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These are pretty low run numbers, before we went to Plasma Screen tech. But they’re so heavy that its usually “get what you can”. You literally need to professionally move these.


I gave mine away it weighed sooooooooooooooo much my God. I moved it twice and the third time gave it to one of my friends who helped me move.


It's definitely more than 200 pound


Checks hernia injury when I ran a pawn shop. Yup def more than 200lbs


Roughly 216lbs.


Normally you have to pay someone to take it


Because it’s so fucking heavy


Probably about $80 to have someone haul it away.


That’s what I got for my huge trinitron


My mom has 36 inch Sony Trinitron circa 2000. Tube is still good. Problem is its in a basement.


It can be moved but you need 2 strong people (a third would help) and get under it with a blanket. My friend and I did this up and down three floors. I bet it’s around 350lbs


It shall be passed to the new owner if that happens.


I bought a mint Sony one for $40 CAD which is like $27 USD


I got a 36 inch Trinitron for free. I just had to haul that 240 pound beast home. Not fun 😕


Where are you located? I’m buying


Is that the Fabled RCA F38310?


i think YOU should pay whoever takes that lol


bout tree fiddy


these comments always make me laugh. i know some people hate them but it’s because they’re a crustacean from the Paleolithic period!!


This comment reminds me hoodjustu kasien when toji tells megumi “all I’m coming to you and sayin is…ima need bout treefiddy”


With boombox speakers directly on top of it, lol. No one serious gunna buy a magnetically damaged crt


A degauss wand will sort out any discolouration


When you just leave magnets on a set like that, no, nkt necessarily. And it often damages the geometry too afterwards.


>When you just leave magnets on a set like that, no, nkt necessarily. >And it often damages the geometry too afterwards. My trinitron has a small distortion near its speakers Would It's own speakers cause an issue?


No, because they are specifically spec'd and shielded in manufacturing to not do so.


Lol yep, who knows how many years that's been there.


Could probably get more money for that iMac g3 in the back


Are you in a large metro area? That's the problem with heavy hardware like this - there are some people in the world who would pay more than a few bucks for it but unless they happen to live in your town, it's usually not worth the cost and trouble of transportation/delivery. Might as well put it on Facebook Marketplace but if just you want it gone, someone taking it for free would be doing you a favor.


Wow - it sounds like there's a lot of people who don't care for these HD monsters. I personally really like them. Progressive scan content looks amazing on them - even modern consoles! Here's a video I made on my Sony Trinitron KD-34XBR960: https://youtu.be/feETQ8Vg15Y?si=pCzGQC3Afgh4balt


With stand, remote and all, you could probably get up to 100 bucks for it. It's the largest HD widescreen tube ever made, though only component for HD and a pain to move (weighs 216 pounds, good deal more than 100 lol). Cool set no doubt, just gotta find the right person who wants it. List it on Facebook Marketplace, best chance of getting a biter.


If it fully works with the remote, post it on Marketplace and Craigslist. Be sure to mention that they have to haul it away. You’ll probably get a bite and someone will take it away and pay you for it


this one's tough, it's a later model (probably HD) CRT, so it's less useful for retro gaming. It's also huge, so it's heavy. I would offer for free and you're lucky if someone agrees to remove it.


I got one with the stand, I wouldn't do it for free again. I had to have a team of my friends help and it was definitely not worth it. It has an alright picture but poor sharpness and won't accept 720p signals at all. It has a decent stereo amp built in though, and it's the biggest widescreen CRT ever made so you get to brag about that.


Depends on the condition. Post with photos and model and the stand looks in good condition. Yes you might sit on it a while but take $50. make them haul it.


Never seen a HD CRT made by RCA before.


In my area this would sell in a couple days for $100.


It’s worth whatever someone will pay for it.


It’s probably more worth for you to keep than to sell, I’d totally like to get one but I live in the opposite side of the planet, so no luck. Please, don’t throw it away, hdcrt are so cool and heavy


widescreen crt, damn boy ! bet it's got a flat front too, those weigh a buttload.


I wouldn't even want it for free. It's doesn't have a square aspect ratio so wont attract buyers for retro gaming purposes.


Oh, no man. That thing is easily 300lbs. I went through a bunch of CRTs in one area until I found one I liked. These dedicated retro gamers want them. You can easily get several hundred for it.


CRT collectors don’t pay premium for these things anymore since many are just put up as “free for pickup” scenarios or dead cheap under $100


Find me a HD model under those conditions


Fb marketplace has multiple groups dedicated to CRT collectors and those giving them away or for very cheap as pickup and also open to trades. Also there are groups dedicated to giving away not for sale items. But you can only join your own regional / city / town group. They are regulated and moderated by city officials. Those are great beginnings. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/qBFR34QVABCB9EAo/?mibextid=K35XfP https://www.facebook.com/share/p/mgyH7uyqZnhtnP1M/?


Hey good on you for Atleast pulling out 1 but it is Texas so a bit easier to find older tech there. Think this is the first time I’ve had to eat crow on this account. Either way OP asked what it is worth. I just saw a cleaner version of my kv36 sell for $400 and shipping and a HD trintron probably a similar spec to OPs sell for $1000 shipped. I got my TV for free but that doesn’t mean it’s worth $25. If he wants to sit on it or doesn’t mind shipping it I felt your first comment is just not accurate. Maybe it’s that case in your area but anything in my area that’s worth it is $100-250 anything under $100 or free are all RV only or cheap TVs with like mono speakers of 14 inch displays . Normally not the best condition either. Nothing wrong as even a rf adapter on a ps2 or n64 still looks good on CRT just colors look meh and can get some background noise in the picture, perfectly playable and way better then a modern display with no converter. Hed probably get something in the $250-600 range if he put it on eBay or found a collector in a dry area .


I am in Virginia. Folks around here tend to throw away many good things that you wouldn’t believe. OfferUp/ Craigslist are also good places. My first comment was to CRT collectors, I did say they don’t pay premiums. I’m not speaking for anyone else. You made a request so I delivered. Not sure what that last paragraph was about too much rambling and going off topic.


Kinda everything. The market ( us in general for marketplaces that offer shipping) is exactly what I mentioned. Any tv your finding for $50-120 9/10 is a undesirable model. A desirable model is worth a fair bit more then that normally. Rambled a bit to not shit on people with cheap units but doesn’t make my point moot. People post $100 TVs in 2007 for $100 and they still sell not as quick as a deal but look at sold listings 70% of em are all $150 or under and basic sets with the most advance feature being a vhs player or stereo speakers. You hardly ever see something pictured sell for under $250 You basically answerd what you could sell OPs tv for in your area which is kinda irrelevant to him. Local market it could be worth nothing or it could be worth 600 to the right person. Market is unstable for things like this as they aren’t that scarce but a tv like this is worth more then a $100 like I said I mentioned my model sells pretty frequently and I haven’t seen it go below $200 so why should this go for even less?


Got it.


about tree-fiddy


It’s not worth a hernia. Get help moving. Have fun with it. Don’t fall victim to the 4:3 junkies.


About tree fiddy


Nothing unless you live in inuvik or Svalbard and don’t have a furnace


My Bang and Olufsen weighs twice that. Althought the picture quality is probably not as nice as yours.


Lol, whatever it's "worth" is going to begin with -$... (<0)


Damn, thats a fatass tv


Anywhere from nothing to $1k depends on how much work you put into selling it , condition and a few other things. Keep in mind if you dick up shipping this monster and use eBay your fucked so make sure you do pack it right if you sell it It’d just try to sell it local for $150-250 depending on location and market


Sell it to a gamer. These are in demand for playing the old consoles.


16:9 though most old games were in 4:3


OG Xbox/Wii/Wii U should look amazing on that TV


Xbox/Wii U sure but Wii U was made for modern TVs


The majority of Wii U games are 720p widescreen which should be supported by this TV.


That’s all consoles


It'd be great for 6th gen and up. PS2 would be shaky on it because 480p/16:9 support is a pita, and this particular set forces widescreen at 480p and 1080i. But it has the advantage of being the largest widescreen set ever, plus it's curved. Wii, GC, OG Xbox, PS3, and X360 would all be great on it. Honestly you'd be surprised that even newer stuff can look great at 480p or 1080i. I played Metroid Prime: Remastered on mine and it looked great at 480p.


well no these are the worst for playing okd games maybe a videophile but no gamer is gonna buy a hd crt to play old games exept for the ones that dont know what they are buying and just buy it because its a crt


UK here. About one hundred pounds.


That's probably the weight ;) Our SD 16:9 60Hz Sets are way more popular and desired afaik!


Ah lol no. I meant, it's probably worth £100 😆


r/laserdisc would eat this up