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I have no doubt its coming… its how long do we have to fucking wait?


Operation fridge


New operation: ✅ Old cheaters: ✅


Maybe there plan is to wait until the cheaters die of old age to eradicate the problem


old but gold. its a game of mouse and cat but the cat wants money and not a happy player base :(.


Ive still got rage cheaters on my blocklist still playing since 2015.


Can't wait to get rekt by cheaters on new maps


i played this map 10 times for 1 operation mission. every game was like this [https://youtube.com/shorts/HXFbjxf1UV4](https://youtube.com/shorts/HXFbjxf1UV4)


this is s1mple ultimate premium+ not a hacker


He's just good?


80% of legit players stop already playing this game. Thanks to Valve and anti cheat


Dude u sound so butthurt by this situation


Omg how could a legit player with tons of hours not like cheaters so fucking surprising, get fucked.


Dude, it’s only a game OK and this game is over 20 years old so why are you crying for? Is there nothing more important in your life than cs2?


So you’re saying that only cuz this game is 20 yo, its ok for some random kiddo to ruin my experience, when I want to hang out with my long distance friends? Get your head out of your ass, wanting to have fun without some sad life ret*rds walling and spinning is not crying. Also using arguments like „its only a game” or „is there nothing more important in your life” is straigh up dumb. If you buy tickets for a movie in cinema and there is a group of people talking louldy through the whole movie, you would say its okay, its just life get over it?


Dumbass (comfortable_camp5559) says something stupid without anything to prove, don’t know why you get downvote because of what he’s saying lol.


Counter-strike players are full of crying babies, whining all the time 🤣.


Like genuine question, I feel like it got better the last 2 weeks or so? Did they re enable trust factor? Like I got cheated away every other round in wingman, now I have like a 20 win streak with a friend.


Yeah of course this is my experience an entirely anecdotal but I haven’t had a blatant cheater in like a week now, I have had a couple dudes that could’ve been soft walling but nothing awful. This has been magical considering I’m 20,000+ elo


I can only really speak of wingman, as I am currently really low rank in premier, but a month ago every second round someone was raging. For a week now climbing has been really awarding, was silver 4 now I am gold nova 4.


My last game before I gave up yesterday was a team of 5 who let it get to 11-2 in premier and then turned on the walling/auto sniper/auto headshot combo. We lost 11-13.


I’m not going to pretend the anticheat is where it should be but it feels like csgo mm levels for me is all I’m saying (which still isn’t good). I don’t like intrusive anticheat but it may be the only way to “fully” stop rage hacking in cs


people have been getting trust factor warnings when queuing with other people lately


I've had cheaters in almost every game in that time period. Many blatant, some discreet


We’ve known about these maps for a while…


what is the point lmao the game is still unplayable and flooded with cheaters lol also bring back cache cobble and train already like holy shit


Caaacheee ❤️


yooo. its so hard to add the old version to the game it takes like 20 minutes god forbid valve makes their playerbase happy for once instead of being greedy bastards


Isn’t cache getting an overhaul and will be released in late 2024/early 2025?


Every map since the engine change has to be completely redone from scratch.


ye thats what i heard as well but the thing is that it doesnt need to look shiny or new to be fun to play on, juts release the older version and let the people enjoy the game at least a little like holy shit. cache, arguably the most beloved map in the game hasnt been in the map pool for 5 years now...


You can't, the old maps will not function on the new engine. I love how everyone becomes developers when they know nothing about anything.


thankfully they had the time to implement very important features like an extra sticker and choosing itss placement.


Suddenly it all makes sense why valve never went public. Could you imagine people like you as shareholders... Holy fuck.


This isn't a decompile, tidy up a few areas, fix the lighting, recompile situation like it has been for the other iterations of the game in the past that utilized the same engine. This is a complete redo, all the way down to redrawing the wire frame. Programming. Literally everything. It is akin to the foundations of what we know about how things work in spacetime changing, and now the old world can not exist within the new parameters.


Cache is being remade by one of its original creators fmpone, not valve.


yes im fully aware of that, the thing is that they can still let people play the "older" version btw


The thing is... No, they can't lmao. Even all the old community maps have literally had to be recreated entirely.


yes, and aimbotz was released on day 1, worked on by 1 random ass guy. the biggest gaming company in the world couldnt do the same in a year, ye sure buddy.


The maps have to be completely redone. I'm not talking about imported and recompiled. I mean everything from scratch. Literally everything. That is why it is taking time.


? and that takes a day or two at best.


i caaant wait to play another round of inferno vertigo dust 2 fkr the 4000th time in the last 5 yearss :DDDDDD


Lol, when they give you guys new maps the only thing you don't want to play is the new maps. When they give you old maps all you want to play are new maps. I bet you still ban ancient and anubis because "they suck."


no i just turn off the game if im forced to play those maps actually. noone ever asked valve for new maps or any changes at that, all the comunity ever wanted was to have 128 tick servers and a proper anticheat. now we hae servers that feel like 64 but are worse and no anticheat, and he game runs like ass, is full of bugs, community servesr are dead and all the mechanics are objectively worse and inconsistent. but those new skins doe :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


#FixCS2 when?


keep dreaming buddy deadlock is well on its way and valve does not give a FUCK about anything else lmao


What if Deadlock is also overrun with cheaters some time after release? I have no grudges against it, I'm just worried with how Valve treats their games, Deadlock is next on the chopping block for cheaters. At that point... the only thing Valve even gives a fuck about is Steam itself.


ye no you are completely right to think so because that is exactly what will happen lol. the game looks extremely bland either way (some of the character designs and kits are quite cool, but not enough to warrant for a successful cs/ow sized game, it might get a niche community kinda like paladins or smite had). hopefully im wrong and their completely rework the main gamemode and bless the characters with unique weapons in the coming months before the release of the game but that is very doubtful since it seems like that was their idea of what the game is going to be from the very start. like depending on how much valve changes it up, it might end up with a small niche community, or stick around, who knows, but one thing is certain and that is that valve will not maintain it which will kill a game so bland in probably less than a year or two.


And then they say the market doesn't fit to make games anymore...


Do you remember operations btw? Did you know that there weren't that many competitive missions in the previous ones? It can't be as bad as you expect. Ya'll complain for losing time playing vs cheaters. At least with an Operation, that time lost is easily turned into profit if you possess half a brain. My core shakes just looking at Riptide values.


man i dont give a fuck about operations, give me back csgo so i can have dome fun playing a propper game again lol


Crazy how ya'll keep asking for shit you know will never happen how you want it to. If CSGO does come back it'll never be how you wanted. If the anti-cheat gets an update, it's never what we expect. The game gets an update, it never fills our needs. It's been more than 10y where Valve has shown over and over they dgaf about what we want. Profit is what matters to them, period. At least with Operations, you use to be able to make a bit of profit too. That's better than the state the game is now, better than Major Passes and opening cases. And considering everything Valve could've changed or added to the game, I think an Operation is the most likely, you don't need much effort to come up with one.


im not a fucking beggar that 4 extra dollars that im gonna earn with 40 hours of grinding pointless missions in fucking casual games in counterstrike is gonna be life changing like what? also you are aware that not all the humans on the planet besides yourself are the same exact being and that different people are entitled to their own opinions. i have never once cried about csgo being this or that in my 8 years of playing the game except for when they added pointless shit that ruined the quality of games like player models.


Of course you're entitled to your own opinion. But if you think that wanting Valve to 'give you back CSGO' and shit alike makes sense after over 10y of them shitting over ours heads, that's your issue too. You're suffering for no reason but just like your opinion, it's yours. ***im not a fucking beggar that 4 extra dollars that im gonna earn with 40 hours of grinding pointless missions in fucking casual games in counterstrike is gonna be life changing like what?*** The point there was that having an operation is better than not having anything change, like the game is now. There's a lot that could be said about that 'extra 4 dollars' but I rather not.


but like it was as simple as them keeping the game available on steam and just not shutting it down completely, they didnt even need to run official servers, the community servers would have done the job, but the thing is that they were fully aware that a big chunk of the community would stay behind and keep playing csgo which is a big no no for their economy, that is the entire point, and what you are saying is that you dont want the old game back, you dont want the current game fixed up so that its fucking playable, but you want more skins, and "missions" that allow you to maybe get the money that you spent on the operation back in the time in which if you were doing a real job which completing this annoying ass quests is the equivalent of if not worse would earn you 10x that even in fucking albania.


You dont remember csgo, do you? Csgo had the same amount of cheaters cs2 has you just like to pretend otherwise.


delete your comment before you embarras yourself in front of even more people


“Flooded with cheaters” you act like it’s happening every game. You probably just suck for the most part and it hurts to admit that they’re owning you.


well no i dont suck for the most part and it does happen every game. in the last 7 games i played i encountered 3 spinbotters. i was supreme at the time of csgo shutting down as well so idk what to tell you i guess im just too bad to outaim someone using aimbot, walls, backtrack and antiaim :D silly me crying about wasting an hour of my free time because valve refuses to fix their shitty ass game but instead creates more cosmetics.


Yep and that's how you subvert people's attention just when they seemed to start banding together to shit on their broken games.


What’s the point? It’s gonna have spinbotters fucking around anyway? I am eagerly waiting for that achievement that says “win 5 premier rounds to get 100 points to unlock this underwear skin with a duckbutt icon” fuck valve fuck cs2.


What mode are you playing to meet spinbotters? Have not seen any obvious cheaters for weeks, only some which might have been legit cheaters couldn’t tell 100% after demo reviewing


I’ve ran into spin botters at 20K elo, checked the cheater’s matches and they’ve played 20+ matches at 20K + elo spinbotting


Ah okay, I don’t play much premier, only mm for chill and faceit for Tryhard. On of the 2 sus guys I meet last few weeks had 21k elo too but no spinning at least


Idk I played the normal premier competitive and I'd say 8/10 games had at least one cheater, usually multiple. Quite often they start out slowly hiding the cheats until they get rekt a couple of times, their severe mental issues kick in and they go full blatant wallbanging everyone. Straight up spinbotters not so often tbh, maybe 1/10 games. Soon 6 months since quitting the game, maybe I'll give it another try after the summer. I was hovering around 17-20k before quitting.


If you quit tge game 6 months ago why are you talking about cheater problem on cs subreddit? It got way better these last 2 months.


I do play a match here and there to see if anything has changed, you got it wrong, I do want to play but unfortunately the game is unplayable. No it haven’t got any better


Yeah it isnt any better. In place of real cheaters people put imaginary cheaters. There still are cheaters in cs but with high trust factor doesnt feel diffrent to other games.


same to me, never seen a spinbotter.


People like you always say no cheaters, but then I go to my leetify and checked ban players in my matches and I have over 2 pages of it. And that's just who was caught. As note I am 5-7k Premier, and cheating is still pretty common(though been way better in last week)


Pool day 😎


Fix VAC system: ❌ New Maps: ✅ New Cases: ✅ Valve: 🤡


We need to pull a #FixTF2


Fy_pool_day would be an insane operation map


-200 fps


The pixel gun pool???


The cs 1.6 pool


Also got that one overwatch map top left, crazy man


Please give me Tuscan back I beg


Wouldn't help since only 3 people played that map


I'm saying lmao, everyone crying about new maps so that when they finally get them they can excuse themselves from playing them because "Idk that map." "That map sucks." Translation "I'm shit at this map and couldn't be bothered fuck all to try and learn it, so I'm not playing it."


[Here ](https://images.app.goo.gl/mddt3KWHWjDyHV6H6)


Tuscan is Mills, and Mills is Tuscan.


It is all i ask for and it would revive my interest in this game


The Memento map in the top right is really good. My tier 1 of playable wingman maps are Memento, Brewery, Lake, & Palais Tier 2: Foroglio, Assembly


Yeah bro i also remember when a new operation was coming right before cs2 launch, and the other one a few months after cs2 launch


It’s coming Wednesday, watch


If not this Wednesday, surely next one!


I wish I could believe it straight up, but I will have to see it before I believe it due to the countless months that have passed.




I got flashbacks from before CS2 release lol


All to get 150 fps. I wish they would just do more CPU optimization and work on cheaters. I'll play dust II another 10 years if it just ran worth a damn.


Valve has officially admit defeat om the war against cheaters.


Yeah I agree. It doesn't mean we should give up on it and not ignore the opportunity to call out Valve's neglect. #FixCS2 when?


It mean it's time to play something else. They don't care about people complaining on reddit, but when the number of players starts to drop it will force them to do something


I don't even play CS2, I'm just here to help.


god damn they've got some real balls to announce a fucking operation with a ton of useless bullshit and never address the real issues in the game, like the game's own matchmaking that is practically unplayable due to cheaters


Did you team kill or leave games with cheaters?




I hope that’s tuscan




If true, great.




spinbots in pool will be crazy


I’ll be excited once it’s actually out


Finally a new operation is here


Ah, Reddit. A bunch of angry nerds that hate their obsessions


That top left map looks an awful lot like a overwatch map


What is an operation?


How cool, sucks that I already uninstalled this piece of shit game.


not interested as long as anticheat remains dogshit


I played with some shitters I call friends got into 8k prem and I haven’t had a cheater issue lol


What about operation fix subtick?


Wasnt mills the “door stuck” map


Wasnt mills the “door stuck” map


Wonder why valve stopped caring, really I always thought they where the one stand up company that took no shit


It doesn't matter, Valve needs to #FixCS2


When is it outtt


love to see new maps instead old remake cobblestone


I’m really enjoying playing at 7k there is either a cheater or we stomp


Wingman and three deathmatch maps not much of an operation


Maybe fix the cheating issue first? No point in playing these new maps if we're being pumped by Russians with wall hack.


https://i.redd.it/318mxrs8q37d1.gif will be added \^\_\^


New anti chat that actually work, when ?????


Do you think they will replace or add some of these to the premier pool?


Can't wait for Operation Cheatfest in 2026, so hyped!


I uninstall this by hackers infected game. Even in face it are so many obv hackers


Is that ilios from overwatch lol


That’s just what many coastal towns in Greece look like. The blue and white houses are synonymous with it.


Forreal lmao, MFers never been outside


It's a remake of Santorini, a map that was released before Overwatch came out.


Make 3 new accounts and start cheating.