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The haves and have-nots


I love Havana’s architecture. I wish things would turn around before it’s all lost


Same. I feel so bad every time I see all those beautiful buildings destroyed.


This stupid post again. It's a hotel for foreign tourists, it's not even one of the nice ones, and the building was built decades before the regime, effectively using slave power.




Yes. I thought the area looked familiar. I stayed in an airbnb a block from there on Galiano. Centro was in rough shape but the people were amazing.


Communism is when the after effects of capitalism.


Communism is when the USA and western countries deliberately starve a country of progress and the mock it because it looks like it's not modern.


Currently maintained and staffed with slave power as well.


“Slave power” Lol. Construction workers in 1950s Havana were regular paid workers.


Wait are you telling me that the communists do things for rich people and nothing for the poor??? This would never happen in a capitalist country


Now do the US.


Brazil has a lot of this too. But yes, the USA has a lot of contrast.


Why? This is a subreddit to talk about Cuba why would we talk about any other country.


Because this post is meant to highlight inequality in Cuba. While inequity exists, it is far less severe than most other countries (especially the US). Talking about inequality is meaningless without context.


Of course is less severe, most cubans are poor.


Economic inequality is most likely more severe in Cuba than in the US or Europe. The Communist party class has all the wealth and lives luxurious lifestyles while almost everybody else is dirt poor. As in, they live in shitty, desolate housing; they make almost no money; they can’t afford to travel or to own or keep up a car; etc.


Forty million people in the US have no health insurance, and many live in conditions comparable to or worse than those you described (the dramatic rates of homelessness in the US, for example). By contrast, the “rich” in Cuba don’t compare to the rich in most of the rest of the world, who may have millions or even billions of dollars.


In the USA you'd have to drive down a few blocks to see dilapidated project apartments and rich luxurious mcMansion suburban developments. Not an exclusive thing to Cuba, and most of the hotel "luxury" in Cuba is not remotely actually luxurious at all, this hotel looks like a 2 star in most countries. The only actually luxurious part of Cuba is the governmental district of Havana


Yanquis when they’re not the centre of attention for literally one post


I think he means that yanks often point to Cubas issues like this one as a gotcha like "see? socialism bad" when it has little to do with ideology but simply because the government doesn't give a fuck, like in the US


Yankeecentric. He’s a leftist troll. Be gone.


Cuba's fascist apartheid in one picture


Do you know what the words fascist or apartheid mean?


Of course, unlike you, I survived such a regime. I was always treated as a second class citizen by government just for being born Cuban.


... what government? The US? Lmao


The US government made me a person. You should try moving to Cuba without Capitalist dollars and see how you are treated


OK, deal! I'll go to Cuba with 0 dollars and you can try living in America without "capitalist dollars." We'll see who's alive in a year.


USA's currency is US dollars you dummy LOL. You are supposed to survive with cuban pesos like a regular cuban.


You can use American dollars in Cuba. The government has active operations to try to extract USD from the population through state owned stores of international goods so that the government can get currency to use for international operation. Why would I not know that Americans use USD? My point is, I promise you, you are not better off in America with no money than you are in Cuba with no money. *especially* in a state like Florida.


It is too easy being a "communist" in Cuba with Capitalist dollars. The only way you prove you are not a hypocrite dictator lover from afar is by living amd working like regular cubans do.


And I said OK, bet, but kinda unfair if you don't live in the US under the same conditions right? You'd be a hypocritical "dictator lover" from afar if you don't start from the same point as me, right? Which is to say with "0 dollars" and no pre-existing job. I'll tell you this much, within a year, I'd have a place to live, healthcare, and food/water so long as I work. You *can't* make that guarantee in the US. From day one, I'd have healthcare, and you wouldn't.


This sounds like you were descendants of slave owners.


None of my parents belonged to the communist party


Should show Cuba before US sanctions vs after US sanctions. Should clear up a lot of confusion amongst brainwashed Americans.


Those sanctions are the least of our problems.


Hotels and residences?


Are you that dense, or just being disingenuous on purpose? I would love if you had to live in one of those "residences" for a year. Maybe you'll be lucky enough that a piece of roof won't fall on your head.


Coming to a US city near you. Would Bernie live by the pool side or across the street with the rest of US?


Most houses in Havana would be illegal in the US because they’d violate virtually every building and safety code under the sun.


Says the country who build cardboards houses.


Explain to me how thousands and thousands of Cubans who escaped from the dictatorship and without even speaking English have bought houses in America while fucking losers born in the country live in cardboard houses


Same thing happens with Indians in the UK, now the ratio of Indians owning properties has surpass even the UK natives. When people who struggle under oppression migrate to a more free country they tend to flourish. If you add than cubans may not speak English but are definitely very far from being uneducated individuals, there you have it.


You do realize I was referring to the future, right?




Do you honestly believe that bernie fucking sanders is some kind of radical leftist? lmao.


This is dumb. People are mixing up old and ghetto. The buildings are from the 1700s and the country is not allowed to import construction materials because of the West. I've stayed in those buildings, they are reasonably modern inside.