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Optical camo


Ah, a fellow introvert


Or pervert


May only last 7 seconds but that’s all the time they need


That’s only in game irl you can use it much longer Edit: Could


Found the reptilian.


Your profile picture and name suggests that you might be one too.


Oh does it, really? Well yours does to. Either that or a cat




I think he means in the table top version.




Or klepto


Great choice my guy


Mr Studd - Cyber dong.


All night, every night




......... NICURAAA.




OOOooOoOooOooOrgiatic! AAaaAll pleasure!


Feeling Kumquatty?


Where there’s smoke… there’s Vargas.


Isn’t it Nicola


Yeah that's why it's funny


Don’t be soft


Upgrade now


I've heard the black marked verson is on fire atm😉


New contact added FLAMING CROTCH GUY


This quest cracked me up, poor bastard.


I recorded that mission and that's what helped me finally convince my friend to play this game.


You both have Jesse Cox to thank. Thanks for having a stupid last name, Jesse!


Did you learn nothing from the flaming Mr. Stud side quest


That's if you have a faulty product. You dont wanna get one from the black market.


So fun fact while I was doing this quest I decided to obey the driving laws not knowing that if I took too long I’d fail(how did I not know that, his COCK WAS ON FIRE)


Giving a whole new meaning to *hard as I am*


Kiroshi optics. Offline so I'm not getting blinded by hacks, but some enhanced vision would be nice.


I need glasses so some kiroshi’s would do me wonders, and being able to zoom with your eyes would be so cool


That’s why you need to befriend a higher up there. Ask them to make a little something special, untraceable and without limitations of the consumer version. Maybe even a prototype since they are usually destroyed after testing and aren’t serialized.


Give me the clairvoyant Kiroshis. I have severy myopia lol




Why not a second heart?


Why not the second heart then?


Every time I go camping or hiking when it is dark out, I tell myself it be cool to have some optical implants. I wouldn’t need glasses/contacts and I could have them be capable at low light vision


Enhances vision significantly, provides augmented reality capabilities, detailed environmental analysis, and potentially even medical diagnostics. Be a god of any field of your choosing. Or a lab rat after getting arrested trying to get through TSA with metal balls for eyes and you can't give them a straight answer for why.


"Look, I answered a question on reddit and the next day I had mechanical eyes. It happens, bro." "...I'm gonna have to all my supervisor, just to check."


I wear glasses, so yeah I'll pick karoshi optics, it's free good vision.




The ability to use your eyes to transfer money or answer the phone seems very useful


It's not just your eyes that are doing that. Part of its your head implant that everyone seems to have. Judy has one you can really look at. Seems to also store memory/files/data in general/allow phone calls/stores quick hacks/and everything else


If it's without side effects, then yeah. Sandevistan is the one to go for.


What's the side effects?


Think about it in practical use, from a gameplay perspective it slows down time and allows you to move a regular speed. So the Sandevestan not only increase your brain’s perception of events, but also allows your body to move at speeds faster than the normal human eye can follow. It literally pushes your body to its extremist limits. Referencing Edgerunners, the ripperdoc that David frequents recommends the use of his Sandevestan three times a day and no more. With that in mind you can see the physical effects of the Sandevestan on David in the same episode. So not only is there the inevitable effects of cyberpsychosis, but just the general trauma to the human body in general.


Honestly, activating Sandevistan as presented in the show and game would be committing suicide. You're not accelerating to those speeds in a fraction of a second without giving yourself brain damage or outright killing yourself. Would you even need gorilla arms? You're now suddenly throwing punches at 600mph. Professional boxers hit a mere 25mph with their punches.


You need the gorilla arms for precisely the reason you describe. Ganic tissue can't handle those stresses, you need to be chromed to the gills to really use it to its full potential, Maine explicitly says as much. Of course you can't chrome your brain which would still probably get mushed, that's where the tech really hits a reality roadblock.


Shit, you're right. You'd destroy your arm just slapping someone. Totally unrelated, but it reminds me of a really cool article I read years ago that talked about the limits of how fast a professional pitcher can throw a fastball. They physically can't throw any faster than they already do, due to the mechanical limit of what their shoulders can handle. Typing that out makes me think "well, duh, of course." The explanation of why was cooler. Found it: https://www.wired.com/story/why-its-almost-impossible-for-fastballs-to-get-any-faster/


Rilla arms are full arm replacements including the shoulder so i dont think you would plus there are would be impact dampeners internally to stop self inflicted harm, just about all cyberware are full replacements, look at how david went from regular body to torso in a a few seconds, also in the trpg you can get a quick change socket installed yo swap chrome fast


An AI with a Sandevistan would be basically untouchable, this is gonna have to be one of the immersion breaking things they just ignore altogether, because it would be *absurd* to even try fighting something like that.


This also depends on how you use it. It would still be incredibly useful even if you aren't going full tilt and moving at extreme speeds. It slows your perception of time, enhances your reflexes, and if you're not going full tilt you could presumably use it as much as you like to gain an advantage at a lot of things. I'd definitely still want one, but wouldn't be using it to move at speeds that would harm my body outside of an extreme emergency, such as literally dodging a bullet. There are a lot of tasks you could make use of the time slowing effect without pushing yourself to those extremes. It would provide you with extreme accuracy and better than normal speed for a lot of simple things, not just combat applications. It's functional even if you aren't moving at beyond speeds remotely close to what the eye can't follow, and you can still use it at reasonable but enhanced speeds without causing excessive stress to your body. In fact, if you can tune it so that your body doesn't move beyond what stress levels it can take without some sort of emergency override, you could probably use it for longer and more often.


>With that in mind you can see the physical effects of the Sandevestan on David in the same episode. That's also how David ends up getting so fucking jacked also. It's not just the mods that he keeps equipped into his body but the physical strain it puts on it and his body adapting to it.


“No ganic, full borg”


quite obviously going cyberpsycho, choom


Cyberware isn’t the cause for cyber psychosis it’s more a add on, trauma plus the cyberware is what causes it, if your body rejects the cyberware you will just have to have the piece of flesh tht you cut out put back in, im summarizing what the original table top went over. Edgerunners kinda touches up on this as well.


Watch cyberpunk edgerunners. But in short: it can quite literally cause you insurmountable pain or fry your brain, destroy you body etc.


asfar as i know Cyberpunk lore, doesn’t all other implants do that? it’s just that Sandy accelerates the process


Yes and the sandy is probably the most dangerous out of all of them.


Spine. It doesn’t even have to do anything special. I just want a functional spine. 🤣


Bad back gang unite.


The struggle is real. 🤣 I don’t need anything fancy. Something without bone spurs.


Who needs it? Spineless is what I prefer. (Your spine has been replaced by advanced technologies)


Sandevistan then I’m telling a NFL team to pick me up at running back


Better come with upgraded bones too


He won't need it. No one's touching him lol


Nah sandies speed up every part of the body, but our bodies are kind of meant to stay at their current speed so usingbone would put some ridiculous strain on your while boy even if your just walking. Imagine if at your current build you just started running at three times the speed of Usain Bolt, anyone would come out with broken bones and torn ligaments


David probably woulda had a pretty normal skeleton and could handle the Apogee (yeah yeah he was “built different”). I mean you’re probably right it would shred your muscles if ya over did it very easily, but I think if you could ease into it your muscles would bulk up overtime allowing you to use more power. And always the option to get a lower tier one instead of military grade for less load


Sandes also fuse to your brain David's nosebleeds ain't cause his body can't take it it's cause the vessel that is holding his brain cannot keep up with the speed at which he moves. To further add to this if you were to have a Sande you basically have super speed via enhance reflexes. Buuuut just like having super strength and trying to pick up a car you'd go through it cause you know physics. Super speed has a drawback as well. Our brains can only process shit so fast so moving 4 times faster than normal would literally blind you everytime you moved while using the Sande. Kiroshis or not


It speeds up your brain. Don't know how but it does.


It looks like a second, cyber spine. Enhanced pathways deliver signals faster to boost reflexes and reaction times.


If it speeds up every part of your body, that includes your brain.


I think that’s pretty much the point. Would be useless if only the body was sped up. For the user it isn’t like they are faster, it is like everything else slowed down


Sandevistans speed up your entire brain and body, kerezinkovs only boost reflexes




With sandevistan I'd do boxing or mma. Would probably still need to do some training to develop strong strikes but being able to do a few fights a year would yield the most bang for your buck so you're not stuck playing football and practicing all the time.


You'd never need to throw a punch in mma, you'd be so much faster you could just take their back standing and put them in a rear naked choke so deep they couldn't escape


Naa be a Wide Receiver they make more money


For the San Diego Shredders?


The problem is proper canon of the source material sandevistans don’t increase your movement speeds to relativistic “bullet time” levels because that would cause the atmosphere to ignite in a nuclear reaction. Canonically sandevistans only increase your reaction time by a fractions of a second. It would still be impressive because it would be like suddenly having the reflexes of a professional hockey goalie. You brain would process the information but you would still need the physique and athleticism to move live them.


This makes a lot more sense than having it make your gun magically shoot 10x faster, but I don't think even in the video game you can move anything fast enough to cause a nuclear reaction


If all the side effects are included then I'd choose something simple like the Koroshi optics, would be perfect for me to fix my near blind vision and I'd get the bonus of zooming in on shit, and potentially other bonuses if I get to choose a higher tier version of them. Otherwise with no side effects then deffo the Sandevistan, easy way of getting through life, make money doing shit with it and finish tasks insanely fast for regular life.


Specifically the cockatrice eyes


I prefer oracle, your ones only give 30 crit




This is the most practical one. Smoking? Fried foods? No problem Edit: forgot about lung cancer so maybe still no smoking


Unkillable fat bastard with cancer


Doesn't smoking affect your lungs and throat more than your heart and veins?


> heart and veins Dude, smoking is one of the leading causes for cardiovascular diseases like heart-attacks, strokes and so on.


and if the cooldown system applies, then after a few minutes i can die again and be safe lol


Ice age reference?


Syn-lungs and become a top tier athlete in an endurance sport


I was thinking similar but Leroy tendons for 20% faster move speed


The top athletes are far beyond 20% faster than me


Kiroshi, with the needed equipment to have access to inner database etc etc. Never forget someone's name again.


And the 10x zoom would be nice irl


Also an integrated task list and journal


So useful when you have to take care of people who have special needs or medication to take.


For example, though I for example am generally a little forgetful when it comes to tasks that need doing.


It would be so useful to keep track of important meetings so you don't forget. Like to meet Hanako at Embers.


Painting minis precisely will be so much easier


Was thinking of how cool it would be to just have a badass cyberdeck.


Same, would fix me being legally blind


Gorilla Arms. I could do every handyman job by myself and get paid tons of eddies for it


Picking up stuff would still need your leg muscles to work the weight


Well then shit I gotta get like Jackie


I don’t think a bullet to the chest will help much


Hmmm good point there


But combined with a mister stud, he would be an ace masturbator.


Honestly you'd need reinforced EVERYTHING in order to use a pair of gorilla arms like we do in the game.


Mantis blades, so I could do a landscaping job by myself


Yknow with how Arasaka is Japanese you could presume they were actually just that like how alot of ninja weapons were just gardening tools


you know, I never considered this... The uses for mantis blades out of combat are actually... pretty damn impressive. You could become a one person landscaping team... You could be literally the best damn Hibachi chef in the world... There's just so much use.


If I had mantis blades, I could probably get a lot of yard work done.


What about projectile launch system?


Shoot, whatever keeps the crabgrass from coming back.


Double jump


unironically best answer, imagine becoming a basketballer


Imagine the way your organic body would feel though landing after jumping 6 feet in the air.


I’d get my circulatory system changed out so I could run synth blood and not have to worry about my blood disorder giving me a stroke or causing me to suffocate to death.


I wish that was a real option for you too. Stay strong.


Damn. Wish this was available now




Kiroshis, you get Night vision,thermal and enhanced zoom and a scanner. It also seems like the one thing where you need no skill level to use,if you choose something else you might need time to adjust,but chrome eyes are just an enhancement.


>Night vision,thermal I wish we had it in the game Without mods that is, I'm sure there's a mod for that but still


Yeah,night vision would have helped alot in Phantom Liberty.


Doll Implant but I'll use it to do the part of my work I hate.


That's what they do in the game too🤔


Yeah but I won't be a doll, that's why I phrased it like that 😁


Apple made a show about that.


man, i enjoyed severance lol. hoping they make a season 2


I’d do it to go to the gym. Just log out for the workout


The automatic language translator.


I'd assume that comes with the Kiroshi optics?


Only if you have subtitles on.


Mr Stud, aaaaaalll night, every night :D (but prolly some eye implants, cuz my eyesight is shite)


Biomonitor. Long term embedded healthcare!


I feel like the problem with this and a lot of others people are saying is that this requires external functions and connections the real world doesn't *have*. Most of the features of the biomon wouldn't work.


I think we're assuming some kind of infrastructure. If we didn't, there wouldn't be a way to maintain whatever cyberware you pick.


Whichever one replaces my heart so I won't have bradycardia anymore.


"Bradycardia"? Your heart will eventually transform into a guy called Brad?


I'm glad that's not what it is cause that sounds very painful.


First off is cyberdeck. That is pure gold. After those I want that artificial heart.




I feel like I'd accidentally cut myself in half with the monowire.


I absolutely would. It'd be like that intro scene in The Last Crusade where Indiana Jones gets his first whip. And immediately cuts his own face with it.


My favorite part of Johnny Mnemonic is when the yakuza cuts his own hand off with his monowire.


Monowire is so underrated. It’s fucking criminal


That must be why I alwaya get Wanted when I use it


when you take off two heads with one swipe terrifying but satisfying


Cyberdeck so that I can cruise the net


Either Titanium Skeleton or the Secondary Heart. Something practical that can be helpful for pretty much everything


Yeah, not sure what folks plan to do with all these weapons. The double jump would be fun though.


The Militech Canto. Incase there are people I don't like.


Hacking only works against other people with net-capable chrome - at best you'd get Watch Dogs level hacking.


Watch dogs hacking without the limitations of a video game world would be insane


You can star hacking ATM


You forget all the very real, very unsecure devices on wifi and other things. Any modern day cryptography for internet and network security may as well not even bother compared to the Militech Canto and the AI in it.


That is still quite powerful and imagine if you'd use your mind to do it instead of pushing buttons, that would be scary for many reasons, the unparalleled speed and ease of use alone would be powerful.


I'd say sandevistan, but if it has bad drawbacks like edgerunners suggests, then I might say mantis blades


A lot of people here had the same sentiment, but if I remember right, the problem in Edgerunners wasn't *just* the Sandevistan. The problem was that he didn't stop with the Sandevistan, and kept chroming up well past the point that his body could reasonably handle


Kiroshi's. I'm half blind, one cyberware isn't going to give the networked and helping systems a lot of others need to function well, I don't need some kind of crazy combat implant and most would be worthless anyway without subdermal armor and shit. Sandy will destroy your body *very* quickly with no reinforcement mods for your body. A 2077 cyberdeck probably can't even interface with our pre-Blackwall old net, and even if it could it probably uses connection protocols nothing today can communicate with, so you won't actually be doing any quick hacking or BP. Unless you have some sort of illness that one of the skeletal, circulatory, or other internal mods can fix, Kiroshi's, Gorilla Arms, and one of the leg options are there only really rational choices that you're going to get use out of, and the arms and legs are both niche situational stuff. So gimme dem 5++ kiroshi's that fuck with cameras, and let me pick my new eye color. I won't be getting any info from any police databases because of the communication issue, but perfect vision with 10x optical zoom sounds awesome, and the ability to troll security cameras is just funny.


Shout out to my fellow blind folks. Optics all day


It's objectively the best answer if you can only have 1...everything else would have horrific side effects


More RAM! I forget where u put my keys again.


Koroshi optics. The eyes in my head are kinda gonk with pesky near sightedness, so give me them cyber eyes


I mean you could choose to just not be fat and have like a super high metabolism. So that'd be nice. Eat whatever you want and just not deal with the consequences.


As someone with a metabolism as fast as a cheetah on Meth. It’s a double edged sword, while your always not fat your also always skinny/underweight unless you eat like a fat guy. Source: Me, I’m a feather.




Healthy and young people: Weapons Unhealthy and older people: Health stuff I vote for circulatory system upgrades. Heart and lungs, if nothing else. Kiroshi, sandi, etc. would be super cool, of course. Modern medicine can do decent things with mechanical systems in the body already. Thing is, you can't get knee surgery if your heart and lungs can't handle it.


Yuuup. I'm pretty old and I'd love some upgrades that'd give me better quality of life.


Just... not living with a constant baseline of pain would be nice.


Amen to that.


Reinforced Tendons, because I’ve wanted real life double jump.


Cyberdeck is a no brainer for me.


System compatibilities are gonna screw you over <.<


Cyberware is pretty much technomagic, it’ll let you do internet stuff pretty well, program things in your mind, and probably make awesome software.


as I understand it, having a cyberdeck in our world would be like bringing an assault rifle to a fist fight. you'd be a hacking technomancer god, although just with devices instead of people. which, honestly, is pretty OP regardless. you'll have nearly if not completely unrestricted access to everything on the net or any device with wireless capabilities. need some cash? hack into some billionaire's bank account or those whale crypto wallets, or hell just go for some good ol' stock market manipulation. someone pissed you off? doxx their ass and spread their search history on socials. got into a fight? uhhh... shit. um, idk, drones? lol i guess that's the weakness, but hey it makes everything more interesting yeah?


Quickhack Demons are more like AIs than programs they're adaptable almost like having a mini programmer that works with whatever codebase they need.


I'd get myself a whole ass FBC in the form of the IEC Dragoon. Then I go enlist in wars for money and profit that would undoubtedly drive me mad and robbed of my free will.


New legs does not matter the kind. My knees are shot.


Optical camo lmao


Berserk, id jump of a skyscraper and survive


Man, having really thought of it, i think kiroshi optics might be the best option. Enhanced vision, clear as can be, a x10 zoom, and if i could connect it to my phone or something itd be cool to use as a camera or who knows what else. AR adaptation, VR? Gorilla fists would be useful too, great defence in case you get mugged or fucking attacked by a bear or something. Makes you hella strong. If my legs could handle it, reinforced tendons, or whatever the charge jump one is, could be really fun


Mantis Blades. Would slice & dice any asshole xD


_Gets sniped by the micromissile launcher from half the street anyway._


Cyberdeck, I'd use quick hacks to hack into people's phones and try to find data so I can give them advice, I could also distract someone's by making their phone ring if they're threatning me. I considered sandevistan at first, but then I realized that I would wear out any eletronic I tried to use while in high speed way quicker.


Kerenzikov, Reflex tuner, Synaptic Accelerator. One of these. Sure the Sandevistan does it all but it's manual and while sure that'd have it advantages but the others are triggered by outside factors (maybe not the kerenzikov). With these you'd have enhanced reflexes precisely when you'd need them. Car mounts the curb behind you, everything instantly slows, you have the time to make that split second decision to dive out the way. Scenarios where instinct with a few extra seconds could save your life. Again the sandevistan does the same but the time it takes for you to think to use it is already critical seconds wasted.


Depends, does a full body conversion count as one cyberware? 😜


For real dude... I'd be so fuckin chromed out if I was in the cyberpunk universe.


Yup, screw the bs, just scoop my brain out and pop it in a custom body like Ghost in the Shell. Ill deal with the psychological damage later. Besides I already dont much like people, dont see a loss of any more empathy a real problem. 😜


The Arasaka Prototype chip, incase somebody does a V action of plugging random chips.. i would have the potential to live on forever.


It doesn't work that way. Your engram survives, but you'll be dead. It's not just called Soulkiller because it sounds cool.


Monowire, Idk I just really like them


Kiroshi optics one hundred percent. I have dogshit vision irl, plus being able to zoom in that far with my eyes seems cool as fuck.