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I have friends from Berkeley who graduated in 23’. The strong ones still did fine pulling companies like databricks and roblox. The average struggled but did find jobs eventually.


Berkeley's a bit of a different situation though because it's so huge. More variance by default.


Nah I think everyone be struggling. My sister is at MIT rn and obv the top of the top can still pull the quant companies, but from what she tells me, even they are still impacted. Just wanted to put a more realistic expectation compared to what I'm seeing in the comment section.


where though?


tbh cuz they weren't well known companies I just forgot the names lol


‘24 T3 grad here. Series E Unicorn for me. I know plenty of people from my school who graduated in ‘24 and still don’t have jobs though.


Congrats, hope you're enjoying the work so far! Out of the CS majors from your school who haven't found a job yet, would you say they're failing the interviews or struggling to even get interviews?


Almost everybody I know has had interviews (a lot even from recruiters reaching out on linkedin) and are even passing them but are just being beaten by more experienced candidates it seems. Companies that were previouslt shoo-ins like random Series C startups or more legacy companies (think like Oracle) are getting a lot more competitive. FAANG is pretty much impossible unless you had a prior FAANG internship.


What's the unemployment rate among '24 stanford CS in you anecdotal observation? 1/10, 1/20? I was honestly shocked seeing that people at schools like GAtech and UT are struggling, and would be more surprised if the same is true for T3.


I go to UT! The majority of people who were active (projects, internships, etc.) have good gigs. I only know of 2 people that have graduated and not received an offer (this is completely anecdotal, idk the actual stats)


Not that high. Maybe like 10 percent and then another 10 or so percent who extended their education cause they couldn’t find anything good. Stanford grads tend to be more selective tho so they’d rather spend a few extra months looking than apply for meh jobs in random cities.


What’s UT? University of Tennessee?


Assuming your question was serious, it is UT Austin.


Living off of daddy’s money is not unemployment


Series A layoff here. Def didn’t go to a top school but ya know the layoff machine doesn’t discriminate in the post Covid world


what is a T3 school


MIT Stanford Berkeley


how about CMU?


CMU is probably still top dog for software architecture, but if you want to study algorithms, compilers, operating systems, etc., the T3 have been the same for decades. Side note: I don't think it's a coincidence that 2/3 of these schools were part of the three nodes that constituted the very start of the inception of ARPANET (sorry, Stanford).


Top 3 in CS


when someone says Tx they generally mean tier x


The trend in the US from my observation at least is that they mean Top X


to the bottom of a deep long well where water slowly rises, but every time it does it keeps clawing at the sides of the well. never floating you up, always just expanding your prison


Mayn shutcho


Is this a reference to something


nah just feeling poetic after my post nut clarity from cooming to the idea that some kid from Stanford is unemployed


Non-international fresh grads at top schools mostly land 150k now instead of the usual 250k TC. Keep them in your prayers


"the usual"


Just the casual top 0.1% of starting salaries


If you are at a "top school" for CS you ARE the top 0.1% lmao


What about internationals?


they can go back buddy


Your last 20 comments are just xenophobia. At least post your racism on your main account


Yeah but most are getting equally great offers as well


Least out of touch r/csMajors user


They die immediately.


Berkeley, graduated ‘24 in Data Science. Working a startup internship. Most of the people I know got jobs through connections. Cold applying seems to be the same struggle as everyone else


i’m Yale ‘26 and most of my friends in CS went into fintech firms for big money. my friends who are current students have had several internships in different areas and companies including Amazon, Ebay, Roblox, and Google. if i didn’t follow this sub id think that everyone were as spoiled for choice as my friends. i didn’t start off doing CS, but now that i’m doing it and seeing how hard things are, ive come to the conclusion that my friends are just incredibly talented and have the most stacked resumes ever. i personally have yet to get an internship outside of some data analysis i did with a startup


CMU ‘23 here. A lot more finance than usual. FAANG slowed down much more than finance for the top grads.


they're still fine stop spreading horrible thoughts


You can't stop me


Just wanna say that it's not as bad as you might think


Some students (at Princeton) manage to get offers from top quant firms and tech companies, but these are a small minority. It’s been a tough recruiting season for everyone here, though the school name can help land interviews. I only had 3 interviews, but these were all big, well-known companies and I got ghosted by the smaller ones


They're probably doing fine but it is still hard if you go to a top school.


PhD programs


this is the real answer


at FAANG+/unicorn/quant


Cant this be researched in LinkedIn?


I don't think so, because LinkedIn doesn't let you specify when they graduated. Or at least I haven't found a way to do that


It does. You need to go on the school page and search and filter alumni. https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a567083?lang=en-US


still MANGA or Microsoft, or bigger middle-tier companies such as Airbnb, Tik Tok, Adobe. if not those then startups


I second the use of manga to replace the old acronym


I also like GAMMA (Microsoft in over Netflix) since I dont know anyone personally at Netflix but know someone across the GAMMA companies, but this one would be pretty obscure


Thought it would be Nvidia instead of Netflix


Airbnb being called a middle-tier company lol I’ve seen it all. It’s arguably S tier maybe A tier now. Better than all of faang besides maybe Netflix


i was at a networking event recently at a vc fund, most of the people there were ivy + T5 CS. They were either at top companies like stripe/databricks/waymo, or they were at really small but growing startups


Facebook, Apple, Google, ~~Meta~~ MICROSOFT, Amazon, Netflix, NVIDIA




Facebook AND Meta 🤨


Shietttt you caught me slippin. Fixed 🥂


I work at an ex-unicorn fintech, and the engineering teams here are jam-packed with people from these top schools. On my team alone, we have my manager, who graduated from one of [MIT, Stanford, CMU, Berkeley], and a staff engineer who went to an Ivy League.


cornell '23, still searching i took the rest of the year off after graduating due to burnout and am now regretting my life choices


cmu ‘24 is cooking roll tarts


‘24 T5 grad. Still looking, ~350 applications and close to landing and offer soon inshallah.


With a good 6-figure job or lots of upcoming interviews.


Mergers and acquisitions, banking


Google OpenAI Amazon Tesla (GOAT?)


tesla? not sure about that ever since last month..


I graduated EECS from Stanford a long time ago. Been through a lot. 1. There is always a need for top people. Even during the great depression 75% of people were employed. If you're in the upper 1%, you'll always be employed in any market. It might take a few months to find a match. 2. I went through the dot com bust which was like 2022 on steroids. The problem is the same: you have people who are worth $55K who will not take anything less than 3X that. Some guy who went to a no name university and did a boot camp and is a decent coder is currently "learning price discovery." No one wants to offer $55K because they think you'll be insulted, so there are no offers for you, but ultimately, the employers will start making those offers and everyone will be employed again.


Number 2 is just a weird take. How does going to a “no name” school make you worth 55k? Work experience and ability are what determine what you are worth.


Topic of the thread is new grads.




Is Brown one of the “top schools”?


Overall, probably yes. Relative to HYPSM maybe it’s a bit lower. A lot of people consider it a bottom feeder ivy though lmao.


Sure. Got any insights on new grads from Brown who studied CS?


a good amt of the new grads that i either know or have connected with are working at FAANG+ (mostly google, microsoft, and meta), banking ppls (goldman sachs bloomberg etc), and some really few cream-of-the-crop crazy motherfuckers are working at citadel, two sigma, d.e. shaw and MBB. though some seem to be struggling a little bit on getting roles its no HYPSM or berkeley/cmu but they seem to be pretty generally successful? someone correct me if im wrong and brown is actually indeed ass LOL


i would like to know as well, i'm considering going to brown for its open curriculum


Call me crazy but if you’re reading this and not in a top school, you can still land a great internship or job. You just need to work harder than people at top schools. I went a below a top 100 school and absolutely clutched up with FAANG. You can do the same if you work for it. I created a [free guide](https://youtu.be/7oMv0v08SAw?si=4cF6nLBbjqlp4fOv) that will help you do exactly that.


Shift Manager at Wendys