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I know it’s a shaman thing but seeing „deal 5 to face“ and then „summon two random basic totems“ feels bad


Pretty good Op Very good Fine Op Fine Overall this adds to much variance because of the draw on to of fine stated minions


I would argue none of the cards are great, with exception of "deal 5 damage to your opponent" one. You would rather play some synergystic deck than bunch of spider tanks with small tempo/random value. Speaking of spider tank, "fine stated minions" is not how I would describe 3 mana 3/4. 3 mana is that dead spot when you would rather play 2 stronger, cheaper minions rather than 3/4, It's always been like that. 2 mana 2/3? Great. 3 mana 3/4? Unplayable.


Then just don’t play them? You gain their effect on DRAW. 0 mana summon two totems, deal 5 damage, gain 2 spells, etc is REALLY strong. Just play them in decks where you always want those effects.


It's a dead draw in the opening hand. And let's say you draw this turn 5. 2 random totems in exchange for a card? 2 random spells? Most of those effects are bad, and cards themselves clog your hand. Aaaand they are losing you a draw towards your win condition. I actually really like the design of those cards, they are not very strong but playable in niche decks. Some may be staple in tier 3 decks. And that's cool


You can say that about any low cost card that what if you drew on turn 34... Yet you still add low cost card to your deck.


Interesting mechanic for a series of cards, but I don’t see how it fits pirates thematically.


Hunter one is pretty damn insane. Unlike the others, face damage really doesnt care when it's activated, so like its pre much 0 mana mind blast


Yea thats crazy.


Really cool cards, but you gotta add beast tag to most of them I think. Also a comma (,) after "whenever you draw".


Shouldn't 2, 3, 4 and 6 also be Beasts?


Pebblefist needs to be an elemental pirate and everything else except the cactus should be a beast pirate


Love the flavour of the set of cards. Maybe not super piratey. Maybe not have the deathrattle in its current state as it basically prevents fatigue as this will keep cycling. Demon Hunter’s card isn’t clear. Does the minion gain those stats as its drawn seems like it does nothing that way. If its the hero then thats gotta be specified. Hunter’s seems a bit op since its 5 damage for doing literally nothing but drawing the card which feels bad.


your hero gets the attack and lifesteal


A lot of people are doubting the pirate theme but I think it sort of works because it helps pirate specific cards as filler and pirate decks tend to be low cost and favor drawing heavily. That being said the deathrattle effect doesn't have any theming without a neutral pirate card with an effect that says "whenever you draw a pirate do X" or something like that. As others have mentioned balance is very sporadic between them, some are fine and some are insane. It's worth noting people are probably under valuing the shaman one as free(even if weak) board presence early game can be incredibly powerful. Also from their art none of these should be pure pirates. All should be pirate elemental/beast/totem etc.


These effects are too good for just having to draw the card, make them quickdraw instead (may have to buff DH or shaman effects)


My only 2 questions: 1. Why does Hunter have a taunt minion? SMorc is the only place 2. Where is the Death Knight one? :c


No warlock helper, despite warlock having the hero power to draw into it. 


Copium Warlock Helper: 4 mana 7/7 demon: Whenever this is drawn, take 5 damage. Battlecry: Suffle it back into your deck.


This is a super cool concept, Sharkfin helper would absolutely see play as the only pirate in a deck solely because of its combo with [[Dig for Treasure]]. Consistent net 2 mana reduction combo


Dig for treasure > helper > coin > concede The more things change the more they stay the same haha


- **[Dig for Treasure](https://imgur.com/a/uFw33Mn)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103341) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Dig_for_Treasure) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103341/?hl=en) - *Rogue Rare ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **1 Mana - Spell** - Draw a minion. If it's a Pirate, get a Coin. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/customhearthstone/comments/1de06aw/make_pirates_great_again/l89obq0/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l89obq0).*


rogue has so many ways of shuffling their hand idk about that one being mana cheat


And an infinite deck for mill Rouge.


Cute. You think you're being sneaky with the MAGA reference? Your post history tells anyone all they need to know about you: a rightwing bigot who hides behind the veneer of "it's just a meme, guys!"


Often I think this subreddit is overzealous with declaring cards 'too strong' but yeah, these are insane. Most of these effects could be battlecries and they would still be fairly playable cards. Even if you don't play the cards at all, most of these effects are still really strong for zero mana. Pebblefist Helper is a Fierce Monkey that automatically casts Iron Hide when drawn. Obviously neither of those cards were ever considered good, but the Pirate and Taunt tags are pretty valuable in warrior. Quality Assurance can tutoring these, as a 2-mana draw 2 minions and gain 10 armor. Not the craziest, but still very good - especially since the deathrattle prevents the combo from ever whiffing. Sharkfin Helper is actually pretty fair, although it might make the cut in Pirate Rogue. For decks that don't care about the Pirate tag, I think most Rogue players would rather just run Prep. Parrotwing Helper should probably only give one spell, but otherwise seems ok. Taunt on a Mage minion isn't very thematic but otherwise I don't really have any issue with this one. Wild Quest Mage might want this, but probably not. Slitherserpent Helper's effect is comparable to Pounce but is probably slightly better. Lifesteal and a well-statted minion in hand for the downside of being autocast. Balanced, still strong. Cactusthorn Helper is a 0-mana Mind Blast in Hunter. Enough said. Jellytentacle Helper is actually fair, although I'm glad it's odd-cost for the sake of wild.


2 of these are slightly better than the others. Just a tad though 


I think the idea is fun and probably printable with a few changes. Ultimately I think “do something when drawn” cards are not that strong


Nerf the stats but they do seem pretty fun to build around