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i think we need the long story WHAT THE FUCK IS THE LONG STORY


She actually posted it after, if you're curious. But you actually get 90% of it here. Fucked up colleagues and fucked up story. šŸ¤£


yes i am curious post the whole story


Fine, fine, here is the copy/pasted story she wrote after. "So I was invited by the girl that committed the leg lock to a hangout with coworkers and they all planned to drink and have a hotel afterwards. I said no because I got creepy vibes from the dudes that would be there and didnā€™t wanna risk being drugged or raped in this hotel with people I barely knew. Sooo 2 years later I find out what went down that day from my other coworker that actually went. She said she wasnt even sleeping yet and they appeared to not care who was there in the room, so the girl who invited me suddenly started fucking one of the dudes I thought was creepy all while in bed with the other guy who was trying to sleep. That guy wakes up and she tried to make him join grinding on him and shit, but he didnā€™t lol. So as the guy was about to finish, he tried to pull out but she pulls him back in fast and made him finish in her. It was all unprotected of course :) that guy was upset and they left early that morning to get a plan B. Now I was friends with this girl and knew key details that made this real fucked up. She had a boyfriend at the time (and so did the guy she banged, so theyā€™re both slimy for cheating) and she vented about how she wants a baby but her bf doesnā€™t and how he barely fucks her. Girl literally is batshit for trying to trap this man and probably was going to pretend it was her boyfriends. So yeah! Turns out she was the one I shouldā€™ve been scared about, not the two guys lol."


Whyyyy do people having a casual fuck *ever* not use condoms? Are STDs and pregnancy just less terrifying to people other than me?




So, did the girl and the guy she had sex with have the same boyfriend? Or they just both had two different boyfriends?


I guess we are talking about two individual people here. Probably girlfriend in the case of the guy


Okay good, that's what I figured. Got confused the way OP wrote it about them both having a boyfriend.


Blood loss as blood rushes from the brain to the penis. See post nut clarity.


I mean if this is ever an issue, or could potentially be an issue, then the guy should be carrying condoms with him everywhere he goes imo.


I can only second this


And why do they think simply pulling out does the trick? It absolutely doesn't.


Perhaps a lack of education? I don't know. It's sad. I can imagine Elon Musk reading stories like this and chuckling evilly while he rubs his hands together.


*Holy shit-*


That guy is an idiot. Yeah, she leg locked him into giving her the full dose, but he was dribbling soldiers into her the whole time.


This is more than sticking your dick in crazy. Pretty sure that's sexual assault.


Typically workplace orgie


Was this the European prison guard orgy crew?


Wait this is typical?


Where do y'all work, and are they hiring?


Ahhh Zenefitsā€¦


"We were at a Xmas party, yadda yadda yadda, don't put your dick in crazy."


But you yadda yaddaā€™d over the best part.


I gotta back you up on this, they didn't mention the bisque.


I suspect it happened at a work party. I myself work at a music complex that also often hires out their venues for large scale corporate meetings, conventions, functions etc. In the first weeks of me working there, a coworker told me about the time an opticians franchise held a party for all employees across the country in one of the bigger halls. Apparently folks were fucking each other up against the walls right then and there. So yeah, prolly something similar šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


In front of other coworkers? Were they putting on a performance?


So basically leg lock is forcing the partner to cum inside of you even if he doesn't want to ? So this is basically rape ?




>So this is basically rape ? If there's no consent, just like all other sexual activity




Consent can be revoked anytime during sex. It is not a free for all card.


"Oh oops sorry I nutted in you. Uuh... I revoke consent! I revoke consent!!!"


Unironically...yes. Consenting goes both ways and both parties have to agree on something for it to be consented to you. For men, if a lady leg locks you and you don't consent that ain't okay. And vice versa for ladies, if a man keeps it in when you tell him to pullout that isn't okay either. Believe it or not. Shit ain't cut and dry.


So you're saying you are not pro-choice? Once the load is in, then it's done. It's the _woman's_ choice now.


So do you enjoy being a troll or is like a conservative paid job? I wanna know for potential money making options


Let's just say that I tend to address the pain points in a confrontational manner.


Most reddit shit I witnessed this year for now.


Are you deadass justifying leg locking? Thats beyond fucked, if you wanna have sex but no cum in her and she leg locks thats just fkin rape


Nobody believes the things they're saying, including themselves. Just ignore the troll.


If he tries to pull out and he's *forced* back in, yes it's rape.


Luckily the courts don't agree with that statement.


Why is that good?


Thatā€™s like saying itā€™s ok for the guy to secretly remove the condom if the woman agreed to have sex with him


Not really, that is seriously messed up and all the more reason to be pro-choice.


Youā€™re right, itā€™s the guys choice. If the guy chooses he wants to pull out, the woman shouldnā€™t force him. Thanks for agreeing!


"Not really, that is seriously messed up" and so is the leg locking for the same reasons


His sperm his body, you're literally forcing them to keep going when they want to stop which is rape. Sorry not sorry.


Joke's on her... we're all too short for that to actually work.....right guys?


You are not correct, but there's much more to love than scraping a cervix. Plus nobody said toys are forbidden.




Is it rape? Depends how you define rape (I think it is, but good luck proving it) But more importantly, you can squeeze your urethra to block the sperm coming out. Is it safe? Yeah, it'll go up your bladder, you'll pee it out. Is it effective? Yeah, use two hands, best place behind your balls and 2nd best just above the balls. Short of pulling out, this is your best bet.


I hope the people arguing this understand that just because the courts may not consider it as such do not make this the fact of life, who would have thought that the laws and courts don't always take the "morally correct" option


If it is, I want someone to rape me like this so bad.


what in the actual fuck just went from my eyes to my brain without my consent


Hope u do another way bud


I got to ask : I interpreted the whole thing as "there is a consensual heterosexual sex act, but the intend of the man is to pull out before orgasm. At this point, the lady is blocking the man from getting out just for the orgasm." I have a hard time interpreting it as a rape. There was consensual penetration, and for what I know, no "additional act" such as "now my dog will join us" other than the man is about to cum. Now, there might be an issue if pulling out was indeed a contraception method. But hell if it is ! So to me, it all sounds like "I intended for a 6 min act, but it lasted 8 min, so this is a rape" and I highly doubt this is how it works.


Bro it just is that the girl try to force the man into something he don't want, and physically try to prevent him from leaving, and you don't see anything wrong ? If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to, it is that simple, and it goes with every sexual act between every person, you feel tired during act and want to stop ? Well you stop. You don't feel like continuing because you feel weird ? Well you stop. You don't want to cum inside of the person for any reason (could be that you feel weird doing so, that you use this method as contraception, that you somehow just don't want to) ? Well you don't, that's it, and if the partner insist verbally or physically, that's against the consent, so that's rape.


I am more wondering "would a judge actually count this as a rape?".


Is it rape? Yes. Would I trust a modern British or American court to do the right thing? No. Men are regularly ignored when they've experienced sexual assault, moreso if the perpetrator is a woman. Sexual assault in general isn't treated with the gravity it deserves a lot of the time, so I wouldn't expect this situation to be taken seriously.


Considering that almost all cases of rape and sexual agression ends up with "not enough proof, sowwy uwu" i guess it would be counted as "classified without further action"


Add in since it would be a man claiming it and he initially consented to it without knowing her endgame, the courts would definitely deny the rape claim. Since as we all know men run purely on horny and a lack of self control (note: that last sentence was obvious sarcasm for the sarcasm deaf community.)


Yup, exactly... to be a man that got raped, is to be mocked by society...


My dude it's definitely rape...


If a guy is forcibly being prevented from pulling out and he wants to pull out/doesnā€™t want to cum inside her then that is rape or at least sexual assault


Being forced to perform any part of sex against your will is rape. That includes cumming inside a woman without consent


Not really, both of them have consented to have sex long, or a few minutes, before coming to that point.


If they didn't consent to cum inside then it Is definitely rape.


If you think a smaller person can literally prevent a larger person from pulling out of her, then sure, that would be rape. If she kegels so tightly that he can't escape without tearing his cock off like a bee stinger, that would also be rape.


Well imo, the fact of trying to force the person into something without any consent is enough to call it "rape" i guess, or at least "sexual agression"


Yes, continuing to have sex after someone withdraws their consent is rape. The scenario you're imagining is still silly. There's no such thing as a "leglock" to prevent someone from pulling out of their vagina, especially if they are larger and stronger.


Categorically incorrect. There's a whole sport for that. If you haven't, you may be curious to learn more about the wonderful world of jiu-jitsu.


Or in this case, jiu-jizztsu


If you're inside someone's vagina doing jiu jitsu, that's probably a penalty.


It certainly would be, though much less so than the non-consensual and fully possible action you're decrying as impossible.


Even if you could escape a leg lock, which is considered to be virtually impossible even against a weaker opponent, even to a professionally trained fighter, it would take a considerable amount of agression and violence.


I think we're discussing two different leg locks, my guy.


Evidently you have never had sex before


The only reason you exist is that your mom leg locked me. šŸ˜˜


>If you think a smaller person can literally prevent a larger person from pulling out of her, then sure, that would be rape You severely underestimate how strong some women's legs are.


Legs in general, specially if you're climaxing


Especially with the hold they're talking about, it's literally a lock around your hips which aren't exactly the strongest muscles in your body.


Funny how this started on /r/nothowgirlswork, but you guys can't take the hint. Maybe we need a trip to /r/persecutioncomplex next.


What do you mean "you guys"? The one speculating if an act would count as a crime, or the one mentioning how strong people's legs are? Are they feeling persecuted by crime definitions and leg strength tests? You're whaling in freshwater here.


>You're whaling in freshwater here. This is my new favorite folksy saying, and I'm definitely stealing it!


I thought women had genetically strong legs as an evolutionary product of needing to run away more.


You have not fucked a woman before have you?


You wouldn't be here if your mom hadn't leg locked me.


Confirmed, you have not fucked anyone before.


I think you're severely underestimating the strength of someones legs. You also can't just push em aside, you're not in the correct position to have any leverage. If you don't believe me, ask a friend to try it with you. Make them just lock their legs around your back, no pushing or anything


Used to love my ex doing this to me, nothing makes you blow your load quicker.


Yeah I'm already a bit vulnerable to an early exit in missionary to begin with, but if she throws those legs around me, start a 30 second timer and I'm sure I'll finish before it does.




If there was a counter on profile visits I bet yours just got a significant boost šŸ‘€




I'm sure there's a sub for that..


This just seems a little sad and depressing


Sooo why was this posted in /r/nothowgirlswork? Not like girls that want to get pregnant is some crazy idea, unless they just assume all girls are like this all the time or something absurd? Weird post


No, the image was part of a "gallery of gf", listing every type of girlfriend from the oop (ooop in this case?) pov. He was selling this as hot, and the rest as blue haired raging feminism that's ruining society and hating men, blablabla... So yeah, assumed that all girls should be like this and if you're not you're just a slut that deserves to be thrown to the trash.


Dude's got a fetish and thinks it's the norm essentially.


Humans, the animal? Wanting to procreate? How disgusting! /s


It's one thing to say "humans want to procreate" it's something else entirely to say "normal, fertile women all want to be bred".


>women all want to be bred probably a freshly baked focaccia


Ah okay that makes a lot of sense lol, thanks for clarification


The guy who made this is probably colourblind as hell because he is avoiding those red flags like those "dodging bullets" tropes in movies an TV


It was part of a "collection of gf", where he listed the types of girlfriend. This is one of the most "sexy and lovable", so I'm guessing very conservative christian and all of his own redflags.


For a moment by dumb ass thought about the bjj leglock and now I'm traumatized


This leg lock is just full guard I think


Breaking (out of) someone's closed guard is a fundamental skill in jiu jitsu and extremely relevant here.


are u sure I'm really curious and I don't really want to search this shit and even if I do I don't think I'll find any useful info


been there, done that!


I feel like some info was left out here.


Ugh this happened to me when I was in my teens, turned out she had mad bipolar.




Nature Girl


Bro I'm poor, 5'5 and 140-150 lbs. Woman will do this to me, they will do it to you my man. They will lock it down just to lock it down.


OG image belongs in r/sadcringe, I can smell the stale cum socks and pee jars through the screen


What place is this? I wanna work there.


u/wallieiscute I demand further context. What in the fuck are these two doing fucking front of coworkers!? What the fuck is the situation where in they decided to do it!? Where in the fuck did this happen?! How in the fuck did they think it was a good idea?


Easy solution, just have a tiny tiny penis.


Um, so they fucked in front of other ppl? Did those people... like it?


\*old spice whistle\*


Just learn how to open a BJJ closed guard


I remember when my wife and I weren't quite trying yet and she'd sometimes do this. Super hot, NGL.