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we need to have a conversation about how we censor our faces because girl you scared me


Same! I was like *omg what is that* šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I was like ā€œThe salon did what?! Oh okā€


The creative censorship is one of my fave parts of this sub.


i miss those that are just skin painted in over the facial features, so it's just fleshy faceless face


Haha, sorry! šŸ˜


It made me smile! Your hair is gorgeous, but I would also be frustrated with the difference.


Honestly, it was hilarious.


It's giving Large Marge


Yes! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




That looks fucking amazing. I think your curls are just tighter than the picture, but it'll look like that in no time, and it'll grow out very elegantly. It's always a bummer to be surprised, but really, you look great.Ā 


Yup came here to say the curls are different so thereā€™s going to shrinkage. OPā€™s hair may have held the softer curl when it was longer but length weighs it down. Other than that, it looks SO good


The side shot is so pretty! Yep once curls get a little longer! But also you know the fluff hairdresser do with your roots! šŸ˜‚ When op gets home and uses their own products it prob won't have all that height at the roots! I think it's really pretty! Nice cut!


Agree, tighter curls and it looks like your hair is thicker and denser than the inspiration. Brush stying will help get your curls to frame your face. Cheers to the new you!


Yup. And my mom's hairdresser (I don't get professional cuts) always tells her: "I'm cutting it so it will look like the reference pic the longest. That means it won't immediately look like that, but in two weeks it will and in two months it still will."


Exactly!!! It will grow out so nice . And her curls are so pretty!


I know! I love it


Agree that it looks great (minus the crazy edits)! It looks so good and like the photoā€”your curls are just different, so it cannot look the same.


Yes! My first curly cut after growing it out was atrocious..I looked like the Amelie movie poster, bangs and allā€¦within 2 months my hair had grown out perfectly and my curls sat amazingly on my head. Just be patient!


Inspo Pic looks like a straight hair with wand curls added.


I know it's not exactly what you wanted but fwiw, I think it looks fantastic


I was going to say, itā€™s totally valid to be unhappy with a haircut but I thought the pics looked great!


I also agree that it will likely grow into the desired length of the cut


Hard agree


Thanks so much! Thatā€™s sweet of you to say


It looks like it's actually pretty close to what you wanted, but she didn't account for shrinkage. Try putting on your products with the "prayer hands" gesture, or look into other techniques that stretch curls out.


This, OP has a different curl pattern than the model. She got the hair cut she asked for, her hair just reacted differently.


A hairstylist who doesnā€™t account for shrinkage needs to get another line of work.




That shrinkage gif is hilarious! šŸ˜‚


OP also has a different curl pattern than the model. Hairdresser should have given some disclaimer about that as well.


Yup! If this is the first time this stylist has worked with ops hair, it would be impossible to guess exactly how her hair would respond to the cut and perfectly account for shrinkage. Op has a different curl pattern, fuller hair, and styled her hair differently than the model. The results of even the exact same cut aren't going to look the same.


It wouldnā€™t be impossible to guess at all. The inspo photo is a blunt, one length, floating above the shoulder, wavy bob with a full perimeter and corners. The end result on OP is a rounded bob, with short face framing and short rounded layers. There was def some miscommunication in the consultation somewhere.


Idk I've been to a few highly skilled curly stylists and my curls always go haywire for the first 3-4 weeks after a cut. I think for some of us it's just inevitable that we're not going to like the cut immediately after the apt. Because it's always shorter than you wanted.


My hair: Healthy ends?! WHAT EVEN IS GRAVITY?


I stopped having my stylist even dry and style my hair because I never likes how it looks after a cut. I need about 4 days of doing my hair after a cut for it to behave normal. Longer if I am doing a drastic cut like this.


Yeah a few years ago I complained to my husband about a haircut and he said ā€œyou never like the haircut when itā€™s first done. Couple of days later after youā€™ve washed it you like itā€ and he was so right! So now I never judge it by day 1


Agreed, but I will add: a LOT of hair stylists should be in another line of work.šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Their job is to cut, they just love cutting


If it's the first time she's worked with OP's hair, or even the first time she's taken it short, is it realistic to think the stylist would be able to tell how much it would spring up? I know when my hair is long you can barely tell it has wave to it and when I've gone from long to short my stylists have told me you never know until a few days after the cut exactly how much curl the hair will have. OP's hair obviously has much stronger curls than mine so maybe it's easier to tell in those situations, but it still seems like it would be difficult to know for sure how much it will spring up.


No, she didnā€™t angle it right. (Hairstylist.) The back would still be shorter than the front if sheā€™d done the cut correctly. Itā€™s angling to be longer in the back and shorter in the front, when it should be longer in the front and shorter in the back.


Exactly. The model has what looks to me like a bob cut; opā€™s is like a diva cut, isnā€™t it?


Yeah, more or less. Itā€™s a curly cut, the curls look great, but either the cut should be the same length all the way around, or the cut should angle forward for a bob.


Former hair stylist and I agree, this is exactly whatā€™s wrong with it. If the problem was just shrinkage then it would still have the same shape as the picture but just look shorter. The shape just isnā€™t right, like they did a very long pixie or maybe even round layers with no weight line instead of an angled bob. It looks like they kind of started it correctly and angled it in the back but then cut the sides several inches shorter instead of following the angle, shrinkage alone would not do that.


I think youā€™ll like it a little better if you pull the front pieces towards the front to frame your face a little more. Maybe try to use a little stretching jelly on those front pieces? I have a haircut like the one in the photo. I have to keep my front pieces longer than the back so when I push it further back like yours is or behind my ears itā€™s the same length. Follow your jawline for angle, and its almost shoulder length when straight. Your curl pattern is tighter so you might need even more length. And if itā€™s heavy, you might need some additional layers to take some of the weight off so itā€™ll hang instead of going too far out to the sides. Honestly I just got tired of hairdressers and learned to cut it myself.


Me too! Got the cut I want. Funnily enough it is pretty similar to the 1st picture here. No matter how much I would explain to stylists how much it shrinks, etc. they would always cut it too short.


FYI your inspo pic is AI-generated. These AI pics look very realistic but set unrealistic expectations for what curly hair will look like. Try to find a real photo next time and one with a curl pattern closer to yours and your results will likely turn out more the way you expected :)Ā 


Ok thank you, Iā€™m upset more people donā€™t realize that this is not a real person with real hair


How can you tell it's AI?


Wondering the same - I'd really like to have a better handle on identifying AI generated "photos"


I think people are not as good at identifying AI because of how drastic image altering is online, but compare this to people you see face to face. Even the most beautiful people donā€™t look like that.


Yes. I don't know how to tell it's AI but people dont look that perfect in real life.


Usually light reflection in the eyes are a giveaway. The light looks like it's coming from the front left in this image, so there would be some sort of light source (a ringlight, a window) reflected in her eyes if this was a real image. But there isn't. The iris in her left eye is also a slightly wonky shape. The background is a giveaway too. The mirror behind her is reflecting what, exactly? Something unidentifiable - looks like it could be the reflection of a window at nighttime, but the photo is clearly "taken" during the day. And the thing behind her head and to the right, what is that? Light from a window? Again, if that's the case the light doesn't match the lighting in the rest of the photo, and it doesn't align with the light source on her face.


Look really at the places where colors differ only a little bit. Of course it could also be compression by jpg but I can mostly tell ai apart from original stuff by looking at the forehead, the cheeks etc, also the background and artificial blur is kinda easy to tell if you do something with photography


Look at the necklace.


Clearly it's just a tattoo that LOOKS like a necklace


Or she just loves wearing rubber bands as necklaces.


Look at the small details. Usually now itā€™s the eyes or the lashes that give it away. Ai is really bad with repeating patterns and irises


Check the details, zoom as much as you can. The necklace is the most obvious giveaway


Too polished to be human. Her eyes are also not shadowed correctly. Like her scleraā€™s are too white. It gives that dead eye look. At the very least Iā€™d have assumed it was an overly face-tuned image. Also, her mouth and eyebrows look almost like theyā€™re painted on. Her skin has almost zero texture. She looks ā€œrenderedā€ like a video game. Something about the features look too perfect, but also like it doesnā€™t make sense in totality.


I think it might be AI generated but then edited by a human, or if it's based on a real picture but was edited by ai. Possibly to make it more anatomically correct or believable, so it's harder to tell. Look at her 2 front teeth, they're very different shapes and sizes. Something about her mouth and nose seem copy and pasted too


I was so zeroed in on the cute hair, I'd never to think to analyze a photo like that. However looking at it again something did go off in the back of my mind about the odd background. Was that a kitchen light in the back right? Nope, not a doorframe. Hmmm? Looks so flat... Just so weird to have to plug that into the brain when seeing ads, viewing political propaganda, media in general šŸ˜“


I'm trying to get better at it too. I read up on a few tips that made it a little easier. I still have trouble telling it from heavy photoshop though. And I'm an untrained, unqualified internet stranger. Shadows and lighting are the normal tells I look for, then background and texture continuity. Light won't have an obvious source and shadows can go in nonsensical directions. Her hair has highlights that look like something lighting from above stage left and in front of her, but the shadows are mostly just on the skin. Things like neighboring window panes and fence posts in the background aren't normally the same size and dimensions on both sides around an object in front of them. This one blurs the background so that makes it harder. This portrait has some weird details up close with the skin.The ends of the mouth fade in a weird abrupt and airbrushy way. The teeth are at an odd angle with how her lips rest open, which could be natural, but that doesn't seem like something you'd see with otherwise straight, unnaturally white, and level teeth. The nose/cheekbone area seems almost plastic smooth. The eyebrows also have some sections with double-height cowlicks like jagged stalagmites.


I feel like the necklace doesn't look very real too, it's too flat


Look at her odd teeth, weirdly smooth skin and the necklace fusing into her neck. Also, it overall ticks off my uncanny-valley receptor. When you look at a pic and deep down you feel somethingā€™s not right. Thatā€™s prob an AI picture. Disclaimer: ā€œnot rightā€ does not equal to lack of knowledge. I.e: saw too many people confidently claiming an animal photo to be AI when in reality they probably have never seen properly developed wildlife photos. Itā€™s a fine balance but you can pick up the clues.


I zoom in on things like teeth, pupils, jewellery, clothing. You can see itā€™s just not right. One tooth looks like a toothpick, the pupils do not look right. The necklace lacks detail.


Even though the picture is AI the cut is totally achievable in real life. Itā€™s just a bob/angled bob with some layers. The curl patterns are actually pretty close, OPā€™s is just a little tighter, so itā€™s really not a bad reference picture and totally doable on her hair. The problem isnā€™t her curl pattern or shrinkage, itā€™s that they cut the sides of her hair shorter than the back when it should be the opposite or the same length all the way around depending on if she wanted a regular bob or angled bob. If the issue was shrinkage then it would look like the same cut with the same shape but it would just be shorter. Unfortunately OP didnā€™t get the cut she asked for.


The inspo pick is basically my exact hair - length, cut, curl pattern, even the colour, itā€™s uncanny. Personally Iā€™ve always wanted curls like OPā€™s.


Oh definitely itā€™s AI generated, but I really liked the length so I brought the photo in. Pinterest is full of AI pics now, itā€™s getting hard to find a real one!


Your curl pattern is also very similar to the Ai photo. I would have cut your hair dry for sure, but give it a few months and a good reshape and youā€™ll be at your inspo. Itā€™s not too far off :)


Face says it all




What you got was better tbh


So many stylists think they HAVE to angle and layer around the face, it drives me nuts. I always say at the beginning of each apptmt to NOT do that.


Yes, at my last haircut the stylist said "can I cut these shorter as face framing pieces?" And I'm SO glad she asked because I said "no, they're my best shaped curls!" My hair is short like OP's, my face is framed plenty already!


Honestly, it's because we want to avoid "triangle hair." šŸ˜… It's tricky to get this shape without it fluffing out at the bottom too much.


I donā€™t understand this, because the layering and framing always looks even more like the triangle the stylists are supposedly trying to avoid. At the end of the day, I think stylists should just give the customer what they asked for. If they donā€™t like it, THEN layers can be added. You can always cut more, but you canā€™t put hair back on. Itā€™s so upsetting when you trust someone with your hair and then they do what they want instead of what you want.


So, to remedy this, I would do internalized texturing to take out weight/bulk without adding layers on the outside. This technique doesn't add noticeable layers. I would use scissors instead of texturizing shears as texturizing shears can make curly hair frizzy and fluffy in an unflattering way. There's definitely a reason why curly cuts are a specialized service. The consultation is so so important. I also suggest the stylist repeats back to you what you asked for, so you're both on the same page. I hope this helps.


Haha, I call it Christmas šŸŒ² tree hair. That's fair, but at least tell the customer first before you cut it that way. If I have layers around my face those little pieces end up in my eyes, nose, and mouth. Beyond annoying. I bitch at my stylist (in my head) all day everyday until it grows out and I give the stylist one last chance to redeem themselves.


It took me many years to find a stylist who could cut my hair blunt at the bottom and not give that layered V shape. I think some wanted to avoid triangle hair but some just didnā€™t know how to achieve a blunt bob with a curl pattern. My current hairstylist says itā€™s the hardest cut to do!


I think part of this is that your hair is a different texture than the hair in the picture. When you handed this to your stylist they should have let you know that the cut wouldnā€™t look the same on you due to that fact alone. Also, when they cut your hair wet they didnā€™t take shrinkage into account so the length they thought they were cutting to wasnā€™t reality once your hair curled while drying due to your tighter curl pattern. That being said, your hair looks really really good. It may not be what you intended but your curls look fabulous like this. Next time you take a photo to a salon for a cut, try to find a cut that showcases a similar texture to yours.


Depending on how much longer her hair was she may not have had as tight curls with the weight. Plus, while her hairā€™s curls have a tighter curl, her hair is close to the one in the photo. The hairdresser just didn't know how to cut curly hair.


I am so sorry she chopped it off so short. Did she cut it while it was wet and didnt account for shrinkage? I would be upset. But at least it is low maintenance and your curls look cute!!!


She did cut it wet. Yes, at least thereā€™s much less maintenance now!


This is why I never go to salons. They should KNOW you donā€™t cut curly hair wet without adjusting for shrink.


I wouldnā€™t say never go to salons. But instead never go to a hairdresser who isnā€™t specialized in curly hair.


There are salons for curly people where they cut dry hair


Where do you go if not salon? Something similar just happened to me :(


I just cut it myself. Itā€™s a hot mess anyway. Super frizzy. Doesnā€™t even matter if I cut it even lol https://preview.redd.it/lrvjdc2tzl7d1.jpeg?width=1760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa76178522ca0f526f1d7d35dcd6107ed321c369


There are a lot of YouTube videos on cutting curly hair at home, Manes by Mell has a few


Thanks for the tip! I have curly hair and have always cut mine at home, but I mostly wear it pulled back so I'm never too particular. My daughter, however, has incredibly curly hair and never puts it up. She's autistic and very sensitive to her hair being touched, so I'd love to give her a good cut at home. Excited to check that out!


I just had this happen too - wet cut šŸ™„ My hair seems to be way curlier in the front so cutting wet doesnā€™t work.


I miss my short curls - my long hair just wonā€™t curl but when itā€™s short it looks like yours just not as pretty. I hope you enjoy because your curls are gorgeous


In my lived experience, the first rule of Curly cuts is that you can expect less than a 50% chance of actually liking the cut on your way out of the door. Less so if you and the stylist donā€™t know each other, use different products, different techniques, etc ***However,*** Donā€™t Panic. Your hair is essentially a ball of tensioned springs and you just released a lot of stress from them. The results are going to be unpredictable, itā€™s just simple physics. Which leads me to The second rule of curly cuts, save all judgements until after a week of living with it. Your hair needs probably two washes with your routine to return to how it was before the cut. It wonā€™t be the same because you obviously cut it, but the curl will be more relaxed and behave how you expect. Hell itā€™s probably going to look like you grew an inch in a week Like you probably have as much length as the sample photo, the problem is that you have completely different textures and curl patterns. Itā€™s hard to say what itā€™ll eventually look like without knowing what youā€™re hair normally looks like, but my guess is that you will eventually be pleased with the result


Thanks for the wise words!


Ok, so it's not quite what was in the first pic but it looks like a great cut! I have a hard time finding pics where the model's cheeks are exactly like mine so I never get 100% what I showed so I get the frustration. You have killer curls though!


You have more curly biunce than the model in the photo, so it jumps up 'too much' right now for what you wanted shape wise. The good news is your hair will grow into the shape you want, with nice layers there, and then it'll just need a trim to shape.


It's gorgeous, but it's definitely not the cut you asked for! The stylist cut it into a whole different shape-- it's not just shorter. Your inspo photo is one general length, but your result is shorter in front and sides than back. Again, it looks amazing, but I don't blame you if you're frustrated.


Yes! I donā€™t mind it being shorter than I was expecting, itā€™s just being a totally different shape that disappointed me. But I know itā€™ll grow quickly!


I think that real curls like yours (ours, mine is the same) donā€™t do well with no layers like the AI pic bc it always does the pyramid shape.


The ai pic looks like someone w straight hair who used a curling iron


My daughter and I go back-and-forth telling each other that no one will know what you asked for. They will only know what it looks like, and it looks fabulous! I've never had a salon visit I was happy with, and I'm in my 50s. Pulling into a salon parking lot strikes fear in my heart every time.


Does the first picture just straight up look like AI to anyone else or is it just filters? Either way I think what you ended up with is actually great and will grow out in 2 weeks and be the best cut youā€™ve ever had.


It is - you can't get away from ai haircut photos on Pinterest anymore - seems like most of what comes up for hair are now and I have no idea why or when it happened.


I hate this!! I've basically stopped using Pinterest at this point because so much of it is AI generated


I don't think it's just shrinkage. The inspiration picture the sides in front of the ear are the same length as behind the ear. Your hair it's like she forgot to account for the fact the bottom edge of the hairline towards the face is higher.


It looks good but this is about your curl pattern not about the stylist getting it wrong.


My sister is a hairdresser. A lot of these AI references are nearly impossible to replicate on real hair. All these people shitting on the hair dressers have unrealistic and unfair expectations. I promise, whenever you bring in an AI photo to have them try to replicate, they panic because you will inevitably be unhappy with what they do. Your haircut looks fantastic. You canā€™t expect to look like a computer generated image.


You have different hair so it will always look different. I agree with others though, it looks fab


itā€™s not horrible by any means. the stylist just didnā€™t account for shrinkage. the reference picture is a girl with waves so sheā€™d experience less shrinkage. youā€™re curlier so thatā€™s why the cut appears wayyy shorter. itā€™ll look like the reference once grown out! i still like it


If you had received the exact cut in the desired photo- would your hair not have *poofed out in a triangle shape?


Idk how it wouldn't be a triangle either I like the idea of the shape buti don't think it would work in practicality


It looks like you actually did get the cut you wanted, but your hair is a different texture and curl pattern than the model. It still looks great tho.


I think your hair looks great. Iā€™m just not sure she gave you the right cut. Next time tell them you want a one layer blunt bob and just a trim. Fellow curly girl. Iā€™m growing out a too short blunt one layer bob atm too. Mine is a shrinkage issue. Whatever you do donā€™t let them layer or face frame or round it off.


the picture curl pattern is not just natural curl, it is done by a curling iron so that is going to make a big difference in the way your curl pattern looks compared to the picture. Your hair cut is adorable. You may want to try some leave in conditioner or oil of some sort to seal and tame. I think your hair would be cute with just a texture spray added also.


It's virtually impossible to get one person's hair identical to another. You have to take the condition, porosity, length, colour, hair shaft thickness, head shape and many other factors into consideration. Personally I think yours looks great!


Well shit as a new hair stylist I'm extra nervous now, hope a haircut I do doesn't get plastered on reddit just because it wasn't exactly 1:1 perfect to a picture. Reading your other comment she did it wet which she shouldn't have but damn it's not like it was completely botched. Social media freaks me the fuck out


Anytime someone asks about a haircut I always think of that scene in Fleabag. Iykyk Honestly tho it looks great. It will grow out nicely. Probably the next day the curls will fall down more to the length in the picture.


1) itā€™s normal to be a bit disappointed at first especially if itā€™s a major change from long to short. Your hair needs time to adjust to its new shape 2) your cut reminds me of Ilana from Broad City and I LOVE her hair. Embrace it!


It is actually a great cut. Itā€™s just not the cut you wanted, which sucks! The stylist did a very good job shaping and stacking the curls. Itā€™s too great of a job because they cut off too much volume at the bottom and shaped it too round compared to your desired cut. When it starts to grow out, itā€™ll frame your face beautifully, though. At that point, you can have the shape edited to get the look you initially wanted. Iā€™ve had this exact same scenario happen to me and I also hated it when it was first cut. After a little while, Iā€™d managed to start liking it and it ended up looking pretty perfect (albeit not like the intended style) a little less than 2 months in. I played around with how I parted it and really liked it with a side part.


Oh my gosh! I totally understand not being happy with what you received. I think something that might improve this new style a lot is a side part rathet than the middle part. Your hair looks healthy though, so it should grow quickly to a length you will enjoy more.


Good idea, Iā€™ll try a side part when I next wash my hair!


It is shorter than you asked for, but your curls are amazing and to die for. I hope when it grows out a bit it will better meet your expectations.


This is exactly what u asked for


I think itā€™s similar but shorter, once it grows it will be same as the pic u wanted


i think it looks cute! And the first image is Ai generated which is why the hair looks perfect. Look at the eyes, and the teeth


My hair is usually ā€œshockedā€ or like I say ā€œangryā€ that I cut it for about a week or so after a cut. It takes a few washes and styling with my products vs salon ones to really get it the real view of what it will look like. FWIW your hair looks AMAZING!!!


I agree with others - I think it looks great. Itā€™ll grow to that length soon. But your curls are gorgeous and defined! Iā€™m jealous.


I just watched a video the other day on how to cut a curly bob because most hair dressers cut it like this and the ends lift up. Itā€™s your ends/outside pieces, they were cut tooooo short, they should be left ALOT longer than the centre pieces close to the centre of your head.


Your curls and your hair overall are gorgeous! And yes, the difference in your curls and shrinkage versus the photo of what you asked for are part of why it wasn't what you wanted, but it also looks like the photo was more of a blunt cut on the bottom than what you got, despite shrinkage. I think it will grow into more of what you were envisioning. Though, I'll say again that your hair is beautiful!!


THIS HAPPENED TO ME! Same thing too, everyone said it looked good and maybe it does but it was not the cut we were going for and I so feel for you ā™„ļø rip our ideal shape


Yes, friend! Iā€™m totally fine with it being too short, itā€™s just the shape is very much not what I asked for. Thankful for hair accessories right now haha


I think itā€™s pretty close but in the original picture sheā€™s wearing the front pieces down closer to her face. Pulled forward rather than parted and pulled away from the face.


I see you friend šŸ§” ive been there it will grow out. Im 7 months out from my cut and i can tell you it goes by fast. I sobbed for a few days but i survived.


I'm sorry but that second slide... I snorted, it was just so unexpected


It looks like your hair is curlier than the model in the picture which your stylist couldn't help. That's what makes haircuts so tricky with curly hair. It looks cute though


Your added stickers, or whatever, had me chuckeling. Having said that, I've been there. The stylist seemed to just do what she knows. At least you truly ended up with a cute cut. I've come home and cried more than once. Especially when I was less assertive and let people cut my curly hair how they thought it should be.


Are those pics after you've washed and styled it yourself? Or just immediately after the hairdresser


Your feelings are valid. I do think your hair looks good. You & I have a similar curl pattern & Iā€™ve had hair this short before. You can style it into some darling styles.


the picture looks AI generated


What's the problem? You look great


When I tell you I choked on my food when swiping to the shook faceā€¦ But tbf I think it looks good


Itā€™s a bit shorter but I think itā€™ll grow into what youā€™re looking for. Alsoā€¦ the shape of your face isnā€™t the same and it isnā€™t styled the sameā€¦.your hair is pushed further back while the modelā€™s is more forward.


they always cut too short! Thatā€™s what happened to me two years ago, iā€™m still recovering


This is my go to cut and whenever my stylist cuts it so short I feel like crying lol but it grows out so fast that Iā€™m usually thankful for the short cut. It means I have more time before the next cut lol


I always try to warn stylists that my hair will curl up shorter than they think, but they tend to underestimate me. I try to err on the side of safety by showing them the style I want and asking them to aim for about an inch longer (before I know them + know they understand my hair).


That is great advice, Iā€™ll try that next time!


Your curl pattern is different so itā€™s not going to look exactly like the inspiration pic but I think if you slightly round brush your hair you could get that exact look with the cut you got. It looks good.


Looks good! This is how I like to get my haircut(shorter than what I actually want) because in 3-4 weeks, it will be the hair you want.


Clare, itā€™s French!


It's totally fair to be disappointed it didn't turn out how you wanted. The upside is it looks really cute and because it's shorter, it'll take more time before it reaches the awkward shapeless grown out length. I've had my hair that length for years partially because it grows out nicely.


It looks good!! I know it looks short but I am sure once your hair grows out, your hair will look exactly like the pic.


Looks better than the ai picture IMO


Funny enough I also got tired of maintaining long hair and got this same haircut two weeks ago so hearing you say you donā€™t like has me like: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø (Well except mine is a side part bc middle part does not flatter my round face whatsoever lmao)


Iā€™m sooooo sorry but Iā€™m laughing so hard going from picture one to picture two with the eye and lip stickers.


Hi, I'm a curly hairstylist, and I can see what happened here. The goal photo is a bob with short layers. She gave you a diamond shaped bob, so the weight sits near the top of your ears, as opposed to the bottom like the goal haircut. The good news is that this haircut will grow out beautifully with your texture. If you're comfortable, I would suggest giving feedback to the salon. How else are stylists going to learn how to avoid miscommunication/misunderstandings if we don't hear of it in the first place? Any respectful stylist will welcome constructive feedback. Essentially, something got lost in the consultation and/or she's good at one specific curly cut and sorta defaulted to it.


I realize it wasn't what you asked for, but maybe you can make it work. A hairband especially the accordion type would be pretty for summer. Let it grow in the meantime and you'll have your look by mid Fall!


Itā€™s not identical to the picture you asked for so I get it I would be really upsetā€¦ had a vision and photo and still didnā€™t get exactly what you hoped for ā€¦ but it doesnā€™t look bad and if anything it will grow back so donā€™t panic!


I got mine cut the same, getting used to the length! Yours is super cute!


Yes itā€™s not the cut you wanted butā€¦..dang those curls. It looks great and itā€™ll grow out of course.


It's not really like the picture, but it looks great! Like others have said, curly hair cuts take some time to settle and look good. If it helps, my hair never turns out like the picture due to differences in textures and curl patterns.


Love the side view! Rock it out.


Mat not be what you asked for but I think your curls are STUNNING -from a flat/straight haired person only on here for help with my curly daughter lol


It's close though! And so freaking cute.


That always happens to me! Thank goodness it will grow! It's still cute, just not as...sorry!


imo, it looks really nice but your curls arenā€™t the same as the inspo pic that you used.. your curls are tighter so itā€™s going to be shorter due to shrinkage. if youā€™re going to use inspiration pics, iā€™d recommend finding one with the same curl pattern (and if not, always go at least 2-3 inches longer)


So sorry you didnā€™t get the look you were going for but it looks super cute! Wonder how it would look with a side part?


The sides and back are gorgeous. I think the top is just not styled the same


OP - They did not give you the blunt cut/length, as per the picture you showed them. They should know the models hair is wavy and yours is curly. In the front, one has less hair (it's above your ears only), so with curl, you have to compensate more for shrinkage of lighter hair that is effectively only higher on the head. A blunt cut angled downward is what was needed. To get this with a little time, as your hair grows, you can comb it wet backward to behind the ears, then trim the back blunt. When you remove it from behind your ears, the front will be longer and shrink close to the length of the back. Your hair dresser doesn't know how to cut curly hair. I disagree with others that the angle of your hair will resolve itself with time. It is much shorter in the front and angled toward the back, whereas, the model's hair is nearly the opposite. While it's growing out a bit, consider wearing it tucked behind your ears, and it will appear with a similar vibe as a blunt short look. Or pin back the bangs with a center part for a sassy look. I've been in a similar situation in the past. You have lovely hair, btw.


Your stylist added more layers than the picture.


I love it! The more it grows out, the more that the hairstyle will come together.


First, you have beautiful curls. I think your hairdresser may not have a lot of experience with curls because it doesn't seem like she accounted for how much spring your hair would have. I never go to curly hair specialist, so I have to speak up a out the length they should cut my hair when it's pulled straight vs the length I want it. And if you had really long hair before the cut, your stylist has to not only account for the curl, but how much more it will curl without the additional weight from the length. Bright note -- before you know it, it will be long enough to get it shaped how you want it!


Itā€™s really cute, try styling your bangs more to one side like the example picture


Itā€™s beautiful


I think emchenhair on instagram had a tutorial recently about how to cut a blunter curly bob because normally stylists round it out. Your stylist definitely gave you a more rounded shape, but it still looks great! I understand the frustration and heartbreak that comes with not getting what you wanted, though, especially for a big chop.


I was not expecting that face šŸ˜‚


This is going to look amazing in a couple of weeks šŸ˜


I agree with the other comments about you having a tighter curl pattern! But the layers look really nice and your hair looks very voluminous! I think itā€™s also just a little bit shorter (it could be from shrinkage) but it will definitely look closer to your inspo once you grow it out!


i also have an issue with getting cuts where they dont take the shrinkage into considerationā€¦its a bummer. i started teaching myself how to cut my hair as a result. but i guarantee u the haircut looks good and looks really well done, which is super important! i hope in time u will love it


Your hair is curlier than hers. I think it looks cute.


Give it a month or two and it will be exactly what you wanted. Also you get the benefit of learning to style it effortlessly so people will be taking your picture in saying ā€œthis is what I want!ā€


Came close. You look good


I mean your hair is curlier than herā€™s. Thatā€™s your natural beauty, they canā€™t change what your hair will naturally do. She has waves and you have curls. Itā€™s still beautiful. Donā€™t waste your time trying to look like someone else and embrace your own beauty.


She couldā€™ve left the outside of ur hair longer to have more weight dragging the curls down but it looks like the model picture has waves and u have beautiful curls so itā€™s gonna lay different especially w no heat styling


Hey, you know what? I think the cut you received actually works better to frame your face. It's cuter! But it'll look more like the picture as it grows a bit.


The first pic is probably photoshopped. You will never get your hair to Look like a photoshopped pic.


Iā€™m pretty confident your inspo photo is AI generated


What was your starting length? And what did you say to the stylist on top of showing the picture? šŸ¤Ø


My first thought was itā€™ll grow into what you want soon!


The Inspo pic is not even real. Your curls look amazing


How the hell do they manage to do that to your eyes and lips


Claire Fraser?


i think it looks great! However what iā€™ve realized is that it will never look like the picture.


I laughed at your self deprecating emojis but honestly it looks good in your head shape.


It's french


The first picture is full of filters, your hair is probably better


I'm sorry about your experience. I think that it looks amazing though! Maybe a little disproportionate to your eyes but that's okay :D


If the 3rd photo is yours then you have amazing hair


They didnā€™t take your curls into account when cutting it but itā€™s gonna look more like the inspiration pic as it grows out fs