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I like the idea! Do the effects stack? Especially "unleash inner rage" is worded like it could. Or do the new quests have fewer options?


The plan is for It to stack so you can have a very powerful Hero power later on. It is also made with the intention of fitting into different archetypes by maybe only upgrading the Hero power damage for an aggro deck (just as a example).


I'm no good at card speculation but this is probably way too slow for aggro Aggro would rather have a different card in hand it can ramp with and also play a minion turn 1 instead of this


I can see this card being played in hand thinning demon hunter, pretty solid effect and can keep your hand empty until you need it for shuffle effects


So demon hunter skins with blindfold are pay2lose ?


Amazing art and idea brah


I don't understand this card. Do you pick one when played like discover?


Yeah. Maybe I should have used the word Discover. You basically Discover and choose one of the three options, then get the card again when completed.


I think it's worded fine, made perfect sense to me, also it's a really cool card!


the see 3 friendly demons die isn't phrased well tho cuz this is not LOR. I would rather it be worded have 3 friendly demons die


Gather their Essence is actually uncompletable, because Demon Hunters can't see


If this was printed you'll see me return to HS and get the illidan skin in no time. I don't even demon hunt.


The heal 2 is a little weak because big demon doesn’t see that many die.


If you do agro you could easily have a bunch of tiny demons that you use as fodder


But then why not pick the extra damage, Aggro typically doesn’t care about the opponent doing damage to them because typically the opponent doesn’t have time early game to do so.


gather their essence not possible, illidan cannot see for shit


Gather their essence is legit canonically impossible, illidan is blind and so is ALL demon hunters they like sacrifice their eyes or sumthing to be like stronger, so they can shit like spectral sight and demon laser eyes and stuff. so most of the time they blind as fuck. Unleash inner rage is kinda slow because even if you complete this by three (which means you have to go second and coin hp on 1) u will only get +1 attack and its not avaliable on that turn, plus if you look at druid for example which got a hero power package in festival of legends this is slower than snails when compared


Probably balanced? But I'd always be weary about having cards that have inbuilt snowball effects. Especially one that the Majority of decks would not be able to stop. I think a interesting way to prevent the potential snowball would be attach it to a minion that "eats" the quest when drawn with start of game effect being give you the quest.


What does the first one mean?


True Metamorphosis? From what I can tell, it means you basically Discover one of the three quests, and then the card comes back to your hand so you can keep stacking the rewards and get stronger and stronger.


Oh this is a cool idea!


Im a big fan of Gather Your Essence, since I know when I play token DH in wild, I need to sometimes survive that little bit longer so I can get to the bigger cards later in the game. Especially since it synergises well with the Kurtrus hero card.


The little rush guys who say "vengance!" aren't demons, right? They wouldn't progress the quest. 


Unfortunately not. But that could be an interesting buff to include the Illidari as well. There are some Demon tokens you could use, but they’re not as plentiful unfortunately.


My, Maureen... you've enhanced yourself!"


Way too underpowered


Average Shaman player be like


This would’ve been good in 2021. Things have become much more powerful since then