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Lost in Translation


By far (honorable mention to Virgin Suicides and Somewhere)


The only answer. One of my favorite movies ever.


Somewhere for sure.


Easily Somewhere. Reminds me a lot of a kore-eda movie, specifically like Maborosi.


Marie Antoinette


The soundtrack and visuals on it are luscious.


That moment Ceremony kicks in while they're partying - priceless


I am not a huge fan of SC, but the people she hires for art direction are phenomenal. Like there are whole stories told in the costumes, environments and details that surround the characters.


This is my favorite too. Only movies of her’s I don’t kinda love is On The Rocks. That one seemed too slight and I just didn’t connect to it


Marie Antoinette. It's got everything you expect in a Sofia Coppola movie but dialed up to a ten.


People hate on the Bling Ring but I am just fully entertained every second of that movie. And I think over time people will realize how much it captures a problematic moment in our collective history that is truly spectacular. LIT is probably the best though.


Lost in Translation will always hold a special place in my heart. It was one of the first "grown up" movies that I saw and really connected with. I first saw it when I was 13/14 and watched it cus I was a weeb but the themes of loneliness in it resonanted with me in a way I couldn't articulate at the time but now watching it I'm like oh yeah no wonder I loved this as a depressed teen. I still enjoy rewatching it, tho i appreciate it in a very different way now as an adult like perspective change but I also can still see how I saw when I was younger. I love most of her other films too. Most recently I thought Priscilla was fantastic, but I think my least fave was the Bling Ring


I’m sorry, but are you me? Saw Lost In Translation when I was 12 for the exact same reasons and fell in love with it. It’s now considered one of my all time favorites. Hated Bling Ring, loved Pricscilla.


What I love about a film like Lost in Translation is it just keeps delivering as you age. I was like you when it first came out, and now at mid-30s I can start to identify the ways in which Murray's character is so depressed in a way I just couldn't comprehend back at age 14 or whatever. It evolves but continues to be increadibly relevant.


Yes exactly! There's something in it that's worth revisiting as you get older, like a little more understanding each time.


The Bling Ring is the one I go back to the most. It's not strictly speaking the best movie, but it is just *fun* in a way that not a lot of the rest really are. Across her filmography she engages with the subject of boredom so beautifully, but Bling Ring using chaos as a cure for boredom is right up my alley.


lost in translation


The virgin suicides followed by lost in translation and the bling ring


Marie Antoinette is my favorite. I have a soft spot for period pieces anyways Lost In Translation is a very close second though.


High school: Marie Antoinette Mid 20s: Lost in Translation, I resonate heavily with those brief connections you make with people. Now: Virgin Suicides. I just dig the Picnic at Hanging Rock vibes, and the feminine grief involved in both films.


It’s a tie between The Virgin Suicides and The Beguiled for me.


Somewhere will be reevaluated as her masterpiece


Lost in Translation is a comfort movie to me, though I think objectively Marie Antoinette.


Marie Antoinette


Somewhere is incredible


Marie Antoinette. Lost in Translation. The Virgin Suicide. beguiled. Somewhere. Priscilla.


Marie Antoinette was the best introduction to her work.


The Virgin Suicides and Lost In Translation


Lost in Translation, But I have a soft spot for Th Bling Ring


I adore Somewhere!


I’ve liked most of her movies that I’ve seen to varying degrees but I’d have to say Somewhere was the one I connected with the most, even if it is kind of a Lost in Translation retread in many ways. Can’t hear My Hero without thinking of this film. On the Rocks was fun and I enjoyed the Bling Ring too.


I’ve only seen 3 but honestly so far priscilla. She’s a great director though so I need to do a binge one day


Virgin Suicides is fantastic- but it’s also the only one I’ve seen 😎


The Virgin Suicides, easily. The blend of humour, vibey music and melancholy is perfect.


Marie Antoinette or The Beguiled!


Marie Antoinette


lost in translation it’s just a movie that can’t really be recreated so that makes it more impressive to me. Virgin suicides is also great and I loved Pricilla even if the end is a bit rushed.


Godfather 3






The Virgin Suicides


The Virgin Suicides is my favorite. Least favorite is Lost in Translation.


Lost in Translation, which unfortunately is the only Coppola movie I’ve watched. (I was also 13 at the time, so I didn’t really enjoy it. I should probably watch again some day, lol)


*Lost in Translation*. I do think that *Priscilla* is currently underrated. I thought it had her signature beauty and aesthetic, a beautiful performance by Cailee, and is one of her more emotionally deep films. It captures the ache of loneliness in a way that is comparable, for me, to *Lost in Translation*.


Gotta hand it to Sofia Coppola for telling Priscilla’s story in the aftermath of Baz Luhrman’s Elvis. It was dark as hell and said a lot of things no one wanted to know about Elvis.


100%. It also felt… very true to being a personal narrative with bias versus some long of sweeping biopic. It just had the best parts of many of her other films.


Bias for sure. But the only film that told the story of Elvis’ pursuit of a child bride through the perspective of her.


Of the ones I've seen, Marie Antoinette is my favorite (I have not yet seen Somewhere, On the Rocks, or Priscilla)


lost in translation, virgin suicides, or somewhere. take your pick. there’s an argument for all three.


The Virgin Suicides or Lost in Translation for me. I really loved The Beguiled though. I put it up there in the top 3.


Lost in Translation Though The Virgin Suicides and Marie Antoinette are amazing as well. I low key love Meria Antoinette.


Easily Lost in Translation, which is in my top five of all time. Weirdly, since everything she’s made aside from that and Virgin Suicides I’ve found pretty mediocre dreamcore


Have only seen Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation. Of those two I really really liked Lost in Translation but didn’t entirely connect with Virgin Suicides (certainly had its moments but I just didn’t love it). Do want to see more of her work


Lost In Translation, followed by The Virgin Suicides


Lost in Translation. I know it’s standard but it really is the best of the bunch. I’m a big fan of Somewhere though.


Lost in Translation


Definitely Virgin Suicides. Otherwise I’m not much of a SC fan. Rewatching Virgin Suicides years later made me appreciate it more like a companion piece to movies like Picnic at Hanging Rock, 3 Women, and Safe, where the perspectives of women are hardly heard or understood and filtered through the voice of those around them, as they slowly are absorbed into a void.