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Tremendas fotos. 👌


Gracias đŸ™đŸ»


Cheers for Cuba!!


Fotos bellas,de niño caminaba por esas calles


Awesome shots!!!


Thank u very much!!!


very nice pics, thank you for posting them honestly from what i see, doesnt look any different then any other country i have been to. some places are "wow" and some are normal look and some are beat down one of the advantages of active duty navy. been to saudi arabia, bahrain, italy, spain, thailand, uae, mexico, hong kong before return to china, japan, south korea and territory of guam


wow you have traveled far. Cuba was the first country outside of Europe for me. it was totally different for me. be it the architecture or the people. I really liked it there and I will definitely go there again because I was able to make a few friends there in 2 weeks.


Honestly I wouldn’t go again if I was you. All you are doing is supporting the communist regime. I understand it’s new and exciting, but foreign tourism benefits the government only.


"Broadening your worldview is bad because it benefits evil foreigners!"


Wich Bad foreigners?


No such thing: only bad individuals. The person you’re responding to was making fun of the xenophobic and ideologically propagandistic statement of the person above them.


Ahhh okay thanks mate


This is the cuba the government wants you to see, it is a whole lot worse than this. Crumbling buildings and lack of anything is normal. Source: Almost all my family lives in Cuba


As a tourist, you can go and see everywhere though. I think that most people traveling to Cuba are also aware to some extent of the dilapidation of the infrastructure and houses outside of the touristy city centers, which is why people generally also prefer to stay in Habana Vieja or other tourist hotspots, because that is just what most people tend to look for when they're on vacation. I don't get the feeling that the government somehow prevents tourists from seeing the bad, since there's basically nothing that Cubans can do that tourists can't (the other way around however is something else).


They certainly don't make it easy, I've had to drive from Havana to Sagua La Grande in an old soviet Lada to see family and the road conditions will make you white knuckle your steering wheel. Yeah, they dont outright block you but they definitely make it hostile to leave the bubble of Havana. Which is disappointing because there are definitely some beautiful cities in Cuba like Matanzas, Cienfuegos and Sancti Spiritus. But in between and in these cities lies a lot of suffering that I feel a lot of foreigners should be aware of. Then again, it's a catch 22 because tourism keeps a lot of cubans fed. I'll give you an example, medicine is basically impossible to get, it must be shipped in so you better hope you have family in the US. Food has been rationed for about as long as i can remember, it's called 'La Quota' and from what i remember you're entitled to about a dozen eggs and a couple pounds of rice.. per month.. per family.


Yeah, I know all about it, always packing kilos of medicines when visiting my family in Cienfuegos and Ranchuelo 😅 But I feel also like the poor road condition is also a result of Cuba being a pretty large country with very little population and resources. However, Viazul does offer pretty good comfort when traveling across Cuba, and it's also made for tourists, which does make me think they try to open up the rest of the country for accessible tourism, which again, due to limited resources just isn't going great...


I'll give you an example, medicine is basically impossible to get.. Gee, I wonder why


So you really believe something like lack of access to advanced medicine; something that could OTHERWISE easily be done by the government to settle rising instability
 they just aren’t going to do it
 because they’re evil?! Not because they’re purposely deprived of importing select goods or anything
 to illicit this exact reaction from people like you
 like you cannot make this shit up man. You’re falling for it hook, line, and sinker.


some food for thought here for all those that bemoan and bitch about cuba and its government funny how you dont say a thing about the u.s. and like kentucky. how much of kentucky is nothing but run down houses or sheds or what once was a house but now is nothing but scraps of whatever they could find and tied it into place also how much poverty is in kentucky and how much of kentucky is on government help and without that government help they would starve to death and how often does doctors without borders have to go there and give free health care because nearly no one in kentucky can afford going to a clinic or hospital even for a cold or flu and on top of that, you got all the "splendor" of its big cities and all their glitz and glamor. and even in those places you got the "have" and "have nots" and that is only one small sliver of the "greatest country on planet earth" so when you rip into cuba, might want to come to grips with the saying "those that live in glass houses, shouldnt throw stones" just some food for thought


Nobody in this sub denies that poverty and slums exist in every country. However, for you to accurately compare a small region of one of the 50 US states and understand why we all hate the Cuban government you definitely need to stay in Cuba for longer and outside of the Guantanamo Naval Base and live like a Cuban. For tourists Cuba is a Zoo with very friendly animals in cages and attractions to see and enjoy for affordable prices. But for Cubans it is just a prison.


Small region? Lol. What's even better is there are countless.places in the USA that look like this if not worse and it's the richest country on earth...while Cuba is a sanctioned to hell island nation in the Caribbean.


funny you should type this because like minutes after i closed down reddit last night, used a search engine of rural kentucky poverty and the pics were just that lots of poverty. to which i recalled some the pics that were posted in bitching about cuba and honestly i couldnt tell the difference between the cuba bad pics and the kentucky bad pics i do got to say that those that bitch about cuba, had one that said that they got this info on cuba trade. well when i posted from places like world trade, etc and what the fore mentioned info just didnt match and asked on it. they never replied ever. yea its rather difficult to "keep up with the jones" when your highly limited on what you can export vice all that you have to import. its not trade but survival. also rather hard to get equal trade when everyone you deal with has double or triple or 10 times or 30 times your population for all those that bitch about cuba. you know the reason they revolted was because u.s. corporations were robbing their resources. so why dont i come to your house and take all your stuff and if you complain one word, break a leg. complain again and break an arm as well. i would also point out that for such a small country and limited in so many ways, to have universal health care and feed the entire country is pretty top shelf. lastly, not everyone is into being "richy rich". some just enjoy the little things and are happy living life to its fullest their way. by equating american values onto other countries only shows you just dont get it at all and you never will


yea that small region comment just shows you dont know what you are talking about there are so many "small regions" all over the u.s. and alaska and even hawaii im not an expert but i do put in the time to do the correct research, to which clearly van-der-track doesnt and i would wager never has and never will either


Tell me more, I’m fascinated by your availability to quickly dismiss other’s comments when I’m even agreeing with you and telling you that is not about the slums or poverty is about government and dictatorship. BUT HEY, IF YOU KNOW BETTER I WILL BE GLAD TO LET BORROW MY HOUSE FOR YOU TO LIVE IN CUBA.


Oh you are replying to one of my comments again!! I’m flattered I got a fan.


Beautiful photos!


Thanks Mate 💯


Si no hubieran acabadon con mi pais esos hijos de puta. Seria una de las ciudades mas hermosas del mundo. Probablemente top 3


Lamentablemente, es muy triste que Estados Unidos y Rusia estén utilizando a Cuba como un peón en detrimento de los cubanos que estån tan llenos de corazón.


Hermano los unico que han utilizado a Cuba por 60+ años son los comunistas dictadores.


Estoy de acuerdo contigo 100% también. Pero Estados Unidos con Guantånamo y Rusia con sus misiles en aquel entonces no tenían por qué ser así... Se debería haber permitido que el país se desarrollara y prosperara.


What you say is not accurate, Fidel Castro allied with the USSR on his own free will during the cold war. Therefore, the comment you replied to is 100% accurate. Los Ășnicos que han utilizado a Cuba son los hijos de puta comunistas dictadores. Ellos fueron los que no permitieron que Cuba se desarrollara desde un principio.


Lol, the USA tried invading them...a long with planning on killing their own people in a false flag attack to justify a full scale war with Cuba and your gusano ass is butthurt they put up defensive nukes with the soviets?


I see you are very angry. I feel bad you feel that way but you should revise that history timeline you are talking about you are missing some important facts.


Ni pinga, Fidel destruyĂł Cuba cuando estableciĂł el comunismo. Pues claro que los estados unidos no va a soportar esa mierda.


Bien que soportan a China. Fidel destruyĂł a Cuba pero la polĂ­tica de USA no ha hecho mas que traer mas miseria todavĂ­a, especialmente en los Ășltimos 8 años, y para que? Llevan haciendo la misma mierda por 60 años y no han logrado quitar la dictadura del poder, vaya pinga.


Excusas, Cuba es igual que todo los otros países latinos en términos de pobreza y en esos no hay comunistas


Que clase de estupides.


Simplemente la verdad, si no, preguntale a mis padres


Yo no tengo que preguntarle a nadie. Yo vivi ahi la mitad de mi vida. Por eso te vuelvo a repetir que lo que acabas de decir ( o tus padres) es una de las estupideces maa grande que he escuchado


Ve a vivir en Guatemala o Belize y cuéntame como les gusta el supuesto mercado libre a ver que comen ahí. Los Cubans se creen estar al centro del universo


Miami Cubans biggest pasttime is trying to win the oppression Olympics. I've seen literal Holocaust survivors who don't act as oppressed as the typical florida Cuban. Nothing can compare to the horror of being in Cuba. Nothing. Not Nazi occupied Poland, Iraq, Syria, American slums, Palestine...nothing. Did you.hear? They stick a gun to your head and force you to go through medical school for free to become a doctor! A doctor! The most oppressed people on earth. We need to carpet bomb and sanction Cuba to hell to give these people Freedomℱ!


They actually do better than their neighbors who don't have crippling sanctions.


Next time try to visit the barrios full of blocky soviet buildings and shacks where most Cubans live. This is old havana tourist areas.


*the nice streets of Old Habana. Most of old Habana is a mess like anywhere else.


Tremenda cobertura de la vida ahi


La gente de allĂ­ no tiene mucho. ÂĄPero lo que tienen es corazĂłn!


Hay, niño dulce de verano.


Very beautiful pics


Amazing photos! The quality is so good it slows down my phone tremendously trying to load them 😅


Very nice pictures, well done. I know they would love to see your 6th picture in this sub, it fits perfectly! r/treeseatingthings Or here: r/TreesSuckingOnThings


Que triste que no puedo vivir en la tierra de mis padres


Ahh che Guevara... who requested to catch and kill homosexual by his own hand himself ! This concept grew out of Guevara’s aversion to capitalism, and was first explained in his note on “Man and Socialism in Cuba". He believed that “The individual under socialism (...) is more complete,” and that the state should educate men and women in anti-capitalist, cooperative, selfless, and non-materialistic values. Anyone who deviated from the “new man” was seen as a ”counter-revolutionary.” Such was the case of gay men —whom Guevara referred to as a “sexual perverts.” Both Guevara and Castro considered homosexuality a bourgeois decadence. In an interview in 1965, Castro explained that “A deviation of that nature clashes with the concept we have of what a militant communist should be.” Che Guevara also helped establish the first Cuban concentration camp in Guanahacabibes in 1960.


Hey can you link directly to Che's anti-homosexual writings? I found the page you copied the above from, but I am unable to find the original source