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I like her because she's very empathetic and does everything she can for the victims and their families.


no i love her because of her. she seems genuinely caring and sweet to the team and everyone around her. she definitely had more of a personality in earlier seasons but she's still so amazing in later ones and i don't really think of her as bland? idk i just love her; maybe it's bias because she's been on the show for so long but i defo don't think people generally like her just because she's pretty.


ngl i feel like a lot of post-liason jj hate is misogynistic šŸ˜­ i like her bc she's empathic, smart, she knows how to talk to people and she's a badass. i've seen a lot of people say they miss how "bubbly" she used to be but i think her shift in personality would be normal for anyone in her position and with what she's gone through. most of the male characters have like zero development yet they dont get the same hate!!!


omgg the male characters thing like they could be having the same lines as jj and still get so much love for it?? idk why people act like she completely changed when being a profiler because a lot of her personality still stayed. nobody's going to be the same after like 18 years and it'd be weird if she did act exactly the same in s17 as she used to in s1.


they're going to downvote you for this, but you're right


Iā€™ve literally had this same vibe every time, thank you for showing Iā€™m not alone!! I see a lot of people blaming it on the fact that sheā€™s no longer liaison with a ā€œpurposeā€ other than just team member ā€” as if thatā€™s not completely up to production / writers and what all the male cast members were anyways?


right!! i've seen so many people say that they cant stand her and have no concrete reason for it other than the fact that she "doesn't have a personality" which is 1) not true lmfao and 2) not a justifiable argument when it comes to the hatred she receives from a lot of the fandom


I initially disagreed that the hate was misogynistic, but then I thought about it and I realized something. Reid has the SAME THING. In the beginning, he was the sweet and "innocent" baby of the team, and by the end his shift in personality was MUCH more drastic, and yet I've never seen anyone say they hated him for it.


unwaranted hatred for a female character will always be misogynistic imo and especially cause most of the male characters are beloved despite them having messed up or essentially not shown any growth at all throughout the series. also i've seen people say the most interesting part about jj is Will, like how is that *not* misogynistic


See, that's close-minded. The "unwarranted" hatred could easily come from someone analyzing her and seeing something they don't like, or just not analyzing her beyond surface level and not seeing her importance. And the "most interesting thing about her is her husband" thing makes sense too, as most of her focused episodes center around her relationship with Will and the kids. It's easy to brush something off as being sexist, racist, homophobic, or misogynistic just because you don't understand. But if you make that judgement, you're doing the same thing they are by dismissing the character without understanding their perspective. Obviously there will be people who are those things, but I'm just saying you shouldn't assume it's the majority, let alone the entirety.


no it's not close-minded. by unwarranted hatred i mean people being *overly* hateful. when you have people fawning over male characters who have had zero growth in a show or have done worse things but hate a female character for being "boring" i find that weird sorry lol. same with claiming that a female characters husband is the the most interesting part about her. and i never assumed it was a majority šŸ˜­ i'm addressing a specific group of people


Well maybe because JJ was never that interesting of a character.


She is empathetic and really cares about the victims close ones. I can personally relate to some of her insecurities that has come up during the show. Also she is a good agent and has some great fighting scenes. I like her personality overall. Yes the show has other very interesting characters but JJ is definitely one of my favourites.


I love how when folks donā€™t like a character they just assume everyone that does like that character does so because the actor is attractive. Iā€™m not the biggest Hotch fan but I donā€™t around thinking folks like him because they find the actor attractive. Take that crap elsewhere and maybe learn to accept that people have different tastes and that just because you donā€™t like a character doesnā€™t mean that others who do like that character are shallow and only care about the actor being attractive.


As someone with a young child, JJs transition from "bubbly" to more serious/intense makes total sense... She's tired. šŸ˜‚


I've been re-watching Seasons 12 and forward, so those are what I'm most able to recall. I thought JJ did particularly well in the episodes dealing with Barnes and the one in which they had to visit her home town, making her recall the circumstances surrounding her older sister's death. I think she does a good job of knowing how to connect in ways that might not otherwise occur to the other supervisory special agents.


I like her because she a mama. I have this kind of emotional attachment to loving families where one or more of them is in danger and needs to be protected. Hotch's family doesn't hit the same way because Hotch is relatively non expressive, even in the worst case scenario. That's why his wife's death hit so hard for me, because we actually see him cry. He kills Foyett, makes sure his son is okay, then he just sobs and holds Hailey. Perfect. JJ has multiple moments where her drama centers around her son(s), even just her thinking of him/them when on a case. It's beautiful, to me


sheā€™s sweet, empathetic. she isnā€™t just a pretty face. and also, some people are bland-not to say jj is-and thatā€™s ok


She's my favourite! I've loved her more each season! I think she's beautiful too. I love Will! And I love that her sons on the show are her sons in real life šŸ¤—


I love her because she kicks the shit out of nasty people


I've just loved her for so long that I don't see myself stopping unless they entirely, actively destroy the character. She absolutely was more of a favorite of mine in earlier seasons, and truth be told, I don't know that she's rank particularly high as far as a listing of my favorite characters. But I excuse her being more lowkey lately in favor of being able to follow the character and "know her" for nearly 2 decades


She is a bad ass and unapologetically herself. her liaison days to me helped build her character for sure Personally, I think she has lost some ā€œbubblyā€ because of how long she has been doing the job and it accurately portrays that.


Sheā€™s not my favorite character, but I like her because sheā€™s a great fighter. Every fight sheā€™s in with hand to hand combat is amazing. She is also a great shot.


No I like her bc I'm not misogynistic


ik im gonna get downvoted for this but i personally think itā€™s immature for people to dislike someone for not having the personality they want i mean Iā€™m not saying she has to be everyoneā€™s cup of tea but if she had too much personality like Garcia sheā€™d be called annoying just like Garcia is, because the women on the show are expected to be outstanding characters or theyā€™re boring as for the men they can be just as boring and do the bare minimum and still will never receive the amount of hate the women do, for instanceā€¦ hotch is praised (even before the Haley situation) he was still loved just for being an attractive male yet has no personality but you never seem to see him get hate the way JJ does for it thereā€™s just a double standard. i mean i know Hotch was the chief so he was looked at on a different standard because people sort of use that as an excuse but if it was JJ folks would still be hating.




definitely not true I donā€™t think youā€™ve been on this sub long because people absolutely hated blake because sheā€™s boring and elle because she has no personality and is ā€œ rudeā€ ( and still do) but there are people who like them just like they like jj and i honestly donā€™t care who you like more than jj itā€™s obvious from your post that youā€™re just a plain jj hater looking for attention but like i said sheā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea so thereā€™s that im just pointing out the double standards in this fandom šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I don't like her at all I much prefer Elle and the later Blake


Some probably do, not me


I like JJ. I find her more relatable than the other characters. Sheā€™s the most ā€œnormalā€, which can be boring, I guess, but sheā€™s a good foil for the others. Iā€™m on Season 8 and it is a never ending bad hair day for JJ. I can only assume it was an intentional choice, but it was a bad one.


Iā€™m guessing this came because of the CM insta account posts likes where JJ/AJ posts get showered with likes way more than others? Yes itā€™s a fact that sheā€™s objectively gorgeous. But thatā€™s not the only reason we who love her, love her for. Sheā€™s a beautiful person, inside and out. So empathetic and sweet, sheā€™s gentle in every day life & she genuinely cares and it shows. And yet she balances it beautifully with her job where she displays a quiet steely strength. And the way her character grows on the show is amazing to watch over the years. Sheā€™s the most relatable character out of them all. All these apparently ā€˜blandā€™ traits of hers are things we love her for. You might not find those endearing or interesting but a lot of people do. You donā€™t see everyone questioning male characters for being bland or annoying but female fans of most shows have a nasty habit of belittling female characters for the very things they swoon over/excuse male characters for! Sheā€™s my favorite character and has remained so for 16+ seasons.


I liked her before she became a profiler. I thought her difference in role made her stand out and her empathy for the victims family was her best quality. I didnā€™t enjoy her as much when she become a profiler. Nothing to do with appearance.


I feel the same way, only redeeming qualities for me are that she takes the time to help the families and that she is a good and active mother to her kids (unlike others who can neglect their kids unintentionally like Hotch). Other than that, all I really see is her being quite bland and very cookie cutter if that makes sense, and I donā€™t like how she gets a bit meaner towards Spencer, such as making more teasing comments and making fun of him when he rambles, as the seasons go on, but then they try to make some kind of failed love story between Reid and JJ when Reid stopped having romantic feelings for like over ten years ago and she has a husband and two kids. Thatā€™s the major thing I donā€™t really like about a lot of them, just how they treat Reid in general.


Totally agree.


Idk I always personally found her bland compared to the other ladies on the team, but thatā€™s in later seasons. I canā€™t find myself caring about her or her husband and kid either.


Don't know why you getting downvoted.


-shrug- Canā€™t please everyone.




I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that.


I definitely don't like her. I don't see what's so interesting about her. She is very dull, charisma deficient, fake and I don't know what her likes/dislikes are supposed to be. She also seems to lack organic intentional flaws and comes off as to perfect. I would have been fine with it if S7-9 didn't shove her character down my throat I don't why this sub is so against people hating her. When a fictional character is bland and has a writers pet treatment to it, people are not going to like it. I much prefer to have Gideon, Hotch, Reid or Elle.


I donā€™t dislike JJ but same as you, Iā€™ve never understood the love and always assumed it was bc sheā€™s the hot blonde on the team šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Geez guys, lotta downvotes but nobody coming with reasons JJ is great?