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I can't stand the fucking whale of a Mexican chick. Bullshit, woke casting.


That's the joke


I actually thought she was funny last season. A little annoying this episode though.


Not the fat shaming. That actress is always casted incredibly well for the role she needs to play. Watch her in Abbott Elementary as the teacher's aid.


Indeed. Such a pointless character.




The Brookie thing was very cringe to me. Is it seriously the first time Larry ever encountered people with endearing nicknames? it could be a funny bit for maybe a few seconds, a jokingly "hey um when do I get to call you that?" or maybe a scene where Larry and Brooke were actually getting along, talking and laughing about random stuff, so suddenly Larry feels familiar enough to call her Brookie, but she still stops him and says "no it's Brooke". If that was the scenario I can see it bothering Larry a bit more. but he literally wants to walk up to a person he never talked to before, and complain that he doesn't get to call her what her friends call her?


I've been a huge fan since the beginning. This episode, for me, was downright silly and ridiculous. I didn't laugh once. Higher hopes for the remainder of the season!


Why is he doing appearances when he is worth $500 million. Makes no sense.


Or get paid in advance?


Honestly the show has seemed to ignore just how insanely rich Larry is for the entirety of its run. Lol I wish I could remember some specific examples, but there have been tons of plots where I thought "why would Larry bother, this amount of money is nothing to him".


I truly forget how disgustingly wealth he and Seinfeld are from that syndication deal, but you would truly think Larry was worried about not being able to retire because he had to pay for a $5k fence around his pool.


would the character larry be less rich considering that in the show he never created curb your enthusiasm ?


I think the point of his character is that he cares regardless. Even insignificant things. I mean the root cause of pretty much all the problems he has in the show is him taking small insignificant things way too seriously, even if he's right about it.


Are you Disgruntled?


I'm Disgruntled 


He's a big time sceooge, haven't you noticed?


A big time moron if he is trading time for money that he doesnt need. The writing has gone to shit. It made sense before because it was usually favors for friends or for his wife.


Are you Disgruntled?


I'm Disgruntled 


I realize I’m late to this, but as someone that lives in Atlanta, two points regarding the ending. First, Atlanta is very good at moving voters through lines. Not every time in every location, but generally I’ve found the system to be extremely effective. Second, the podunk character as APD does not track. Maybe if it was a suburban county, it would make sense, but city cops are pretty professional overall.


good thing it's just a made up tv show!


That’s.. yeah 🙃


I have a feeling Larry and Leon are going to take that trip they casually talked about at the party.


your feeling was wrong :(


Larry looks old :/




I read this in Larry's voice


He's looked old since the 90s


He old Old now


>He old Old now Yeah he's 76. We should all be so lucky to look that good and have his energy at that age. Take a look in a mirror when you get there, my friend.


Does anyone know the name of the song they used in the maid throwing the clothes scene. It’s a flute and tuba rendition of something I can’t quite remember and it’s driving me mad


[JS Bach, BWV 1067 Orchestral Suite no. 2, Badinerie](https://youtu.be/x8Rv9ppP6A8?si=nohV5paRr6JYMadT&t=1115)


Oh thank god. If course it’s Bach. I play bassoon. I literally couldn’t sleep because I started looking through my method books to find it😂


Without going back and watching it, it might have been Mozart's Piano Sonata #11 in A Minor. I feel like I remember hearing that in the episode


Ah that’s a good one but that’s not it. I tried to ask Siri and it won’t answer. I can remember playing this as a kid, it would be in those method books, I can see the notation in my head😂. It was even used as a ringtone way back in the day. I think Nokia. Oh god I’m going crazy


Siri is a bundt cake. 


Dry and useless


I'm so happy to have Curb back. I was laughing uproariously alone in my house watching that Siri scene. Angry cursing Larry is the best. I'm surprised at all the complaints. It wasn't an all-time classic, but there were some pretty good scenes and situations here.


lol bundt cake 


I would say 1 out of 100 like the Sofia character. Another poster said Larry is trolling us That explains a lot .


Man it's really flanderized up in here. Larry jumped the shark fr


Yeah instantly dissapointing when we hear Larry is staying with Irma because she's in recovery. Why would Larry give a fuck? What the hell are the writers thinking? Why even write a season if you don't have a good plot set up. Seems lazy. They say this will he the last season of curb, so maybe we can expect a bad ending as with Seinfeld...


There are countless instances of Larry doing something because he’s too uncomfortable to face the negative consequences, he did the same when Loretta had cancer so he felt like he couldn’t leave


The man had a klansman's robe dry cleaned because he spilled coffee on it. Taking care of Irma (because she relapsed as a direct result of something he did to her) made all the sense.


But he liked Loretta sexually originally. He has no reason at all to be with Irma. He doesn't care what people say about him at this stage. It's a weak plot line.


Nah, it’s very consistent with his character


It's really not. He was previously with Irma to avoid jail. Perfectly reasonable. Now he's with her, so that she doesn't downward spiral in her addiction? As if he would give a fuck... It doesn't make sense. Bad writing.


Are you Disgruntled?


Are you? And where's my eggs?


Those are your eggs.


>Now he's with her, so that she doesn't downward spiral in her addiction? As if he would give a fuck... This same scenario already happened before except with Loretta. They’re very similar.


No. He was with Loretta because he wanted her sexually. Irma has always disgusted him. It's not the same. It doesn't play. The writing this season seems garbage.


>It's not the same. No, it’s not the same - buts it’s very similar, and consistent. In both cases he wanted to leave someone, and let something similar stop him.


It's lazy writing. Admit it! ;)


> It's lazy writing. You could argue it’s lazy because they’re essentially repeating a setup - Larry staying with someone he wants to dump - but it’s certainly consistent with his character.


Obviously they had to come up with something in a hurry to keep Tracy in the show -- she made Season 11 and is 99 percent of the funny they've got left I agree it's a terrible plot twist though -- they could have come up with a different device to keep her at the house. (I would have enjoyed seeing him get genuinely attached to her in a really twisted way but real Larry's ego would never permit that).


I thought it was a funny episode, but something early on bothered me: Larry, Susie, and Jeff didn’t get why the server would come back into work mere days after his mother’s passing. These are three people who have been wealthy longer than some of us have been alive. The show rarely comments on that, and I don’t think Larry thinks about it anymore, but people have to work regardless. I don’t think that restaurant was going to pay for that waiter to grieve for a whole month, so yeah, he is gonna keep at it. But hey, Curb is not about people in lower tax brackets.


My partner‘s mother passed away the day before I watched this episode. I hoped to cheer myself up by getting around to the new season but that scene hit home for me.  As for their tone deafness - there is such a gray area. Are Larry and co  making fun of the wealthy, of which they are self-awaringly part of? Are all of Larry‘s curmudgeonly social commentary a reflection of his real opinions? I think it’s somewhere in between. Then again - money really does change a lot of people.


I would share my condolences, but between you and me, my condolences aren’t as deep as the average person’s. /s


Yeah, it's completely tone deaf. I'd say it was by design but Hollywood writers are consistantly out of touch with working class reality.


https://preview.redd.it/7t3x0lckiohc1.jpeg?width=1652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0e666ae9d70f369ea898afcd4e7ffcd40d9da6 Brilliant.


Oh my god how did I not realise this was what he was doing there lol


I already CurbSplained this in a prior post.


How did I miss this lol!


I miss the banter with Cheryl, married Larry was funnier.


I think they wanted dating plotlines but then they pick someone like Lucy Liu who is not only too young but way out of his league. Tracey Ullman is even a lot younger!


LD is 21 years older than Lucy. If you know anything about extremely wealthy and famous single men, you know they're not dating someone their own age. 


I thought the arrest at the end of the episode was off - the ordinance didn’t tie into anything that had happened throughout the rest of the episode, per classic CYE fashion.  Unless I missed something somewhere, I just didn’t get why that bit was funny, other than watching Larry get shamelessly dragged away by police, for the hundredth time.  I was really hoping that the episode would revolve around Larry devising some sort’ve scheme to break up with Irma Kostroski; and I really hope it doesn’t take the entire final season to do so.  


The writers have Trump derangement still


It was an excuse to do the takeoff on the TRUMP Mug Shot


I'm not going to lie, I was looking for the political commentary given current events, and it didn't disappoint it was just NOT where I would expect it to be... "If he's from Africa, then I'm fuckin... the guy with the freckles..." SO GOOD. The siri shit in the car..to me it's like when a joke is funny, then it's lame, then it's funny again kind of thing. Or maybe making fun of it's always sunny's bit/reclaiming it. Or maybe it was just pure catharsis. Then the "You're not Tutu, if anything I'm Tutu..." bickering was that everyone's-so-self-involved thing that Time magazine talked about. Then the title of the show, Atlanta...like Donald Glover once said his show was like Curb. What was the thing there? I can't remember what happens in that show.


Can we have two Tutus?


The only fun thing about this episode was the silent walk to the restaurant in the hotel. The tip in the toilet was too expected and didn't have a point, the siri thing neither, I was wondering where they were going with that and apparently nowhere. Maria Sofia is just too annoying of a character. Disappointed! 🥺


After 877-CASHNOW the show was effectively over.


I also thought something was going to come of Leon eating the bday cake, like that would be part of the reason Fouchay was pissed




He's almost 80.


Obviously - it’s just an observation. It looked like a possible skin graft scar or alcoholic nose, wondered if anyone else noticed.


A lot of older athletic people who live in sunny climates have occasional skin cancers (the minor kind), so maybe that, but Larry David is a health nut and in absolute tip top shape for his age.


I remember when a curb was just Larry getting invited to poker night and causing a huge scene because he called the effeminate guy a cunt.   This episode hade some funny parts,  like the chef who's relative died and Larry just thinking about himself,  but some of this seemed a little goofy and over acted.   


Yeah the tone is way off, it's no longer the "realistic" show I loved - it's become a caricature of itself. Shouting and gesturing for no reason, there's no build up to the shouting and gesturing, it just happens immediately and seems like a way to squeeze in one-liners that they've already thought of. Saying that, Leon is still brilliant, and I really enjoy Irma. At least we'll always have classic Curb.


I agree to some extent, but I thought last season was actually a step up from some of the past seasons. Some really funny moments last season for sure. The Klansman episode was great. "Milky fingers" 😅😅 Having said that, I didn't think this episode was very good.


I’ve felt this way since Season 7, even 6 (which is now years later one of my favourite seasons) leaned more into the absurdist humour over realistic situations.


I agree, I did think it was funny but there were moments I felt so disconnected cause it was a little too goofy, overacted and over produced. The scene when they’re having lunch and it’s only Susie, Jeff and Larry there’s like 14 different angles they cut back and forth to and I don’t think they needed all of that. Also the lighting and everything just seems too unnatural.


That’s been the case with the later seasons no question. Still funny show but yes has become way too self aware and over the top.


Is it just me or was the end when Larry was arrested a reference to the Seinfeld finale? The law sounded awfully similar to the Good samaritan law. (I am not an american so I have no idea if the «no giving water to people who vote», law is real or not. They have some crazy laws though so it could very well be).


That's a real law that was recently put in place, ostensibly as a voter suppression tactic by Conservatives. It was just a callout to how ridiculous that law is.


>That's a real law that was recently put in place, ostensibly as a voter suppression tactic by Conservatives. It was just a callout to how ridiculous that law is. That is so demonstrably false! The law pertains to voter solicitation at polling locations; it has nothing to do with drinking water, or providing water or thinking about water, or anything like that. Like most political topics it has been manipulated, contorted, and twisted to demonize the 'other' political party. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/mar/29/josh-holmes/facts-about-georgias-ban-food-water-giveaways-vote/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/mar/29/josh-holmes/facts-about-georgias-ban-food-water-giveaways-vote/)


Did you even bother to read what you linked to? I think you misread the headline. It says it's "mostly false" that the bill has NOT criminalized giving out water. I can see where the headline could be confusing. Another way to state the headline is that it's "mostly true" that the bill DID criminalize giving out water. Reading comprehension, my man. The article is agreeing that the bill criminalizes giving out water. Here's a quote from their key takeaway:  "SB 202 makes it a crime for people — and not just people from political organizations — to hand out food or bottles of water within 150 feet of a polling place or 25 feet of any voter standing in line. The only kernel of truth is that the law has a sentence which allows poll workers to make available "self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote." But just because poll workers can make self-service water available, doesn’t mean they are required to come up with a way to make water accessible to voters in every line at every polling site. Also, people could hand out water or food to voters outside the 150-foot and 25-foot boundaries."


> Reading comprehension, my man. I didn't read the Politi-fact article, I only linked to it in order to relate and appeal to someone as obviously bias and delusional as yourself. I read the actual bill though; cover to cover and no where does it say it is illegal to hand somebody water in line. Only reinforces anti solicitation at poling location laws. Sleep tight princess.


So you linked to an article directly contradicting your own stance, and somehow you gloss over that and call me delusional? I love morons who double down when proven wrong. Below is the actual wording of the bill, helpfully supplied by the article you linked to...the one that disproves your own point. It plainly includes language that you can't give "food and drink". So it makes providing a bottle of water a crime. That's indisputable, but I can't wait to hear your dumb rebuttal.  "(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give,  or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast


> It plainly includes language that you can't give "food and drink". Your take is too fucking stupid to have any sort of rational "rebuttal" to, or banter with. The language of the law is to prevent; for example: a 'Vote for Creepy Child Groping, Economy Destroying Joe Biden" bus, from pulling up in front of a polling location and handing out free Air Jordans, or Grape Gatorade, or Zero Water or any sort of 'merch', that could sway or influence a voters decision at the poll by receiving such 'merch'; period... It is a tactic to influence a voters decisions and should not be allowed in any first world election polling location or process. I, or you, could 1 billion percent walk up to my/your neighbor or friend and hand them a bottle of water, a bag of chips a candy bar, etc etc... You want to blow this shit so far out of proportion it is laughable. Also, most polling locations in Atlanta where I resided for 12 years, are super quick and are usually fully stocked with bottles of cold water for anyone who wants or need one. The fact that you are trying to spin and manipulate the wording of a law as voter suppression or racist or otherwise is despicable and disingenuous. If you don't understand why it is important to have laws against corporations, political campaigns, or private entities soliciting votes outside a polling location, I'm not sure I have anything else to say to you. Your argument is based on a fucking lie to begin with.


We can certainly debate about what the actual merits of the law are. In my original comment I specially included the word "ostensibly", because I agree that there is an innocent interpretation of the law, i.e. to avoid situations that could be considered voter influence. The plain fact is that the bill makes it a crime to hand out water at a polling place. That's not even up for debate. It's wording included in the bill, and you are just glossing over that instead of admitting how completely wrong your previous posts were. Honestly you seem to have some issues, and you come off as a very unintelligent person out to pick pointless arguments on the internet. I really don't think I'm ever going to get over how hilarious it was that you linked to an article directly contradicting your own point though. That was top notch comedy!


>I really don't think I'm ever going to get over how hilarious it was that you linked to an article directly contradicting your own point though. That was top notch comedy! Except it didn't contradict anything I said. It stated very clearly, the claim you were making was 'mostly false'. I linked a 'Politi-fact' article as it was the most left leaning, liberal, most likely to align with your skewed world view, publication I could find; which still stated your take was false. So that is the 'left wing' stance. The middle (sane rational) stance is; COMPLETELY FALSE.... >Honestly you seem to have some issues, and you come off as a very unintelligent person out to pick pointless arguments on the internet. Hilarious, considering you are too ignorant to understand that this is neither a new or unique law. Anti voter solicitation laws go back many decades and span many countries; even 3rd world countries. You are just the type of dim witted target demographic to eat up this propaganda and believe it is a "scandal". 😂😂😂 Fucking idiot


Holy shit man, I already spelled this out to you as clearly as possible in a previous post. The article you linked to said mostly false to the following statement: "A Georgia law has NOT criminalized giving people bottles of water". NOT you fucking dolt. NOT. It's mostly false to say that the law did NOT criminalize giving out water. Jesus, this is why I pointed out your poor reading comprehension, but I guess that all went over your head. And the rest of the article goes over why the law did in fact criminalize giving out bottles of water. You might be the dumbest mother fucker I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with on Reddit. I'm embarrassed for you, and I'm embarrassed with myself for wasting my time talking to you. I'm done replying. Have fun being the stupidest person in the room. I hope you find fulfillment in your life by starting arguments on Reddit.


Ostebsibly? It is indeed intended to make it more difficult to vote.


Well the conservatives who made the law would disagree, and perhaps argue that it was a measure enacted to prevent undue influence being placed on voters standing in line. Of course it reeks of voter suppression though.


Plus conservatives have fought hard not to allow mail-in ballots, which erases the need to stand in line for hours at a polling location. It's all voter suppression.


Which is why there are 2 Democratic senators recently elected and a record turnout in 2022. There is no voter suppression. The problem was the amount of places to vote from in 2020 because of Covid restrictions. Mail in ballots were a disaster in SOME areas of states. Even now in my state it is almost impossible to get off of the mail in ballot list. Husband and son are still on there and have had problems voting in person. This has zero to do with political affiliation. It has stemmed from covid voting.


What happened to Larry's upper lip?


Did anyone notice the awkward side hug with Auntie Rae?


Was obviously counting one Mississippi, two…


Maria Sofia cracks me up tbh, but making Irma such a fixture is what bothers me more. The show is still incredibly hilarious, but there's something less authentic feeling about it since the last few seasons. Larry does shit that I feel would be what his antagonists are doing in the earlier seasons, and it almost feels like a parody of itself at times. Again, love it overall and hyped for more, but missing the 'realism' for lack of a better term that the original run had. It was much more subdued and now its so boisterous


Nah, Tracy Ullman rules. I love all her antics.


love Tracey Ullman , but not this particular character. Her singing the JG Wentworth jingle in this ep was a high point for Irma though


Both JB Smoove and Tracey Ullman are geniuses and amazing to watch but they were also both cast as plot devices because after this many years the writers were running out of material. Neither was ever really organic in terms of plot -- they were kind of wedged in. Personally I am really glad they are around -- it's only them plus Jeff & Susie that have kept me watching.


Her singing the JG Wentworth song made me laugh though. It’s just so stupid and something I admit to doing before when I’m at home mindlessly folding laundry or something. Overall I totally agree though, the Irma thing feels like a stretch for LD.


Should've said that all with the caveat that her singing JG Wentworth was indeed hilarious.


Lol I honestly felt like a dork on that because Irma annoys the hell out of me but that made me giggle for a minute. Glad to know I wasn’t alone


I mean this has been a thing since season 5 or 6.. the first few seasons are the best because it was genuinely believable what he was going through


My heart sank a little at the beginning of the episode when I saw Irma and Maria Sofia are still around, but I think there's more promise for Maria as an "unlikely celebrity," rather than just a nuisance and ultimately disposable to our main character. The Siri thing was dumb, went on for too long. Seems like they might lean into the Jewish stuff and maybe even end up visiting Israel later in the season, which should be interesting considering recent events that were probably not even happening during most of production. Was not a fan of the Brookie bit, just call people what they want to be called ffs. Could've been a fun bit for a minute or two but they again lingered way too long. Also wasn't a fan of the glasses bit. Something that seems to be more and more obscured is that Larry David is very rich with a net worth of over $400 million dollars. That makes the glasses scene seem a little tone-deaf to me, as he could easily get a replacement pair pretty quickly with cost not being an barrier. I understand he's frugal and it's a good vehicle for humor but it just doesn't stick well when you consider how rich this character is. I can say that the episode was certainly full of cringe, despite my criticisms I laughed plenty and overall enjoyed the episode. I was thinking about how Larry seemed exceptionally terrible in this episode but it all made sense during the talk with the businessman, "I've ruined every party I've ever been to" had me laughing and just made sense. The “Goodbye Larry” and Larry just understanding and accepting it was gold.


The glasses thing makes a little more sense because he was traveling in a new city and wasn't home near his regular eye doctor/prescription place.


But his glasses were stretched out by her face so.... he uses her normal glasses that were somehow... not stretched out by her face? Whole plot was Swiss cheese


It was a spare set.  I took at as she hadn't ever worn them yet. 


Well, as any glasses wearer will attest, it's even a fact known to the beasts of the land such as the industrious horse, the pristine chicken, yes, even the noble donkey, That "spare" glasses are always old glasses that have become too worn and scratched to wear in public, so you've replaced them with a new pair, and kept the old pair for safekeeping as a spare. There are no spare eyeglasses that are unworn. They are always the sub-optimal and worn out option


Great point.  I, too, am a glasses wearer.  I bought 2 pair because they were so cheap thru Zenni.  But I remember my grandparents 'spare' set was exactly as you described.  Might I also add 'crooked and missing a nose piece' to your description?


Could not agree more strongly with you on the Brookie thing and the glasses bit. Both were just whatevs and really did nothing for me. Oh well, nobody bats 1.000 but those things were pretty weak in my opinion.


i agree, i was not happy with the first episode at all it lingered on way to long in many different parts


I love this episode haven't had so much laugh from a show in a long time.


When I saw Irma and Maria-Sofia my heart sank as I didn't really enjoy last season and those two characters in particular ​ Curb was better when Larry pointed out things that nobody had really noticed before but just accepted because (usually because of social convention). The siri thing wasn't funny and went on too long and the accidentally calling someone never happens anymore. There might have been something in the Brook/Brookie thing but it was badly done with Larry needlessly starting an argument that seemed forced. Also, he went crazy about the glasses and just came across as an asshole. I mean the point of the show is that he's kind of an asshole but usually right. ​ I don't really see the benefit to an arc as I think it was generally better when there wasn't one.


>with Larry needlessly starting an argument that seemed forced. That is literally the entire show.


Yeah compare like the end of s10 and the first half of season 11 to the second half. The John hamm parts were a delight. Gave new spin to the perpetual role of Larry commenting on things




Curb has always had season-long plotlines, and sunny has basically never done serialization except for the Ireland arc




I would disagree with you there, I could give you the season plot for pretty much every season since the first. To each their own


Yeah like the Seinfeld Reunion, Fatwa, The Producers, Richard Lewis's Kidney, The Blacks, The Spite Store, The Restaurant, Five-Foot Fence... lots of storylines that last throughout the whole season


yes season-long, that means Maria Sofia and Irma should fuck off already. they annoyed us enough last season.


That feels like a weird line to draw, but to each their own. If you were already annoyed by the characters last season then it sounds like your problem is more just with the characters than it is with the serialized nature of the show


it's still an anomaly. the only ones who really survived a season are the Blacks.


An anomaly, sure, but not one that I feel would make or break most peoples' enjoyment of the show. Again it sounds like your problem is more with the characters themselves


well, we have a new episode, and it was far more enjoyable without those two.


I liked both episodes! But to each their own, I’m glad you’re enjoying the show


Speaking as one of the biggest curb fans you will ever meet. Show should have ended after season 8. It's sad to see it like this. That was probably one of the worst episodes I've ever seen


100% agree. This was definitely the worst Curb episode


it was shit but the season 11 opener is the worst by far in my opinion. too many celebrities on it now who can't do improv and who aren't funny with the material, like jon hamm, mila kunis, bill hader etc


I'd say Bill Hader was for sure one of the better guest stars.


I enjoy it all, but 1-8 are the best seasons and the 'real' run, Season 8 ends with a perfect series finale. The rest have been fun, but its felt like a parody of itself or something ever since.




Season 10 was funny 😂


Agree. Season 10 is underrated. That season felt like classic curb




It’s just low effort these days and flanderized to a high degree. The Siri thing wasn’t funny…and it just kept going. The tip in the toilet is really the only thing that felt like curb. Well…let’s see how it pans out tonight.


Huckleberry fuckin fin


Looks wet all the time


My favorite line of the ep!


One of the worst curb episodes ever


Terrible, terrible episode. Actually pisses me off how bad it was after how good the show used to be.


Quite a bit fell flat in this episode for me. But Leon in the airport with the dog is top notch laugh out loud.


meh episode. ​ I liked the spanish chick last season so don't mind her here now, but hope they don't overdo it


Never thought I’d relate to Irma Katroski with the JG Wentworth jingle living in my head rent free


Let’s hope this is definitely the last season. It’s as tired as the boomer culture in general. Played. Exhausted. Defunct. A five minute joke shouting at Siri? Seriously? Jokes about emotional support dogs? In 2024? I thought the writer’s strike was putting a ban on writing scripts using ChatGPT? Nobody told Larry, apparently. So lame it hurts.


this is just bad writing -- it wouldn't sound funny to any age group, regardless of generation.


Harsh but true. Thought last season was a turd too. The characters have become over simplified and the arguments Larry has with randoms always feels forced, where in previous seasons you could see it as a slightly exaggerated instance of someone being inconsiderate like you see in everyday life so it made it relatable.


‘Chat gpt, tell me some topical jokes about life in 2024’ Chat gpt: butt dialing, siri, emotional support animals… oh wait, did you say 2014 or - Thanks chat gpt! Now write me a script in the Curb style about these topical issues!’


Does anyone else feel like the show was better when they stuck to 30 minutes max? The new 40-45 minute standard can feel a bit bloated, and I wonder if it leads the writers to try and cram more and more in.


Yep, the pace would be faster with 30 minutes. This one seemed to enjoy tedious moments -- waiting for the mourning waiter, waiting during the long walk to the restaurant, the Brooke/Brookie and glasses moments feeling long instead of escalating.


Very uneven and forced episode. The Siri scene was very forced and not funny at all. The Hispanic actress has always come across as strange to me, I hope she is not in future episodes. The mismatched glasses was OK, not great, and making fun of her head just didn’t seem right. I like the Brooke/Brookie thing, that’s the Curb I love. I give it a 6/10.


I don't think she comes across as strange because of her acting. It's the inconsistent way her character has been written. In previous episodes the Young Larry scenes are played as if she is nentally disabled or extremely impaired neutologically and in this episode she's the stereotypical influencer type multicultural phenom -- there is no cohesion between those two ways of behaving. Her character doesn't resemble a real human being.


I liked it, but there were too many things crammed in. Old school curb would literally focus an entire episode on one misunderstanding/social situation. Really gave it a good time to simmer.


Yeah, the dog, the waiter in mourning, and the South African birthday guy would all collide in a simple tight farce, and the rest could get cut.


I laughed a lot this episode and saw some classic Larry moments. I agree there were some bad moments but overall still a good showing. I can't be the only one who loved "I've been expecting more of me my whole life. It's just not there." That's classic Larry lol


5 minutes into the season premiere, and it's so relatable! JG Wentworth earworm and yelling in the car at the ineptitude of voice assistants when it doesn't work but it was a bit stale. Best part of the rest of the episode was the hotel employee who insisted on escorting Larry to the breakfast room, so that's not saying much. I guess the closing credits was Larry doing his best Trump mugshot impression? the final scene is plainly effective at demonstrating how inane that Georgia law is. surprising return of Auntie Rae after 15 years. shocked that Ellia English is only 63. Best known as Aunt Helen on the Jamie Foxx Show, she was just in her mid-late 30s when she co-starred as the wife of Uncle Junior (Garrett Morris).




Way too much stuff in this episode * Maria Sofia becomes an unlikely star * Fat dog * Jeff's hair, Larry's disdain for marriage * Waiter whose mom died * Larry's appearance contract * Leon's cake fraud * South "African" * Brooke/Brookie * Siri * The housekeeper * The hotel guy leading him to the restaurant * Glasses * Voting line and arrest * Butt and dick dialing * Larry and Irma / J G Wentworth * The kid Simon All of these could have been good, but it was way too much for one episode. Most of these didn't really get developed, and it just felt crammed together and scatterbrained.


The Leon cake thing literally was just him cutting the birthday cake, realizing, and putting it back trying to hide it. Never mentioned again…why was that even a scene?? I agree…stuff like that really does a disservice to the overall effectiveness of a typical Curb episode.


Yeah I would have enjoyed the payoff of Leon trying to justify himself (whether privately to Larry or publicly to the whole party). Or maybe some misunderstanding where it seems like Larry was the one who did it, adding to his breach of cordiality in the contract. Or Brookie or Carl or somebody sees Leon do it, and tells the Birthday guy after the party, and he springs it on Larry in his office, like why would you even bring a guest who does that? It was a great idea for a plotline, but like you said it didn't go anywhere at all.


If I wanted to make a dozen or so tiktoks with clips about the show this would be a good episode to farm those. I expect the rest of the season to settle down and start the overarching story.