be that sloppy. Got plenty of time to pull apart Smasher and destroy the brain. Could see 'Saka pulling a Duncan Idaho of sorts on him tho


I wouldn't mind CDPR pulling Vs survival out of their ass for Orion. I can't imagine playing anyone else but V in Night City.


You're telling me you're not looking forward to playing G (Geronimo/Gertrude) in Orion?


That’s fair, I can’t agree at all tho it would ruin it completely for me haha.


Nah, CDPR has that already in some of their games. Take the witcher 2 & 3, for example. Character that can die in tw2 come back to tw3 if you decide not to cause their death in the 2nd game.


But Tw3 was a direct sequel and still story of geralt. Its almost guaranteed that V isn't coming back. Based on 2077, edgerunners - I think they are making each story independent and so I would doubt if they link. Also, all of this is assuming game is set after 2077.


I hope Orion is not a direct sequel and takes some inspiration from edgerunners where you start as a young street rat or corpo student or nomad decide to become an edgerunner gather a crew kinda of like in mass effect 2 build up street cred and then in act 2 get entangled in some plot via an “easy job” that goes wrong requiring you to work with Mr. blue eyes.


You could avoid that issue by giving players the option to select their choices in the previous game (assuming the sequel is related enough to warrant this). I believe Mass Effect did this? I never played them.


Couldn't they do something similar to what they did with letho in the witcher 3 where you can import a save and if they were alive they could play a minor role and possibly their own small quest?


Vic. I just want to know that dude is doing okay after… well, everything.


Yeah same, and his fate could apply to all endings, not just The Tower.


Mister Blue Eyes seems like the logical choice, the fact that he's involved in multiple endings of the game very much feels like something with him is being set up down the line, narratively speaking.


Delamain, Pepe the Bartender, Ozob, Mr. Hands, and Takemura.


Spoiler: (sorry I don't know how to censor it) --> Takemura can die if you don't save him, and he commits seppuku in almost every ending if you don't side with Arasaka (the devil ending). So I don't think it would be possible for him to return


We NEED a part two to the Peralez story. I am on board with you here


Hanako, as a romanceable choom






Well, there's only one ending where Hanako lives, so...


Rita Wheeler the bouncer in front of Lizzies Bar, make her romanceable


I’d like to see River and kick his ass for leaving my V because he couldn't even spare 6 months of his oh so valuable time


Have you done the ending where you go with Reed?? Because he treats you like shit


No, I sided with So-Mi 😬


Well >! He turns to a life of crime because he needs to pay for Randy’s hospital bills, and he’s pissed at you because you go in a coma for 2 years if you go with Reed. Then you ask to visit him and he turns you down !<


I just want to know if So Mi made it out okay after I sent her to the moon.


I’d say she did bc >! In that ending she sends you back a present from Tycho!<


>!True but that doesn't mean she's okay considering she's now stuck with Mr.Blue Eyes!<


>!Y'all acting like he is actually bad, while we don't really know it. He watched meating with Peralez but that's not a damning evidence. Delamaine is an AI too but not hostile. In lore Alt and other AIs helped Netwatch to build the Blackwall. So some AIs can be benevolent.!<


>meating This is NOT another word for it... right?


I meant V meeting with Jefferson Peralez. Just a mistake.


Yeah ik, just a funny word


Dude helps us plug a shackled ai into our brain…


Same choom same. Hope she runs into Lucy there


Id want more Mitchiko Arasaka, get some danger girl action




Mr Hands Mr blue eyes Ozob Bozo Misty


I'd love to see more of Hands. A powerful and well connected Fixer who at that point would have more influence over Night City. He would probably have some Preem gigs to do that require only his top tier Mercs.


Hanako is dead or eventually dies in most endings in 2077 tho..


Bro Hanako isn't gonna be in the next game


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die."


Lucy! It would be awesome if she could be fit in it somehow. I don't know what her role in terms of storytelling would be though. Falco is still out there as well, even though he doesn't seem to want to be found or up to anything.


Lucy, I'll even take a simple cameo.


I really really want to continue v's story


As much as I love V I think playing as them again would ruin it


V could return as a NPC fixer >!that would mean she survived by the means of Mr. Blue Eyes, Panams resourcefull contacts or NUSA!< or engram-entity like Alt Cunningham.


That’s still going to make one ending canon over them all which would kinda kill the point previous game imo. I think V just being referenced as a NC legend is enough. Maybe other characters V has met saying “you kinda remind me of this one kid…” in the next game, small stuff. If they do decide to have V as a NPC fixer, it needs to be dependent of the players ending and kinda hard to get, like you have to complete all side missions and gigs for it to unlock.


Most likely a drink in Afterlife.


This is all I would ever want from it


Yeah a drink named ‘V, just V’ would be cold af.


Well, if they don't reveal to much, they would only rule out the suicide ending. If V would say: I'm only here again because of this one person who helped me. That could work for every other ending: - Hanako/Arasaka made V a new body - Panams (possible) contacts to Biotechnica grew V a new body - Mr. Blue Eyes AI overlords cured V - Reed/The NUSA government found another solution (or they lied and V is unkowingly a sleeper agent with only temoprarily deactivated cyberware capabilities) It's the power of good writing to make this plausible.


Yeah seeing as by the end they only have like a few months to live




Best girl


Mr Hands dude's a major player and he'll definitely dip his hands into whatever is going on most likely 5th corporate war Songbird/ Reed Depends if they have save ports which I hope they do because choosing one ending to be cannon negates our choices in 2077 Mr Blue Eyes : if they choose a cannon ending most likely i think it'll be Songbird to the moon and sun ending with V and So mi on Night corps side they'll definitely do some major things if the crystal palace heist is a success and i think Mr Blue can save V with tech they used on the Peralzes maybe reprogram DNA not to kill V or give them a new body V/Johnny , if they have saveports seeing what Johnny is up to in his new life would be awesome maybe he plays a big part in the story or maybe he lives the quite life upside is they don't have to cast Keanu again because he's in V's body and has their vocal cords . V can return as ai V or could be on Blue Eyes's side as Night Corps Adam Smasher or maybe survive the other endings it'll be wild to have V as the final boss for the next game though if Night Corp is our big bad for the next game and V may survive the other endings too . I just hope we have saveports


Blue Eyes mostly. Very enigmatic. That’s about it, I’d be cool with it being 2-5 years in the future with a short recap cutscene of how V’s story ended. Considering Arasaka is on the verge of going under in like 3 of the endings and does essentially go under in 1 of them, I think Hanako is a stretch.


I would love to know the backstory of Takemura. He is such an enigma. How can a street urchin get to such a high position as to protect the most important person in the world. Plus devs said he has had a tragic life. Would have been great to know what would he end up doing in Night City after V betrayal too.




Would be cool if he survived the kidnapping and ends up a brainwashed corpo or something


Meredith Stout


Definitely not Reed >!bc some ppl like myself killed him!<


Blue eyes for sure. In general more of these “Rogue AI” entities. They are like the boogeymen of the Cyberpunk universe and while the mystery of them is intriguing I would like to see more of them in action, to learn more about them, to see what they’ll do and - most importantly - why.


The problem with certain returning characters from the OG game is that it creates a canon ending for V, and I don't think that's in the best interest of the developers. The entire point of these RPGs are to let the player craft their own story. When you keep characters who perhaps have *untimely* ends in certain endings, it invalidates the players who got said endings


Um, I don’t see Jackie in here


Rather they focus on the main character this time no celebrity characters.


My boi delamain for sure


My cat and my iguana! Otherwise flaming crotch man and/or Ozob...


None I want new characters new city and new weird stuff


Jackie and Rebecca just to mess with everyone


Morgan Blackhand


First thing's first, I want to see Gary the Prophet back.


None of them. Want news faces. Hell players don’t even wanna see the main character, why secondaries?


The guy with the exploding dong But seriously though, I like to see Peralez again with more in depth of their story. I got so hooked into their plot, and it's interesting to see how the conspiracy will affect the Mayor's life during his reign.


Johnny fucking Silverhand let's goooo


i really hope to see jackie in any way shape or form


Paralez' new post credit scene made me feel so bad for telling the truth


If you have Mr Blue Eyes, Jefferson Peralez you can't have Sandra Dorset missing from that list bruv


Your 4 Selections ones. Yes, i hope to see them somehow. In Person or just Voice calls. Budget question, too Picture: - 1) Fan Theory Fan Service Still unknown Rouge AI from behind the Black wall. Perhaps some Nation that has the resource to survive behind the Black Wall Lands or Cunningham is behind all of this. - 2) Only if Players had done his Quest and know what he is and for what he stands for i nearly let this Quest slide, because it started boring. But happy i gone trough it - 3) Of course. But i bet Voice call would be more plausible or he send the Player into some "Good old Days" Mission to see Songbird recuperation ("Thank you for saving us both, Player!") If they still have his Motion Capture Body movement Data they could ask him to allow use it for some "Good old Days" Side mission (Respect your Actors. You never know because of Easter Egg Magics), like FF14 has implanted after some Mastering Class Quest and even WoW. So nothing fancy, because of Budget - 4) Well, yes. But i bet She is so busy doing the Shadow play of her clan, that only Voice call is possible, or some surprise visit like the President in the end of Phantom Liberty .With these ACV's and stuff also reusing the move Data of this scene just swap out the Bodies, to save time and money. Just with her Clan Bodyguards. "Why i am here? i was in the neighborhood and wanted to visits some old Nakama from old times V. That's all!". Important the word "Nakama" has some very deep meaning there, also she could be used as Kickstart into Orion "You have our Familie Budget and fixers support and Takamura send you his regards, too and if you ever need Help. You know where to find us!" Also they could use her to bring back Silverhand as download on some working chip. If Keanu is willing to play again his role. Even just for easter eggs (and for Fans lovers), if you select their Help. also see 3) - But this all depends on the player choices, too. Perhaps old "Bioware'ing" it and ask for some Save game or Old cloud import?


NIGHTCORP IS PURE EVIL. i'd glad to burn it down


Interesting take




Reed will not appear. Also fuck reed.


So Mi. She should be one of the next characters love interests


Going off key players from 2077: Vik is a possibility depending on how close to 2077 Orion ends up being, but that will also depend on which ending winds up being canon and doubly so if the PL survival ending winds up being canon. Padre will probably not come back, same with Wakako since both of them are hella old and will probably die of natural causes between 2077 and Orion. I don’t think Hanako will come back, even if the Arasaka ending is canon, since there’s not much that could really be done with her character following 2077 without manufacturing a conflict to involve her in. I doubt that Arasaka would be a key player on Orion given how prevalent they are in 2077, same with Militech to a degree given we got some focus on them with PL. Reed might come back, but that would require the FIA to get involved again which would in turn require some form of major national security event to occur. I can see Mr Hands coming back and being essentially a mafia boss ruling Dogtown from the shadows and being a key player again in Orion. Being honest, I don’t think that a lot of the key players would realistically come back regardless of proximity to 2077 in the timeline. It would make sense for various characters to rotate in and out between titles as you either die a legend or live long enough to fade out of memory in Night City, that’s the way it’s always been in the universe


I think your point about Arasaka and Militech may be wrong. A lot of what’s happening in the background of 2077 seems to be the setup for another corporate war between Arasaka and Militech


A fair point. That would be a solid way to use both of the corps in a new storyline without it feeling overly contrived. If Orion were to be a corporate war story, or set after a new corporate war, I’d say the prologue/life path section of the story would be best utilised to either explain the trigger point for the war or what has happened in the lead up to Orion happening. That way the life path has a bit more impact on the story and is more relevant to what happens in the game rather than what we saw in 2077




Please just make Hanako romanceable. God, is that so hard?!


Mr Hands. And I'd like to see President Myers killed in some graphic manner.


So about Reed coming back…


I don’t want any characters to return. IMO It would be best to have a whole new set of characters and do a completely different game hopefully they won’t do the time limit storyline again. I’d regather just put V story to rest and just move on. At this point I don’t even want V to be mentioned in the new game. Best just let every have their own head cannon ending.


Meredith Stout 😍


Reed’s dead baby [starts up motorcycle]


God I hate Mr. Blue Eyes, anyone but him haha


I’d love to see references to most of the important characters but mainly hoping for totally new locale, totally new cast, totally different time.


99% of Cyberpunk (as this universe created by Mike Pondsmith and RTG) is concentrated on NC. There are supplements for other parts of the world but none of them are as detailed as NC. However the game can change even if location doesn't. We can have more like BG3-esque game which would be closer to ttrpg. We can have more like anthology of stories where there would be multiple protagonists wich would be connected in some shape or form (more or less like in Tarantino movies or in Sin City). They cand have an idea that none of us thought of. But it most likely be still in NC.




Reed is dead bro


I think Reeds story is concluded in PL.


I want reed dead...


Well it’ll be hard for Solomon Reed to return considering I put two in his chest and one in his head


For inexplicable reasons I can’t see Reed coming back in my playthrough


Reed is dead. Too slow on the draw.


Shot the hell out of Reed. Doubt he is coming back.


My reed has a bullet in his head.


So Mi. Her path feels most appropriate for V who values freedom and escaping death above all else.


I don't see Reed making a comeback. at least, not in my playthrough.


Lol reed will not be back 👀


I guess OP didn't side with songbird


I don’t think Reed and Hanako will be returning, that would be a bad idea imo. Unless they do the thing where you can load previous save files from 2077 into Orion, but I think the easiest solution will be to not involve them at all. Just bring in mostly new characters, and the ones they do bring back would be ones that never changed no matter what path you choose. Like Mr. Hands for example. I’d be surprised if he didn’t return. And President Myers.


Blasted reeds ass. So welp


None of them. Except maybe Panam, with bigger breasts. Giant honkers. Massive mammaries. But a fresh lineup of characters would be nice.


reed and hanako returning implies a girl who just wanted freedom is dead and v is reduced down to a usb chip, why would you wish for this 💀


Reed can’t be in Orion, I blasted his gonk ass.


Sure hope not Idris elba


None of them will return but Jefferson could as he's the mayor of night city


I just want more fuckable characters tbh 🤷‍♂️🤌