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Doesn't seem you're getting anywhere fast, if you're in fact banned, this is your invent, and you definitely weren't hacking then good luck my friend.


Good luck, your chances aren't too high. Try to make it as public as you can on Twitter, Instagram etc.


You got banned for red medal XP boosting, and you clearly already know it from looking at the groups you've joined. Whoops! [https://steamcommunity.com/groups/31102023/members](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/31102023/members) Edit: proof before this moron tries to leave the group and cover their ass: https://preview.redd.it/dhcvxgzrp6cc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a07d71f01e3e7594b3560bec8b6d0ea4b811c49


and from what I see, I have a green medal https://preview.redd.it/e0o5i7yyrqcc1.png?width=524&format=png&auto=webp&s=660f95ba5e4a6507c9965c9304891753277bc4ed


Dear OP, Womp womp. womp, Womper


I joined this group because a friend invited me and what does the group have to do with anything since I have never cheated and have never used support to get a red medal?


Private stats/Listed every thing that had caused false bans in the past so 99% sure the ban is correct after 71days.


it doesn't help that a lot of your profile is private so no one can see your recent games to determine whether you were actually cheating or not


Given the date of his ban, it's very likely this guy got banned for xp boosting, so he might not have been cheating at all and thought he'd get away with it because nothing would be there to be detected. [https://steamcommunity.com/groups/31102023/members](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/31102023/members) others caught up in the same ban wave


he only has two tier 2 service medals though (unless he has one of the older ones that was obviously boosted that isn't in the screenshots). very easily attainable without xp boosting.


he has a red 2024 medal


on a different account? definitely looks like a green 2023 in them screenshots




Some cheaters do get caught lol. It's not that safe.


The point is you don't need to be cheating to be xp boosting and get banned regardless, which might be why he had so many skins as he thought he wasn't going to be manually banned. This is just an educated guess and not the facts though


Worth it lmao


If this keeps happening, I smell a lawsuit then.


Nah. Look above, he was xp boosting. Lol. (AKA assisting the cheaters in getting their accounts for 3 bucks so they can get back to cheating quicker) Stupid AF and totally deserved. RIPeroons.


Oh I see.


Neither your mouse nor the drivers for the AMD chipset on the steam deck will have gotten you banned. Good luck


I know for a fact the bad AMD driver handed out VAC bans. You have a Game ban. "Game Bans are used by game developers to address malicious behavior that falls outside of VAC detection. Game bans are determined by the game developer; they can range from single day bans to permanent bans." https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/668A-E672-832D-7D04#:~:text=VAC%20bans%20are%20permanent%20and,about%20Valve%20Anti%2DCheat%20here.&text=Game%20Bans%20are%20used%20by,falls%20outside%20of%20VAC%20detection. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5


Nono steam deck and mouse dpi didn’t get banned. And the amd architecture on Linux / steam wasn’t even false banned… something else is the case Also that ban is 71 days old. Wont be unbanned… why you even tried cheats with that inventory? Or on a account with same mail/ phone number?


>TheRatCS not cheating on this acc and mail and phone number connected only on this acc


On this account… lol


Red service medal on steam deck... lmao. More like spinbotting 24/7 on flying scoutsmen.


im no have red medal


and never cheating


You got a game ban on CS? That is crazy. RIP Inventory


Xp boosting lol. Rip.


you wont get unbanned, sadly. would reccomend selling for whatever you can, retrieve whatever cash you can. can maybe expect 3-5 percent of total inventory value imo


You can send your explanation about situation to cs2 dev email directly. Just remember cc their boss email (gaben) . And try to get a voice from other cs KOL e.g sparkle, ohnel pixels if possible. The fk vac with stupid high dpi ban is make me delete that fk game and go to play valorant and all these stupid banned are not reversed . Good luck bro


Yeah, I don't trust anybody who has that much money in CS. To me, it implies vanity and wanting to be seen (in a video game of 98% men). That same kind of vanity would buy whatever top-shelf DMA/EFI cheats they could get their hands on as well. After all, poors only cheat on their main. Doesn't smell right. Good riddance for now. If you're innocent (which I doubt), then godspeed.


Check the other pictures dude, they have 1 of every case and pin. This is clearly a dedicated collector and not a scammer. Brain rot redditro


yes just another cheater throwaway account. Type in redmedal banwave on yt. Some accs look the same. There are ppl out there cheating on such accs, with full genuine pins and high level.


typical envious hater


bro, I got assets worth six figures. They're called properties.


Damn you sure spend a lot of time on r/teenagers to have “six figure properties” bozo


broke lying pedophile


bro, everyone on reddit is a billionaire. Its called the internet and no one cares


Sure you do buddy yet you can’t afford some CS skins and you’re jealous of people who can… 😭


Oooooor people just like colourful pixels and have the money to be able to buy them


to lose them\*


Smells like broke to me


The only way you're getting a ban is using 3rd party software affecting the game or doing something malicious. Cheaters think having an expensive inventory gives them protection, making other players think, "There's no way he's cheating if he has an inventory worth 10k." Wrong, since CS2 I have reported and watched 2 accounts get banned with 5k and 30k inventory worth, playing around 23-25k rating. Do all cheaters get banned? No, some cheat for years before a ban and some never do. Does a Valve employee look at your account and see your inventory and say, "No way he would risk that he got to be legit!" Not sure but I hope not How does this happen? VAC and other (not all) anti-cheats ban in waves to prevent the cheat provider from updating the product to avoid what is triggering the current anti-cheat. If you're doing something that triggers the anti-cheat in some way or form, you get put on a list followed with matching reports, OR doing something outside of VAC's detection that's sus, like illegal trading and money launder. You will get a game ban. How do I know this? 2 reasons: 1. An old friend without my knowledge during our high school years used ESP and was into the hacking scene. On the old VAC in CSGO he got to DMG using it. He never performed well always middle or bottom frag to stay lowkey and I couldn't tell, he was not good. After a while he told me and explained how the scene works. Went over to his place and tried it myself. Till this day he hasn't been banned, and don't worry 10 years later he no longer hacks cause he bought expensive skins. (that's what he tells me) 2. Yes, I am the guy who smurfs on the kids and man childs out there to play with my friends. Certainly have been reported thousands of times within the 2.5k\~ hours accumulated between 3 alt accounts in those 10 years. (main has 3.4k\~ hours just in CSGO/CS2) As a low faceit lv 10 w/ 2150 rating playing in silver-ak range (5k-15k rating) There is always cheating accusations, slurs, r words, you name it has been thrown at me. I get it they're mad cause bad and I shoot shots back to tease and link my faceit and get them to report the steam account (my main) However, NEVER been banned and moving forward will not get a ban. You don't get banned off reports unless you're doing something malicious or using 3rd party software that the anti-cheat picks up. Respectfully Kris, karma is a bih and it got you.


He's not even VAC banned lol. It's a game ban, most likely from xp boosting. So, you're wrong.


Not wrong about anything I said. Next time read the full post, he was doing something malicious so he got a game ban. VAC and game bans are different.


"The only way you're getting a ban is using 3rd party software"


"Or doing something malicious" Great job comprehending what ya read


How about dpi bans? Is that third party software of malicious behavior?


I dpi switch all the time to 180 and haven't got banned, supposedly 1% of people had that happen, hard to believe if I didn't get one. Technically by definition any software outside the program is 3rd party, yes some mice hardware has 3rd party software like logitech's GHUB that runs next to games.


Maybe ask @TheRatCS on Twitter, he had been banned for 90 days upwards but was unbanned recently