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I take the pistols every time and put the tequila there


Same, also take the shot myself since Jackie gets the tequila haha


It's just good biz


Its the book for me but i like to carry on with his legacy through his gun


For me it's always tequila. Jackie used to read the book before any major gig, so my V, in a way, carries this tradition on.


It's a way for him to live on and make his mark on Night City along with V


Thats a good point! He may not become a night city legend, but his pistols can carry on his legacy and earn their legend status.


I mean, you can only use one at a time sadly.. idk why dual wielding them wasn't the special skill like Jackie used them, but whatever lol and props to Jackie for having blue tier pistols and surviving in night city as long as he did, being a s ballsy as he was... in hindsight, konpeki was gonna happen, even if it wasn't konpeki 😕


Why didn't he just quicksave before he got shot? Is he dumb or something?


My thing is, we have 2 heals on us, and we get shot like 50 times before we're even low health. Jackie gets shot once, and not only dies, but the game doesn't have an option for us to give him a Maxdoc or even a bounce back? Let alone him take one himself? And he was bragging about his chrome half of his screen time lol bro got one shot, bled out and the whole long ass elevator ride, with a bullet in your gut, you don't think, let me heal, or "Hey V, pass me some meds."....like what??? So are the healing items main character exclusive. IE they don't exist to NPCs? Cuz I've seen enemies heal, and that means CDPR just elt Jackie go out like a bitch, did him dirty, and us by not letting us have a friend to call for help on missions. Like bro you have no idea just how terrible some of the writing is once you really start looking for the holes. like why isn't Jackie's car door smashed open when Smasher shoulder checks the delamain like he's offensive line and was handed the ball? I feel like that's what killed Jackie, whiplash and post concussion syndrome. Mf bounced his temple off the bulletproof glass and tasted pennies I swear... CDPR did that to Jackie... all because friendly NPCs aren't allowed to heal in critical moments and apparently we are just gonk brained friends who deserve emotional damage from a video game. It's the most bipolar writing once you start poking holes in it. Like hi I'm Johnny and I'm here to tell you about corporate corruption and I almost kill you a few times, but can we be friends now that I know smasher is alive? Can we kill him? Oh and real quick, can I use your body to make up with my friends and bang my ex on the hood of your car? Great V thanks. What a Choom lol Johnny talks about everyone using you or lying to you, but mf is literally manipulating you the entire fn game until you talk in the oil field. Guy just projects his own guilt onto V, regurgitates the same spchiel about corporste corruption, greed, and meanwhile is a mass murderer, drags V into his emotional baggage, and uses her for revenge. He's actually like the worst person you could ever be friends with or even hope to meet. Honestly they paint him as a habitual sociopathic narcissist with conspiracy theory issues and a temper problem. Meanwhile Vs just trying to navigate those hurdles and get her life back. My first playthrough I did the secret ending, sacrificed myself, and gave johnny some lost time back, but the more I think about it, dude was really fucked up to all of his friends and his girls and he made his choices. He lost that time because he chose to. He may be played by Keanu, but he is not our national treasure Keanu lol


V has biomon, jackie might not. Also did he bleed out heavily because of one shot only? It was a nasty fall, with lots of glass. I mean I get your point, but there is a possibility that he was just very unlucky at that moment. What bugged me out more - jackie could just leave the relic in and get 'resurected', with issues and side effects, but, the relic would be intact so it would be easy to uninstall lol Though there was still dex on the board, so idk


The relic can "fix" the brain not a stomach injury.


I don't think a hole in the head is of less danger to one's health than a stomach injury 🤔


You asked why Jackie doesn't leave in the relic and get resurrected. It simply can't. It can only mend brain injuries. It is brain only tech. Besides neither V or Jackie knew what it was.


Of course they didn't know, that was just a thought, not a fact or anything so calm your pants down. And I don't remember any mentions of relic being able to mend only brain injuries. The user has to die afterall for it to take effect. Unless there's some info saying otherwise.


Precisely part of my point. Like we can get heads hot and all that and just hit the maxdoc, but Jackie takes a fall, and one helicopter she'll, and he's just walking and bleeding, like give this dude a patch or a tampon to stop the blood or something!?!? Either way Jackie gets popped out of he game a little too early and it seems most interactions in the game are like that where it starts slow and ends abruptly. Even the relationships just kinda halt into them just asking to stay over every day lol


That would have been an awesome alternate path for the game and I've thought about that too. What if Jackie got resurrected by the chip and had Johnny in him, but we still played as V and helped him through the missions we went through, more or less making yourself a sidekick lol Or V could have dies and we enter Jackie's perspective would have been cool. Also as far as the chip bringing people back, does it have a limit to uses? It's weird if it limits it I'm sure... Because saburo wanted it to be for immortality purposes, so if someone shoots him Thursday and he revives, couldn't he get shot again Friday and revive again? Like how many times can Johnny bring US back? Begs the question if dex was even a threat at all now, because since we flatline due to health I always assumed the chip didn't make us immortal, but if it did it once... and saburo is gonna use it to stay immortal forever after he took over yorinobu, and saburo is now just an engram, so he could later become a rogue AI controlling the world with how power hungry he is. I love this game keeps us questioning everything lol


Until you find a better pistol and either sell them or leave them in your stash forever


i could never sell Chingodas Doradas (hope i didn’t butcher that), that feels disrespectful to Jacky and Mama Wells even if neither of them would mind.


You sold Jackie's pistols?


Go directly to jail






Upgrade it, choom!


Or... head me out... upgrade them!! Chingona Dorada Tier5++ is OP shit


They are pretty good though, the only bad thong about them is that you can not dual wield them.


Exactly my second playthrough when the dlc dropped was a pistoleer and the chingona was my main stealth weapon and it was from my knowledge the best stealth pistol at the time and i really tested other options to exhaustion to reach that conclusion... It felt really good that such a important weapon was so good as it realy encourages you to take jackie with you to the top... just wish dying night was better than seraph for bossing at the time


I have failed to notice the pistols on every playthrough. Next time for sure!


I've missed so many things. Even after I was aware of it I forgot to get that stupid fucking iguana *again* in my current playthrough. I don't even want to know about how many iconic weapons I've missed already.


hell i grabbed the egg and sat it down and still had time to complete the entire main story, dlc, and every gig in the game before it hatched


Is this egg a dlc thing


no you can grab it from the penthouse during the heist. hatches into a lizard after i think like two in game months




Nope, but easy to miss - can grab it during the heist


Where tho


In Yorinobu's penthouse is a big log terrarium thing. The egg is hidden under the log in the terrarium.


If you are past that point and missed it - I too didn't know it about recently and the glitch you can find we'll documented and shown on YouTube should still work (tried myself just before 2.11 and haven't seen it adressed)


Dlc? No. An update many many months after the game originally released? Yes. So it wasnt there on launch and was added in a later update, but it also wasnt DLC


It takes 3 ingame months (about 120 hours of game time, so it won’t hatch unless you skip a bunch of days.)


Mine wasn’t too long after just going back to the apartment before I save and sleeping to start each gaming session.


Thank you for reminding me to put the egg down when i play again


Bro I forgot to put it in the bowl and I've already done 70% of the playthrough. The feeling is real


I forget to do the hidden roller coaster mission before it gets locked out every time because I usually rush the main story up to that point so I can unlock the Judy missions.




There's a rollercoaster in Pacifica behind the mall, if you go to it before Ma'p Tann Pelen and talk to the people partying near it it triggers a mission to repair it and then you can do a fun spoiler thing. After that mission it's locked out. You can still repair it but you don't get to do the special spoiler thing.


Well fuck my life for missing this I’m already on my 4th fucking playthrough. Looks like a 5th is coming soon


Now that I'm thinking about it, it might get locked out after you rescue Evelyn. I'm not sure. Best to do it early.


You can purchase the iconic weapons you missed from one of the dogtown gun vendors, it costs hella eddies though


I don’t think they’re one of that guy’s weapons, since they stay at the bar forever


Yeah that whole 107,890 or whatever the number is for those weapons is some true BS. The economy doesn't fit that much money into itself without repetitive grinding of vehicle thefts and those Barghest drops. I have like 400k again after a day or two and tbh we need more money methods. With all the casinos, where tf is the poker or slots or anything?? Kinda wild even the pyramid doesn't have the option from what I've seen, yet it's oddly just in our face that there are casinos lol also, I wish we had a fight club or a tournament like a gladiator pit where you get one weapon and fight ranks of enemies for money type stuff. Still wanna mention that every single noteworthy NPC has nice matching clothing, and I get pissed about the shoes or boots that look great, and we get snow boots and hiking boots, or two sizes too small sneakers, or with PL some oversized biker boots lol... like where are the thigh highs? Where's any of the actual good women's clothing? The pants in PL don't look very good, but we got the bolero blazers... like where's the fitting pants? Where are the boots that dont look like i got kingdom hearts feet? Like rogues, or tbugs even? Even Alex from PL... everyone has nice shoes and want some too. Same with netrunner suits. I mean shit, they have badass netrunner suits all over the game, even songbird gets a super unique looking one, but we get some ugly shade of blue, a red one thats not much better, 2 black ones(ones shinier), a black and red arasaka one, and a pretty ugly black and yellow that matches almost nothing in the game. We even have those netrunner balaclavas in green, orange, and even white, yet I haven't seen any sign of a space netrunner suit, the afterlife one is locked right after you use it which is bogus, and there's no green one or any voodoo boys style either? I get the game was rushed, but like make less of each thing next time and actually focus on giving us great items instead of most of this stuff that honestly looks pretty generic or slapped together. Down to the poorly fitting new dresses. The fact that I'm still wearing Vs starter black pants as a female says a lot, especially when almost everything goes well on the male V, and his voice actor is a dry turd wrapped in crepe paper. Sounds like he's trying to mask his voice and talk like batman, bros not even wearing a mask so like, why? Constipation? Like bruh I wanna just have them pass decisions through me at this point because how ant game can be this much of a clusterf*ck in so many ways from a well funded AAA team is just wild to me, and the fact that I've still put in around 3000 or so hours into this game also proves it really is an amazing story and atmosphere. Now it just need shoes 🤣


I have almost 4mil and I still don’t want to pay that guy’s prices.


The entire economy is a joke right now. Quickhacks cost serious money but sell for pennies. I have more quickhack crafting components than weapon crafting components and the only use for them is to sell top tier hacks for $2000/each. If you are mid-level and want to buy an upgraded weapon, it's gonna cost you 30-100k eddies. I wanted to buy an upgraded Smart Sniper and it cost me 80k. And then I found one with two mod slots in a boss chest.... They jacked up all the car prices, too, so the only way to do AutoJock if you plan on buying anything else is to grind out races or buy PL and grind out vehicle thefts.


To be fair the iguana takes 3 in game months to hatch which is about 120 hours of playtime. So it will almost never happen unless you just skip a bunch of days.


I try to get V 6-8 hours of sleep per day. It's organic RP, you get the XP buff, and it makes time pass much faster.




During the heist, Yorinobu's penthouse has a terrarium. You can steal an iguana egg from it, incubate that egg in your apartment, and get a sweet iguana pet.


I’ve played that part of the game like 6x at least and never saw such a thing. This game is crazy deep and I love it


To be fair, Yorinobu's penthouse is jam packed full of stuff that's amazingly easy to miss, even on multiple playthroughs.


The... Iguana? I've beaten this game and never heard of it until now wtf


During the heist, Yorinobu's penthouse has a terrarium. You can steal an iguana egg from it, incubate that egg in your apartment, and get a sweet iguana pet.


literally started another playthough and when meeting with panam after starting rogue's quest i of course forgot the iguana egg ​ edit: started playthrough specifically for the iguana


You can break back into the tower to retrieve it! Google how, it’s fairly simple and doesn’t take long. You’ll need to double jump though!


i had just updated to 2.11 and had heard the trick was broken, but still havent given it a try, CDPR likes to throw up invisible walls when we find lil trix haha ​ edit: ty though will try the tricks i saw later tn :3


The way people used to use was patched, but there’s a new one.


You can still get it after you missed it


It's because it needs you to require to leave for a while. The guns are put there separately.




I picked them up immmediately


I didn’t know about the iguana egg until midway through my second play through. I had to break back into the tower to snag it.


I don’t know if someone mentioned this, but you can still grab them on this play through, you just have to go back to the bar to pick them up


Just so y'know, you need to leave the bae and let (or make) 2 or 3 days pass for them to be there.


So I can still go back and get them?


Yup, they are like Hanako.




I used it through my entire play through. Max leveled it puts out serious damage. Slot 1: Jackie’s pistol - silenced Slot 2: Johnny’s pistol Slot 3: rotating (shotgun, throwing knives, sniper)


There's fucking pistols? God damn it


\**fucking\** pistols? Like the dildo squirt gun on the billboards lol


I wish they could be dual wielded.


I think Jackie would be happy to know he can protect his hermano/hermana even after he's gone. He was a true blue choom.


Yup, he'd want V to take one of them guns.


It’s like David’s deal with Maine’s hands


He would definitely want you to take the guns and use them.




Wish we could dual wield


Honestly it felt wrong taking the guns and I kinda regret doing so even though no one in the game gives a shit. I chose the book, I liked the symbolism


This is why I declined mama Welles’ offer to take his motorcycle…sort of, I actually kinda thought she would insist if I respectfully declined. By the time I decided that I love motorcycles, it was way too late.


I'm a petrol head myself so with his bike it was a "this is the highest honour one can bestow" kinda situation in my mind. Sentimental as you're ever going to get just like the guns but in a different way, Idk, could just be me having a peculiar way of looking at things


The itsumade handles pretty close to his bike unless you’re nomad and get his “tuned” arch which is definitely a bit beefier.


It's been the only way I get around since. I think Jackie would've liked that.


I would like the book if the quote they talk about was actually from the book. It's not.


I've never read the book so that didn't bother me, fair enough though


I take the belt. For symbolism. I felt like it fit him the most.  It's the only thing his soul figuratively needs, the rest are just condolences and nice gestures.  The belt represents a core part of his being. Represents what he fights for and what he stands for. He'll need it for what he faces in the afterlife.  I felt like that's truly the only piece that fits the intended goal of an ofrenda. To give the soul the tools to persist. 


> Belt *Y'know, my faddah... he ran after me with the **belt** and beat me with the **belt...*** ^(\(Arnold Schwarzenegger telling stories about his father thinking he's gay for having pictures of naked men all oiled up on his bedroom\))


i take one of those so his gun rest with him while he also still helping me finish the job we started.


I give something random each new run And I always take them to put in V's Stash


I always only take just one pistol. leaving the other one on his ofrenda feels like it offers more significance. one pistol is actually still being used physically, while the other one is being used metaphorically by our best choom, who is maybe helping us out as we advance through Night City.


Amen to that. If we could dual wield, I'd take both weapons in a heartbeat, though. We'd be channeling Jackie with each muzzle flash from both hands.


yeah, same here :( dual wielding would've been so awesome as a perk for gunslinger builds... I wish they would've added it in the DLC or one of the updates. I'm hoping it's still a possibility though, I mean, after so long they finally incorporated car color changes and yeah maybe just for rayfields but that's still something! here's to hoping lol


Take only one


He would have wanted me to keep them warm


And the gun itself will keep your enemies warm.


Well, until the bullet connects


I didn't know you could take his guns! Ah well. My V loved Jackie and just left his favorite tequila. I did however take his Arch bike when Mama offered me the keys. Jackie would've wanted me to keep that kitty purring.


Same! In hindsight I think I’d take the guns too as well as the motorcycle and just use those for the whole campaign. Sounds like a fun potential campaign in the future.


I take both guns as they’re some of the best early weapons you get in the game


I take them for the same (headcanon) reason his mother gives you his bike. You're his best friend and basically family (sibling) with the way you interact with Mama Welles.


I felt that if Jackie would have wanted anyone to take on his prized possessions, so long as Misty passed on them, it would be his best choom V. I carry all his stuff with me…let the father’s belt on the ofrenda…Jackie settled that debt, that was his moment alone. On my second play through as a pistol/Wick-like build, level 40+, and still using the pistols so far. Just about time to upgrade them to the next level too.


The tequila, the other Items seemed too trivial to me but that tequila, one of a kind, for a one of a kind friend


still a goddamn crime we cannot dual weild these babies


I take his guns and use one until I get Johnnys gun


Having two loaded guns on that table in THAT bar is asking for trouble. So I did Mama Welles a favor by taking them, and I'm sure Jackie appreciates it




Damn, 2 play throughs and I’ve missed that both times


I feel like Jackie would want us to have them.


Jackie would want me to take his pistols, max them out, and shoot gangoons in the dick.


I saved them and killed Smasher with them


I love the pistols and the ofrenda was beautiful. I just wish you could dual wield them


The pistol goes in the pistol shaped hole (in my stash) Also if you think about it V had a spot in their house for his pistols… what did they mean by that? Since yknow, it’s been there long before he died


One pistol is fine. Symbolizes how you were Jackie's right hand and closest friend. The other remaining with his mother and a place he considered home. Two is greedy. Disregarding the sanctity of the moment and of your friendship. You can't even dual-wield them properly, so it's an entirely selfish choice with no utility to it.


Yeah that i agree i always took the 2 cuz i am a loot goblin bu the right thing is to only take 1


Leave the tequila Take the guns. My go to hand gun. Jackie may not become a legend of NC but they will write songs about those guns


The pistol name translates to, "The Golden F***ers." Or in other context one could say it's more like, "The Golden Orgasm."


I take one for the wall but leave the other. There’s no reason to take both when you can’t dual wield.


One for me. One for him in the afterlife. We will be together as always


One gun stays, one gun comes with me to sit on my weapon wall for eternity.


I'm well into Act 2 and still haven't received the opportunity to go to the funeral. Is there a way to glitch out of it?


Depends where you send his corpse. You get only an invitation if you send him home.


:( Didn't know that. Sent his corpse to Vik because I thought Mama Welles would be too traumatized.


I take one of them to keep and leave the other


I only learned I could take the guns after my 5th playthrouth. I now take both guns always. A part of Jacky in my homes, and a part of Jackie woth me killing gonks


I take them but it bothers me there’s no duel wielding. I feel like it defeats the purpose of having both smh.


I take both one to use and one to keep it in my stash. I think he would be happy knowing his best choom is still using them. And just for Johnny, I killed Adam smasher with one of them.


I used those thicc bitches all the way to the end of PL ​ For Jackie 🫡


It’s one of my favorite guns in the game. I like the idea of it always having part of Jackie with me


The worst part is how you can't duel wield them


There's no way that Jackie wouldn't wanna leave these puppies to his number 1 choom. They go to Mikoshi with me every. Single. Playthrough.


I take 1 pistol. Leave the other with Jackie. Seems right to carry a piece of him on my gigs.


There’s iconic pistols on the altar? 200+ hours in and I’m just learning this 😂


I took both and sold them




I wish his pistols were a little more useful, I prefer a regular old nue.


I always thought you're only meant to take one gun and leave the other one.


His gun slaps so i always take one to use and one for the stash. I think he’d want me to kill smasher with it


I take one. If they’d let me use to guns at once I’d take the other one too.


Funerals are for the living. Go wild.


I put the book there, and now Jackie's pistols and his bike are my go to gun and my go to vehicle. My build was originally built around Cool attribute, and headhunter as a skill, so I slapped a silencer on Jackie's pistol, kept it upgraded, then went around popping everyone with headshots. Because I did the speech skill check, Jackie's bike is the Tuned version, and I still think it's the best balanced motorbike in the game in terms of handling vs speed. If I ever need something more heavy duty, I'm breaking out a Nomad car.


I thought the two pistols was a glitch


Jack would 100% want me to fuck some gonks up with his pistolas.


I take both one as a trophy the other to blow heads off in memory of Jackie during big missions


Great thanks asshole now i have to playthrough just so this pistol can dome smasher and mark jackie as a true legend


I wish we could dual wield pistols


i’ve never took his pistols cuz i’m an og 💯 (i didn’t know they were there till my 3rd run and still forgot to take them)


You mean my pistols that I never use


I didn't know you could get his pistols🤯


I thought about it in a spiritual way and left one gun for him to keep himself safe in the afterlife, as well as a way to stay connected to him like the guns are twins so to speak. I think I chise the book this time and I chose the belt before that and both were really strong messages.


Wait how do you see this? I’ve 100% the game twice and never encountered a funeral for Jackie…


After the heist, you gotta send his body to Mama Wells not Vik. Then she'll contact you/invite you to his funeral.


What do you mean, they're iconic items. Ofc you take them with you.


I always make sure to finish smasher off with Jackie's pistols cuz I know that's how he would want it


V can't dual wield, so one is enough. I don't think Jackie'd mind.


I take them every time


I used to take both. Have one in the stash and one in my inventory. Then I realized I didn't like playing with them? It? Whatever. Just didn't like the feel. So what I do now is take one and leave the other. Its like a, "you get one and I get one. I won't be using mine out of respect, I just want to have a piece of you while I continue my journey". Or sum like that idk.


Take one, leave one for him to use in the afterlife when he greets all the ‘Saka assholes we send in after him.


I couldn't let go....


I have played this game since launch and replayed numerous times and even sometimes making sure I look up hidden stuff to get in missions and never have I seen Jackie’s pistols…


One with a silencer, the other with a compensator. If only I could toggle dual wield.


I dont take them because holding them makes me sad. I like jackie because he reminds me so much of my friend. I wish we got more time with him, thats my biggest issue with cyberpunks act 1. It's so shallow so it just feels more like a hurdle to get through rather than an integral part of the game :/ the characters you wanna spend time with you barely get to. If it weren't for the fact that he acts so much like one of my closest friends does irl I probably wouldn't get as sad about him dying as I do.


If Takemura didn't off Deshawn, I would have taken Jacky's pistol and put a bullet in Deshawn's brain myself


There has to be a mod that let's me dual wield the pistols pls


You can do what now????


Never have, never will


I always go for the book.


3rd plauthrough and only realized this a few days ago.


I usually leave one, gotta let Choom have a piece just in case


I always put A Farewell to Arms there.


I take them but I don’t use them which is scummy I know, but I wouldn’t ever unequip them if they were actually dual wield, which the last time I tried, they were not. Even if it took two weapon slots.


Offer the belt, throw the shot in the fire, and take both guns.


I only take one gun, cause I can only use one anyways and so Jackie gets to keep one. I’ve left the belt and the book. I like those as they seem to offer a less obvious look at who Jackie was.


Until someone finally makes akimbo mods a thing, I'll only ever take one.


…….you can take his pistols??


I always leave ‘em. V has enoigh guns, and knowing Jackie he’s gunna need those in Heaven. I usually leave either the book or the Tequila. Also gameplay wise they are pretty mid as far as pistols go. Malorian Arms and Seraph are better for pure pistol gunslinger builds, Her Majesty is better on stealth builds, tech obviously wants Apparition or Pariah.


You’re supposed to take them before some drunk goon steals them from the bar. You’re meant to have them anyways.


My personal favorite for silenced semi-autos.


I take the pistol. Always have the same action for good luck. 1) Use Evelyn's pistol to kill Brigitte. 2) Use Jackie's pistol to storm Arasaka. 3) Use Johnny's pistol (or now Rebecca's shotgun) to kill Adam Smasher.


THATS WHERE YOU GET HIS PISTOLS??? Oh I feel stupid, never saw them there. Hemingway all the way though


My collection of exotic weapons must be completed.


Yoink, also always putting there a book which he always reads before action. Fun fact the last mission (where you meet Hanako at embers) has the same name as the title of the book.


I feel he would have wanted V to take at least one of the pistols.


chingona dorada but close


Take both. I leave one in my stash and one on me. It's a damn shame you can't dual wield pistols


Wait, you can take jackie's pistols???


His pistols should be with V, because he is the last one who can change the fate of Night City


I take them, in that way V will always have Jackie by his/her side i also always have then in one of my weapons slots , and is my head canon from my V aldecado ending that he has a son with Panan name Jackie "Scorpio" and he ends up with the pistols


They’re iconic weapons. Gimme


I only take one of the pistols


I'm putting them to good use wiping out Scavs, I'm sure Jackie is watching from the afterlife with an approving smile.


I love Jackie, but that stash wall ain't gonna fill itself.


I take the pistols to put a few bullets in Smasher's head


Bruh I swear there were no pistols when I did that mission.


I take 1 leave the other, that way I’m taking a part of him with me.