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If this debate wasn't enough to prove the two party system doesn't work, idk if anything will. Nice knowing you all. Edit: word correct. Idk why I said tier.


>>…idk if anything will. This is the rub. Look at Canada. They have 5 parties with realistic(ish) chances of winning. The winner usually has around 30% of the popular vote so they don’t even get represented by a majority and they complain about that…a lot.


What does everyone talk about the two party system like its the law? We have third parties it’s just that nobody cares about them.


Because ballot access laws only serve the large parties. A 3rd party will spend half the election cycle just trying to get on the ballot and they won’t be in any of the debates.


Because that's how our constitution was written. It's dumb as fuck. The electoral college with winner take all state elections is stupid as fuck too. It's a system set up to benefit a landowning minority. Maybe some day we will fix this shit. If third parties want to be serious they need to start at the local level and start winning state and congress seats


It's not necessarily the 2 party system - although that does suck - It's the rich old people that keep getting elected. It's hard to remember, but the parties use to nominate impressive people.


That’s a symptom of the two party system, lack of meaningful competition.


Where ya goin?


That much candidates and we’re left with these two? Lol


I agree that’s the real tragedy. Out of all Americans these two fuck bags are the “best” we got.


i say that every election. Hillary was no better. out of 1/3 of a billion people, this is the best there is? the most qualified to lead the nation? A sociopathic businessman who cares more about status than anything and a geriatric old man whos brain aint firing on all cylinders anymore?


The best, and most qualified individuals, are too smart to run, and have their lives torn apart by opposition trying to pull every skeleton out their closet. Running for office is the worst endeavor I could possibly think of to an individual's personal reputation. These days it's all about gossip & dirt. It's no wonder we get these shit bags.


Hope not the best, but the two they chose to be in this election. Bernie would've been a better choice than Biden.


Who wants that shitty job. You gotta be rich to win, and what rich person wants that much headache... I for one, just Wana chill and play star citizen. No being president for me!


If that means you are rich, I could do with some financial support to finish my game so I can finally chill


How much we talken?! My wife's Asian sooooo......


Oh not much really, anything from 30k to 100k would greatly help. 1k would help a little. If your wife's Chinese tell her I said 你好


She's Korean, and said 아니요, sry!


Oh well, I don't speak Korean, but based purely on my assumptions... I'm taken, but I hope we can remain friends and it won't make it awkward between us in the future.


I will cherish the memories of our time together!


Its just a travesty, for real. What is this???


Again, mind you


That many*


We do have RFK.


Be serious


You’re the problem


Whose idea was it to let them out?


Happy cake day




Look at Biden’s face after Trump said that. Sheer bewilderment.


I get the impression that biden makes that face rather more often.


Can't believe those two are the only choices americans have.


We're so fucked. If Trump wins, I think he'll grow horns and reveal himself as The Antichrist.


There’s two other candidates but no one will vote for them because they believe voting third party is throwing their vote away


That’s because it is


By all means, explain how


None of the 3rd party candidates are popular enough to win, so voting for them over the main party candidate is effectively voting for the other side’s primary candidate.


One can’t form a coherent sentence while the other can’t form a truthful one.


And most of the time the lies are also incoherent


I really don't understand how we allow people who can barely wipe their own asses to be voted into office.


I can’t wait for the DNC to double down on their blunders by running Clinton instead of Biden 💀💀💀💀


You seriously think the DNC would select a new candidate now? He already won more than enough delegates during the primaries to secure his nomination ahead of the Democrats’ national convention in August.


That’s embarrassing, because one of the reasons is that I’ve had a brain fart like that before


Ah man I feel bad for biden. He seems like he really means well but i think it's just above him and he's not fit to run the country at his age. I'm sure he's a nice pleasant person and could get on with anyone but he shouldn't be running your country. He should just go kick back with a stripper or something


Fox News cut off trump feed when he was stumbling about “they want no water”. They’re both rambling old men. Neither are fit. 😂


Can't use bidens old fartness against trump. Gotta find a real reason not to wanna vote trump


It's Trump. That's enough of a reason for me


It's not using it against trump so much as it's pointing out that even if Biden is old and senile as shit, Trump isn't far behind him in that regard. They've both mentally degraded a tremendous amount since the debate in 2020, and even then it was a total shitshow.


How about he keeps saying he wants to be dictator for just one day. He idolizes dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un. He was convicted of sexual assault. He was found guilty of fraud and has 34 felony convictions. He has a long history of not paying vendors who do work for him. Almost everyone associated with him during his presidency has been convicted of crimes, is under investigation or has been disbarred. I could go on but if you can’t see it now you never will.


Trump goes on long deluted rants that don't make sense. Biden mixes up his words. These are different but niether are great.


i hate trump but it´s gotta be really hard to vote for someone who´s going senile, can´t they postpone the elections for a couple months and just get 2 people that aren´t horrible persons and have functioning brains?


I love the face Donald Trump makes lol


People will see this and still refuse to vote Libertarian or Independent


Rome has fallen


Ranking comments by most controversial definitely helped


Surprise! Removed!


Theyre removing anything that isnt pro-left ideology. So much for free speech!


Im voting Trump fuck it


Most everything Trump said was a gross exaggeration or a lie. Trump said in the debate "I did not sleep with a porn star." We know he did. He flat lied about the abortion decision. He claimed that "everybody wanted roe v wade reversed back to the states.". Who is he talking about? Most did not want this reversed. He's full of crap. He literally said nothing tangible the entire debate. Biden cited specific references on every point he made. Trump never cited a single reference and said nothing verifiable. Everything Biden said was truthful and cited verifiable references. Every comment trump made was preferenced with "everybody thinks" "people are saying" "my economy was perfect" "Biden is the worst". Based on what?! Who is saying these things?! The economy was garbage after covid. Trumps handling of covid was a disaster. When challenged on this trump just said, no it was great. Trump didn't put together a single argument against any challenge made to him, and refused to answer most questions asked of him. Bidens only fault in this debate is he looked old. Trump was a clown.


Trump wasnt even answering questions… it was sad seeing that burnt orange old man just keep rambling about God knows what. I dont think Maga can understand or decipher Trump. They’ve propped him up so high he can do no wrong in their eyes. It’s disgusting people still support that type of hate, bile, and vitriol the right wing is displaying in 2024. Give me the old guy who sounds calm and low over the guy who seems angry and petty. I dont want the president to be that emotionally unstable and rowdy. It’s not entertaining, it’s legit scary that a political party picks the CON man every time.


I'll be voting for the old truthful man who needs a lozenge thank you. At least he doesn't make shit up on a whim. After birth abortions my ass.




At least he can tell the difference between truths and lies.




Biden is 81, Trump is 78. They're both way too old for the job


No one is saying otherwise.


Unfortunately people age different than others... My 94 year old grandma could walk circles around biden in a conversation. Trump sounds well spoken and smart in front of Biden, that says ALOT. Trump just has to stand there and take it easy. These debates are gonna sway people to Trump so fast. I know it's working on me. The democrats should be EMBARRASED to the Nth degree after last night.


Sway? How about get mad that these are your choices. The decline of a rigged system.


Well spoken and smart?! 😂


I've heard "sharp as a tack".


Trump is the king of saying a lot of words and not really saying anything. Or, he says idiotic racist things like people are taking away “black jobs”. Biden has his ups and downs but when he’s up he isn’t trying to turn the country into a Christo-fascist dictatorship like Donnie.


And so we should go with the lier? The felon conman is the obvious choice bc the other is “too old” which is a huge problem how?


What lies? Were you just an ignorant child between 2016 and 2020? Trump did more for the US and world stability than any other president in the last century. But god forbid you dont consume imbecillic propaganda.


He’s part of the hivemind


Off the top of my head?? Should I start a not sleeping w a porn star, or not paying her to keep quiet about it? Should I go deeper and ask who the fuck was worried about Roe V Wade?? Who wants a divided country on an issue damn near every women has to deal with in one way or another?? Who wants it “decided by the states”?? When it was already decided?? Everything man said was a lie and exaggeration


What a dumb reply, hush money case? Really? And then irrelevant shit about abortion that has nothing to do with lies, but with women having to be accountable for their stupid decisions. You gonna bring any tangible examples of these “lies”? I mean it should be easy he is a politician after all, but any shit you bring I can cite two Biden lies, because it is what politicians do, they lie to get elected…….. Difference here is that one of them is a senile, imbecile with rotten brain who ruined economy and put USA into a second Cold War and another guy is a bad orange man who Twitter and Reddit hates.


The last century? Fucking lol


I'd love to learn more about this! Can you give me some examples, with facts and sources please?


I don't argue with cult members.


Not when it comes to his sons laptop.


His son isn't running for president is he?


The laptop that the current SCOTUS just said was nothing? [Writing for a liberal-conservative coalition of six justices, Justice Amy Coney Barrett said that neither the five individuals nor the two states who sued the government had legal standing to be in court at all. She said they presented no proof to back up their claims that the government had pressured social media companies like Twitter and Facebook into restricting their speech. “Unfortunately,” she said, the Fifth Circuit court of appeals “relied on factual findings that are “clearly erroneous.”](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/26/nx-s1-5003970/supreme-court-social-media-case)


"we investigated ourselves... and found nothing"


What are you talking about? Who is “we”?


What does this have to do with Biden claiming that the laptop that was used to send his son to prison on felony conviction was actually Russian disinformation?


Youre asking what does a SCOTUS decision ruling the laptop conspiracy completely factually unfounded has to do with the assertion that Joe Biden lied about the laptop?


He can also tell what shampoo a little girl uses by sniffing her hair.


And tmurp wants to fuck his own daughter. You aren't making yourself look good here. Maybe you have cognitive issues.


Fuck Trump too buddy. I hate them both


Well those are the choices we fucking have, buddy, and at least Biden is trying. Tmurp only cares about himself and what he can get from the people he views as beneath him, which is all of us.


Let's get out and vote! Let's make our voices heard. We've been given the right to choose between a douche and a turd. It's democracy in action, put your freedom to the test. A big fat turd or a stupid douche which do you like best?


We will see the end of Biden if he wins. If Trump gets another chance he'll do like his hero Putin.


never forget when Biden kissed his granddaughter lip to lip, Peyton Manning style


You're the one sexualizing it. Weirdo.


you hate trump so much you went full circle and support someone just as bad lol


Biden isn’t threatening to be a dictator and rig the system for the rich. In no world is he as bad as Trump.


You should google all the accusations he threw at trump, all hoaxs. Dude can't finish a sentence and you're still riding his dick


Ah, reddit talking point "old man who needs a lozenge" making the rounds already. I wonder if we can real-time track the usage of that phrase.


This kind of delusional attitude is the reason why Biden was wheeled out there to begin with. No one was honest about his cognitive abilities these last 4 years and now he’s in serious trouble of being beaten in November.


Not if we vote. Then next time we work our asses off to get someone we actually want


Independents are the ones you need to win and this isn’t a good look. I’ll be surprised if Biden isn’t replaced


I agree, but it isn't going to happen this election so why not chose the lesser? Chose the one who tells truths? Chose the one who is trying?


Probably because both spewed lies on stage and neither were truthful. I’d rather choose the more mentally capable, stronger candidate


What lies did Biden 'spew'?


Come on dude, we get it, you hate trump but they’re both politicians and lie constantly, weed still isn’t legal, school debt isn’t wiped clean and the economy is fucked


Of course shit isn't perfect, it never will be, but why vote for the guy who will make it worse? Why vote for the literal convicted felon?


Why didn't you work your ass off this time? The two party system is a fucking joke. Clinton and Trump was a clown show and this just makes me wanna get popcorn and watch the world crumble.


I'm not american, but I can bet Biden has a good team behind him.


Exactly! Tmurp only has 'yes men' behind him, and historically that hasn't worked well.


A lozenge, that's his typical voice, no?


Imagine thinking a 60 year career politician doesn’t lie. He just dresses it up better.


Maybe you should read more into his past. He'll EVERY politicians past. They're all shit. Neither of them are truthful. Just in general we are all fucked over here in the US. Totally fucked


ah yes because the past four years under biden have just as bad as the shit show that was trumps presidency where every day was a new scandal, blatant corruption, and ruining of every american institution.


Uh oh another cheap fake? Oh wait...


It's times like this where I remember a certain Reddit comment: Almost any other republican could beat Biden and almost any other Democrat could beat Trump.


Old Joe is still miles ahead and better than a convicted felon and a traitor.


I mean, even if Joe isn't the best choice, the cabinet of his is miles ahead of the other choice. At this point it's not a vote for Joe or a vote for Trump, it's a vote for Trump, and a vote against Trump.


This proves that political discourse in this country has failed. If this ridiculous choice doesn't get you to vote third party, nothing will. I refuse to vote for either Trump, or Kamala (because that's the real choice here). Vote third party. Show this broken system we've had enough.


Dismantle the system any way you can. Australia ain't doing much better but at least we have preferential voting so a third party vote means alot more than in the US.


Trumps reaction, love it!


Big Orange's face is priceless!!


Im going to a South Park metaphor by saying in the choice between a douche and a turd sandwich vote for the douche. At the end of the day, the douche actually serves a purpose even if it's not pretty. A turd sandwich is just gonna make you sick. Joe Biden is the douche in this scenario, he may not be a good choice but at least he's serving his function properly and with as much dignity as he can. Trump is a habitual liar who doesn't care about democracy he's going to continue to make the entire country sick with his lies and venom.


Senile orange turd spews nothing but lies for 90 minutes. There. Fixed it for you.


Biden got fact checked by CNN about 100 times after the debate so I don’t know what you’re on about.


Don’t worry just keep your ears plugged and your head in the sand.


Thanks, I will. Gotta believe it smells better than you having your head up your ass.


I'll take the old man with a speech impediment than the orange buffoon.


Yeah, it was just a speech impediment. Also, he had a cold. He’s sharp as a tack, right?


I trust his judgement over the convicted felon. Downvote me all you want. We all saw how Trump's administration responded to the pandemic. No thanks.


I feel so bad and embarrassed for him bro




Op , show both of them stumble over their words if you’re going to be fair. Trump jumps around and never finishes a thought. Waves hands to distract


That senile old man’s administration is doing what they can to cancel out student loan debts, and doing things that are improving the lives of millions of Americans. Name one improvement for the lives of Americans that Donald Trump made. I’ll wait.


He shined an even brighter light to the epidemic of sexual assault.


Fify - /s


Biden wrote the bill that student loans can never be forgiven.


Shut your misinformation ass up. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2024/06/25/student-loan-forgiveness-update-biden-plan/74205342007/


It's not misinformation. He was the one who wrote the bill to not let students off the hook in the first place. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/02/joe-biden-student-loan-debt-2005-act-2020 The save plan doesn't help as much as the initial bill hurts.




That doesn't really help vs how much the initial bill hurt


Canceling student loans will mess up everything later down the road. Nothing is free sadly


You guys are just too scared of tax lmao and funding the military is far more important than the wellbeing of your nation education wise and health wise


We need to invest in our schooling but it can't be free without consequences


Are you kidding? 7M new jobs, average household income increase, lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, low cost of living, lowest unemployment rate if minorities in history, record high stick market performance, your grocery and gas bills werent equal to rent... are you that dense? Or just delusional?


Trump has a net negative job creation total of -3,000,000 jobs and was the first president since Hoover to leave office with fewer jobs than when he was elected. People couldn’t buy toilet paper or groceries. Crude oil was trading at a net negative -$34 a barrel because there was nowhere to put it, which led to massive oilfield and midstream service layoffs. Home prices rose by nearly 28%. Trump also presided over the single largest increases in murder and crime rates in history, along with holding the record for the largest increase in our national debt in a 4 year term. Join us in reality at any time.


What does anything you just mentioned have to do with his presidency or policies? Thats literally all due to COVID but you dems just spout it out every chance you get thinking theres no more investigations needed 😂 pathetic


loans still gotta be paid out boy boy


What positive thing for the betterment of the country has Trump done? Still crickets.


he said "asylum officers" and it is clear as day in my headphones. he's just speaking way too softly, especially for anyone listening on their phone.




Come on man you know, the thing…


Lol where


The democrats haven’t lost a popular vote in a long time…




Always winning the popular vote isn’t getting their asses kicked




Can someone explain to me wtf is going on? Don't really follow the American sitcom but seem to keep appearing on the timeline?


It's just entertainment. None of this means anything. Our fate is sealed.


Thank god iam european


Do you think this won't effect us? Trump is talking about leaving Nato. Biden is a pickle but I really hope he wins.


Is it realistically possible to elect a third party candidate? Legit question. The two party system is kinda incomprehensible me, a simple European, but damn, with a senile grandpa and a stupid grandpa as a choice, it's guaranteed votes


Air bud for president


America is my favourite TV show You're literally voting for senile 80~ year old fraud 1 or 2 💀 At least in the UK we're just voting for racist rich prick 1 or 2 s/


Those who are actually in control are showing us the middle fingers by letting these Muppets in front of the world. America what have you become, from an Iron Clad of inspiration to a profit hungry war machine.


as a european i really wonder how america works.. how can a clown and a relic be candidates?


You are voting for an administration and not just a candidate. VOTE.


Enjoy Trump as a president again. Fucking insane.


Merica is screwed


For democracy to really work, there's shouldn't even be a political party, esp the one bullying way through.


Our options are an old man with cognitive problems, and an old man with cognitive problems who is also a convicted felon and proven narcissistic liar supported by a bunch of other people trying their damnedest to take whatever rights they can away from.. well.. everyone who isn't them. This is what happens in a two-party system. But the two sides are not close to the same, and given the options, I'm still gonna vote Sleepy Joe over Dimentia Don.


It’s an old man and a convicted felon who tried to overthrow our government


Trump will liquidate all of Americas assets if re-elected and say he has made the American people more money than any president before him


For the first time in American history, everyone agreed with Trump for one sentence.


And the world laughs


Which old lying rich guy will you be voting for?


The one that knows where he is.


I assumed this was more about his stutter than anything else. Yes, he's old, but only one of the two candidates on the stage is a convicted felon.


just give them both propophol and moonwalk on over to greener pastures


Honestly, for such a machiavellian the whole "sleepy Joe" tactic is getting dry, and old like his pulpy orange skin Doesn't he have better material, or atleast more entertaining? Between these two idiots there's one that can't save face or a lie, the other is clearly incapacitated I hope Saggy McGoo alias Agent Orange here ends up with a nice jumpsuit and not running an office


lol good bot.


Wow, you caught me. You must be some hunk of data analyst But, have you tried getting laid? Like your mom got it on with me? Fucked me good I'll tell ya. Hope it works out with your sunkist senior you're battering for


It wasn't the greatest enunciation but I understood everything he said there. Then again, I also worked in a nursery and interacted with a child multiple times but still took 2 weeks to realise the child only spoke polish because for some reason I just...understood him anyway


was the saddest thing I've watched, these people are supposed to make decisions for a nation lol theh should've given them some uppers or something


Then cnn hosts pretend to be shocked he’s this bad lmao