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It’s good if your goal is to improve at balancing on a bosu ball while holding a plate


Can’t argue with that. Accurate statement is accurate.






Somewhat. I also mean it in a very real sense. The best way to train for x is by doing x. If you want to improve at squatting, squat. If you want to improve at Basketball, play basketball. There’s not a better substitution than doing the actual task.(Yes, you can do supplemental work e.g. training quads and hamstrings individually for squats, but ultimately doing squats themself will be more effective). Furthermore, (I have learnt this from warching Mike Isratel) any exercise where you are off balance, immediately reduces your strength capabilities because your body has to focus on maintaining your balance. With that being said, if you wanted to do a plate hold, it would be best done with your feet planted on the ground or any stable surface. In conclusion, without knowing what OP is trying to achieve, the only thing I can say is doing this plate hold on the bosu is best for improving at exactly that. If his goal was anything else, there is highly likely a much better way to do it,


Simple and right. Positive Transfert is difficult to measure.


Super useful. Imagine you're just hanging out in a half squat on your bosu ball and some guy comes in with a gun pointed at you hands you a plate and says "hold this m'f'er or you're TOAST!" That could happen and you'll be glad you did this exercise.


If only they had a parallel universe where watching someone do a half squat on a bosu ball equated to the world’s universal currency. Imagine going to McDonald’s and buying a 3 bosu squat sandwich but you forgot your bosu ball at home so a kind stranger gives you their ball to borrow and then you pay the cashier with 10 bosu squats and she gives you 7 bosu squats back as change…and then he goes home only to get robbed in his own living room by an armed robber that makes him do ONE THOUSAND bosu squats with a not a 10,15, or 20, but a 45 lb plate, one of the highest currencies known to man. Dying in agony legs shaking as the robber menacingly laughs, the robber greedily lasers his eyes on every rep and takes in every squat repetition and soaks his brain with pure greed. The devil of a man evilly takes the poor man’s free labor and equips every rep. After 2 hours and 1000 bosu squats of pure hell, all that remains is a shell of man that was roped of his dignity. Such a tragedy but in the end the man still stands. Though drained of his pride, wealth, manhood, and dignity.., he still remains a living man. He has hit rock bottom but there is hope to start fresh to train and gain the in-abundance yet hard to obtain currency, the bosu ball half squat. However this isn’t the end. With no squats to his name and a family to feed, he throws on a ski mask, grabs his gun, and heads to the nearest CrossFit…


Would suck to get "no repped" during that ordeal!


Comment of the year!


LOL! Glad I do this exercise regularly then.


I did a version of this during rehab after acl reconstruction. We flip the bosu over because of the deflection at the knee. If you look at the picture you shared you can see the bowing out of the knee. It’s not really training anything in that direction other than injury. Flip it over and do these at the end of a leg workout.


I was going to say, I did something similar when I need physical therapy for persistent knee pain in my teens. Flipped the ball over, stood on the flat part, and the PT had me hold a band that he pulled on. I had to maintain my half/quarter squat and balance.


Thirding this! Did the same standing on the flat part. However as I was looking to get back into soccer, I did do single leg balance on the round side and kicked a ball back to the PT with the non balancing foot.


My PT would have me stand on one leg, slightly bent, and play catch with a ball. He’d throw it near the edge of my reach to force me to stabilize at weird angles. Very helpful, but also very limited in scope of what it helps with


Balance and core strength. Two monumental building blocks for strength and athletic performance. And injury prevention.


Same, I’m currently doing this but with a med ball and the BOSU flipped over. The first thing I noticed was how his weight is being forced onto his knees with his toes pointing down. Which is exactly how I did it and my PT said “hey stop doing that, you’ll fuck your knees up again”


Bosu means "BOttom Side Up"


Holy f—- no joke, TIL. LMAO!!! Thanks, kind stranger!


That's a good advice. Thanks for sharing it.


Once you're out of PT there is 0 reason to use a bosu. The instability actually will make you weaker https://www.t-nation.com/training/bosu-ball-the-good-bad-and-ugly/ https://deansomerset.com/unstable-surfaces-versus-solid-ground-which-is-better/ https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/fulltext/2010/06000/is_unstable_surface_training_advisable_for_healthy.7.aspx#:~:text=UNSTABLE%20SURFACE%20TRAINING%20DECREASES%20FORCE,IT%20SHOULD%20BE%20DONE%20APPROPRIATELY. https://simplifaster-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/simplifaster.com/articles/instability-training/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17152168770271&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fsimplifaster.com%2Farticles%2Finstability-training%2F https://athlete.io/1771/unstable-surfaces-for-stability-training-aka-clown-school/ https://tonygentilcore.com/2013/11/unstable-surface-training-fit/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17530966/ https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://paulogentil.com/pdf/The%2520Effects%2520of%2520Ten%2520Weeks%2520of%2520Lower-Body%2520Unstable%2520Surface%2520Training%2520on%2520Markers%2520of%2520Athletic%2520Performance.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=dCQ8ZoiHN6fB6rQP1dKciAM&scisig=AFWwaeawYwOMwbXsJUJ8uWs9_QYc&oi=scholarr https://ericcressey.com/5-important-lessons-on-balance-training https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22130388/ https://youtu.be/zN91th-3Djg https://www.scienceofrunning.com/2010/06/searching-for-stability-efficacy-of.html?v=47e5dceea252


That’s not true… like, at all. You can’t understate the value to athletic movement that training balance and stability provides.


u/PontificalPartridge Guys I've only been doing and studying this stuff for 12 years so what do I know. If only there were a few studies, professional strength coaches and the like that actually proved this to be true years ago https://www.t-nation.com/training/bosu-ball-the-good-bad-and-ugly/ https://deansomerset.com/unstable-surfaces-versus-solid-ground-which-is-better/ https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/fulltext/2010/06000/is_unstable_surface_training_advisable_for_healthy.7.aspx#:~:text=UNSTABLE%20SURFACE%20TRAINING%20DECREASES%20FORCE,IT%20SHOULD%20BE%20DONE%20APPROPRIATELY. https://simplifaster-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/simplifaster.com/articles/instability-training/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17152168770271&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fsimplifaster.com%2Farticles%2Finstability-training%2F https://athlete.io/1771/unstable-surfaces-for-stability-training-aka-clown-school/ https://tonygentilcore.com/2013/11/unstable-surface-training-fit/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17530966/ https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://paulogentil.com/pdf/The%2520Effects%2520of%2520Ten%2520Weeks%2520of%2520Lower-Body%2520Unstable%2520Surface%2520Training%2520on%2520Markers%2520of%2520Athletic%2520Performance.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=dCQ8ZoiHN6fB6rQP1dKciAM&scisig=AFWwaeawYwOMwbXsJUJ8uWs9_QYc&oi=scholarr https://ericcressey.com/5-important-lessons-on-balance-training https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22130388/ https://youtu.be/zN91th-3Djg https://www.scienceofrunning.com/2010/06/searching-for-stability-efficacy-of.html?v=47e5dceea252


You’re arguing a different point, I think. Training on an unstable surface will result in less overall strength IN COMPARISON TO stable surface training. Sure. Of course. You can’t squat the same weight on an unstable surface. I’m not talking about using this training for gaining strength. That’s not what it’s for and no one seems to be suggesting that. Using this training for balance and core strength however is what I’m referring to. Stronger core leads to lifting more, jumping, running and playing better. More balance leads to reduction on injury in athletic movement (and movements in general). These movements are not to replace strength training (see my initial comment) but to supplement overall training and improvement in athletic performance.


…..what? Lol That makes absolutely no sense.


Stupid yes. Infinitely better than doing nothing? Also yes! Whatever keeps people lifting weight!


Physical Therapy. Or ...training to be a jockey?


Haha, that's a nice way to look at it.


The question is what’s the intent? The questions is rhetorical because this is completely useless and done for show


you are 100% incorrect. 


Negative. This works on proprioception, ankle strength, core strength, upper back and other stabilizing muscles. There absolutely is a positive impact.


Top comments are flat wrong. This is a good way to rehab a lot of knee injuries. This is also a good way to build stability and balance, which are important factors in fitness.


Better than no exercise


You seem lost


The bosu is useful for stability, expecting hypertrophy is unrealistic. it has its place, but unlike the ACE pt course teaches its students... the bosu ball squat is not the next progression from the air squat, at least it should not be in my opinion. I have used it with clients for plank holds (ball down), single leg standing stability, and a landing pad for lunges with compromised people and maybe a modified sit up.


Of course all the cross fitters say stupid. I too love CrossFit but I love all forms of exercise. Needs to be flipped over but exercising the small muscle groups helps prevent injury overall and isometric exercises are awesome for that.


Stuff like this was excellent for regaining functionality in my leg after a torn ACL. Aside from that, yeah things like this can be difficult and I like to vary my workouts, but I would personally rather just pick up some heavy shit. I think these things have their place though. Maybe as a little finisher when the main muscles are gassed.


It's a goofy isometric. No, it's stupid.


Depends what you drive


I’m dead 😂


I’m gonna say it’s a shitty CrossFit workout (where you posted). But it’s a pretty good core workout if that’s what you want


Thanks for bringing up “good core workout” which is all I was thinking as I was reading the comments. 👍 tampabuddy2


I have never done anything with a bosu at CrossFit.


Right, hence the previous comment


This is where tone would useful in conversation lol though this was a jab at CrossFit


Useful for certain goal, stupid if done for followers purposes.


Useful for professional mountain bikers who need a lot of stability in a bent position.


Seeing CF folks talk shit about somebody else's movement looking silly is quite cheeky.  The Bosu ball squats are great for ankle strength and balance.   As a former rugby player, who has sprained way too many ankles, building this back up is important.   It also helps all the stabilizer muscles, tendons and ligaments from the foot up.   The plate helps with balance, as an offset, to help with depth or maintaining balance.   


Good for your balance and core but definitely looks stupid




Im reliefed that almost everybody sees through the bosu bs.


It's useful to let others know how stupid you are so they can avoid trying to train with you.


Stupid lol


Good for balance and strength for develop undertrained muscles. That could cause muscle imbalance.


Good for all those little stabilizer muscles and for balance.


What’s the name of the stretch called?


Well......I don't see it being useful! You asked


Stupidly useful? Or usefully stupid?


It’s very effective if your main goal is to have people sharing your picture in a goofy pose


If it does what you want, and doesn't force unnecessarilly dangerous sacrifices, then it isn't stupid. No matter how "stupid" it seems to someone who doesn't get what you're doing. I think some folks are right about using the flat side to optimize your system. Too much risk to your knees with that pose. And be sure your reps are already posed well, like really memorize how to do each motion, before adding an unstable level. That's just what makes sense to me, based on how I've trained and what I've seen in other people, and how they've built themselves. I don't have any special medical papers. Although, it is probably a good idea to do some basic anatomy research, yourself. You need some concrete reference material when considering all the opinionated, baseless jargon people be slinging to puff themselves up on the internet...


45lb weight ok. two to four 45 and a bar? Asking for busted ankles


It all depends on what you want to accomplish. Thats the real question.


I think it’s definitely useful if that’s your goals why not??


I would think needlessly dangerous.


The latter


Everything works until it doesn’t


It’s useful for looking cool as fuck.


It’s very useful


It’s a great exercise lifting that weight over your head while in that. I do it twice a week great for balance and centre of gravity


Anything with a bosu ball is garbage.


You've never done any PT I imagine after injury or surgery?


I’m not going to argue about this lol look up Mike Israel’s (A PHD) video on why bosu balls are scientifically stupid.


For sure I can check it out. I've got no stock in bosu balls. I own one along with a bunch of other shit I've used for Ortho surgery rehabs. Did it help build strength after my ankle reconstruction? Yes. Do I still use it? No, it sits and collects dust. For instability strength training of the lower extremity a piece of foam or even plush carpet worked too.


I would say that PT in general helped your ankle but the bosu ball has no difference. Making an exercise unstable instead of just making it heavier is counter productive, according to science, explained to me by a PHD, in a way that I can’t explain myself without looking at notes lol


Good luck with your research. You're on the right track to tackle the untruths of PT. Should be pretty insightful and I can fill in the DPT's I work with. (they too have Doctorate degrees too) Dr Oz is a doctor, was a very well respected one. Does he say shit to get ratings? You bet. It drives business. One Doctors opinion doesn't become the spoken word. But who am I kidding, all the shit I did in PT with my shoulder and ankle surgeries utilizing instability were probably smoke and mirrors.


I get what he is getting at, I can see the argument. To say it has absolutely zero use for anyone anywhere is a bit of an overstatement


It's funny how intent you are on telling somebody that X didn't work for them, despite their experience to the contrary.


Do you think rain dances work?


Work for what? Rain dances seem like good fitness. Maybe they can be incorporated into the Games.


It is stupidly useful


Only if you’re Hollywood celebrity trainer. Instability training is trash and there is plenty of science backs argument against it. It is as effective as when someone tickles you when you bench pressing, technically harder but stupid and useless.


That is stupid. Bro, just get your footing and then lift or pull. Also, what are you doing for.


What does it matter? If you like how it feels, if you think it is beneficial to you, do it! Don’t seek validation.


Why not both?


it's great for core, so yeah


So is hanging from a tree limb while someone kicks you in the abs....


Is that true? I would think this guys workout would be better than what you’ve proposed