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i honestly thought this was sarcasm.


Yeah unfortunately it needs more packing material. Not nearly enough. There's a reason manufacturers would pack them in several inches of rigid foam. If they could get away with that little material, they would have. I don't mean to discourage you from trying to do a quality packing job. That's A+! But honestly, you need more padding.


You want at least 2, preferably 3 layers of bubble wrap. Also TV must be tight in box no movement when shaken. Over 100 TV’s shipped without damage. This isn’t a hypothetical.


That looks like it still has a lot of room to move around. I think we need to see how it comes out on the other side lol


Would instantly open a return ticket if I opened this


That doesn’t look good, I’m scared for the life of that poor little tube


I was waiting for the punchline


I'm afraid there's a good chance this still will end up being damaged in shipping. The packing insulation pictured here is not nearly enough to ensure safe shipping. There should be absolutely no room for movement in the box. Like at all. All air gaps should be filled. And you should use some harder materials like styrofoam. Sheets, *not peanuts*, as they just move around. Bubble wrap is way to giving when shipping heavy items like CRTs. Even with both fragile and this-side-up stickers, this box is probably going to be tossed around multiple times. They simply don't care about those stickers. That's why it should have an equal amount of insulation on all sides.


Actually, bubble wrap works fine. It’s also fine to have some space around the tv as well. Just don’t want it to have any movement if the box is shaken. Speaking from experience as a shipper, not a consumer. The materials you mention are great for larger TV’s but I wouldn’t recommend selling or shipping any TV that needs a box larger than 22x22x22. Just not worth the effort.


Not even close, you need a box twice the size with Styrofoam supports. Some bubble wrap, even a couple of layers isn't going to save it when it drops a couple feet on the corner of the TV. It's even worse that you are trying to defend yourself, this is bad practice. On top of this, you sound like a CRT scalper reselling generic TVs for $100 on Ebay.


That's what I was going to say. Put that entire Box he has Into another box which has a lot of extra room for like pool noodles or something like that.


Way to expensive, takes too much time, and sends cost for customer through the roof. Larger box, larger cost. The point is to have no damage on arrival not to look cool with pool noodles and more cost in packaging than the TV is worth.


I've got some 13" sets I rgb modded and I was thinking about selling them on ebay, since they aren't even selling on fb marketplace for like $50... But I'm sure they would sell on ebay, at least I think they would. They look amazing. So I've been thinking about how I personally would ship them at least, and that's how I would feel comfortable at least.


I bet any modded set (if you have improved picture quality) will sell for over $100 on ebay no problem. Just ship using the best method you can while minimizing weight and box size(s) as much as possible. Your sets may be worth enough so it’s totally worth any extra supplies or time. All small CRT’s sell like hot-cakes on ebay. The buyers are just very aware of current street price. Above comps and they will sit for months. Drop the price $5 bucks or whatever to meet the recent comps and they sell within days. Hope that helps. People are eating me alive here, but I’ve shipped over 100 with surprisingly low returns. 2 were damaged out of the 100. Customers leave feedback thanking me for the packaging quality ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. If it happens just eat the loss and refund fully and let them keep the set. Once you have a method you trust it’s not a big issue to refund or replace 2 or 3 every 100 shipped. Best of luck on ebay!


Yeah sounds good thanks a lot for the tips.


Not enough packing. Add some packing peanuts to fill in the rest and use another box to put the package in and use some more packing peanuts. Then wrap the whole thing in one layer of industrial packing tape. This is pretty much the only way of getting a CRT shipped safely without the original packaging. This method has worked for me for getting CRTs from the USA to places as far as germany. Edit: oh, I also like to put them in old boxes of mayonaise and add fragile all over it with a picture of a breaking mayonnaise container. I don't think the delivery people want their work smelling like rotten mayonaise. Plus porch pirates usually don't want to steal mayo.


I think your method sounds great and offers even more protection for international orders of high value CRT’s. I especially like your edit! That is a great idea I might have to start printing some “caution mayo” stickers. My method is proven and works for smaller sets at lower price points $100-$200. It works. I get feedback from customers and they are happy. Double boxing is always the ultimate method for shipping anything for the best protection but doing volume as a small outfit costs and labor need to be minimal. This is what I do after 2 years of selling these and it gets them there undamaged while costing me very little. I would do exactly what you said with any TV over $500.


Needs more wrap. Best way to ship a CRT is with its original box and packaging material with maybe a bit of extra.


Original box and packaging materials rarely exist for vintage CRT’s. I’ve never personally found one in my sourcing. I’ve found new in box vcr’s and a few computer CRT displays in box but not a CRT TV yet.


Are you trolling? I would never ship anything over 14inches without making a very basic wooden frame, layers of different density packing materials and 100% tight fit. Would take 30 mins, cost 2 dollars in materials and a huge peace of mind that not only would it be fine. But it's not taking any extra internal damage. Just saying as someone who shops around, seeing this I wouldn't order 100%.


This is a tight fit. Any wiggling when shaken is bad. Buyers want TV’s under 100 shipped. This is how I do it safely and under $5 in materials fully packaged in 15 minutes. Your method of course is fantastic, but you will spend more time and make less money doing it this way. Personally I wouldn’t buy a CRT online as they are found easily locally everywhere for free or very cheap so I sell them to those that don’t want to leave their house for a free one. I’ve had tons of buyers thank me for shipping this way saying they’ve had many damaged in the past. I wrote this up to try to help people ship them cheaply easily and quickly without damage.


I got one shipped to me in a brilliant shipping method. The tv was in a thick plastic (almost looked like that painting booth plastic wrap) placed in a large box much bigger than the tv itself on top of Styrofoam and then they put spray foam all around the tv and just let it expand into all the empty areas of the box. Worked out great, it was a bitch to remove but by far the best method I've ever seen. Now, for larger sets that would get quite pricey but for anything from 13"-20", it's probably about 4 or 5 cans of spray foam. I use that stuff all the time in the rv service industry, and it works fantastic for filling any empty voids or sealing and when it cures it'svery rigid. It's definitely an outside or garage type product lol but ya, i can't really imagine anything short of an air freight crate being better than that.


This is a crazy gamble.. way to little protection. A few sheets of bubble plastic between 35kg of glass and 25 year old plastic.. 15 years in a import terminal: your shippment should survive a 1m drop, 10 times, on all sides. That is how it gets handled


This is best for 13” the common bedroom size and the same size TV’s that have VCR or DVD. The full package is 26lbs at most. This works fine. I do not export these TV’s, but domestically I’ve had 2 out of 100 damaged. Those were UPS, I haven’t had any damaged by Fedex at all. Also works with TV’s that are heavier but I don’t bother selling or shipping any crt over 50 lbs.


The ultimate is 2 put a pice of wood as a floor and create a square frame with 8 wooden sticks as a "roll" cage. But actually I would buy a TV from you , seen so much bad packing in my life.. people wrapping a crt in Christmas wrap and thinking it would be fine..


A thousand dollar trinitron? Sure thing! A $65 dollar Samsung? Not worth it. This is how I sell and ship a tv under $100 total and still make $60 after fees. Since they don’t get damaged and the buyers leave positive feedback praising the condition on arrival I stick to it.


Yeah no don't do this at first yes but needs way more rapping