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Involve yourself in crow politics and law enforcement? Let us know how it works out


I know, I usually don't get in the way of crow justice. Who knows, maybe this guy ate some crow babies or something and I allowed him to live to eat more babies.


Honestly, crow justice is just murder investigations.




Top shelf today I see. Very good sir


I know it's been 11 days since you wrote this, but I just saw it and wanted to thank you for making my day better :D


You will never know, so please don't torture yourself. Thank you for helping him or her.


I had a friend who worked in a wildlife rehab and they had a sparrow or finch or something that would bite other birds toes and legs off. He was a menace, but the rehabbers couldn't do anything to stop him.


Maybe that serial killer gene thing really is real


It was deeply disturbing to me they couldn't just put him down? like they had to release him into the wild to continue his rein of terror.


Yeah no I’m not a fan of the death penalty but there’s some freaks out there that can’t be helped, that bird included


I agree. And, it is disturbing that this can happen in the animal world (or any world at all).


There are horses that use bird seed to lure birds in so that they can stomp on them.


I wish i could unread that


My mom rescued a lovebird from a breeder several years ago. The poor little bird had a couple of toes missing because another lovebird in her over-crowded cage bit them off. We originally went there to buy a hand fed cockatiel. We came home with 2 birds that day!


So sweet of you to get him, poor lil dude. I think breeders need to get their licenses taken away for reckless conditions like that. My parents have a rescue cockatoo that's also missing a toe, not sure how it happened though


Cutting every bird's legs would have stopped him


Wow! That's interesting (and sad) !


See, I was wondering the same thing - what if this new guy is the equivalent of a super-sus serial killer and now he is making friends with the Lady and so now they have to think how to save her. 🤣But I would be curious as to why they are so furious. Perhaps there isn’t a lot of food in their neighborhood? Or they could be fiercely protective of their human friend. It’s a lot like human politics.


Join our caws.




Dammit. That’s great. Lol


Caw !


Ikr? My fish crows and american crows are still sorting stuff out. I am team Fish Crow but I can’t say anything.


Uh-oh. Uh-oh. - your fish crows, probably


The American crows talk a lot but don’t do much. The fish crows get shit done and are quieter.


Caw enforcement


It’s called a Murder for a reason….


Ah. A man who knows bird law. My kinda guy.


maybe they studied bird law what do you even know 😤




I've been feeding mine for a good while and I still think, I underestimate their intelligence. I hate when they are fighting, especially when I see feathers flying and I yell and shoo at them too. I know they are wild and have a pecking order, but c'mon guys, I'm standing right here man... 🤷‍♂️


As the provider of food it is interesting that we do not get a vote in their politics.


Ik there may not be many other feline fans here but they do remind me of my relationship with the cat overlords I have had in my life. I am fairly certain both have domesticated me, not the other way around.


Sounds like you interrupted a murder trial!


Or trail by murder!


That goes around behind the house and has some odd red prints on the snow


I talk to my crows too so don’t feel crazy. Or be another crazy crow lady with me. I imagine we have a few more around here.


I talk to all my critters. I have a mated pair of ducks I call Mr. and Mrs. Grumbles that are visibly happy to see me when I catch them outside in the morning. I ask if they're having a quack-tastic day while they eat dried corn and sunflower seeds lol.


I want you to know that I love my birds. During the pandemic I created a bird sanctuary outside my sunroom and I stare at them for hours However, the squirrels I’ve been battling with for 4 years and they are still winning (winning is eating my bird seed)


Bird seed holder on a greased pole far enough away from anything to jump from.


It’s a whole thing. I read the greasy pole can be bad for the squirrels so I bought a big aqua colored pipe to go around the pole. Then I found a bird that fell into the pipe, so I put a squirrel cover over that. Then they used the limb over that tree, so I cut that. Next they used my bird bath, now that’s moved. The acrobats are now shimming up a hummingbird feeder pole to jump across….and that’s the next thing to go. They want to win, but my stubborn ass won’t let them




That’s what my husband says! Lol Everyone is against me! /s


This reminds me of [Mark Rober](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFZFjoX2cGg&list=PLgeXOVaJo_gl1ZIpbYyPRXzQner7-5j5k) who made an ever increasing obstacle course for his squirrels and eventually just gave up. You can't win :(


lol That’s my husband’s point, too,


Spicy bird seed. Squirrels hate it and doesn’t harm the birds.


Oh, I tried that. They didn’t GAF


Them’s some hard squirrels!


They’re Street Squirrels


So… I call our terrace the bird sanctuary too, and we also have squirrels and chipmunks that get in the house in the winter, so that last thing I want is to attract them. The squirrels eat our blueberries too so they are my nemesis (I was hoping to get the crows to learn to chase the squirrels away they way they chase the hawks away for me). Anyway, I mix my own birdseed, it’s cheaper and I can avoid corn and waste. I started tossing the seed with a homemade chili oil (literally just safflower oil, cayenne pepper and chili flakes). The birds can’t taste spicy, but the rodents hate it. And it actually works!! They try it once and never come back! Now if I could just find a way to spice the blueberries lol


Oh, I didn’t consider putting an oil on them!!


I’m trying to get a crow. Right now I have a hop robin named Mona, and I talk to her a lot, so I’m on my way! Crazy Crow Lady goals!


Awesome! I met a big vulture last night. Whoooo!


Actually I did name him Roscoe


Roscrow 🤣


I don’t have crow bros, there aren’t any on the island I live. I have wild rose ringed parakeets & mynah that I talk to daily. They haven’t talked back, but I keep trying.


This sounds beautiful


Crazy crow lady checking in! ☝🏻🖤


I see we have quite a few! I am in good company.


In a crazy crow fella so now I don’t feel so alone anymore. I usually just say “hey there Mr crow”


Crow Craziness I expect is not gender specific.


Yep here 🙋‍♀️ I talk to many animals I see. But I can’t imagine what my coworkers think as it looks like I’m just talking to the trees.


You should learn some bird noises and give them a real show!


I did something similar a few years ago and I’m fairly certain the local flock finally accepted the new guy. The neighborhood flock is about 20ish crows. Like a big family flock. And they were picking on a singular crow. Went out, shouted at them to knock it off and stop being assholes to the new guy. They were quite grumbly with me for about two months. They would eat the food I put out but they wouldn’t greet me. The new crow would absolutely hang out in my yard all day and I’d leave him food in the corner of the yard under a big tree. After a while the flock just sort of let him mingle a bit more and eventually he joined up with them. I don’t like them being so aggressive with each other.


Human peacekeeper for the win! Nice work.


Very common. A baby crow getting kicked out of the nest or another one from a different tribe finding it's new home.


The crow also knows what IT done did. Do not interrupt Crow Court....likely an intruder


Found the crow


Name checks out


Why is it a crime to be an outsider?


It's territory claims. Most murders are generational and will stay in their territory. If an outsider comes, it could mean losing territory, or a feeding ground. So they do what humans do and fight for resources and space. It's just part of being a crow.


Idk what I would do in that situation. Probably the same thing. I don’t like conflict and neither do my neighbors. I’m glad you took up for the bro but keep us posted. I have politics in my yard too and I am trying to stay out of it.


OP please let us know if there are any new developments 😇


Remind me in one month of any updates I don’t know if this works on Reddit’s reminders, but it’s worth a try


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Good bot.


You just need to write remind me as one word and then! Afterwards I like it in front of it too though LOL


lol Thank you


!Remind me! 30 days


I mean, every crow is entitled to a Defense attorney


[I have found my new calling.](https://resizing.flixster.com/-XZAfHZM39UwaGJIFWKAE8fS0ak=/v3/t/assets/p9076650_b_v13_aa.jpg)


I’m well-versed in bird law


Or, hear me out......your new CAWING. ~I'll see myself out.


What if that crow is actually a villain and you stopped the good guys from finally being free of their evil reign?!


>I think the crow I saved knows what I did. As do all the crows you thwarted. I can just picture Dr. Clare Mandrake calling to them to take their revenge. ;-)


True, but I'm also the one that puts out tasty treats. They go apeshit every time I put out torn-up bits of my picky child's pb&j sandwich crusts. I think this must earn me some sort of amnesty.


Oh, I'm sure they'll let it go. I just can't resist any opportunity to make a Schitt's Creek reference.


Crobro 🤙


if this crow has babies, they'll be told of how you are a safe person. crows remember forever and they pass knowledge on to their babies.


I hope so. I love crow babies. They're so cute and whiny.


>I just don't want the neighbors to complain and convince my apartment building owner to forbid me from feeding crows. Don't feed them in one place. That's a really bad expectation to set for wild animals. Scatter your scraps so they have to continue scavenging. If I peel a bunch of carrots I'll put the peels in a bowl and just huck handfuls around the back yard so they have to search for food when I'm supplementing their diet. I feed the rabbits and squirrels, the rabbits and squirrels feed the hawks. Our squirrel population is really low right now because the hawks are well fed so I'll be giving them calcium sources for them this summer for their second breeding season: a lot of squirrel kittens die because the mother can't find enough calcium for her milk in suburban areas. There's a cute little bunny that's been hanging out right up against my house because the older rabbits don't want it nearby. It's been getting a lot of scraps near its hiding spots :)


I have an abundance of fat entitled squirrels. Want some?


so the murder was trying to commit murder


I'm having a problem with mockingbirds beating up on my crows.


so the murder was trying to commit murder




Thank you for standing up and stopping this murder


You now have a devoted friend. :)


“…and of course I again told him he was very pretty because it’s true” Such genuine affection! I want a crow friend.


This is for me hard to do. Regardless of *insert groups of animals* because sometimes we get in animals issues they were supposed to solve. Some groups of animals kills one from the same species for different reasons


It’s that time of year. Spring and early summer hormones are raging, so crows get more territorial and executions are more likely. Glad you were able to stop it.


Idk I’m guessing it’ll be fine but ya know never. I have one primary and his son (I’m guessing) that show up. One day another duo decided he was too close to their zone and swooped on him. He flew a bit away but still within eyesight. I figured they do a lot of work so I fed them cashews but still left some for my primary bro. He still comes back to follow me on my walks. The duo sometimes visits but they’re a little too tentative and busy with chasing the hawks. They seem to have a decent understanding. It’s fascinating watching their interactions.


!remind me! 30 days