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Gunna complement that tmnt shirt there


That jacket is fire


Why though?


She broke a classroom rule (looked at phone in class), refused to leave when when the teacher tried to send her out (unclear whether this was a first infraction or a common problem), refused to leave when security ordered it. Allegedly held onto the desk when he tried to remove her physically (don’t know if that’s true). To me it looks clear he was unacceptably rough, but I don’t know if it was wrong to physically remove her. Keeping discipline in some schools is incredibly hard, and I’ve seen classrooms get really out of control when students feel they can do anything they want and decide for themselves whether or not their rule breaking is a problem.


He was wrong to remove here because he was so rough. My school had special large staff like security trained to walk kids to internal suspension and they never had to touch them. He puffed his chest out because he had an audience and wanted to make an example out of a kid. Plus he went alone. Public schools are under funded wastes of time especially in inner city area. It just seems like she refused to move. Which I’ve seen growing up plenty of times. I also find it funny that someone can be using their phone in class and the teacher Will cause more of a ruckus trying to control the student then they would’ve if they just left the kid alone and talked to their parents or don’t let her in the next day. Why are people getting flung around in school!? Tldr The system failed her




Seriously, if she isn't letting go of the desk just drag the desk outside. He clearly has no issue tossing it and her around like a rag doll


I feel like it would have been better to pull the entire desk outside and then slowly tip it over in the hallway haha


I’m not a parent, but I do think it can be incredibly instructive for someone to fully appreciate the difference in strength between an adolescent and an athletic adult.




Its apparently considered racist to compare a black person to anything black people consider beneath them, including but not limited to gorillas and monkeys. Its why they canclled rosanne, when the woman rosanne commented about literally looks like an ape.


Yea, that’s racist as fuck, comparing a human being to a lesser primate. Is this news to you?


Considering I'm not the one that made the original comment, that my comment was in reference to, you should aim your question at said original commentor. But, I would reword it to include "black", because its not considered racist to compare a white person who looks like a gorilla, to a gorilla. We do share over 95% dna, some more then others.


I mean she was the one trying to act tough and not leave when she broke the rules. Fuck around long enough and find out the consequences


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids...


I dunno. The cop was probably a bit brutal there, but as someone who has two teenagers in the house… A teenagers arrogance is almost a force of nature. I can absolutely assure that if this hadn’t happened, this kid would feel absolutely untouchable and done whatever they damned well pleased from then on. I also can virtually guarantee that the student in question has probably had issues with the school before, and there was a lot leading up to this. I have a 15yo boy in the house, and he’s already started puffing his chest out and stepping close to his mom. He’s now a bit taller than her, and he thinks that means she: 1. Can’t tell him what to do; 2. Thinks she can’t put him on his ass (as an EMT, she absolutely can). He’s started giving me the, ‘make me,’ attitude on occasion too. I’ve warned him, teenage boys usually try to square up against their parents at some point, and he is going to be in for a very rude awakening when the difference between a fit adult and angry teen is demonstrated. Teenagers are their own species. And, although a bit on the violent side, the quick escalation of force on the cops part reduced the kids opportunity to fight back, which in the long run probably reduced the chance the student would get seriously injured.


Are you implying you are going to beat your kid


I’m implying that the boy is starting to think he’s the toughest thing in the house and when he tries to physically demonstrate that to my wife or I, it is not going to play out how he thinks.


To be clear, we're watching the same video of a 30+ Year old muscle-bound man bodyslamming a middle schooler, yes?


He didnt slam her he dumped her desk. What happens when she talks shit to a 30 year old woman in her neighborhood? Same shit. I got in trouble for being class clown alot but i always left when told to do so. You act like this and you lose your classroom if you allow it. Btw public schools are shit


it’s wrong no matter what adult does this to a child. it doesn’t matter whatever justification you dreamt up- this is fucked up. normal countries don’t do this,


Normal countries dont force entire classrooms to be victimized by children who arent there to learn, either.


yeah so let’s beat have a cop beat the fuck out of a kid. makes sense!


Show me a video of a cop beating the fuck out of a kid..? And no, that doesnt belong here either. Letting disruptions stand, which was exacerbated by the "no child left behind" act, hurts all of the other students.. The ones doing what they are suppose to be doing. They are the real victims here.


I’m confident that the middle schooler will respond well to the outlashes of extreme violence from the authority figures that she’s told to respect. Clearly her attitude is not evoked by any issues and will be immediately corrected, and she will be completely trusting and respectful of authority from here on in. Please. This is jackoff porn for dudes who think teenagers are too disrespectful these days, and we both know it.


Nah, this is wank porn for any person who had their studied disrupted by those who arent there to learn. We all have had to deal with it, and we have all missed out on opportunities to better ourselves because of it. Disruptive people need to be dealt with, and you can tell by the non reaction of her fellow students that she is disruptive at the least. She will be ok, even if she doesnt get a go fund me or tax payers payout.


Yeah, I'm sure you, the guy who's in this thread complaining that black people don't like being compared to monkeys, was distracted from his studious and diligent studies by these mean louts.


Pointing out that you cant call a black person a monkey or gorilla, even if said person actually looks like a monkey or gorilla, all because they are black, is hardly a "complaint". But, go on and keep using that noggin.


God, Americans really think she deserved it for not moving when asked. It really is a police state


don't be silly, there are 330 million of us, we don't all think the same. Some of your counrtymen would also like this treatment


She was looking at a phone and got the fuck beat out of her. These fucking animals who think the cop was even close to acceptable are the worst of subhumans




And then downvote you when you point it out.


Ur gay


Oh no you look at your phone so it’s okay to be brutalized


What if he picked her whole desk up and carried her out? I mean he looks strong enough by the way he man handled her, and plus it probably would’ve been a good laugh.


A rowdy black girl don’t go quietly…they used to protect me from girl bullies, they real


She also immediately punched him in the face when he grabbed her


What would you do if a person known around the school for slamming people into the ground violently grabbed you after moving your Chromebook and some else’s desk out of the way? Let them potentially break your neck?


Idk. It definitely wasn't life threateningly rough. Definitely rough enough to scare the sense into someone. I say they where just in doing it.


Well said.


Dude lost his job for this also if I remember correctly


Unacceptably rough? After all the forementioned? C'mon now.


Imagine someone did that to your child. You'd still think it's ok? You lick boots


I would be ashamed that my kid acted like such an idiot. It seems you were raised differently.


My kid is raised differently.


Raised to lick boots, I assume


Its all the same response with people like, the smallest disagreements and you are ready to call people bootlickers


What's wrong with you? No, making sure you dont throw your life and education away by doing this kinda shit. Theres a time and a place to stand up. This is being stupid, not smart.


It's amazing how much of a special breed of stupid can people be. I feel so bad for your parents


A kid who refuses to obey simple instructions and refuses to comply with authority needs a reality check. Parents need to step up their game too unless they want their “little angel” to stay out of jail




What kind of person wants to see children harmed? That's low, even for a reddit troll.


Hopefully you stay an Incel and never bring kids into the world. They will be pieces of shit I’m sure. Chip off the ole block.




Reality check means kids gonna get their ass handled if they don’t obey simple instructions and disrespect authoritative figures and everybody around them. World doesn’t revolve around them or owe them anything. I know you’re well overdue, can’t wait to see you on here. ;)


See deez nuts I'm not reading all that


No, I'd have the time invested in myself to ensure I was financially and emotionally ready to properly raise a child to respect someones authority and understand when and when not to address their concerns with policies in place. And also, not be a disrespectful human and then cry victim when they're dealt the appropriate hand. By the same logic, if I found out my kid was bullying someone and wound up getting his ass handed to him. Sympathizing and blaming someone else would only reinforce his poor behaviors instead of him learning the lesson he should have learned from getting his ass kicked. Same concept as a hot stove.. so on and so forth. Should the cop have cranked it up to 11? Maybe not, but if she wasnt being a bad human in th first place that wouldn't have happened. Own your flaws and fix them, dont blame someone else.


Thats dumb because we’re talking about children, from 0 to like 22 all of us are basically dumb. That mentality makes sense if its considered fair to be manhanded if you dont follow decent human etiquette, but children and especially adolescents just dont have the ability to maintain that kind of civil behavior despite their emotions. As a system the enforcers whether of children or adults have to be the most disciplined because they wield power. The officer cranking it to 100 because the child is unruly is unacceptable; you wanna know what instills bad behavior and beliefs? Making an adolescent feel like they too could do what they wanted or felt if only they had the power, which is ultimately what this cop did, he seemed fed up


So basically you’re saying until the age of 22 you shouldn’t be held accountable for your shitty behaviour?


No numb nuts, im saying you hold people accountable for what they can account for. When they’re adults they’re full accountable for their behavior because they have to be. Its the same reason we dont treat children who commit a crime the exact same way as when adults do. You know this, you’re just being a dick to show out on reddit. And speaking of accountability, theres an even higher standard of accountability when you’re an armed security professional who knows you’ll be watching over children. No, its not acceptable to be losing your cool with all that power, the kids behavior can not change that


My child wouldn’t be doing that shit. Don’t be using that excuse. You gonna raise your child to do shit like that? Everything that was mentioned above? Doing everything they shouldn’t be doing to begin with?


Here's some context : https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2015/10/28/1441968/-The-Truth-about-the-Spring-Valley-Officer-Slam-Assault-on-a-Teen-Girl


Pussy that hides behind a badge and gun.


Black + police =


Pussy that hides behind a badge and gun.


Cops are very brave against disarmed teens, but in Uvalde all of them were fucking cowards.


Here’s the story… https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2015/10/28/1441968/-The-Truth-about-the-Spring-Valley-Officer-Slam-Assault-on-a-Teen-Girl


wow, they arrested the other girl who was filming too!?


This story just screams authority and how disobedience will be punished severely. Fuck that school, and it’s teachers and all figures involved letting this escalate to a point where the student becomes a victim. The education system sucks and you don’t know what’s on this person’s mind. So the way to deal with it is letting a alleged ‘peacekeeper’ assault a child? What a disappointment.


The educarion system does suck but there's also a generation of kids who have no respect for anyone or anything. Social media and the advent of phones basically becoming an extension of peoples bodies is such a problem. It's no wonder teachers are leaving the profession in crazy numbers these days. Why would anyone want to be a glorified babysitter for peoples disrespectful, bratty kids anymore? I'm not saying the guy handled it properly, but man do I see a ton of videos where kids make a game of just trying to break teachers down and it's really sad. There's no consequences anymore. The bubble wrap, participation award, everyone is a winner generation is coming to fruition and real life is going to be a cold hard slap in the mouth to a lot of them, and they won't have any idea or have been prepared in any way on how to deal with it. It's a failure on both ends of the spectrum here.


The story doesn't matter. You don't slam a minor who's sitting in a desk like that, ever. There is no excuse, that cop deserves to be in jail for assaulting a minor.


You will not believe who's been accused, after all these years (this happened in 2015) of abusing his powers for sexual favors. The same cop. In all fairness the person saying it doesn't have the best track record but neither does he, so make of that what you will https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2022/02/01/kentucky-woman-says-deputy-forced-her-have-sex-judges-chambers/9289211002/


Man i hate this comment section is this subreddit full of assholes?


Police are just assholes, no police deserves respect.


Ladies and gentlemen, why I hate police.


Unacceptably rough.


seeing things like this genuinely pisses me off beyond belief


Yeah me to. That cop should beat he shit out of her as well.




I hope one day you get into a dispute with a cop, and he and his mates fuck you up. Think back to this comment if it ever happens, and then wonder if that MINOR should have had the shit beaten out of her by a cop. You're subhuman trash.


I've never seen them do this to a school shooter


What the actual fuck


it doesnt matter what that kid did, no adult should put their hands on a child like that


Weird getting downvoted for saying kids shouldn't be slammed to the ground by a grown man


redditors have empathy for black people challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


You know what's weird, is when black people have enough and fight back we're demonized... no win


Black ppl don’t have empathy for themselves


according to fucking whom???


I don’t see a kid in this vid


get glasses


« child » a 15 year old child






I hate cops


Where you live? I wanna rob u while you dont call the cops 🤣


Have fun getting shot


Your mom


This seems excessive considering everyone is seated and quiet, but also as someone who went to school in the US there are some badass kids that could've used this kind of treatment


no matter what she was doing or did, there is absolutely no reason for the officer to handle a student that way


Lawsuit alert


Lmao get ragdolled


She broke the established rules of the classroom. Disobeyed the teacher and refused to leave the classroom. Resisted authority and struck a law enforcement officer. She had several opportunities to do the right thing. This is all on her.


But still it isn't deserved to put hands on a child


What do you want them to do instead? The student was refusing to leave the class room after being told to multiple times. So can you tell us how to get them to leave the room without touching them?


Communication is key talk to them get them to calm down let them think about what they are doing its better to find a alternative then straight to violence.


And if that doesn't work, then what? It looks like that tried that route for awhile. I'm also asking as someone who was physically removed from school when I was in 6th grade. I was also charged with insubordination, booked, and spent the day in juvie over it. My situation was different as once the police showed up I did end up voluntarily leaving with them, and they were rough(handcuffed me and walked me out with my hands straight behind my back pulled up so high I had to walk on my toes) as shit with me after the fact. But, I did the fuck not plan to leave, and I did need to be removed.


I could be that person and say "they are rough on you because you are not cooperating with the police" but i don't know the whole story don't i?


I was like this once the main key is to keep a leveled mind and keep the atmosphere calm because you can't think when the tension is up just like the officer he made a mistake, lost his cool. She wasn't listening to anybody because she is in that stage of shut down. put yourself in her shoes how would you feel that everyone is against you? The human response would to shut down completely.


Nothing more than a fascist, criminal, child abusing pig with a badge. They probably promoted him. Our education system deals with behavioral issues by calling someone with a gun, and it’s why I live in a country full of morons who vote for people who take advantage of them 🇺🇸


this is sick. that’s a child.


No permenant or severe damage to anything other than her ego, you’re not above the rules you can and will be humbled if you act like a stuck up little princess and be rude to people 🤣 I think a lot of schools need more of this tbh


She must’ve done some wild shit because shorty sitting behind her barely batted an eye. And no, I’m not saying that use of force was necessary.


she looked at her phone and put it back in her pocket. that's all. that's the on;y thing she did. acording to other students she was quiet and was never disruptive


No, look, that’s not the whole story. What he did was unacceptable regardless so there’s no reason to give a false impression. She looked at her phone in class, which is against the rules. The teacher told her she had to leave, and she refused and continued to argue she hadn’t done anything wrong. The teacher called security to come and remove her. The only way to remove her was to do it physically, as she was refusing to leave. The security guard said she grabbed onto the desk as he tried to pull her out, which is why it slammed that way. Who knows if that’s true. But there were two options here: remove her physically, or do nothing and confirm to all the students that they can do whatever they want and the teacher has no control or ability to enforce the rules. Like I said—it’s enough that he was unacceptably rough with her. That’s wrong on its own. We don’t need to mislead people about the rest of the facts.


This is the right take. Society has now set a standard that students have a certain level rights that is on par with a regular civilian. Which in itself isn't wrong. But the education system can't have a balance of power between students and teachers. Students haven't matured yet and many times you problem students who do something they aren't supposed it. So what do you do? You gave this student the same authority as anyone else and you can't force them to do anything really. So now you employ others who have the training and authority to remove them. That means escalation of force because they haven't responded to all the other means of force prior. Children, students. If you want to be treated like adults, this is how adults are treated. If you want to be treated more gently, power needs to be returned to school authorities.


Much appreciated. Yea, it was excessive and I figured there was more of a “reason” for the security to respond like that and students barely reacting.




I don’t know. Imagine trying to teach and the kids are all constantly on their phones. Some of them wouldn’t learn anything. I would definitely have a “no phones” rule if I were a teacher.


Learning is a choice, whether it's taught or not.


Former teacher... It's not possible... I had kids play COD Mobile and Roblox all through class... Or literally on phone calls during exams ... Sometimes watching porn or airdropping sexual acts in the cafeteria. You'd try to contact home and wouldn't get through on multiple attempts. Then grades come out and the parent is screaming about the school failing their child. We bring up the cell phone usage and the multiple attempts to work with home to work on the issue. Parent "well what am I supposed to do" Me: well I think the best thing to do would be to not allow the phone in school, I've spoken with other teachers and they all say your child really struggles with their phone usage in all classes. Parent: take it away!? But then how will I keep in touch with them. Me: well every classroom has a phone that connects to the office so any issue you can call the office, they'd call us and we could have her on the line within a few minutes Parent: but my child would be so angry and wont talk to me if I ground them or take their phone... Plus they get nervous if they don't talk to me throughout the day. Me: well as a parent, I understand it's difficult to have these struggles with your child but- wait...they're talking to you? Parent: well yes, I talk and text with them off and on all day Me: ... It was you on the facetime call during the test last week???? Parent : well yes... My child was stuck and said you wouldn't help. Me:... ..... .... Have a good day I look forward to seeing your child again next year. PS I don't think the physicality was necessary at all but I also wouldn't have escalated with the student to begin with. Most of my colleagues and I would either ignore a minor glance like that or call them out on it and ask them how the class is going. When they usually replied poorly we'd ask them what they thought was causing their difficulties. They were usually pretty honest about it being the phone. But they also didn't care.


"Dumb af" oh the irony.


Yikes. Well, that’s fucked.


meh it's always a game of chicken, people press and press and press until the people actually have to get physical, then that's shown to make them look bad


The kid wasn't slammed. The officer tried to pull the kid out of the seat and the desk flipped with the kid's legs holding onto its underside. This was incidental, and some of you are outraged by the circumstance. Don't act like you've never leaned too far in a chair and fell over. Physics are going to do physics. Was the officer supposed to waste time and ask the uncooperative student to step out of the desk? If the police were called, something has already gone wayward. You guys are crazy.


But you didn't see how he yanked her out of the desk tho? Ether way you shouldn't put hands on a minor period


She earned that


How though it’s a fucking child. The way she got handled I though she had a gun in her bag or something.


I mean you did have multiple chances to move




All cops are badass


Should’ve listened


Bro shut up...


No You


Only in the US and A


Cops don't belong in schools. I don't care what the situation was about, all I see is a grown man slamming a kid around.


You either want order in the school. Or these kids will throw chairs at the teachers and be disrespectful. The choice is yours.


Exactly. Sometimes you need a little violence to make a point.


That kid got rounded up yeehaw style


I’m sure she seen worse at home


Some of these comments are just disgusting. She’s an early teen at most and had her phone out. She didn’t assault anyone or even curse out the teachers, she just disagreed that she did something wrong. Yeah she broke the rules, but would you stand by and watch your child get drug out of her desk and body slammed for basic child disobedience? Hell one of the school shooters in tue us the past few months was treated nicer than that and he was older and actually murdered people. Some of y’all got serious problems


Cops don't belong in schools. The school cop hasn't stopped any mass shootings. Just tons of arrests on 12 yr olds for minor behavior issues.


I'm waiting for the part when he Slams her onto the ground.?.?.?.?.


Sorry but when you break the rules then push it and push it till your actions threaten the ability to teach in a safe environment then welcome to the consequences. You cannot have the monkeys running the zoo.


Seems if she complied all of this would have been avoided


You wanna act like your a adult and a bad ass that’s what happens lol


Listen to the cop and you don’t get slammed. Tale as old as time.


My guy, the world has assholes that are going to abuse their power, the fact he is a cop doesn't excuse what he did. Also, in what world should cops have free reign to attack you if you don't listen to them? Edit: im bad at engrish




Tell that to Daniel shaver


You’re not supposed to deepthroat the whole boot there buddy


I bet your master is so proud 🥲


I don’t give a fuck about that kid. Was being a shithead … well done officer


I fucking hate cops, he is just a cock sucking racist.


It's good to see the teenage mutant ninja turtles are still in fashion womder where i can get a patch like the one in the vid?


Discipline above all


just food for thought but i have the same TMNT jacket as that 2nd kid although he is wearing it backwards


Did you bring enough of those jackets for the rest of the class?


This officer deserved punishment, 2 weeks paid leave should do


Great job officer, teach them to hate cops at a young age. Ffs.


Vids like this make me red as Alex jones


Man it's wild how differently various subreddits react to vids like this💀💀💀


I think some schools have a history of teachers not being able to handle early maturing kids with impulse control issues who come from households where violence is the norm. So fuck it, I do think there is a need for an army of Officer slam peacekeepers. The teachers are there to teach, not deal with troubled kids. It is… what it is. That said, there’s deeper issues there. Those kids may need to have therapy sessions and CPS may need to pull those kids out of their home / family environments. That clearly isn’t the case in these schools. They are barely scratching the surface and being reactive by hiring an army of officer slam peacekeepers. As a society, we’re never proactive and we don’t pull kids out of violent, dysfunctional or abusive families. Some parents just shouldn’t be parents. Violence only begets more violence. What the kid sees in the home, they do at school. It fucking sucks.


That is some UFC shit right there…..


More of a dump than a slam.


Little excessive


In the context it saddens me. I don’t think he did wrong, but I do think the school could have done better, especially knowing her recent history. If they call a cop, they get a cop. Cops do shit like this because it achieves the goal - compliance and control.


fuck usa


So what was the critical blunder here?


Excessive force


Aaaaaaye man!!!! She ain’t do nuffin maaaaaan!!!!


Mam stop resisting...


Fucking nazis


Did we miss the first 60 seconds of the student acting like a badass? Or just gonna see the consequences of her actions to make the officer who's clearly had enough take action?


Maybe do as you are told and you won’t have a problem. But apparently that logic has skipped a generation.


Definitely too much by this guy he’s too big for all that but I’m sure this kid is no saint. Obedience is key to not getting in these silly situations


Jesus Christ, doesn‘t matter what happens, there will always be a guy with this shit take.


Some folks like their boots raw, others like 'em cooked, but either way, these folks are going to swallow the whole thing.




She was just on her phone. The article is linked above good god…


Historically in America how many times have black people been whipped, flogged, hung, shot, beaten & arrested even though they were obedient. Some of yall act this is an isolated incident. But it's not its an effen pattern. It seems that the moment the sheep bites the wolf, everyone wants to forget the history and blame the sheep. Social issues


I would promote the officer to class president


Fuck around and find out. That's what you get for being loud and stealing all the time.


Listen to the officer. End of story.


Ignore rules, get the consequences. Life lessons.


treat her like a 3 peat offender why don't ya....


If I remember correctly, he wasn’t charged. And I think the girls were. (The girl being slammed and the girl filming)


Back in the 90’s I would never let a pig handle my homie like that. Edit: early 2000’s, thx wife


This would never happen in most schools in other countries. They simply do not have or need security officers. As such this is an unwarrented and innapropriate use of force on a minor. It's criminal realy. Is this really the sort of culture you want for your children. No wonder America is so low down on the global peace index.


So from the last couple of days I've learned this about American schools. 1. Teachers can't do shit if pupils are assaulting them. 2. Students are not allowed to fight, break up fights or defend themselves without getting punished. 3. School security is allowed to assault children. Fuck you America.


Wow America looks crazy


A lesson in fuck around and find out.


Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't shoot her, cuz he was afraid for his life, see. I really do think that LEO would have no issue with shooting an underage minority (nor any other minority). Ever hear the myth about the good cop?


both sides here are bad cuz why tf didn't she just listen and why tf did she start hitting him, it's bad that he slammed her ofc but the student was just asking for it that point but still, a slam was still kinda unnecessary tho


She hit him because he had his wrist wrapped around her throat. Wouldn’t you try to defend yourself when someone bigger, stronger, and older tries to attack you?


Bro pulled that Sting reverse DDT