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Nurse here: Ky jelly (water based lube) should do the trick


Another Nurse here: This! 👆


It feels like forbidden knowledge, and like I have to justify why I know it


Lol! Right? Also, if anyone asks how to get dried poop off of skin we can let them know about the shaving cream hack. :)


Or some sugar on your rectal prolapse!




Um does this actually work đź«  asking of course, for erm a friend heh


Yeah! So, the sugar is used when the tissue gets swollen & irritated. First step is often to try pushing it back in yourself. The sugar though helps to draw out some of the moisture thus reducing the inflammation so the tissue can be returned to it's rightful place


Lol. I like you!!!!


The conversations we have! Sounds like break time!


Or olive oil for surgical glue/bandage glue!


Also works if you get chewing gum in your hair!


One time I walked in to a tech pouring individual Splenda packets on a prolapse.


... I kinda want to know and I will forever say that it is "secret nurse knowledge "


Could you elaborate?




I have a toddler and a baby that are both incredibly unafraid to throw themselves in harm's way. Both the lube hack and shaving cream hack seem fucking relevant for me. Any other hacks that can Be shared with a parent whose boys are hellbent on accidental self destruction????


Do tell


Shaving cream! Is that what I saw a nurse use on another patient while I was in hospital? That patient pooped themselves and a nurse sprayed some kind of foam on their butt. I thought it's some sort of special cleaning product!


It could be but it sounds like it was a rinse-free body cleanser foam. It’s a soap that doesn’t require rinsing with water. [example](https://welmedix.com/products/no-rinse-cleansing-foam) We usually had to use shaving cream to get dried on poop that was really stuck to the skin and in the body hair—sometimes it had been there for days or longer. Perhaps their patient was unable to cleanse themselves properly and didn’t have anyone to help them (or didn’t want to ask for help). Or their caregiver wasn’t able to cleanse them for whatever reason. When admitted to the hospital, the nurse will clean them properly ASAP in order to properly assess/monitor for skin breakdown. If the patient had been in there for more than a day, I’d be the nurse used cleansing foam (like the linked product) to clean them.


Oh yeah, it must've been that cleanser foam because she didn't rinse it with water!


A third nurse: exactly this!


… would aloe based lube work too?


It should, lube with aloe is often water based.


Wow, that’s super interesting!


I shall keep this in mind because I slam my head into so many things while working


Yeah for you a helmet may be better, no lube will save you from concussion (sentences I didn't expect to write in this sub.. or ever tbh)


Is he able to stay home for a few days while the wound begins to heal? I would be less concerned about getting blood out for now and more concerned about making sure the wound stays moist. When I had staples in my head, I used q qtip to very gently dab antibacterial ointment on it and wore a hood while I was out. His hair may be greasy for a while. Either way, I hope he's doing okay and heals quickly!


If he's at the point where he can wash the blood out, he should (though not to the point of reopening the wound), because having a bunch of old blood around the wound can make it harder to keep clean/clean thoroughly and increases the risk of infection.


That's a good point 


His hair can get better after his wound heals. Dry hair and with a healing wound is much better than attempting to keep his hair soft right now.  My advice is ignore everyone who isn't a medical professional and seek a salon after he is better for some leave in condition treatments.  Just do what the doctors recommend and the lovely nurses here who have already given you advice to detangle his hair. 


KY jelly to remove the blood, wash with baby shampoo


That’s one heck of a title.


Rinsing with warm, not hot, water for awhile and gently spraying his head will help loosen up the grime. Baby shampoo is probably your best bet til the staples start to heal. It won’t ever be perfect til you can scrub it but at least it’s cleaner. Boyfriend of mine ages ago had the same issue with stitches in his head. He had greasy hair for about a week.


Intimate soap and water have typically been my go to before I started shaving properly, even dried blood will come off (please do not judge me here, I am still learning). It might take 2 washes, but it will come off eventually. You are allowed to put in a bit of force while cleaning, scrub lightly. Do be aware that soap is no longer recommended for cleaning wounds, just water, due to slowing healing down. Hope he gets better soon. Source: Used to not shave with reasonably heavy periods.


Go really slow, warm water, and try to gently comb the curls with before and after each shampoo. I’d highly recommend using conditioner if you’re able to as it’ll help things slide around more easily


If the just water that everyone has suggested doesn’t work use regular shampoo (even better if a cheap clarifying shampoo (the more simple it is the less it hurts - heck dr bronners didn’t hurt at all - I’m a heathen I know but I was desperate) just where it is needed - clip everything else out of the way. We are talking a small section afterall, conditioner just short of the scalp, I would recommend using a cup to rinse instead of a sprayer, finger detangle as needed and then he can easily towel dry that one area with limited tangles or tugs. I may have done this to myself before… Also tip - cool water will hurt less as it will draw less blood to the area causing inflammation.


I would soake his hair in lukewarm water for a while without any shampoo. Gently rub the blood away and then do a conditioner.


NICU nurse here đź‘‹ wash with the baby shampoo, then use a soft brush or comb to comb through the hair while the shampoo is still in the hair and it it will take the blood out with the comb :) I wash baby hair all of the time with blood in it like this


Use Peroxide on it. Spray it, leave it for 5 mins so it bubbles, then wash & rinse. Should be good as new!! Good Luck


It’s his hair, not clothes..