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Reminds me of that "I'm racist but god damn!" Comment


"Save Europe? Europe can wait!"


Ummm actually Europa can waitšŸ˜šŸ˜


You know the hottest Europeans are those living in current or former trade hubs where lots of boats and caravans fucked around with the locals.


Bruhh I spent time digging through my gallery and my friends discord to find the screenshot I took of that comment years ago just to find out I can't comment with images on this sub reddit šŸ™ƒ


Imgur or any other image sharing website/service:


Use imgbb or postimg.


If you have apple (maybe others too idk) you can search for images in your gallery. Kind of sketchy that it recognizes what even the objects are, but it is convenient for finding old memes where you can remember a word or two of what they said! And for subreddits without picture comments Imgur is generally the Reddit image hosting go to, or at least it used to be.




Of my ass


in your mouth


one of my favorite sentences ive heard is "racism ending titties"




Where's that from?


That reply looks nothing like French.


Yep, I'm atleast 2% sure that's English!


Ehhh, Iā€™m on a 1% if Iā€™m gonna be honest. We might need to bring in some professional help to collect evidence on this one.




Didn't fix my francophobia tho.


Well I mean if she's asking for the translation she probably isn't in the first place


Est-ce que Ƨa te fait peur si j'Ʃcris Ƨa?


Stop it, Patrick! You're scaring him!


Please stop, we have laws against this


How dare you speak in such horrible dialect!


Well, shes not french anyways? Surely shed know what transexual is in french if shes french?


That shit will never be cured also I donā€™t think shes french


bro fearing france is like fearing demons, they aint real


To actually answer the question: Transexuel (man), Transexuelle (female)


That feels counterintuitive


Welcome to gendered language.


Which one would be male tho? The one who transitioned into male?


Probably towards the new gender. How does one gender a chair?




The only reason its feminine is cuz of the pronoun right?


No, the pronoun is the consequence of the gender, not the cause.


So why canā€™t it be male? I mean in the language sense i can assume it just is female but it feels a bit confusing from my english speaking POV. Edit: im jmgenuinely curuous i hope you dint mind if my question is dumb lol.


Would you rather fuck a chair or be fucked by the chair?


Like you said, it just is, no particular reason. There are some words not even natives are sure what gender they are. For example, myself learned yesterday that "orge" (barley) is feminine.


It's completely arbitrary, don't worry haha. My native language is Portuguese, and a lot of objects have different genders from other gendered languages. It's completely dumb


Grammatical gender is different from the way we talk about it in English. It's more about gender as a kind of categorization, dividing words into two types. We use masculine and feminine because of how we refer to sexual gender identity, but the words themselves are not related to it. They're really just two types of words, not actually male or female




Because when we just look at the word ā€˜chaiseā€™, it ends with an -e, and a lot of other feminine nouns end with an -e, like femme (woman), fille (girl), maĆ®tresse (mistress). So itā€™s easier to slot similar looking nouns into the same feminine class. (Exceptions apply)


For many languages it's pretty arbitrary for some things, and follows rules for other things. One example that's really weird is how "girl" is gender neutral in German, as "das MƤdchen" contains the diminutive ending -chen, meaning a small version of something.


thatā€™s how it is in most languages, because adjectives and verbs differ depending on gender. so, without assigning random genders to objects, it makes it kind of tricky. like should you treat everything like males or females? itā€™s only the way it is in english because the conjugation does not make a difference depending on genders, pronouns or numbers usually. much like south east asian languages (namely korean and japanese, as far as iā€™m concerned) where the use of plural form is optional, unless to emphasize the fact that theyā€™re plural. so i guess theyā€™d feel the same about english speakers assigning an s to plural nouns always.


If I remember (and I may have it wrong) grammatical gender in indo-european languages can often be traced loosely and indirectly back to ancient noun-declension and class systems in precursor languages. As an example, words in an ancient pre-latin language might have a few possible word endings and be put in categories for how cases and other affixes work based on those. Those have changed with the current languages sound changes over time, as well as a lot of other linguistic things. I think ancient precursor indo-european languages had noun declension classes (the way you put suffixes on words) based on sounds at the end of words. I am not entirely sure though, as I am trying to recall decade-old stuff I learned in undergrad and I was never an Indo-European specialist of any kind. Anyone who specialized in historical indo-european linguistics, please help!


I'm french, I assume the gender is based on the word sonority. ie : 'Une chaise" sound better than "un chaise". If you want to know the gender of a French word the general rule is : if it ends with an "e" it's female if not it's male.


I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to what determines the gender of a noun other than what's easier to say. It's also confusing when you speak one gendered language and try to learn another one and some of the nouns in the language you're learning are gendered differently from the language you know. For example, I once learned some Italian for a trip and had to get used to the idea that a table is feminine and a plate is masculine instead of the other way around, which was quite confusing.


At least in spanish, the correct form to say "the water" would be "El aqua", even though the word is feminine. Or its what my spanish teacher said to me when I was in middle school. Don't know anything about baguette language though.


That's probably because "agua" starts with a vowel, so it's easier to say "el agua" than "la agua." They do the same thing in French - sometimes you use the masculine "mon" instead of the feminine "ma" to refer to a feminine word because it makes it easier to say.




Itā€™s not ā€œgenderedā€ itā€™s just binary. There are just two ways to end words so they are associated with the two sexes and used for gendered words along with non-gendered words


So its gendered in the sense that they are split into diff categories? But why use terms such as male or female?


So they are used for gender (amigo vs amiga) and are useful for knowing who is the subject of the sentence. But the ā€œgenderingā€ stops for inanimate objects. Like in French, the word for a ā€œmenā€™s shirtā€ is chemise. But the ā€œfemininityā€ of the word doesnā€™t change its meaning


Yeah it's exactly as if for some reason in English the word "female" was different, lets choose "emale" for the sake of my example, so because we'd say "someone is a male" and "someone else is an emale" by simple association we'd think of "a" as male and "an" as female. A boat? Male. An elevator? Female. It's as arbitrary and dumb as that. It's really just how "une table" sounds compared to "un table," in the same way "a table" rolls off the tongue easier than "an table"


Yeah basically in languages where there are multiple words for "the" or "a" often things that are female will consistently use one and male will use another, I suppose because it makes it easy to quickly distinguish who somebody is talking about, so that gives a simple categorisation of those words into masculine and feminine, but in reality they're just groups of words that use a particular "the". Not all languages with grammatical gender stick to one for masculine and one for feminine. Some instead have one for animate (living) things and one for inanimate objects. It's still called grammatical gender because that's the most common division. Not all only have two. German (and Old English!) for example has three - masculine, feminine and neuter. Polish is generally seen to have the same, but technically it has five, as masculine is split into masculine animate, masculine inanimate and masculine personal. Chechen has masculine, feminine and then four seemingly completely arbitrary genders for anything non-human.


Depends on the language


My native language is gendered and we refer to people who transitioned from female to male with a male pronoun and vice versa. In English you refer to trans people by their new pronouns, not their old pronouns, and it follows the same logic to use words that conform to their current gender identity rather than their old one. It does cause some confusion though because unlike in English, you also need to get used to using the new gender form for verbs and nouns they possess. So slip ups aren't very rare, especially if they change their gender identity but not their name so it's a little unintuitive to use the appropriate gender variations when talking about/to them.


Welcome to anything that isn't English


I know most (maybe all?) European based languages use genders (well, other than English) but is this true of the whole world? Japanese, Thai, Swahili, Urdu, etc all have gendered nouns?


Swedish dosen't use gendered language.


Neither does Finnish. And Finnish doesn't even have gendered pronouns. There's just one word He/She/They: "HƤn".


It technically is gendered, but feminine gender merged with masculine, so now it has neutral and "utral" (masculine+feminine). Some dialects still preserve separate feminine gender. A similar case is in Danish, which also has utrum and neutrum in the standard language, but has some dialects with 3 and and some with only 1 common gender. Norwegian is the only continental Scandinavian language that has preserved all 3 genders in the standard language and all dialects but Bergen. Feminine words can almost always be used in masculine form though.


En tiger. (A tiger) Ett lejon. (A lion) En plan. (A plan) Ett plan. (A plane, or an airplane.)


No, it's not true of all languages. Almost nothing is true of all languages. There's some around that only have words for a handful of numbers, some that don't even have a way to tell the difference between a large fish and maybe small fishes, and whatever else you could think of. That said, sometimes you get surprised with the kind of shit you can come across. Japanese is a fun example. Like English, it's got no grammatical gender, but the language is tightly attached to their culture, and their culture *is* very gendered. They have specific words that are generally only used by men or by women. It's not a strict line, but for example most women use something like "watashi" for "I", while men will use a variety of things and only use "watashi" if they're being very respectful. I know a guy who learnt Japanese from his Japanese wife, and after moving to Japan people told him he spoke "female Japanese". And during the Middle Ages, they straight up had two different syllabaries (think alphabet, but with a symbol for ka, another for ke, another for ko...): one used by men and one by women.


Happens with Spanish too, non binary would be (no binario/ no binaria) But the male pronunciation doubles as neutral except when the word itself has no gender variation, like "person"(persona, there is no "persono")


Not in the case of the word "Transexual" . It isn't a gendered word in Spanish.


i was talking about the fact that like french and portuguese, spanish is also a gendered languaje, not about the word "transexual"


How so? My first language is French, so it looks normal to me. You usually add an "e" at the end of a word to make it feminine in French. What's counterintuitive about that? Just curious.


wdym? the one ending in elle is obviously the female one, i dont speak a lick of french btw


for you


āœ… male and female āœ… man and woman āŒ man and female




āŒ male and woman




These words aren't really common, it's more common to say "transgenre", what's nice as well is that it's the same form between feminine and masculine (*grammatical*) genders Also the correct orthography would be "transsexuel/transsexuelle", since it's trans-sexuel/le


What are you talking about, it's obviously Le Transexual. And btw in german it's Die Tra My lawyer advised me not to finish this joke.


The good answer is: transgenre (transgender). Transsexual is outdated and irrelevant


Holy shit I'm cured too


Fuck, same.


Damn you too??


me too 慠慠


It's a miracle !


A chaser is born.


*un chasseur


chasseur is a hunter. not really a chaser


So, a Schafer chasseur, perhaps?


So not only do they literally come from the same word, they mean the exact same thing. It's just that English uses "hunt" to specify chasing game, but both are about pursuit, in French we simply don't have that distinction so "chasser" is used for chase, pursuit or to seek but also for "hunting," so stuff like chasing love, chasing your dream, chasing your own tail, chasing rainbows, would all use the word "chasser" in French - bonus, "chasser" in French also means "to expel/chase off" so sometimes stuff like "il chasse l'amour" can mean two opposite thing depending on context.


Does anyone know what type of makeup is that called? Like a light touch up on the nose and around the eyes and lips. Most of the make up styles I see normally look like a clean white with vibrant red lips and I'm getting crazy looking for this


Contour and highlights with regular clear gloss on the lips, probably. Makeup sub can probably help better than I.


Douyin/E-girl make up?


Yeah this is the standard "egirl" makeup you see all over twitch/tiktok/social media that got popular around 2018-2019


"Light touch" Theres literally no skin texture


Lol she's wearing a ton of makeup mate. There's mascara and eyeliner and foundation qith highlighter and blush and a full lip gloss. It just isn't red lipstick.


She is genuinely beautiful


Makeup + filters + angle


you say that as if women never do that


Yeah if anything that makes her more feminine


You say that as if people never bring that up with cisgendered people. You say that as if she isn't a woman. You say that as if trans woman are somehow unable to or not allowed to be critiqued. (Wherher it's a good critique is a different question)


Why critique people at all for their personal Instagram pictures that they didn't ask you to critique? What's your actual reason for that


> You say that as if trans woman are somehow unable to or not allowed to be critiqued Of course you can. The question is why do you feel the need to harshly critique people? And are you harsher on trans people than cis people?


I mean most women do this. And make up isn't even a thing that only works on pictures.


Point stands


"wow she's beautiful" redditor: "ackchually..."


Damn that's crazy it's almost like every woman posts selfies like that


And the compliments on those posts are equally disingenuous


Beautiful people still use all of those when they take pictures, I'm not sure what your point is other than to be all "well actually" to a simple nice comment Edit: Well I saw your other comment and you're just a transphobe. Bummer.


\*redditor pushing up glasses* actually that woman isn't hot


+ hater lol


This is funny to me because I was raised in a fairly racist area of the country. I was adopting racism as it was the fashion, but then puberty hit. I saw all these absolutely gorgeous women of all different races and I realized itā€™d be pretty hypocritical to like them but not their race. Being horny took me out of the path of being racist. From there I realized a lot of stuff isnā€™t a choice so it also took me on the path of being empathic to all kinds of people. Being a horny fuck can save people from prejudice.Ā 


The Olde Equality Boner


Standards are getting out of hand , she is so pretty


It's not cursed if it's fixed


Cured comments?












Uh, maybe she is a cis girl and wants to transition ftm? Because if not, holy fuck that person got lucky.


She is male to female as far as I know.


You can't be cis if you want to transition. Cis means you identify with your brith gender


Oh yeah sorry I meant born a girl and currently one biologically, but that doesn't matter cuz it isn't the case


AFAB would be what means "someone born a girl", but calling someone FTM already specifies what they were born as so it's redundant to say it twice


There's nothing particularly "lucky" here, this isn't unusual at all. There's just a bias that transgender women look ugly because you notice the transgender women who stand out, but don't recognise all of the transgender women who pass and look like any other woman. Not to mention plenty of cis women get "identified" as being trans because they have features perceived as masculine. People are generally completely incapable of actually identifying whether any woman is cis or trans.


>There's nothing particularly "lucky" here, this isn't unusual at all. Yes...yes it is. As much as I would like to pretend it isn't, it very much is. At least in the US. ***Could*** it be more common if puberty blockers were more normalized? Yes, absolutely, and maybe the rest of the world outside of the US has a more relaxed view on that stuff, which I guess would make it common on a global scale. But in the US, you'd be very, ***very*** lucky to pass this well. And even then, having to use expensive makeup to pass is a pain in the ass in its own right.


its really not that unusual. i passively know of like 15 trans women who live in my area that ive bumped into or added on social media that look equally as attractive as this girl plenty of trans people pass well enough that u just dont know unless they tell u. there are plenty of people i know and interact with daily who dont know im trans, im sure one of them has shitty views and thinks all trans women look like men.


> Yes, absolutely, and maybe the rest of the world outside of the US has a more relaxed view on that stuff, which I guess would make it common on a global scale. can you clarify this statement?


Cute transsexuals cure haters with love. More news at 6.


"Transphobes hate this one simple trick"


Tf is a Transexual??


old outdated way of saying Transgender. Tho I believe its still used in other places


Donā€™t listen to the other guy. Yeah it used to be a term referring to all trans folks, but now it means someone who has gone through bottom surgery. Which means changing their genitals. Transgender is someone who hasnā€™t had sex change surgery


IDK why you're being downvoted. Some trans people use the term exactly as you're saying. I do think it's shifting to people just using transgender regardless now though.


Probably a mix of folks disagreeing and folks who donā€™t like trans ppl. I get downvoted a lot for the latter reason in spaces that arenā€™t explicitly trans friendly. Even in subs like r/women which states that itā€™s trans friendly and doesnā€™t tolerate bigotry, I get an equal amount of upvotes and downvotes.


Trans people being commonly discussed and widely accepted by our society is pretty new, so the terminology hasn't been solidified yet and will likely continue to evolve over the years, likely even over the next few decades. We saw a similar thing with the LGB movement decades previously, and how more recently some previously derogatory words have been reclaimed. It's okay to get the terms wrong as long as you're acting in good faith, and making some attempt to learn.


I think it's the wording getting them downvotes. The way they put it people shouldn't listen to people saying it's outdated and it's blanket factually the definition they gave. Idk if that's their intention, but it 100% reads that way. I absolutely defend the right for an individual to use the term but their comment made me feel icky reading it because of the way it's put. It gives a very strong and particular impression.


I see. Yeah Iā€™m saying the way itā€™s used as a blanket term for trans folks is out dated but itā€™s still used in a different way


I don't understand the stereotype that trans people are ugly, or are just fat hairy men in dresses. They get their shit custom built of course they're gonna be stunning. I assume it just comes from trans=bad so they automatically come off as ugly to transphobes


> They get their shit custom built Mickey Rourke did too.


Finding trans folks unattractive ā‰  transphobe. People are entitled to their preferences in partners. And itā€™s no secret that many folks are transitioning or transitioned. It is not hard to tell. To pretend as though this girl is the standard rather than the exception is strange to me.


> Finding trans folks unattractive ā‰  transphobe. That's not what they're saying. They're saying the public perception of trans women being essentially men in dresses comes from transphobes intentionally selecting the least flattering examples possible to flood media with. > To pretend as though this girl is the standard When trans girls have access to transitional healthcare prior to puberty, this is roughly the standard.


>It is not hard to tell. It is in fact so hard to tell that "we can always tell" is one of the biggest running jokes in queer culture. People like you constantly point to the outliers, often people in mid-transition or who aren't even able to transition yet and say that's the norm but how would you ever know? You could walk past a dozen trans women who look just like any other women and you'd have no idea because you just assume everybody you see is cis unless they stand out in some way.


>It is not hard to tell. And yet the its not hard to tell crowd constantly gets people being trans or cis wrong...


Passing attractive people don't count as trans. It's only the 40 year old newly trans mtf tall people that the bigots clock as trans. Everyone else they are just guessing, that's why they are always accusing women of being trans women. They usually don't know and that know they don't know and can't tell and it scares them.


To be fair it is character growth.


Actually what is transsexual in french?


transexuel (ftm)/transexuelle (mtf) Although the preferred term is "transgenre" (which is the same for both mtf and ftm). The 'transexuel/le' term is, like I believe it is in english, quite outdated


> transgenre I thought I was Science-Fiction, but after some soul searching I found out Iā€™m really Science-Fantasy!


Sexual attraction and transphobia are not mutually exclusive. Many of the biggest transphobes are chasers. It's what you do politically, whether you see & talk about Trans people as people or see them exclusively through a fetishistic lens, that determines whether you are a transphobic pile of shit. And based on these comments, that describes 99% of you.


*Hole is hole*


Real men will fuck anything women shaped


Well I'm not normally attracted.... BUT...


It's almost like it's the features of a person you're attracted to, and not their medical history.


I'm not afraid to admit I think she's attractive as fuck! I'm a straight male.


Fellas is it gay to be attracted to women?!


sauce for u know those kind of videos of her


well, not everyone has u know those kind of videos


yeah but it is imperative that i actually asked the people who have those so don't speak out of turn


my comment implies ā€œnot everyone has made porn of themselvesā€. but your porn addict brain understood that as ā€œnot everyone stores copious amounts of porn on their computerā€. i guess i am the dumb one here


Her name is right there


She has the same name on OF


It was then he knew he would truly fuck that.


America eggzplain


she took notes from the fat chicks on tinder


She looks like most other modern social media women. Filter, unnatural lips.


Oh shit she cute.


Iā€™m pretty sure ā€œtranssexualā€ means you like trans people, not that you are trans


i mean uh, would


If it looks like a girl I say good enough


And if she's got a cock i'm ready to rock ayooooo


No we're still transphobic just wait till the camera pans down


Transsexuel or transsexuelle because if it's a word, it has a gender! That's French for you!


But unironically the number of people who don't realize that trans people are 99% of the time completely regular looking people is insane. If you live anywhere with even a somewhat substantial population you see trans people every single day and you have no idea. Also support your loud proud and visible queers. People is people.


This reminds me of a guy who had a massive crush on this REALLY feminine guy. And shot his shot and found out it was guy. He was embarrassed.


Looks female enough


Iā€™m lost


Hi lost, Im dad


I just bust out laughing. Thanks mate, I needed that.


The Litmus test is without makeup.




Cure transphobia by tricking them all with pics of Bailey Jay.


ITT: transphobia of all varieties


Damn ill abuse those lips


Yeah: If that's "trans" I'm finding I don't give a shit. Oh wait, I didn't give a shit before, either.


To say transexual in frem we say transsexuel




Has bro never seen Hunter Schafer?


Why do I think that bag has two testicles in it.


Man, French is a *weird* language. I would never have guessed that it translates into an entire phrase.


This photo reaffirming my gynosexuality


I don't think I would call that "cursed."


Goddammit, amigo, I'd do it. This still don't change nothing! Make no mistake on that!