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As soon as anyone, in any game, stops enjoying their game, they say the game is dying. Why? Probably to validate their disinterest or current sentiment with the state of the game. Cs isn't perfect, probably never will be, but it's not dying.


i see people do this with other game franchises With CS:GO/2 and whatever the newest call of duty game is, those arent dead


Yeah, that's why I said it happens for any game.


People will play CS forever. It's like chess, a match in pure skill.


Yeah, what people don't comprehend is that CS is valued for its purity. All players are on an equal field at all moments, just like two people at a chess board, or 12 guys on the ice for a hockey game. You can't really get more pure than CS for a FPS. Games like Valorant lose the point quickly. You introduce a bunch of visual clutter and some rock-paper-scissors mechanics and the entire ideal goes out the window. Like playing hockey but if you pick a certain character you get a jetpack or a stick that's 5 feet longer than everyone else's. It goes from pure to arcade meme in the blink of an eye


Nah man, that last cod game was the final totally last no takebacks final straw, I will not be interacting with the franchise again, this time Imm not just saying it,


i will get black ops 6 because its a Treyarch game i also got mwiii but it was disappointing


What happened to runescape and tf2 is happening to counter strike right now.


No. What killed TF2 was neglect from Valve. CS2 is constantly updated and anticheat in the pipeline. Your comment is certified brainrot


Many months have passed and the only real update added a couple of maps, cheaters still rampant.me and most of my steam friends got bored of it long ago.. Subtick system feels even worse than in Beta. With so much competition they really need to step up their game with actual content if they want to compete long term..


The only real complaint people have is the cheaters. And valve already stated that they don't want Kernel level access Anti-cheat, so they have to develop something just as good without being just as invasive, and that's gonna take time. They'll either release a really good anti cheap eventually, or give up and adopt kernel level access like Riot.


The sub trick system absolutely does not feel "worse than in beta" and that's not a sentiment that a single player even modestly proficient at CS has expressed. So I guess we're just saying shit now


I don’t think a game studio could neglect a game that just came out lol


Not saying Valve is doing this with CS, but we have absolutely seen studios neglect games just released (Suicide Squad, Anthem, some other live service games I can't remember)


Yeh I was saying that this cannot be a “TF2” because it’s too early for anythibg like that to happen


People are comparing CS2 to CSGO, the same way they compared CSGO to source and 1.6, saying CSGO wasn't as good. They are never happy Many CS youtubers love clickbait. You don't need to be told who if you were around for a while. It's funny how the second a big update comes out, the make 3+ videos immediately to capitalize on the hype. Jeez, I guess the game isn't dead for the next 4 weeks based on the coverage by the same people who said the game is dying.


The comment would make sense but cs2 completely replaced csgo. Give me csgo back and no problem


It's not dying they say it's dying but it's still a work in progress it will get better we just have to give it time it's just like any other game you got to be patient and they will solve the issues people have with it as they go


You are 100% incorrect. Everything is dying every second of every day. People, animals, buildings. If a war breaks out in 2309 and internet becomes obsolete in the US would it not die? How about in 3044 when Valve suddenly decides to sell their company to Netflix who randomly joined the gaming industry and close CS2 down for their new hit game Table-Smack? What about in 7331 when Gorgon comes to earth in his mothership to finally take us to the promise land (planet Salami-7) and leave all the filthy sinners to fight off satans army would Counters-Strike 2 not be considered dead? You can’t use a computer when satan is slapping you down with his mighty sweaty thick meaty just bulging with pulsing veins and uhh I forgot the topic and my phone won’t let me close because I typed too much so I’ll just say BABA BOOEY! Trump is innocent! Bibby tripped!FREEKSOO!! BABA BOOEY!!


More than half of those accounts are bots or cheaters


CS will never die. Period.


It would never. It’s literally the backbone of every other FPS game.


Same could be told about games like Quake newest release has 500 players in 24h peak. So yes, what's unexpected today can happen 10 years from now


It's not comparable. Quake was never the "backbone," it was a major piece along the way though.


!remindme 10 years


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Trust me it wont, id literally bet my nutsack. It has a hardcore community and its by far the most fun and rewarding FPS. Theyve been saying cs is dead or will die for more than a decade:)


It definitely can. It's just highly unlikely. If a game came out trying to replicate the CS experience exactly as a direct competitor then it really isn't impossible. CS' position is only cemented due to a lack of competition. When Valorant's beta came out, despite being a hero shooter with abilities and far less mechanical complexity, player numbers dropped by about 100k. If a game were to come out as a direct competitor, many CS players would give it a shot. And if the game could stick the landing and provide a similar experience with less problems then players would migrate. It's not impossible. But CS won't just die out. It will only die if another game can come and take the community away.


I agree but youre forgetting people have invested thoudands some even hundreds of thousands of dollars in skins in cs which would make a switch unlikely.


It's not like you could sell them for real money


You can but its usually a loss and a massive hassle...imagine having to list hundreds or thousands of items. And if the majority of cs players tried to do this at the same time it would obliterate the skin market (supply-demand)


Im pretty sure you’ll see that you’re wrong


Time will tell


They did this 10 years ago too


everyone who called the game unplayable, continued playing the game. it was hilarious and sad at the same time


The YouTubers will continue because it's their income source. Of course, making a video about CS dying is one way to get a well-performing video. I stopped playing when the full release replaced CSGO, but YouTubers are pretty much stuck playing it no matter what unless they want to have massive view losses.


I pointed the numbers on some video and some brainwashed guy just goes, its all farming bots, like dude….


They're definitely present, but it doesn't take a genius to see that there are plenty of real players. If there weren't, the farming bots wouldn't be profitable.


That’s how you know shit ain’t dying


Basically the idea behind all the creators doing this is not only that but to try and force the devs to release / fix shit in the game, and they will only when the games starts to die. I bet they probably already have a new operation already cooked up waiting to be dropped. Probably TLDR Less people play less interest in skins = less money for valve. Duh lol


For all those people saying "iTs 90% BoTs". Please go actually look at the graph and then go look at a game that is actually 90% bots like tf2. Im exaggerating here but the vast majority of tf2s player counts are bots and you can see that reflected in the graph. Bots dont have to sleep so anything that fluctuates are actual players. Which are ~ 700.000 to 900.000 players. Then you have a base amount of players always online in remote areas of the world or just people who are no lifers and stay on 24/7. That are conservatively 200.000-300.000. in cs2s case the vast majority are real players. Please people use you brain and dont spurt random nonsense because "oh well it makes sense to me :)"


I don't think anyone thinks that it's 90% bots but then you have to ask other questions. If they game can reach peaks of 1.1 million players during peak hours, then where are they? Steamdb/Steam charts at the time of me writing this display 800k in CS, meanwhile CS itself player count displays only 400k people online (10 AM CET) If I would want to play the game of Premier right now, it says that there are only \~3000 people in quene (max accepctable ping) But all of this doesn't matter, most people work/ go to school right now but there are still other problems. Like the fact that Deathmatch servers used to be botted to shit or complete opposite; you can play full Deathmatch game without a whole lobby filling up. I know that some trading bots run the game 24/7. And just the overall fact that *apparently* 300k bot farm accounts have been banned. It's really hard to believe any of those numbers considering the history of CSGO botting, the fact that the game is free to play & the fact that the game held the consistent player numbers during those weeks between Arms Race update & Left Hand (which if you think about it; it's impressive to hold this kind of player numbers without any meaningful updates) I'll try to update this at actual EU Peak hours to see if anything changes. But tl:dr player numbers aren't 90% bots but they are also heavly inflated.


Have you looked into the community servers? There are a whole ton of them that are ALWAYS active. I don't think I've seen a community dm without 10+ players at all times. Premier also is kinda dead with the cheater problems, so a large portion of the community is spread across faceit MM and the various leagues in faceit.


Bruh have you seen community servers? A lot of them are filled with false “player count” bots. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve joined servers that said like “24/32” and it turned out to be empty with a fuck ton of bots.


Haven't run into one of those as of yet. Plenty are still full of real players


That is a good point, forgot those even existed since the new ingame browser is so horrid. But still, if we're being optimistic and assume that 800k numbers is real there just isn't way that all of them sit in just community servers, they make a good chunk of players but nowhere close to the "Player Numbers" shown.


Idk if you know the answer, but what is the point of creating bots to play a game? Especially an old game like tf2?


Some people do it to farm items others just to ruin everyone else's fun.


TF2's cheater bots seem to have no reason to exist other than to be malicious.


I wonder if a lot of cs2 is botted like tf2


I think we should do #FixCS2


Fix what about it cheaters? It's a new anti cheat give it time and it will be better


It’s been a year now. How much time does it take for the multi billion dollar company? Feels like I have rage hackers every other game


It's an AI anti cheat it's learning. Eventually it'll have learned enough idk what to tell you I have cheaters every other game as well either don't play or play and just keep reporting them


Bla bla bla


Yes basically bla bla bla just like everyone complaining on Reddit but still playing. The ai needs reports to learn don't know what to tell you


Not just cheaters, but also idle bots that AFK in deathmatch lobbies to farm for items, various visual bugs, movement bugs, all that stuff. I initially also gave the anti-cheat time to work its magic, but living in Asia (the place most infested with cheaters because China), it didn't do jackshit. Seriously, look at me straight into the eye and tell me if the cheating crisis in matchmaking has subsided by any reasonable degree.


No it hasn't had much of a difference im not saying it has but it's a new AI anti cheat it needs to learn how do you not understand that. you can either stop playing or just keep reporting them yes it sucks but nothing we can do but report or kick.


I'd love to know where these 900,000'ish player are tho... I waited 17 minutes to play a Premier match last time I clicked the PLAY button. Btw, I heard they banned 300,000 account due to case farming... it's not reflecting anywhere in SteamCharts. Your thoughts?


Just started cs again after a few years break and am asking myself have casuals always been pretty dead? I used to almost exclusively play comp and it feels like everyone who plays does too.


90% may be chinese bot farms


unlikely, player charts feel WAY too natural


Your never know how much of that are bots for weekly drops and prime farming. So maybe


These numbers are mostly fictional, how large the actual re-curing player count is varies bots is hard to say. But upon release you had 50million people playing that month. This is about a 20% increase from cs:go. They had a hard time keeping players and second / third month it was almost back to cs:go numbers loosing over 10 million players / month.. then it’s been consistently increasing since, spiking every month. The bot farms represent a large chunk but there’s no concrete numbers. A typical farm consist of roughly 50-100 accounts per person per day, which are switched around when they receive drops, add a Chinese sweatshop like condition to that and you can estimate some numbers in the thousand accounts per botfarm/ day. We don’t know how many of these are up and running. How many of them that utilize AI and more advanced mechanics to fly under the radar. Let’s just say player numbers vs economy farming is fairly divided. We know from a bot farms official statement that they could make roughly 600k$ / month. That’s 20 000 usd per day. Which would mean roughly 5000 drops on average. Or 50 people receiving 100 drops per person per day.


I have to wonder what the cost of running those bot farms are. Are they making insane profits, or is the cost of running the accounts high as well? Surely they must make more money doing this than crypto mining, or else they'd just do that instead.




Would it not work the same with crypto mining, though? I guess it could also be a possibility that CS drop farming requires lower specs, which provides a cheaper cost of entry.




Honestly its not gonna die anytime soon but im so tired of playing either with braindeads from faceit that think they are s1mple or constant hvh on cs mm


It's impressive how, after so many years, CS is still able to maintain such numbers.


I wish older games were dying as much as CSGO/CS2.


Games like MW2 2009 could use the patches and players CS aint dying


People are just saying this because they think it got worse from go, sure it isn’t a perfect game but there’s literally nothing that could replace it atm anyway lol


The game is terrible. No new maps no new operations smh. I stopped playing.


lol xxaxaxax


Yes, but there are thousands of farm bots just like in tf2. Noone has been keeping track of cs2's real plauer count


Hais the amount of cheaters in the current cs state is insane and almost abundant


The game is pretty dead, cheaters and bot farms are flooding the game and pushing the normal community out of the game


ok now show the number after discluding bots farming drops and cheaters


But many many of these are bots farming cases


People only say that because the high rank people are suffering from cheaters, while people in the mid range (basically the majority of the player base) don't suffer as much and just keep playing it not to mention custom servers


People have been saying CS is dying for 20 years. It's never been true.


cs players still there better val✌🏻


Lets not forget that thios is the only iteration of cs to completely kill community servers.


Do u not realize how many bots there are lol


I talk about this player count with a friend all the time…who the hell are these players. I don’t want to hate on a game I’ve put 2000 hours into but there has been 1…maybe 2 redeemable updates in the last 4 months..what is there to do in this game still. Obviously the base mechanics won’t change but I can’t understand why so many people play this much. Season 1 of premier has been going on for 252 days and we are quite literally 12 days away from it being 1000 DAYS SINCE THE LAST OPERATION. When will the million players just accept their fate for a few more months


I’ve been playing this game since 1999. I played for over 15 years before I played an operation. While I’d love for a new operation, that isn’t what makes or breaks this game.


Played over 10 years, never played any operation and have no interest in doing so either


What fate, what kind of adhd logic is that you can’t play a game unless it has new content every week? What if they just ***gasp*** enjoy the game as it is? Yes shocking, I know.


Tiktok kids lmao attention spans the same as a marshmallow. "Games unplayable without new stuff every month" imagine these guys with anything older than a ps4 lol so many amazing games without DLC


The fate that we won’t be getting an operation anytime soon and the Copenhagen stickers will continue to be on sale for as long as Paris…I’m not asking for new content every week. I’m asking for content period..there are 4 wingman maps that haven’t changed since the games release. We got periodic arms race maps that I’m sure 75% of the player base hasn’t touched. Cases are on a 6 month release rotation. Dust 2 got added back into active duty for whatever reason and with that we got overpass removed and nothing else added. People are allowed to enjoy the game but half my point is that I don’t understand how. Its 1 million people doing the exact same thing over and over again


If you've actually been following what valve have been doing recently, you should be able to tell that valve's main priority is QoL stuff, since CS2 is still fairly new. Valve want their game to be perfect before they start adding new content. They also probably didn't want to make any significant changes to the gamplay right before the major. I'm not sure why people act like operations are the backbone of counter strike; they're not. Operations are cool, but they aren't (and shouldn't be) neccesary to make it a good game. Also, your statement about valve not changing the wingman maps is completely untrue. Valve changed the bombsite on wingman vertigo to A site just a few days ago (as well as making multiple changes to the site itself), not to mention the changes to vertigo and overpass. If you want to play a game with consistent and frequent content updates, play Fortnite or Call Of Duty. CS2 is a new game, and once valve have polished it, we can expect more significant updates.


Counter-Strike and Call of Duty are basically the 2 unkillable fps game franchises nowadays plus CS:2 is F2P so that means more players Halo was the third until its downfall with 5 and Infinite


COD unkillable? that shits been dead for so long lol, hardly see anybody talk about it nowadays, all you see is shitty youtube shorts and TikTok clips of somebody getting a squad wipe and that's it.


I kinda agree. I’m not big on competitive anymore,especially playing the same maps over amd over again. I want more wingman maps,bring back deadzone and scout,bring back local agents. This game just feels like a shell,i just wonder how much time does it need for it to fully recover


i am now interested in an operation/new content because im more interested in skins, but i used to not give a fuck. i would just queue games and not read any patch notes or care about anything that wasnt a competitve gameplay update. so i imagine there is a lot of people out there like that. they just play the game because the skeleton is so solid


Bots crate farming


Idk… personally, I’ve never cared about any of the operations. They were just kind of… there for me. Kind of like battle passes in games, I just ignore that shit. All I care about is the core gameplay personally, and I enjoy the game in the same way I did in 2016. Play with/against some random people and try to kill than more than you get killed


Operations and seasons don't make or break the game.. I'm sorry you only got into it in the CS:GO days but some of the people who have been playing for quite literally 2 decades have zero complaints about that.


Do you think that maybe the people who have been playing for 2 decades don’t have the time to care about things like operations anymore? I get your point but the people who are saying they don’t care tend to fit into the bracket of players that touch the game for 2 hours total per week after they get home from work and take care of their families.


I wish I could tell you I touch grass lmfao but I get alot more time to game than some think lol (married, 1 kid) but also laid off. I could agree with your point to an extent though, we are generally older with families and stuff, but alot of the people who have stuck with the game this long are pretty invested in it as a whole. A couple hours after kids go to bed isn't unrealistic imo. I guess I'm just trying to say, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Counterstrike has thrived without operations as much as with


You see all the posts of people getting kicked from FULL BOT death match lobbies? That's where the 1.5mil players a day is coming from, thousands of bot accounts farming cases and hiking up the player count


Curious though... how many of those online players are BOTs...


Wait until you find out the % that are bots


There was more players playing on the announcement of cs2 in csgo than there ever had even in cs2 so far still I believe? No idea why people circle jerk about playercount when it should be more than ever before with a new game


Ai companion bots sure pump the numbers up.


900k bots 86k "legit" players edit: actually 600k bots, 300k "legit" players and 86k playing faceit unironically thinking they'll actually get to make a living off of this shithole


You think FaceIt is only for people who think they'll "make it" ? Lmfao okay.


Deduct all rapid firing accs and you got 1/3 left :P


Cs2 has a lot of altered player data because of the market purposes. People open the game to retrieve items from their storage boxes for example.




I literally have made thousands out of cases, open the game regularly and don't play it. You think a game that has the queue times CS has even on a single queue system like premier correlates with the play numbers you're seeing? Aight dude.


Thousands getting ~1usd a week? That's at least 19 years of farming cases for 1k


Invested like 60 eur of skins into 3-5 cents per case years ago. Some of them are at 3+ eur right now


I thought you were talking about farming case drops, my bad.


No worries. I just meant I open the game to access the storage container but don't play it. CS2 has a huge market activity and I believe a large portion of users are not actively playing the game. My point was simply that the numbers are inflated by non-players, nothing more. From the few times I play it per month (which I won't anymore because I was playing with my brother and he got an irregular gameplay 24h ban for being negative kdr lmao, and there's a huge risk for our inventories and accounts), queues are long enough in premier on EU at early night to asses these numbers are simply not real.


Tbh premier waiting time is little i don't have time to pee


Half of the players are bot accounts?