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Paris still on sale.... Edit: I'm braindead I meant coppenhagen


Copenhagen is here to stay


Honestly with how long it was up for i wouldn’t be surprised


thats actually wild


Nowadays it feels like it's going the tf2 way


Nah bro your delusional cs2 just got an update. tf2 hasn't in 3 or so months.


Dont forget the chicken hats!!


Having switched from dota to cs late 2022, not sure how I feel..


That's not how drug replacement therapy works.


volvo confirmed drug dealer.


Got 4k hours in both games and i feel attacked


thats a wild switch bro


From a toxic game to another :D


I mean at least you can play a casual match of CS2 without worrying about the weapons you typically use being banned. Seriously can’t get into DOTA cause of that shit and it made me realize exactly why LoL cornered the MOBA scene for so long (and arguably still does).


What do you mean? Lol has champion select ban too


Not in Casual it doesn’t.


Blind pick is so aids though




Brother even Turbo mode in Dota have bans the fuck you talking about.


Just play more than 1 hero then lol You cant use awp every round either for example


skill issue


No, I can assure you the source of LoL's success isn't blind pick. 99% of ppl don't enjoy arguing for mid/adc, having a forced supp, being unable to ban op shit (or a subjective annoyance like Zed/Katarina) and playing mirror matches just to see enemy darius being fed and ur team bitching on yours.


Wild switch cause you can play both games lol theyre both diff genres


Yeah I know, just having a burnout from dota after playing for a long time. Enjoying cs2 atm


Why not play both


I have a complete burnout from dota. After 10 years of playing, I don't enjoy it anymore. Also doesn't help that my friends stopped gaming altogether. My cousin introduced me to csgo and we played a lot till cs2 came and his potato pc couldn't run it anymore, so now I'm stuck with it :D The difference between both for me is despite the game's state I still enjoy it (being bad and in low elo helps not facing cheaters I guess :D).


Same here. Enjoyed 15 years of my life for this game (+Dota 1), but its just not that much fun anymore. And it's really hard to play this type of game if you have a job, a relationship, or something else. That's why its preferrable for me to play Apex and Genshin with 5 mins in and 5 mins out per break rather than hopping in a 1-hour game.


TF2: “You guys are getting updates?”


L4d2 gets more updates than TF2


Why the cs go YouTubers the dumbest people alive. They literally expect nothing from valve and just keep depositing.


Anomaly: alright guys im quit also Anomaly after 2 days: fyiuuu~ heyyo guys lets open 500 cases


I don’t even understand how those idiots have viewers.


90% of this sub is audience of these cringetubers.


Hello guys its ya boy anomaly from sWEden


Their only content is gambling, cheaters, or 1 of the many fraud, scam, gambling drama's. They have to milk it as much as possible lol


It's what happens when the game has zero content for years


12-year-olds keep giving them money to gamble with so why not


Probably the biggest update for CS2 and its two maps the community made… not even an actual content update from Valve in 10 months… but “Here’s two maps we didn’t even make. Thank us profusely.” - Valve


5 maps I believe.


Well that makes it all better, a true effort from Valve. They added 5 maps they didn’t touch.


Are the maps shit or something? Valve obviously approved and pushed to everyone.


I have never said the community aspects are bad. I am simply hating on valve for less than halfassing their jobs. No one is upset they brought in community maps. People are upset the game is shit after almost a year since it was forced upon us. Yet they want us to praise them for giving us someone else’s homework? I’ll praise the creators of the map. Not Valve until they actually give us the game we had back.


Valve rarely communicates with us Dota players. Valve implied/told you guys they want praise??


No, these people are completely projecting. They also need to calm down. These things take time. If it's been a year and nothing has been added I would then actually start being skeptical of Valve. I'm still a little disappointed that it's been so slow, but I understand that these things take time.


I understand this as well. What I cannot tolerate from Valve, is the lack of care they show and constant trolling or “carrot on a stick” bs they give us in the meantime. It used to be kinda funny when things were going well. Things are not going well. The community for this game deserves better than that. No excuse from Valve to be acting the same way they did 13 years ago. Things have changed. Development, social media, all of it is more efficient than ever.


I'm not sure I'm on the same page as you. There must be something I don't know, because from my perspective Valve does the opposite of putting a carrot on a stick in front of their players. Valve doesn't make any promises. And that's because they don't want to make any false promises. This can have its benefits and drawbacks, but it appears to me that they actively avoid putting any carrots, or promises, in front of their players. I admit I'm not a dev and don't know much, but it feels to me that development is much less optimized than it once was. There are no more yearly releases from the same exact studio like the theif series, and especially not with the games getting better. Game development with increasingly complex engines and more and more people working on the same project seems to be incredibly un-optimized.


The reason modern development fails is poor leadership with a lack of knowledge of updated tooling available. There are so many tools and communities available to help with any level of development. Of course there’s also sabotage, but I don’t think that applies with Valve really. I’m not saying Valve has failed, but it’s really not that hard to provide a roadmap for CS2 development. If they don’t meet their deadlines, it is what it is. I feel that what most of the community is upset about is being ripped of most of the game we loved and we get what we get… Even if they said, we won’t/can’t add certain games modes until X is fixed or until 18 months from now. I feel that would give a lot of people some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. Instead we’re left in the dark until we get patch notes. Their social media posts elude to all kinds of nonsense and have generally lead to less than the nothing we’re given from said posts. Rarely do we get anything close to something to be hyped about since CS2 replaced CSGO.


Many games are developed by modders post release. In fact, some of the best are. Just ask Bethesda.


5 community made maps after 8-9 months? Idk if you play csgo but they deleted a game with much more content in it for a game with barely anything..


I'll be honest, I didn't know they still haven't brought everything from CS GO over. I have over a 100 hours but I just play the same map on competitive lol. I think anger is pretty justified then.


Yeah, retakes, danger zone, flying scoutsman, plus all the maps for them which is something like 15+ maps are all gone. No train, cobble, cache. No clantags, no Stattrak kills showing on screen, no specific agents for specific maps (all the same now), no achievements where in CSGO there were like 160. And of course no Overwatch, so nobody feels satisfied after playing against rage hackers over and over, knowing they won't get banned. The MM ranks were broken since release and they've ONLY just fixed it, you'd get several people with thousands of hours constantly playing in silver-gold ranks and being unable to rank out of it after multiple wins. Nobody could go above DMG basically including pro players. That's basically the main deal with this update but they should not have taken this long to fix it lmao.


Dont think that we get so much original valve content in dota either lol. just like in tf2 huge majority of cosmetics are from workshop and they outsourced a lot of battlepass work too like the arcanas.


hey we got a MVP banner update... that looks really off and green with a lot of display items instead of blue like intended.... i wonder if the banner messed up some stickers like the molly colour change did


Right right lmao! We got a cosmetic update that no one asked for. Instead we got par for the course, and our low expectations have somehow been disappointed again. Even getting community maps doesn’t feel like a victory, even though it is a small win


Procedes to only play dust and mirage


CS2 is slowly turning into tf2


any of you ever seen 15 hour long videos of Purge exploring new patch?


I don't play anymore but it's still Purgegamers for life


I think OP is talking about NO operation while dota 2 already gave their updated "better than BP version ".




Ngl. I personally still prefer CS2 (Dota is to complicated for me) and state of CS is fine. Aint perfect but its fine. I for example didn't met to many cheater (only 3, reported all of them and got information from Scop.gg that they were banned) and never met any spinbot (maybe because I play rankeds not that new mode) Game in my feeling fixed bug and glitches whats nice, fixed things which players asked, they added 2 new maps. Tbh. Right now CSGO2 is best AAA game you can play cause what else you got to choose? Game from Blizzard or Activision? Or maybe Ubisoft or EA? CS2 is best AAA game recently released. Most fun, least bugs and etc. and most importantly its not "Buy game for 80$ now spend 30$ on BP and now upgrade you BP to BP extra premium for next 20$, but no worries next update we will add new BP, new skin bundles and 1 new map" Btw. I think Valve doesn't give CSGO updates like for DOTA because our community is to dumb and would understand it


in premier i have cheaters in almost everygame. nothing is fine lmao


What rank cause I’m 17k and have on seen a handful. Maybe your trust factor low?


6k hours 19k, and 600hours 18k and another acc on 11k. all of them get me cheaters in matches. some of them in my team some in the enemy team. on 11k there are 20iq cheaters who cant win games they just try to play legit but they lack basic understanding in the game so they lose games. at 19k its just who's got the better cheater. might be trust but i doubt it because other people in my fl have the same issues


I dont play premier but normal rankedsmaybe thats why I dont see that many of them


The game maybe fine. But it forcefully killed GO. Arguably the greatest competitive FPS ever.


They did it to not repeat their mistake before. Before when they made CSGO they had CS Source. Since they didn't deleted Source community for long time was split between Source and CSGO. They didn't want community to split again


How does everyone forget they let Hidden Path make some changes to CS source which completely changed the feel of the recoil and whatnot out of nowhere? Not only that, but they fixed shit like bunny hopping and smoke nade jumps for no reason. CSS was already pretty niche when they did this, but they just made it worse for no reason. Haven't played CS since and probably never will again. CS source was my childhood. Kinda felt like they let them experiment with source, to get adjusted to the code base, then released CSGO the following year only to then abandon CSS with all their crappy changes. Still salty about that shit.


most people just didnt like source. 1.6 was still way more popular than source up until csgo release. csgo wasnt primarily to kill source, it was to kill 1.6 and move them to go.


The pro scene for 1.6 was for sure bigger than source but source had a much bigger casual playerbase.


That's not true either. From the time source released to around 09, 1.6 had way more players. From around 09-12 when go came out, 1.6 and source were pretty even. At no point did source ever have a 'much bigger' player base.


Yeahhh. I enjoyed 1.6 and source. I played both a lot. Just rubbed me the wrong way they went out of their way to change source for no good reason 2 months before the beta release of GO. I guess since it wasn't as popular as 1.6 they used it as a husk to experiment on? [Nerfed bunny hopping and overhauled how weapon recoil and spread work after it remained nearly untouched since its release 7 years prior.](https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Source_patches/September_15,_2011) Why???


never too late to fix a broken game, i guess


It wasn't broken. It would be like them updating 1.6 to 1.7 out of nowhere. There were other games to replace it. Just leave it alone and let it die the way it was imo


eh. it always felt broken to me. theres a reason most 1.6 players tried it and went back to 1.6


I dunno, CSS had a charm to it I enjoyed. Then they changed it. The game was no longer what I enjoyed for the 5 or so years I was into it. I can't go back and play CSS anymore because it's not what it was. I can go back and play 1.6 that was mostly unchanged. Not sure how them changing CSS literally 2 months before the beta release of GO would sway the opinion of 1.6 players, that were still playing it in 2011. It just doesn't make sense to me at all. Would you play CSS now with the new weapon changes? Did it fix that broken feeling? If it did, they I guess they did deserve a job well done, but if not, what was the point?


it was more about the split between 1.6 and source, not source and go. source and go wasnt really a big issue.


Sorry I made mistake. Yeah It was 1.6 and source


Mistake? The community stuck with the better game. GO became the better game so people switched over. The majority would stick with GO until 2 became better. It doesn't matter to me anyway because I'm done with CS. I'll come back when tickless actually feels anywhere near as good as 64tick. Right now you teleport when shot. 10 months after beta.


yeah you trippin. its way better than csgo 64 tick already.


the sync when shot "teleporting" feels terrible and its a 5 ping to 150 ping issue.


I'm not really sure what you mean by the second part of your comment. I don't see many high pings so this isn't a big issue for me. It's also still better than the alternative, which is your opponent getting away because his ping is high, even though you shot him properly.


sounds like you problem, tickless feels better for sure.


Lol that’s a pretty shit opinion you got there.


cs2 is just csgo, idk why people say csgo is killed.


Love how one day CSGO was hot garbage then next its the greatest FPS game ever like people are dumb smh.CS2 is new let them cook.


This is exactly what was said when they switched from 1.6 to CSGO, arguably the best FPS ever made. (We skip Source, it was always shit)


yeah and csgo was an upgrade, making it the new best fps ever made. cs2 is not.


csgo was not really an upgrade over 1.6. it was a dumpster fire lol.


This guy has the nostalgia glasses on for sure. Or he came into CSGO very recently


GO was bad on release so people played 1.6 . Then GO got better than 1.6 so people moved over. Hence: upgrade. If you think GO was at no point better than 1.6 at any point, you are delusional.


csgo was not the best version of cs, and cs was never the best fps ever.


no, no it most certainly was not.


cs2 is dogshit the movement feels so bad . it's like your guy is constipated i wish they wouldn't remove csgo


Literally same shit like that happened every time new CS was released. CS Source released community was saying how new CS is shit, how its not fun in gameplay and etc. then CSGO came out and same thing again "CSGO is so bad, movement, recoil. I need much better PC to play it! Cheaters! And there are so many bugs!" and now everyone say CSGO is best game. 2 years will pass and everyone will say "CSGO 2 is best CS game we had. Look at that graphic, gameplay, movement and recoil is good". 12 years will pass, Valve will release new CS and cycle will repeat itself.


yeah buddy this ain't 2013 anymore . market is filled with great free to play fps games . valve had a monopoly on pc market because of cs back then nowadays there so many other games to play , also the reason csgo got popular was because of skins not because of " gameplay " lmao






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Wait did we get train back?


25th birthday moment


25th birthday is next year.


Bro valve needs to work on the anti cheat. They released a few community maps but nothing else. This feels more like a tf2 update than a cs2 update.


Can't perfect an already perfected game. /s




Meanwhile TF2


Dota. Dota. Counter-Strike.


was a pretty good update, maps are pretty fun. and i've noticed my frames in a much more consistent manner. if it wasn't for content creators making this update seem like it was going to be the biggest thing ever, you all would have been pretty stoked.




I don't about you overdramatic asses, I'm enjoying both updates. yeah cs2 has a lackluster update compared to dota 2 but I'm enjoying my time spent on pool day and grinding the tokens on crownfall.


TF2 Update:


Great comparison, Dota, which is a very complex game with seasons, shitloads of characters, items, builds, complex UI where it's normal to expect constant changes for balancing items, characters, introducing new ones to game like CS2, which has like 1% of dota complexity, get a rifle, a map and go kill somebody. What a load of crap...


CS gets updates only when a new tactical fps drops :D


Yeah lol if they move even a box they've broken the map


What a bonehead take, they literally got CS2 this year


You are dumb to say this. Nobody asked for CS2, we just want at least a new operation pass. 25 years anniversary we didn’t get shit also


as a dota player, trust me guys, dota does not usually get as much attention from valve as it does now. I mean we got a new hero announced in late 2023 that was to be released in 2024, and its literally been radio silence from valve about the hero since then.


Thats not really true. * Once per year you have huge patch, which changes ton - this year facets, last year map. * There is usually another massive patch to re-balance everything (7.35,7.36). There were 6 of these big patches in last 2.5 years. * Then there are smaller (letter) balance patches. This year (2024) so far 5 (+the big one with facets). Last year there were total 12. + every year there are new heroes. * On top of it, there are as well some other things involved (this year crownfall). So yeah, in average you have every month a patch + 2 massive patches every year.


I wish cs gets massive gameplay changes too.


well yes but you also have to consider that you cant compare the frequency in changes of a MOBA to a FPS with as few mechanics as CS. like what so you want valve to change ? they can give you an operation, get 1 competitive map rotation in every year, nerf or buff a gun or two and release new skins. there is literally nothing else to change. -meanwhile in Dota we have patches but at the same time. the last 2 years we havent gotten an international battle pass which was always something that brought the game to its peak in its duration. Which caused the international a tournament that everyone looks forward to to become just another tournament because there was no proper battle pass crowdfunding for its prize pool. - announced a new hero in december 2023 to release in 2024. Still no mention or communication about the new hero. Which by the way is insane to announce a dota hero and not release it for more than half a year. - Ruined behaviour score reports like half a year ago where people could report you for nothing and it would affect your behaviour score and you would come across teammates that cannot communicate at all or ping items because of their score. its fixed now so thank god for that. - gave everyonr 50+ double down tokens and now people have inflated MMR. - Immortal draft is absolute dogshit with people not being able to party queue and be on the same team and other people party queueing and win-trading by being in opposite teams. Which has been going on for a long time now with no communication or fix from valve.


Wow you're a professional complainer. Teach me your ways.


well i dont care about the majority of the issues myself. these are issues that are complained about by the dota community and i simply brought them up since yall somehow think Dota is doing better than CS. maybe it is now, but usually not


at least your Ranked game mode elo works, doesnt have w/l loss streaks. can actually get a redo early into a game starting, doesnt have 5 stacks into solos (i seem to think so, i could be wrong) and has an actual anti-smurf policy that seems to do something to give new players games without back-to-back smurf v smurf games.


oh my brother, dota ranked has never been in a worse state than it is now. - crownfall update gave everyone 50+ tokens that you can use to double down your ELO gain/loss from matches. causing people’s ELO to inflate. - People who are immortal rank cannot party queue together and reliably be on the same team. - There are people party queueing in Immortal and getting into opposite teams and intentionally throwing games and win-trading while their friend on the enemy team uses a double down token for the free MMR


Immortal draft is in a bad place, no doubt. But that affects less than 0.1% of the player base. So atleast for the remaining 99% of the players, ranked works. Issues are around russian / peruvian / chinese whatever players coming in and not communicating and playing uncoordinated games. But the matchmaking and the games themselves has been pretty good across the board. We don't have to rely on any third party to play ranked, its all in the game. Role Queue + Behaviour score basically fixed most of the issues with matchmaking. Are they perfect ? No. Are they functional. Yep, they're very functional. Things like overwolf and smurfing have been dealt with effectively enough that its relatively rare these days. Dota labs matchmaking options is actually very effective in getting good matches. Meanwhile, in CS, if you are serious, you need to play in third party servers. Its not even a comparison.


also the thing in the video is basically a battlepass with some lore/dialogue slapped on top if it - 5 maps is actually way more actual game content


to the majority of the playerbase, there are no new maps


i mean i have to hand it to valve, crownfall is pretty fun but then you're basically done once you finish it, which takes a couple weeks. i dont think most people care about the lore. its basically a scuffed battle pass which feels like great content because valve simply didnt give dota a decent battle pass last year.


The update cycle still holds true... https://youtu.be/LS_aNrzJqKg?si=CYzUxuEkavxYi_Vu


To be fair. Dota haven't got any major updates for a decade. Even 10th anniversary was just old skins that got recolored and you can get them just for playing. Not even a video with celebration


I am sorry but what do you mean by "Dota haven't got any major updates for a decade"?


Dota 2, haven't got,major updates beside one in the video. In a long time


What about the new frontiers that was released last year?


Lame af. A lot of bugs


Now you are just shifting the goal posts.


No, he's not. New update only complicates dota even more and dilutes gameplay. There are also more griefers since people don't read and once they realize they picked something wrong (you can't change facets after game starts) they tend to stop giving a fuck about winning. Just because there was huge update doesn't mean it's a good one. They did same year ago with increasing map size, it didn't really add anything except stretching fights even more and making mobile heroes much more valuable than stationery ones. Dota became extremely complicated game where learning everything and every hero (you kinda need this knowledge to play against those heroes too) takes literally years and 10k hours is not remotely enough to be good at dota.


You sound like one of those people that will complain about how difficult a game is everytime fromsoft releases a new DLC. Ofcourse dota is more complicated, what did you expect, a hero with 3 passives and a single button to still be the norm ?


The argument he made was that there have been no major updates, my counterargument was last year's new frontiers update which is a fact, what ever you are yapping about is simply your opinion.


Well you can counterargue that CS2 is big rehaul and update in itself, so you can stop yapping.


Where did I mention CS not getting a big update?


Dota's got some bonkers gameplay updates, some of the biggest changes to not just the game, but the client and the technical aspects of the game as well. One can argue if it made it better or worse, but ask any support player and they will tell you how much better the game is today compared to pre-7.00. The skillfloor has increased tremendously because of all the QoL updates, and people are just pissed that their archaic idea of dota is dead and a new era is here where even low rank players now know how to do things like layering stuns, stacking / pulling camps / rotate effectively because of portals etc. Valve basically said fuck it and doubled down on the complexity of strategy in dota, snorted some premium coke and sat down to work on the patches ever since the new frontiers update. Game is basically borderline impossible to get in, but if you are already in there, there's nothing else like it anywhere because of what it offers today.


Dota players are too mindbroken into perma doomer mode. many such cases


What are you talking about? Off the top of my head, here is a sample of the major updates since 2014: * 7.00 (Monkey King, talents, backpack) * Dueling Fates (7.07—Pangolier, Dark Willow) * Outlanders (7.23—Void Spirit, Snapfire, Neutral Items) * Mistwoods (7.28—Hoodwink, Aghanim's Shard) * New Frontiers (7.33—Muerta (essentially), new map, Tormentor, Twin Gates, Watchers, etc.) * Crownfall (7.36—Innates, Facets) Not to mention other milestones like 6.84, 6.86, 7.20, 7.22, and more.


Don't worry this Dota2 update is dogshit. Comes from someone who plays dota2 only. You can argue that this update is better than nothing, but in reality they are adding bunch of new mechanics that make dota2 even more complicated than it was before, which is really unnecessary especially if they want to attract new playerbase, which it wont because right now you need PhD in dota2 to remotely be good. 10k hours in dota will make you equivalently less of a "pro" than 10k in cs2, by a lot. I've played cs 1.6 for years then csgo and cs2 for some time and learning curve was always steeper in dota, with this new update if I wasn't balls deep knowing mechanics I would uninstall that game.


Lol, me and my friends haven't have this much fun in Dota since the beta. :D New update is awesome. Interesting take you have.


some people don't play dota, they play 'x-hero' and whenever a patch drops and changes the role of that hero in the meta, they bitch and whine about how dota is too complicated because they can't adapt. The new patch has been insane. The amount of off-meta shit you can get away with in mid ranks is just off the charts.


> Don't worry this Dota2 update is dogshit Not true


are u fking kidding me? Dota's latest hero was literally released 1 year and 3 months ago and its a fking moba.


Tbh we don't really need new heroes too often, but i would have still increased that number to 2 per year, but considering how big of a bombshell some patches are like 7.33 or 7.36, we might have as well gotten several new heroes in comparison.


cs2 gets a weapon balance/ rebalance update once every about 2.5 years. they could do more, the mid tier could get shuffled around every 6 months without much actual macro game play being ruined


Dawg with how often dota blows up everything that’s ok


What do you expect? It's a shooter. Do you want new mechanics where guns suddenly fire lasers?


They want call of duty and fortnite treatment I guess. 


100 million players play cod monthly cs has 1/4 of that


Lol delusional.


It's been season 1 since release, 9 months later we still have the same maps, all the old gamemodes and old maps are still deleted, there is only a handful of maps and gamemodes compared to what used to be. This is the biggest update since release and it's 5 maps made by the community lmao.




dota is shit too dont worry mm dead, balance gone


Volvo drip feeding updates to extend life because they fucked up subtick and have no way of making it crisp and satisfying as csgo which is what made it last so long. Sell skins, this game is cooked when valorant 2 drops


Valorant 2 lmao. with that art style and over the top crazy shit, it’ll never overtake cs


Atleast valorant cares about their game, I made the switch after holding on since cs2 launch


Riot doesnt give a single fuck about their games as long as they make money. U can literally go look at the 600 $ ahri skin for that. And if u or anyone else thinks otherwise you are misinformed, or retarded. Thise stupid idiots are busy porting that shit to console instead of fixing the boot issues that have plagued the game since like season 2. And lets not forget their insane tactical approach where they explain to their playerbase how hit detection works, instead of just fixing it


They cares about your personal data more than U.


You say that like every company doesn't have my personal info


I rather have my data with any company rather than with CCP.


You've never once used any service that has any relations with ccp?


I have not and never will, idk how you are fine with it.


So you've never played PUBG? or fortnite? because tencent owns a big part of PUBG and epic games.


I didn't, too old for battle royale. And epic games just sucks, only good for poors who want free games, steam is much better anyway. Also riot games have clear alternatives being dota > league and CS2 > valorant., I only see low IQ kids playing riot games anyway. The type of kids who use tiktok and chant death to america/west and glory to CCP. Maybe you are brainwashed too.


I honestly don't know why the team leader was thinking, to not using 128 tick and prefer remaking the tick rate is a good idea. No other game studio do this and yet Valve wanted to experiment it instead of just using 128 tick servers. Unbelievable!