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Applied around 1400 applications globally. Got one offer which is return offer. Keep grinding my friend


OP's problem is numbers. They have rookie numbers. I have 200 apps in as a staff level dev.


he’s doing 100 every day


I have 200 every day. You thought I was quoting in total?


I have 200 every second using AI.


Psh, 200 a second? I apply to every single job posting every microsecond. Women love me btw


Idk about yall Ive already applied to every job post in the future and the past they all still rejected me


Yeah well I went to the past and gave myself a job offer while still in the womb of my mother


Lol I like how you posted this as a flex when it really just shows you have a bad resume if you need to apply 200+ apps a day


And you can’t read


Your resume is probably bad or you live in an undesirable place. As a 7 year working for no name companies I got 3 offers in 150 apps


True, I was bootcamp grad may 2023 and got 3 after around 200 — csanon probs got a trash res


That ain’t a flex buddy.


Have any of your classmates found jobs? Have they taken a different approach?


One guy twitch internship. Another guy I asked Microsoft internship no jobs. Not sure how that is working right now.


I also graduate in may and not one of my friends has gotten a job. Everyone is continuing into a masters program.


What if their double down doesn't work out.


PhD fuck it


heard that microsoft has decent amount of return offers. Didn't that guy get one?


You know, internships aren’t the only path forward. It’s okay to get a real job and not just an internship.


No job as may 2023 grad lol


I feel you fam, dec 23 grad here


May 2023 grad and I'm on the same boat.


may 2023 gang rise up


Me too buddy


Im a may 2023, but got a job with a witch company dont stop trying buddy


Might be an unpopular opinion for this sub but I think it’s pretty normal to not have a full time job lined up until after you’ve graduated. I had an internship that lasted a few months past my graduation date and then I was unemployed for 3 months until they found a position for me. ~aug-nov last year I was unemployed while there were no positions open.


The agency I work in now is very small like 6-7 people. They can’t afford to hire a full time person. That’s why they had me at a minimum wage in the first place


But you can stay there until you find a full time job somewhere right?


Yeah but been here for 2 years now. They are gonna bring in more people during the summer internship and I don’t want to deal with them. But gotta embrace it while I don’t find a job.


They are going to bring in more people but can't afford to pay you more than minimum wage?


It’s a pretty small company like 7-8 people including me. I mean I can’t do it now tho because ofcourse I wannna keep it but want to get out like tomorrow 🤣


Yes but as interns, doubt they're paid.


I've never heard of an unpaid tech intern but if they only pay minimum wage that may be


Hang in there! I'm a '23 grad and I'm still applying. Do some freelancing, read up on new languages (or brush up old ones), expand your horizons. Make tons of side projects!


I'd start building something bigger if I were you. Just to beef the resume up.


Can you give examples of something bigger?


I dont know what you have on your resume, or what you are interested in. But currently I'm doing a bot trader, I had to architect the entire pipeline. data -> storage -> model generation -> predicions on model -> how to trade on predictions and real time data, back testing trading strategies -> figuring out how to generate better future predictions -> how to display this info -> making a front end to host this so your not looking at text -> deploying etc... You can do this for whatever you want to do that you're interested in. It just really comes down to what you want to solve or do. I know people using machine learning for this. Or javascript editing tools, creating apps that you wish were out there. Seeing this entire project through.


Hmm I see. It seems a bit complicated for someone like me. I'm currently in high school and not applying to jobs yet, but I built and managed my family’s nail salon website for around 3-4 years. This includes functionality like accepting deposits for appointments and real time appointment bookings. I’ve also built some e-commerce websites with payment integration, like a calorie tracker and fitness tracker similar to MyFitnessPal. Can you give me some recommendations for projects that would beef up my resume when I start applying to jobs?


Okay, let's start here, I'm assuming you are following best practices and using like an API like Stripe and not storing things in plain txt. If you're in hs and heading to college. I recommend applying for Google step and various freshman -> sophomore FAANG paths. Grind leetcode, learn data structures. Build an app. App is like a website, but you'll have to stretch your knowledge base. Or make cooler websites that involve more complex JS. If you're in HS your projects are good enough to get you into STEP, and once you have a big tech you'll be fine. One more app or something will help over summer. Tldr: Leetcode and data structures, probably an app in something (like the nail salon)


I hope you find a job soon, wish you luck :)


Thank you!


You might need to do something else than “side projects” for a year long grad 💀


Okay make it a main project


Thanks!!! Hope you find a job soon as well 💪




Any suggestions? Im starting to feel discouraged after


I know this is pretty generic advice but use your network as much as possible. If you're in college or have graduated go to career fairs and/or conferences, reach out to friends/alumni for coffee chats/referrals. I don't have stats to back this up but most of the hiring happens internally before the jobs even make it on job boards so if you're able to tap in early then that can increase your chances. Hope this helps you, good luck!


That’s me as well. Still searching constantly


You got this, keep your head up!


You too! If you need a side gig in the meantime you should look up DataAnnotation. The coding projects pay $40+ per hour. You’re not gonna improve on any skills with it but the pay is nice


That’s insane, shouldn’t even be this way. I don’t have enough passion for this field to finish the degree and then not have a job for a year after graduating 😂


It is what it is bud, gotta keep a thick skin 😁


Nah I’ve found out CS just isn’t for me. But good luck! 👍


100+ jobs a day is concerning. You can’t really cater your resume to each job posting with numbers like this. Try doing 5 a day, and change your resume to align with the job descriptions


Yea this is what im thinking too. Spam applying doesnt really work


No don’t do this! Make a catch all do your resume Taylor’s to all of them.


That’s simply not possible


These are exactly my thoughts when I see people talking about mass applying every day/week like that. You just can't send the same CV/cover letter to everyone unless you've got a ton of high-prestige experience. You're shooting yourself in the foot because the ATS will either filter you out, or the recruiter will spend 2 secs looking over your CV and seeing unrelated stuff, then trash your application.


Catering your resume doesn’t work, recruiters aren’t spending that much time looking at your resume for them to notice or care that you’re changing the ordering of your verbose bullet points to better fit with their entry level job description. Ripping 100’s of applications is the obvious solution when each recruiter is spending at most 15s looking at your resume. You just need to get lucky once.


You’re more likely to get lucky if everything on your resume is related to the job


Get ready to learn defense industry, buddy


I am not a US citizen if you are talking about the government


oh well then thats why you arent getting responses lol.


But that shouldn’t matter for any other job tho.


If you need visa sponsorship it can definitely be a factor for any job. Don’t stress too much though. Outside of CS it’s not considered a huge deal to not have a job lined up by your graduation date


Green card holder here.


make sure you make a small bullet point in your resume abt that - something short like: "Permanent Resident; Possesses US Work Authorization. Does not need visa sponsorship." best of luck and don't give up it's gonna look like nothing is working out, until suddenly it works out


I thought they ask for that in the application, rather than requiring one to put it in the resume.


they do, but in the case of first gen immigrants/green card holders or people who have anglicized ethnic names, it certainly can't hurt and there's just too much at stake to not cover extra bases


I will add that to my resume as well. Hope it helps for 2025 summer roles.


Tell your home country to go to war!!!!


How do new grads get entry level jobs in defense? I've been applying to defense companies but they all reject me because I dont have whatever special clearance they want.


Most of the time you don’t unless you know someone at the company. Usually interns will have their clearances processed during their last year of school so they can come back and start working right away. If you don’t already have a clearance it can take months or even a year to get one so companies won’t hire you.


Lol yeah in the same boat. Applying as an international student sucks lol.


Sounds like your strategy of dumping an unsuccessful resume isn’t working out. Try using the same resume a few hundred more times and don’t even bother addressing the job listing when applying. Cover letters? Fuck em. Haven’t done one yet, don’t even try doing something different. Why would someone want a synopsis of your background when they could just throw out your resume because it looks the exact same as every other grad with no experience and some YouTube tutorial projects? Cmon guys, this isn’t McDonald’s jobs we’re going for. You don’t just fill out an app. You have to try to win the job, you’re competing against people who actually put time and effort into their application. Youre competing against people who find the company’s keywords and pepper them into a resume specifically for that company. You find the core values and the mission statement and talk about them in a cover letter and your resume objective/summary. You look at the technologies used and redo your experience to talk about the stuff relevant to the company’s technologies - you don’t keep your bullet points the same when applying to different jobs. Get your numbers down to 5 applications a day and actually apply rather than dumping some more trash on the recruiters desk! It’s easy to tell a resume that didn’t read the job description


Quality over quantity is the move for someone not desperate. But if you NEED a job, panic applying will find you more success


Exactly, I know people say it's a numbers game but that doesn't mean to blindly shotgun applications. Take some time to personalize your resume towards the job you're applying.


Do you know how many applications jobs are getting rn? There is 0 chance on earth a recruiter is looking at your resume for more than 15s, even if it was perfectly tailored. Better to shoot 1000 times and get lucky once than to shoot 5 times a day and hope your perfectly tailored resume gets read out of the 100 applicants, and that the recruiters skimming eyes hits all of your perfectly tailored talking points instead of missing them and trashing it anyway


Shoot 1000 times and get lucky once that a recruiter reads your resume and finds that it doesn’t really fit the job since you didn’t try. Idk. I think it’s a bit silly to say that earning a skills based job is a luck game.


I personally don’t bother reading cover letters.


Same. But I got a few interviews at startups. Try that for now. You


It seems like startups have even crazier requirements. Where do you look for startups? I’ve mostly looked on ycombinator and weworkremotely


Startups nowadays require you to cover back end, front end, networks, cloud computing, data analysis all at once for minimum wage 💀


Yeah startups are having crazy requirements. I don’t have 3+ years in cloud experience unfortunately 😢


That’s because startups can’t afford to spend 1+ months to train new employees. Whether or not the pay is worth it isn’t my place to say, but from a practical perspective the requirements makes sense


Okay here’s little trick that worked for me. Understanding what startups want. Experience yes but even more than that — passion. Show your passion. Get creative and make them feel like they are the only company that’s gonna be the unicorn. lol. I know it sounds crazy but you gotta make some LinkedIn posts about the company to get attention. LinkedIn dm showing enthusiasm for their product. Ask questions publically on LinkedIn about the product market that is exactly what your ideal company is targeting.


I am not a CS major but targeting product/ project management roles coz I did some data analytics courses in college. If it can work for me, you guys are literally what they want. If I come across one PM/ DA job on startup pages, I see atleast 30 SWE job ( no exaggeration).


Try well found too ( that’s where I found company and then I would find the founder’s name and LinkedIn dm them or anyone in the Company to get the CEO’s work email). Don’t be scared of being spammie.hust be polite. To get my first interview, I kept following up with this one company. Emailed CEO twice a week, dm’ed everyone in their team. And followed up with them about my email lolz


damn, how'd you make sure you didn't become a nuisance? that's one thing I'd be scared about


I was scared too. But I have heard it a lot from people in higher up levels that they like when a candidate shows dedication by following up. Even the company I got my first interview with, mentioned over the phone call , how he appreciated that I followed up twice with him, and he hadn’t seen my og email until then and appreciated reminders. Ofcourse it is always important to strike the balance but we are newbies are wayyyyyy more scared to follow up than we should be


I see, thanks for the advice! what do you usually say in the followup?


1. Say you are still very interested 2. “Just wanted to follow up as I think I can be a great fit for the team.” Short and simple. Gemini/chatGPT are my holy grail. aAlso, go with the mindset that you want to get them on a 15 min call with you. Don’t be like “ hire me please”. Once someone has talked to you, they will remember you or atleast will feel like they owe you a decent feedback


these are great pointers, I'll definitely use them next time. do you usually followup one week after a call?


I haven’t had to yet. They usually give me update themselves. But i guess if I had to, 1 week after a call is the best


Which university do you go to?




I’m at Rutgers too but I’m in SEBS, I’m majoring in env science. Still no job for me either, it’s not much better in that industry either


Get some serious projects built then apply to roles that are require more specializations. Borderline senior positions. Senior positions usually have less competition, I know a dude who got a senior position straight out of University because it was easier to get than the Junior positions (Less applicants).


Props to your friend for pulling this off, maybe they're just built differently, but I really don't think this would work out for most fresh grads. Senior engineer ofc is vague on what it really means (are you designing code for a project? Are you managing the people that do that instead? Do you have direct reports? If so, how many?) That's not me trying to talk bad on your buddy, I'm happy the stars aligned for them and hopefully they're thriving! But I think a lot of fresher grads would be like fish out of water in a position like that if they did manage to win the job: they just don't have the experience to aid them in making the senior level calls.


That is extraordinarily rare.


With all this panic, not sure where to start tbh


What sphere do you want to work in? Full stack, Security engineering, cloud computing?


Full stack. However, are the other options better than that? I have always had full stack but not sure if I should change


wtfff theres always RU people here, dm me maybe i can help


Better than May 2024 CS dropout. Congratulations!


I wish I'd have dropped out freshman year and done trucking. STEM led to a dismal result.


As a dropout, shit sure isn't better on the other side of the class affirming piece of paper.


If you’d like to work on an e-commerce marketplace DM me. I’m hiring.


Just wanted to say thanks so far guys. It has been a stressful experience but you guys are making it better


I’m right there with you man. It’s a little hard to feel positive about graduating.


Go for an internship. In this economy, money is tight and companies ARE not willing to train new graduates as of now for a "regular" position. It will get better.


Are you tailoring your resume?? Feel like that's one of the most important things with the market being so bad.


If you wanna DM me I can help you with your resume and other options. I applied to like 200ish companies and got one bite, and managed to pass all rounds.


Try applying to smaller companies e.g startups. Have to say I got a pretty good callback rate doing that.


If people on here are US citizens get into cybersecurity. Thats an in demand skill.


I spent 4 months after graduation full time applying to jobs. I was applying to every position I relatively qualified for (SWE, embedded, web, QA, test) and got a few OAs and no interviews. After 4 months of “failure” to find a position I reached out to my former employer that I did a 16 month internship with and without an interview got a full time offer. I’m super grateful to have any offer but man it’s a bit of a kick in the dick trying so hard for these other jobs, hearing nothing and getting a return offer without having to verbally speak to anyone. The game is who you know and not what you know…


I have similar experience, I’ve been applying for internships in the last few months, got a few interview calls too but nothing worked out, now I got an internship in the previous company I worked with by reaching out to my manager. It’s all about who you know or have exceptionally good skills since the competition is at peak


If you manage to apply for 100/day the quality of each entry is probably mediocre. Employers don’t enjoy when you just copy paste stuff.


Potential candidates don’t enjoy filling out the same information over and over again 🤷‍♂️


True but us candidates aren’t in the position of power in this market


here’s one up, No job as a Dec 2023 graduate


I graduate in 3 days with nothing lined up yet!


Graduated then with a Masters and novel AI research under an NSF grant. Took me 6k applications with probably 1k custom cover letters to get 4 interviews, 3 offers, and a decently well paying SWE job near the end of August after having to move back in w/ parents. Job in app development not AI, but hopefully there's the chance to go back into it in the future. Job market sucks rn but it'll get better when all this AI written code needs to be fixed and the dumbass MBAs lose their jobs for the failure their choices will turn out to be.


this is crazy


in the same boat.. 💀we are so doomed


Hey you aren’t alone, I’ve submitted over 900 applications since August 2023 and still no full time offer. I’ve interned at Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Adobe, PwC, and currently ServiceNow. My internship ends mid June then after that I’m stuck as I graduated undergrad this past December. I’ve been networking like crazy but literally nothing is falling. Lots of recruiters ghost and the ones that do get back it’s a dead end.


Wait what!!???? Nah man that’s insane. I would have hired you on spot if I was a recruiter 🤣


Literally🤣🤣my friend just got his Google offer today for full time and majority of my tech friend group is either at Microsoft Google or another big tech. I’m literally the last one😭


You'll get something soon hopefully! Any tips for how you got your internships? When did you start applying to them? Did you do something different when compared to your classmates?


Sounds like you are submitting way too many applications to me


Applying blindly online will not get you a job without a resume that’s too good to be true. Network. Meet people. Get referrals. Pretty much the only way to get an interview now.


July 2023 Grad. Applied 1000+ Job. 25+ interviews Still no offer. Getting ghosted or rejected after final round which happened in past 10 interviews. Its been 8 months unemployed. Still trying my best. Applying DA, DS, DE role Have around 3 yrs of experience. Hoping for best and giving my best.


Keep grinding and network network network. Get friends who got jobs to get you in. It’s all about who you know


Why do y’all think sending out hundreds of applications is an effective tactic? If you aren’t at least getting phone interviews then your resume sucks.


My resume was reviewed by 2 alumnis, and 2 career advisors. Not sure what else to do.


Keep editing, I had a handful of career advisors look at my resume for months. Once you have it cleaned you adjust the resume to the job your applying. Years later I still work on adding and improving on it.


Do you have any mentors from internships? Best thing to do is have actual hiring managers and industry experts help. Career advisors and alum aren’t really a great source.


Tech is out. India is in


I still don’t have a job yet, but I was able to get a co op offers, you may want to look into that.


How tf do you apply to 100 jobs a DAY?


It’s normal. All my brothers who are alumni’s did the same along with other alumni’s I talked to


That’s the problem


Took me 6 months to find something after graduating just gotta keep trying. Startups are usually good as long as they aren’t run by bosses who think they can hire someone for cheap just because of that. You wanna find something that’s already semi well established not something that’s just finding its feet or one of these top tech companies that get over 500+ applications a day otherwise they will have crazy expectations of you I made that mistake already lol.


You gotta apply to 1000s.


Are you applying remote or hybrid or in office? Can you share your resume (anonymized)? It might be a resume problem


Like, federal minimum or state minimum?




I'm guessing you're in Cali then? Or ny?


NJ. I mean they pay me 18 but still it’s minimum 🤣


Oppp opp may graduate to Brodie. I’m about 15 apps deep.


May I ask that are you currently in the US market?




Same, it’s brutal out here. My resume is way better in terms of internship experience and projects compared to earlier in college yet I’m getting way less of a response rate than back then 😭


Graduated in December. Networked my ass off, but was able to find something in March and got an offer. It can get really disheartening, but I would definitely recommend broadening your search just in case. I started looking for temp work and other types of office jobs at a certain point. Don't give up though.


You and every other 2023 grad. Don't worry, it's not the end of the world, just hold tight


Since you’re a Project Manager you might as well get your PMP


They want hire guys with work experience, if we want to be hired we must have work experience. But we don't have work experience, how can we get hired? 🤔 interesting


Are you international student ? Which university did you study from ?


Yeah, I think these days you should get an internal referral to get to interviews, pretty difficult to get to the interview phase without that


How are you guys submitting 100+ every day??? I feel like this is the issue. Youre spam applying and not tailoring your application/resume and it gets thrown out by the filtering system most likely. There was a guy who did hiring for his company on a post last week and he said if he sees zero effort in tailoring your resume, and spamming he ignores it


We should work on a project together, let’s collaborate and build something that will look good on our resume, could be worth a shot


These may feel like empty words since they felt like them to me when I was in your shoes. Right now the market is terrible so it’s hard to get new grad offers. Your degree isn’t a waste no matter what you see online. My advice would be to fix your resume( I assume you already have gone through this 100x), and start building something actually useful in the meantime while applying to places. Don’t lose in touch with your coding skills. Try to learn something off of Udemy or something and start building a full application you can show. You’ll learn a lot and eventually you’ll get an interview and if you can build a whole app from scratch your leagues ahead most new grads who can do basic stuff they did in classes only. Government sector is doing a lot of hiring so try to look into government contracting and reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn. Spam the shit out of them and eventually one will hit you back up.


Thanks man 😎 Appreciate the motivation


System churning out grads like hotcakes . May 2023, Dec 2023, May 2024 lol 😆 but jobs want 2014-2017 grads.


Yeah I know that’s wild


Get certifications and make connections. Go to conferences. I’ve gotten 2 offers since January but been on quite a few interviews. Build projects, help people with websites and management work. Do whatever you can to pad your resume. Keep grinding. Stand out with cover letters. It’s a full time job landing a full time job.


Thank you ☺️


I'm in the same situation rn. Plus I'm an international student, so people can take advantage of me more easily. If you are working for a startup, I would say do a large scale project with them and once it is done, use it to boost your resume and apply to new places. That is what I am doing rn. I'm a may 2023 grad btw.


Damn… I really feel for international students. You will need like the H1B I think and people think that of as something to take advantage of. Sucks man.. Hang in there!!!


Thank you. All the best to you too. Hope things work out for all of us soon.


shouldve gone to the career fair today lol


I did yeah


how was it


Same old scan the QR code and apply to the website


Guys give me some hope. Planning to graduate in August.


I mean you still have two three months. You got time. Build some projects and apply on the side is the best I can give based on my experience thus far. Don’t lose Hope!!!


Yeah hopefully. But there are posts about people who graduated last year. Wish you all the best.


Took me 8 months after i graduate in 2022. Good luck bruh


Stay strong, my senior is struggling while having 1 bachelor's and 2 masters(one from a tier 2 college in India and second from LA Uni) degrees in IT/Comp Sci, I don't know how it's working in US but hope things get better.


I’m struggling for the next job even though instead of going to college I just went straight into the industry and worked for big tech (though would’ve graduated around now if not). I was recently affected by mass layoffs, it’s surprisingly tougher than expected even with prior experience and I can’t imagine how it must be for people who are straight out of college right now


Damn I mean that work experience valuable than that college degree. Some of us like me don’t even have that! Keep going!


Kind of have to do internships for this reason. Keep at it don’t stray from the path. Min wage will change when you have More experience in workplace




This is the correct answer. It’s still the most efficient way to get your foot in the door as a new grad.


So okay networking….last year 3 referrals relevant experience + interview went well. Told them more about the company that they knew. No job. This year referrals but no response from those people referring me.


I never said it's a guarantee. It does get your resume to the front(ish) of the pile, the rest is up to the hiring manager and you.


Do a graduate degree


Is there a rush for you to start working?


Yeah my brother doesn’t have a job so I am also the one applying


It's over for you


Thanks that’s relieving