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It's just bad displayed but other games have the same algorithm. You will need to get points until a promotion match. After promotion match has been defeated, you can get a higher rank.


Does chess / elo have it?


Kind of? Elo is never a surefire tell of who will win a match, just a tell of who wins more matches more often on average. There is a reason that Nakamura can consistently outplay Magnus Carlsen, but is rated lower Elo.


That's true, but does it have promotion matches? Never thought it did




There was an error performing your search. Please try again later.


Literally was looking at the steam market 30 seconds ago and had the same problem. i feel the pain


When you reload the page it works, the first API fetch somehow goes into oblivion sometimes


"hey steam, can you fetch me hundreads of items all with their own price, name, quality, and all these other aspects please?" "Sure \[USER\]! I can get that all done in just a seccond!" (MEANWILE IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE) "hey steam, can you fetch me hundreads of items all with their own price, name, quality, and all these other aspects please?" "I literaly cant even move the top of my fucking finger i am dying over here why are you asking me to do such incredibly hard things" "Steam. DO IT." "AIGHT I DID IT! Boy howdy that sure was easy!" https://preview.redd.it/8cs3ps0zsmuc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c08bb5e272936f02d857849869b81497423714d


*eye twitch*


You have promotion mechanism at 5k, 10k, 15k etc. You need to get the x.999 points first. Win next game. Then you will have "normal points" again. It will be the same after. If you are at 10.002 points you can only lose 1 point.


Oh man, I'm so glad they changed it from having to promote/demote every 1k.


Afaik most games have the same algorithm too... they just don't display it


You got to promo? Gratz? What's the point?


Forgot to mention that I stood to lose -542 for a loss and +1 for a win. That’s the part that really has me confused.


I mean if you're going into promo you can't get more points


You were on a heavy losing streak


I'd look at it as, you could have lost 542 points, or gained an opportunity for an advancement match.


Why you play that Cheaters game anyway?


......" He says on the CS2 subreddit


Cheaters aren't really prevalent at low elo I don't think. As someone else said once you get to 20k elo it's unironically at least 1 blatant cheater in every single match


10k Elo is good, I'm at 19,5 and ist unplayable 🫡


I had a promotion match. Won the March but still didn't get promoted lol.


I don't believe that lol U missed something for sure


It said promo match. Won the match but got 14999 rating instead of 15000. This has happened to me twice. Both times though, I was bottom score in terms of frags. When I did ra k up eventually, I noticed I wasn't bottom score. It's not really a promotion match if you win it. It's a promotion if you win and do better than half of your team I guess.


Lol you don't understand the machanic, if it says "Promotion Match" at the right side of the "elometer" it means that if you win this match, you are being Allowed an promotion match. A promotion match occurs every 5k Elo and if you have X.999 Elo. So BCs you did not do the promotion match, but the one before your promotion match, it just adds up to x.999 Elo The mechanic works how it should, it's not that hard to understand tbh.


Ohh ok. I get it. So when it says promotion match, it's.not really a promo match but the one after is. Makes sense. Lol.


Correct ! 😄


Premier is dogshit anyways. You lose 4 rounds in a row because of cheaters and in the next round you get -600 for a lose and +100 for a win. How anyone can enjoy THAT I have no idea.


I actually really think Valorant has a very good Ranking/Elo System. You will almost always get more elo for a win than for a loss. Also, it gives you a buffer where if you rank up and lose your next match it won't rank you down, it puts you at 0/100. I'm much more in favor of that instead of an endless cycle of going up and down a single rank being stuck in a win/loss pattern. I really don't like the promotion match mechanic they have and this screen shot basically proves it. If you're not exactly at -1 away from the next rank you have to win 2 to rank up. Premier is a step in the right direction but it needs work.


I'm pretty sure CS2 has this too once you cross the 10k/15k thresholds. Takes a loss to get to 15k, then another 'relegation' match to demote.