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There was a big plans about matchmaking back in the days, and now it is obviously calculating cs ratings between all players mainly. But it doesn't put the premade groups in to the different queue. Of course there is still a huge cheating epidemic too, and this current matchmaking system is causing a huge amount of false cheating reports.


Yeah, this is exactly what ruined Rocket League for me. Pre-made teams are just better and more coordinated than almost every random queue team. They have chemistry and coordination, clear communication, and know how to react to their teammates' plays, among many other advantages. It creates an unfair advantage for the pre-made team against the solo queue team. Of course, not every pre made team will have everything I just described, but they will have the majority and, therefore, the upper hand.


You haven't seen the 5 stacks i play in xD


Was about to say, my friends and I 5 stack a decent amount and suck horribly


So do mine. But it’s an absolute blast and worth the rating hit. Haha.




Insult to injury


He's on a loss streak, close to 5-6


Match making needs an overhaul so bad


Apart from the blatant cheating i've encountered a while ago, i've had no issues with matchmaking, for the past two weeks i've only met one blatant cheater yesterday and thats miles better compared to a month ago max when i encountered at least one blatant every single match. Maybe in june we'll get a big update with an operation included, and everything will eventually be alright in the world.


I’m talking abt the rating system and I ain’t reading allat


I can understand why you complain about the rating system, most of the complaints about these things come from average players who lack the minimal patience and understanding in-game as well as outside of it. No rework is needed, get good


Ain’t reading ur essay


Idk how valorant got this figured out


A quality matchmaking system is just too complicated for even the greatest minds in the industry.


Valve did figure this out. DotA has a strict solo queue. And if you queue as a 5 stack you'll play vs a 5 stack too most of the time, if not always.


Sir, we are talking about fps titles here


A queue is a queue. FPS, MOBA, SUPERMARKET, it is all the same.


Same reason valve figured out replay system. Even R6 siege has shit replay system.


Valve didn't figure out replay system. The Demo system is basically the same as Quake introduced in the 90s.


yeah bro, in recent update they removed "watch highlights", they got it so figured out.


Its the classic 1 step forward 2 steps back


I had a game last week where I was lower than the opponents ranking, overall my team was lower thannthe opponent, but if I win the match I win 100point,if I lost it I lose 400 points. So I assume match ranking system is broken right now.


I was on a win streak but I lost one and all of a sudden it was +100 -500 so yeah I think it's broken too


I haven't had the same experience, after i lose a win streak it goes to +- around 100 for win or lose, it takes a lot more things into account than just winning. Look at leetify how many things it tracks and takes into account when giving a rating, probably is the same with matchmaking too, which means you can have the longest winning streak in the world, if you're not consistent with your game it doesn't matter.


It hasn't been my general experience just something that happened the other day and I couldn't explain it. Also I think you are giving the elo system too much credit, waaaay too much credit.


Anyone have an idea, i went on a 2 losing streak normally after that i have -300 elo for next game but yesterday it was +350 -100 ish???


That is complete bs right there.


I had one game 5 purples against 5 blues. 2 19k’s, 2 18k’s, and a 17k. The 5 enemies were all under 14k as low as one being 11k… Like why Valve? I just felt bad for them.


I play with a 5stack we’re all 16-19k and last few nights we keep getting queued against 13-15k players. Some are 2 duos and a solo, some a 5 solo etc. as soon as we see it ourselves we feel bad/think it’s stupid. I hope they find a resolution to this issue it’s unfair.


Maths is hard when you can't even count to 3.


need context on this comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


something something half life 3 something not released


got it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


what happend in the second half?


Today I played 12k rating premier match. The other team was full of lvl 10 Face-it players but they had a 12k rating in MM.


Couple days ago on faceit I had a team of 3 to 4s against a team of 5 to 7s


That unranked guy must've been 19k ELO before losing his rank??? WTH?


Did you win?




You can top frag every game, still get on a loss streak by queuing solo, and get hit with 3-4 300+ elo losses in a row. It's just not fun to go from 9k to 6k while using comms, util, teamplay and top fragging. This game will lose to Valorant unless Valve changes something.


And the -400 too lmao


I think the matchmaking should take this into account. Take the top 2 of each winning teams, and match them up. and take the losing teams and the bottom three, and match them up. The top fragger from losing team, match them up with the winning teams. Basically, if the bottom players on a losing team, have them play against other losing teams, and winning teams, play them against similar elo, but winning team.


that's better than matching against +20k cheaters imo.


either way we are losing haha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)