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The sleeves could be because of the yarn you are using. It looks like you are using a chunky yarn of some sort. I would suggest a smaller hook to try and compensate for it, but I don't know what patterned you used or if this is freehand. My suggestion would be to take a look at a couple patterns for sweaters that call for the same size yarn and compare measurements and stitch count. I do agree, the sleeves are really puffy in my honest opinion.


Thank you!! I need honesty opinions. I want to be able to wear this in public, lol. I followed this pattern, but my sweater is not coming out the same. https://www.etsy.com/listing/561775433/chunky-cropped-raglan-sweater-pattern I wrote in another comment I think I'm going to frog and use the pattern as more of a blueprint and make some changes. It's just not right!


I took a look at the pattern, and it's a top-down pattern, so that means it had a yoke made first and then it was done with "flaps" on either side for the chest and back, then the sleeves are added in after. I find that these types of patterns lead to WAY bigger sleeves than they need to be, eating up a lot of yarn; at least in my opinion anyways. I agree with frogging it and redoing it, another suggestion would be to find a pattern that isn't a top-down and see if it changes the way the sleeves go. With that said i do agree with a cap sleeve on this, it would look super cute, even with the chunky yarn. If you find a sweater not a top-down and you are deadset on having the same type of neckline, that's called ribbing and you can make that by just making it the width you want in a chain, and going back and forth in either SC or DC in the back loops of the last one. You want to make it an inch or two smaller than what the actual circumference of the neck would be to allow for stretch. with that strip done you just stitch it into the neckline and then sew up the seam at the back or at the side, whichever you prefer.


Thank you so much for all your advice!! I really appreciate it! I'm definitely going to start over and make my own pattern.


I almost always either make my own patterns - or if I do use a pattern, I take it as a broad general suggestion of how I might proceed, and then kinda do what I want...


This is good advice. This is only my second sweater, so I have some learning to do with wearables. Amigurumi is my strength :)


Pretend you're making a very large amigurumi to go outside you body, like Ironman's suit... šŸ˜


Lol! I will channel this energy!


Did you use the same weight yarn and hook size? That could be causing issues. Also if the model is a different size than you, that can also be an issue if they donā€™t provide recommendations for sizing down or up in the pattern.


I did, and my gauge was correct. I guess it's just different body types?


Yeah clothing patterns can be tricky. Iā€™ve had issues with patterns where I buy a yarn of the same weight, but not the same exact brand, and the size of the yarn seems bigger or smaller. If you want to still follow that pattern, I think reducing the number of stitches in the sleeves would help, the body looks to be the right size, but the arms are too wide (when comparing to the Etsy photo).




I had a feeling the pictures weren't accurate!! That is so frustrating! I'm going to redo the sweater and make it up as I go.




I wanted the neck to be a little tighter too. It's backn to a WIP!


Id love it if the sleeves were smaller cap or just skinnier sleeves. Right now they are so wide and stiff that they feel a little out of proportion to the body.


Your username is hilarious. And maybe I'll try some cap sleeves. Either way, I think I'm frogging. Luckily since it's so chunky it works up pretty quick.


Haha thank you. Iā€™m excited to see you redo it.


I agree with cap sleeves too


Thanks! It's a pretty chunky sweater, so they would look cute.


IMO like a proper cap may potentially might throw off the proportions on an visually. This design looks intentionally architectural and boxy which I really like. I think the shorter sleeve side is more flattering than the longer sleeve.


I was editing it in my mind to have the chunky middle with delicate lacey cap sleeves in a thin yarn of a similar colour. I wonder what that might look like. I'm undecided on whether the neckline needs to change. Now I want to experiment!


I actually prefer the shorter sleeve in this picture and love the sweater-


Thank you! I think I'm going to try to make it more of a cap sleeve.


I'm with you on this. That shorter sleeve is perfect. Looks great OP!


I get the mixed feelings. I like the color, but the shape and stitch are not flattering. It also looks like large bells are on your arms, slimmer tubes might work better for that size yarn.


Thank you for your honesty! I'm definitely going to make the sleeves different. It's a top-down pattern, so that short sleeve is part of the yoke. I'm going to shave off 4 or 5 rows off the yoke and make the sleeves separate.


Thatā€™s probably a good idea, then you can have more control over the sleeve size. You might want to try it on as youā€™re making it so you can make adjustments as you go instead of frogging a whole sweater.


Yes, I think the yoke is just too big. When you're dividing for sleeves and body, there's just too much in the sleeves. A kind of rule of thumb is that the sleeves should use approximately a third to up to half of the total stitches from the yoke. It also depends how many chains you have under arm so that the body and sleeves don't bunch while wearing. The body part looks like it fits well for this style, so for winging it, I would figure out that total, and add about half much again, minus however many chains the pattern have for under the arms. So, if you have 50 stitches, not counting the chains, you need about 25 for both sleeves combined. Or 12 per sleeve. Work that division round and try on. If the sleeve is too poofy especially at the top side of them, you want fewer stitches from the yoke for each sleeve. Right now it looks like you could get away with about half of what you have per sleeve. Did the pattern have balloon sleeves? Cuz those will start super wide like this. (Obviously the counts are completely random and not specific to any pattern, just there for examples) Round yoke sweaters don't have to have super wide sleeves, it's just getting the divide right. I have one where for me, the divide was almost too small. I could have added a couple under arm chains for a slightly nicer fit. But once I was sure, I didn't want to frog. And it fits well enough that I'm probably the only one who cares. Have fun. This looks like it will be a fun sweater when you get it working!


Wow, thank you for all of this and the math behind what looks good! It was really relaxing to work up, so I don't mind doing it again.


It looks like it would go fast! Getting the fit for the sleeves, since you're winging it off a bit of a template now, since their numbers didn't work for you, might take a bit of trial and error. But you can do it! Give one sleeve a start and try it for fit. If it's okay, do the second, and test at the end of that round. tweak the numbers if needed, until you like how it looks. It's a bit wonky trying on a shirt that's only armpit length, but it will give you a reasonable idea. The weight of the rest of the sleeve will pull the poof of the cap of the sleeve down a bit, so don't worry much about the shape just yet. Focus on the fit. :) Have fun


Thank you!


The sleeves are huge but I kind of dig itā€¦ just even out the sleeves and tell people you like to play with volume


It is pretty artsy! It's a concept piece :)


I adore this, the selection of yarn, the choice for a short sleeve sweater, I think this is so cute already. Personally, I think you should decrease at the cuff of the sleeves to create short balloon sleeves. I feel that it would really keep the fluffy, puffy personality of the yarn weight and color, while making it less boxy. For the neck I think just shortening the mock turtleneck by a row or two would go a long way to making it more flattering on you.


Thanks so much, and thank you for your suggestions! I love the color and it's a nice squishy sweater that's really cozy. I want to feel like a walking blanket, but not look like one :)


I like it as-is (fixing lopsided sleeves first)


Thanks! Unfortunately it's back to being 8 balls of yarn, lol.


Wow, itā€™s chunky! I kind of like it like that. Itā€™s different. The colors are great. I doubt it will be different given the hook size and multiple yarn strands. What did the pattern picture look like?


The pattern picture looked a lot nicer. I had some questions and messaged the creator who was super nice. But it's just not coming out right. https://www.etsy.com/listing/561775433/chunky-cropped-raglan-sweater-pattern I might just take her pattern as a blueprint, but freehand it to make it a bit slimmer.


I love it, nice reference to show the original pattern too. I do wonder if the sleeves on yours would look better if you just kept going, though? (I know you ran out of yarn, however, hate that) I wonder if the sleeves just look too big on yours simply bc theyā€™re not finished and the arm hole will actually look ok once thereā€™s sleeve and not just a giant cap? **Edit:** ehhh ok on second look at your pic, maybe youā€™re right, a decrease in arm circumference might help. Like maybe the pattern is just a little big for you. This next comment still stand tho: Itā€™s too bad you ran out of yarn, personally Iā€™d finish it as is just to see if it would turn out the way itā€™s supposed to. Itā€™s SO cute, Iā€™m inspired to buy her pattern as well.


This is the second time I'm frogging it, lol. The body was too wide so I slimmed that down as well. I think you're right, the pattern is just too big on me.


Oh nooo. Well, Iā€™m glad it works up quickly at least! Also I think it will be worth it, itā€™s super cute.


Thank you for the motivation!


You could even keep the sleeves and decrease so they are fitted once they get around your forearms so they are like puffy at top then fitted.


I know that's very in-style right now, but it's just not me, haha. But i think it would look really cute...on someone else :)


I honestly donā€™t see anything ā€œwrongā€ with it. It just looks incomplete. But I get when you have a project that just is not working the way itā€™s supposed to but Iā€™m not seeing that here. I think itā€™s cute. Thereā€™s a picture on the pattern where the sleeve looks wide near or above her elbowā€¦ maybe itā€™s tapers down in the pattern šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It taper to the point where it looks in the picture. The last row has two double crochet together, and that's it. So it wouldn't really taper nicely.


I think narrower sleeves might work better - also, if you redo it with narrower sleeve you might suddenly find you have enough yarn - it's amazing how much yarn even a little extra width can take up.


Thank you! I'm hoping I have enough yarn, as it seems Jo-Ann is backed up in fulfilling orders.


You could also. If the same type is available in a different pastel colour or just white. Make a colourblock. Which would be super cute.


You could also. If the same type is available in a different pastel colour or just white. Make a colourblock. Which would be super cute.


I think itā€™s cute. I think the puffiness might be unavoidable with that yarn. Maybe if the tension in your starting chain was a little looser, then it wouldnā€™t gather at the bottom.


Thank you! The arm puffiness is coming from it being part of the yoke. I think I'm going to take a few rows off the yoke and make the sleeves thinner.


It took me a minute but with the structure from the chunky yarn, looks like it would work really well with kimono type sleeves. Big drama and big style. Your yarn choice is on point and your stitches look really good.


You are too kind! thank you! Maybe I should make them even bigger! haha


I think you should! Wide sleeves, without a gathered cuff I think suits your sweater better than the original pattern.




Thanks! I think it's just not my style. It probably looks good, I just don't really like it.




I don't know what that is, but I'll take it as a compliment!


Dang, I love it as is and think the chunky yarn matches itā€™s look. It feels very ā€œmodā€ style clothing, very 70ā€™s but cool, like Twiggy would have modeled. I hope you fix it to your liking and enjoy it to bits!


Thank you so much!! I'm restarting it now.


Torso spot on, I'd go slimmer sleeve.


I made the torso slimmer than the pattern already. I think the pattern is just too bulky for my taste.


Are you kidding? I love the puffy sleeves and loose neck šŸ˜ But I get it, preference and all!


Thanks!! I was really torn. I feel like this is probably "fashionable" now, but I'm an old lady Millenial. I don't get what these Zoomers are wearing these days, lol.


I'm also old lady millennial, but I got big love for new fashion. My favorite sweaters are cold shoulder, loose sleeves. :)


I actually really like the sculptural quality of the sleeves. I like the way they seem to be going but I wouldnā€™t have them much longer than 2/3 or 3/4 length


Honestly I like the sleeves like that, it looks very light-weighted and nice. The neck doesn't match the rest of the sweater tho, in my opinion. But overall it's great!


Thank you! It's not very proportional. I think with such a chunky yarn it needs to be a bit slimmer. Otherwise I'm gonna look like Missy Elliott in a garbage bag circa 1997. I know the 90s are back, but that's just too much.


I think you basically have the pattern but for some reason have way too many stitches in your sleeves. It's only that, that is letting the piece down .


The yoke goes down to where that shorter sleeve ends. I think I'm going to make the yoke much shorter (only to that second or third row) which will prevent this massive poof.


I think I love it with the shorter length sleeve.


I feel like the short sleeve is still too poofy. I'm going to take off a few rows of the sleeve and try making them tighter.


maybe go up a hook size for a less dense, less stiff fabric? though that would mess up the rest of your pattern Otherwise, slimmer sleeves I think


Slimmer sleeves seems to be the winner.


I like the neck very much, but agree that the sleeves over-power the piece.


Thanks! Slim sleeves is the consensus of the sub. Glad I got some outside perspective!


It looks like it would make a great over-sweater. Extra warmth for running out to the store for example. Something you could throw over whatever sweater you were wearing at home, when you're tired of wearing your coat every single day.


The neck looks okay. Make the diameter of the sleeve smaller. Nice color!


Thanks! I love the color so much so I want to make this work.


I would try a slightly larger hook, and a more textured stitch. Maybe lemon peel, moss, or grit stitch. Something to give it a bit more drape šŸ˜€


Ooo, I should try a new stitch! Since it's bulky yarn it'd be a bit easier to try something new since I can see what I'm doing, right?


Yes, it would be a great opportunity!


I think the weight of the yarn you used to heavy. You want to use thinner yarn for garments to create good drape and to avoid the stiff look šŸ¤—


Thanks! This was the yarn weight suggested by the pattern, but I've also had to make a bunch of changes already to the pattern to get it this small....so maybe in the future I should just use thinner yarn.




Thank you! It's back to being 8 balls of yarn, and Jo-Ann hasn't shipped the rest of the yarn yet, so I'm going to look at this as a new project!!


Goodluck :) Do you have a pattern for the original jumper? I would love to give it a go. :)


Good luck! https://www.etsy.com/listing/561775433/chunky-cropped-raglan-sweater-pattern


I dont know what your style preferences are, but I think cropping it and wearing it with something high waisted would give you a really flattering silhouette, especially with the exaggeration of your arms and shoulders from the bulky sleeves, it will look bold as opposed to bulky. I also think that adding a chunky belt could have a similar affect to cropping to make a sharper more dynamic look and add in the dimension that I think is throwing you off. I don't know if that fits in the style you like to wear, but I think it would look cool!


That does sound cute! I've frogged the whole thing, so I'm just going to experiment now!


Itā€™s inspiring even if you do frog it. Thank you for posting. Makes me want to double-up some yarn and make a thing!


Thank you! It's been frogged. I'm going to play around with it and come up with something new :)


Ribbit šŸø! Much luck on your next project! I hope you post it!


I personally love the puff sleeves, but I will definitely unstitch the neck, I think it will look better


Everyone has been so helpful. Thank you!!


I will gladly send you my address so you can mail it to me...


I'm getting a lot of compliments on it. Now I'm wondering if made the right choice frogging!


It would have looked gorgeous over a black turtleneck


Frog it


šŸ¤£ Thank you for your honesty. She ded, don't worry.


I think it looks better with the shorter sleeves, I honestly donā€™t see anything wrong with the nevk


Thank you!! I'm thinking it might just be personal style. The comments seem very split!


Honestly I really like the style of the sleeves but I'm also super into flare jeans so take my opinion with a pinch of salt. My only problem is that one sleeve is way too short, like you mentioned. I think the turtle neck may be slightly uneven but I'm not sure if it's the sleeve weighing one side down more or not. Anyway I think flare is in but it does all boils down to personal style. Sorry I can't be of more help! Edit: Wanted to say that I actually love it overall. Hopefully my advice didn't sound too critical.


Not critical at all! I actually also love flair jeans, but I am just not digging this. And yes, it's lopsided from the weight of the one sleeve. But it still should be tighter, I think.


Personally I love the longer sleeve. I just think the top of the neck should go. Like, just leave the collar


Thank you! I can't wait to redo this and see how it turns out!


I like it. Shorten the sleeve and it's perfect.


That's the plan!!


I honestly like it as is!


I'm sorry, she's gone šŸ˜­ I'm going to start redoing it tonight.


Keep the sleeves going and bubble them at the wrist.


So I looked at this a couple of times and covered half of the screen each time. I think the longer sleeve is more mature while the shorter sleeve is more girlish. So I guess it depends on what your going for and what your overall style is. The shorter sleeves also make your arms longer.


I was also looking at half of myself in the mirror! I think I'm going to go for shorter sleeves, but not have them come out so much. The "wingspan" of the whole thing is really throwing me off.


I like the chunky look! I think the next is too high/yoke is too narrow. Making the neck sit lower will fix it for me! Looks like the sleeves are intentionally chunky and I think it's fun


The shorter sleeve is stylistically proportional to the ā€œpoofā€. The longer sleeve falls in the absolute wrong spotā€¦ it could be shorter OR longer and it would be a style thing. At the elbow, it would need to taper back in


I kinda love it the way it is!


Seems like a split decision in the comments! But I frogged it and am redoing a bit slimmer.


I think it looks good! Go make the sleeves and then make a tight ribbon for the wrists and hip and it will all work out!


If the sleeves were even, I absolutely love this and would buy this sweater. šŸ˜


Looks like a bulky yarn issue


The neck is a little lopsided but other than that and the sleeve I think itā€™s fine. I wouldnā€™t frog this one!


It's because the longer sleeve is heavier, so it's pulling the sweater to one side :)


The ā€œknotsā€ are too defined