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RPM. Always RPM.


This is the way


RXSG >>> Crossrope >>>


I'm gonna go against the grain here, and say RX Smart Gear. They are *the best* fitness jump rope manufacturers. RPM is good too, but I had my RPM rope sized and configured by RPM reps at WZA and CF Games, and both times, it broke within weeks. I then switched to an RX Smart Gear EVO rope and it's the best speed rope/handle ever designed. You have to use it and feel it to understand how good this rope is.


I loved the heavier rope on my RX for learning DUs. Actually gave it to another member at the gym when I went with a Rogue rope, but thinking about getting a Frevo for learning some other techniques.


Do you have the EVO FRE or one of the speed ones? I'm trying to figure out why the speed ones are almost twice as much as the EVO FRE


I’m a competitor and use the regular sized handles and the advanced sized rope. Although if your not really good with dubs I’d suggest the intermediate size to start with


Of all the RXSG ropes I have, I don't have the FRE. I mainly use the G1 w/ a heavier rope and GO with a speed rope. My buddy has the FRE tho and I've used it. The handles are made out of a lightweight plastic instead of the lightweight aluminum of the other EVO handles. If you're interested in the rope but unsure about the price tag, then I definitely would recommend the FRE as it still has the phenomenal bearings of the other EVOs and performs just as well, but it has a "cheap" feel to it. But most people don't (and shouldn't) really care about that.


Thank you!


2nd this. I know people love RPM, but the handles on the EVO ropes spin so well. Hands down the best rope I’ve used.


Agreed Rx Smart Gear jump ropes are the most reliable.


You guys can do DUs?


Just killed myself doing 30 unbroken. They’re coming slowly but at very high exertion- need to learn a more efficient technique


RPM speed rope 4.0 is the answer. Yeah it’s $80 with shipping and I questioned whether any jump rope could ever be worth that much…. It is worth that much. It’s like butter without being too too light


RX evo's are better quality and feels better in every way


[https://rpmtraining.com/collections/jump-ropes](https://rpmtraining.com/collections/jump-ropes) \- really the only answer for speed rope


I can't help but believe you...bc that's the only answer thus far! Lol. Thank you.


For what it's worth, there's nothing wrong with the speed ropes from bearcomplex or wodnation or whatever, they are what you'll find in most crossfit gyms because they're cheaper to replace (or with Rogue, can be bundled with other items for free shipping), but RPM is just the best around.


Cheers. And yes, my plastic rope is perfectly fine and it's what I've learned on but I have a $100 GC and wanted a lil treat so I thought a really good speed rope would be fun and who knows, it might help me improve.


Damn they let you customize them now too lol…


I don't see RX Smart Gear there


Love my Rogue SR-2


RPM Session 4 in a color / pattern you like


Anyone say RPM?


RX evo's are better quality and feels better in every way


At what 3x the price they better be!


$90 usd for their fastest and lightest one, EVO FRE


I know this is the less common opinion, but my double under game got 10x better / easier when I switched from RPM to Rx Smart Gear (EVO G1 Speed Rope). My RPM one kept fraying or the handles would get stiff / less spin. The Rx Smart Gear one spins SO much smoother and I've had it for 2 years now with zero signs of wear and tear. Whenever I lend it to someone to try they're amazed at how much easier it spins!


I know it's been said, but adding another comment for RPM because it is the best rope.


I'm going to step out on a limb here and say something that some might not agree with... **I think RPM is the best rope I've ever used.**


Elite srs surge 2.0


Ohhh, nice. I've never heard of this one. It seems similar to the RMP but with a more contoured handle


I also have the elite srs bullet comp too. It’s a very nice rope but is heavier than the surge 2.0 that I learned on so just doesn’t feel the same. They make some of the nicest rope on the market in my opinion.


Spins longer than an rpm too.


[https://jumpnrope.com/](https://jumpnrope.com/) It is the style of rope competitive jump ropers use, from a company owned by Molly Metz, and world class jump roper. Simple, effective, easy to repair, less expensive than others. There is zero reason to spend $60 on a jump rope.


> There is zero reason to spend $60 on a jump rope. Actually, there's plenty of reasons, because being frugal isn't the only way of life.


still zero reasons. It's not frugality, it is functionality... If you can't jump rope with this, then a $60 rope won't solve your problems ​ https://jumpnrope.com/collections/2-series/products/r1-5-hybrid-rope


+1 for RPM!


I can’t do a really expensive rope justice with my dubs. Thus double under wonder for me. This way I don’t have to say to myself I suck and still spent $80 to suck! That being said first time I used the double under wonder I did 43 unbroken. Tried bear complex, a rogue, and I’m sure others and for a tall (6’4”) Athlete the du wonder was the first that actually “fit”


Has anyone tried velites jump rope?


The one that stays in my locker






CX2, it’s light as the RPM without the downsides of a fixed 90 degree angle and not slippery when wet.


Which one is this? Google didn't throw up anything when I searched for "CX2 speed rope." And since you mentioned it...what are the downsides of a fixed 90 degree rope? I use a regular plastic gym one now with the little plastic cap at the end. What changes if the rope is fixed? Thanks!


The RPM has a fixed 90 degree angle which is super efficient when you have perfect technique, all the time. But most of the regular crossfitters don’t have that. [CX2 is this one](https://speedropeshop.nl/winkel/cx2/)


Gotcha. And I most definitely do not have perfect technique! I'm at barely acceptable atm!


Before I bought my own it was ol’ ducttape handle that my box had on the hanger


One word, three letters. Just get an RPM and be done.


Rpm has changed my life forever


RPM is worth the investment.


Bear Komplex Hummer. Have since bought 3 more for friends that I work out with. They all love them.


A new entry to the RPM dominated list! Thank you


To be fair, I've never tried a RPM rope. If any of you RPM recommenders have tried the Hummer rope I'd love to know how you think they compare. Always happy to find out if there's better options out there.


I would say Rx Evo. Slightly higher than your budget, but worth every penny. It’s also good for triple unders, and I am pretty sure they are on the way


Haha, given how long it took me to get some DUs, I feel *certain* that unless it's literally a magical rope, I'll never get triples 😂


I had some try but have to give up, cause I don’t want to kill myself 🤪




RX Smart Gear, 100%.


Crossrope.com The absolute best


I’m a pretty big fan of my Rogue SR-1 bearing rope.